Speaking Spanish in casual conversations is a rewarding experience. Sure, native Spanish speakers converse at a really fast pace. But, if you ask them to slow down, they will—and they will probably try to help you understand and be part of the conversation.
At the end of the day, there’s a reason why Spanish-speaking countries are said to have some of the friendliest people!
But what happens when, instead of an informal chat over some wine and tapas, you have to face a doctor’s appointment or a super important business meeting? Formal situations will call for advanced Spanish words, which might be scary for those who are still learning.
Namely, you’ll have to step up your game in order to succeed in conversations related to higher education, business, the law, and even medicine.
Don’t worry, though! You can be prepared for all those kinds of situations! SpanishPod101 is here to help with this guide to the advanced Spanish words you’ll need to thrive in a variety of contexts. Also, stick around for some bonus expressions that will help you ace your next Spanish essay.
¡Que lo disfrutes! (“Enjoy!”)

Do business in Spanish like a pro!

- Advanced Academic Words
- Advanced Business Words
- Advanced Medical Words
- Advanced Legal Words
- Bonus: Alternative Words for Acing a Spanish Essay
- Final Thoughts
1. Advanced Academic Words
One of the reasons people move to Spain is to study, whether that means studying the Spanish language itself or pursuing another subject of interest. However, one must keep in mind that the academic environment is much more formal than everyday Spanish life.
Especially if you have to write essays, compose a thesis, or discuss a topic in class, you’ll need to master some advanced Spanish vocabulary related to the academic world. Of course, if you forget some of the most common classroom phrases in Spanish, you can always head over to SpanishPod101.com to review them!
Here you’ll find the essential words related to studies and training, so you’ll be prepared for everything from exams to seminars. We have also included a section on advanced Spanish words that’ll help you defend your work or thesis.
You’ll notice that many words are similar to their English counterparts, as formal or niche words tend to evolve less in languages. This means you’re one step ahead in mastering advanced Spanish!
1 – Studies and Training
Estudios | Studies |
Formación | Training / Studies |
Formación is a common word used to describe one’s academic curriculum in formal situations (i.e., a job interview). It’s more generic than estudios, as it applies to both formal and informal training/education.
Curso | Training course |
Conferencia | Conference |
Seminario | Seminar |
Examen | Exam |
Redacción | Essay |
Trabajo | Paper |
Avaluación | Assessment |
Carrera | Degree |
False friend alert! The word carrera, very similar to the word “career,” does mean the same as its English counterpart in work-related contexts. However, in the academic world, carrera also means “degree”!
Graduado | Graduate |
Doctorado | PhD |
Competencias | Competences |
Plan de estudios | Syllabus |

¿Cuál es el plan de estudios de tu carrera? (“What’s the syllabus of your degree?”)
2 – Defending Your Thesis
Investigación | Research |
Investigador | Researcher |
Autor / Autora | Author |
Sujeto | Subject / Exhibit |
Muestra | Sample |
Análisis | Analysis |
Experimento | Experiment |
Demostración | Demonstration / Proof |
Comprobación / Verificación | Verification |
Resultado | Result |
Campo | Field |
Método | Method |
Justificación | Justification |
Reflexión / Consideración | Consideration |
Opinión | Opinion |
Argumento | Argument |
Take into account that the Spanish word argumento never refers to a quarrel. Instead, if you wanted to indicate that two scholars are having “a heated argument,” you would say they’re having una discusión acalorada. |
Ambiguo | Ambiguous |
Polémica / Controversia | Controversy |

Los investigadores (“The researchers”)
2. Advanced Business Words
Similar to entering the Spanish academic world, finding a job that requires you to speak fluent Spanish is a challenging opportunity. First things first: You need to learn all the essential words related to the workplace.
You already know the basics, of course. But if you need to review, you can refer to the Spanish Job Vocabulary lesson on SpanishPod101.com.
Here are the advanced words in Spanish that will help you handle business like a pro!
Empresa | Business / Company |
Empresa is the most common word used to refer to a business or company. However, you will hear the word compañía more and more frequently due to influence from the English language. |
Multinacional | Multinational company |
Asesoría | Consulting |
Reunión | Meeting |
Convención | Convention |
Fiscalidad | Taxation |
Factura | Bill |
Tesorería | Treasury |
Contabilidad | Finances / Accounting |
Oferta | Offer |
Contraoferta | Counteroffer |
Estrategia | Strategy |
Campaña | Campaign |
Informe | Report |
Salario | Salary / Wage |
Convenio | Collective bargaining |
In Spain, there are hundreds of convenios that apply to all kinds of different jobs. They establish a minimum wage, acceptable job conditions, and workers’ rights for each profession. Don’t forget to check out your convenio if you’re looking for a job in Spain! |
Contrato | Contract |

¡Estás contratado! (“You’re hired!”)
Producto | Product |
Suministro | Supply |
Servicio | Service |
Venta | Sale |
Ganancias | Profit |
Pérdidas | Loss |
Auditoría | Audit |
Declaración de la renta | Tax return |
Trabajador asalariado | Worker (of a company) |
Trabajador autónomo | Self-employed worker / Freelancer |
From a fiscal point of view, there are two main types of workers in Spain: those who are employed by a company (trabajador asalariado) and those who are self-employed (trabajador autónomo). |
Mercado | Job market |
- → Want to learn more advanced Spanish for business or review the basics? SpanishPod101 has plenty of lessons that can help you prepare for the Spanish workplace.
3. Advanced Medical Words
Some of the most important advanced Spanish words are those related to the field of medicine. You never really think about these words until you urgently need to use them!
Having to visit the doctor is normally an unpleasant (and often unexpected) situation that can make us feel vulnerable, especially if we don’t understand the words he or she is saying. “Radiografía? What’s that supposed to mean? It sounds bad…!”
Don’t panic. Here is an advanced Spanish vocabulary word list that will prepare you for any medical situation!

Knowing medical vocabulary in Spanish will definitely help you feel more at ease!
Visita | Appointment |
Radiografía | X-ray test |
Biopsia | Biopsy |
Ecografía | Sonogram |
Médico general | General practitioner |
Médico de cabecera / Médico de familia | Family doctor |
Médico de cabecera or médico de familia refer to general practitioners who are assigned to the different users of the public healthcare system. As they know each of their patients and their background, they deal with most of the issues that don’t require a specialist. It’s important to have your own médico de cabecera if you live in Spain. |
Médico especialista | Specialist |
Médico residente | Resident doctor |
This term applies to doctors who, after graduating medical school and passing a very demanding entry exam, specialize in their field of choice for four years. |
Enfermero/a | Nurse |
Auxiliar de enfermería | Nursing assistant |
Dentista / Odontólogo/a | Dentist / Odontologist |
Dermatólogo/a | Dermatologist |
Cardiólogo/a | Cardiologist |
Traumatólogo/a | Orthopedic surgeon |
Ginecólogo/a | Gynecologist |
Urólogo/a | Urologist |
Ambulancia | Ambulance |
Gripe | Flu |

Tengo la gripe… (“I got the flu…”)
Gastroenteritis / Virus estomacal | Stomach flu |
Infección de orina / Cistitis | Urinary tract infection / Cystitis |
Insolación | Sunstroke |
Intoxicación alimentaria | Food poisoning |
Embolia | Stroke |
Ataque al corazón / Infarto | Heart attack |
Ataque de ansiedad | Panic attack |
Demencia | Dementia |
Coma | Coma |
Receta médica | Medical prescription |
Don’t forget your receta when going to the pharmacy! In Spain, many common drugs cannot be bought without a medical prescription. |
Medicamento | Drug / Medication |
Tratamiento | Treatment |
- → Did something go wrong during your medical appointment? Here’s how you can complain about it in Spanish!
4. Advanced Legal Words
Dealing with legal or bureaucratic situations is a classic example of when you would need to know advanced words in Spanish. Legal vocabulary is highly formal and technical, and it’s easy to feel frustrated if, for example, you can’t tell the difference between the abogado and the procurador.
With this advanced Spanish words list, you’ll learn the most important concepts of the legal world. Knowing these words will prepare you to face any situation involving the public administration or the court system.
Don’t forget to get yourself a good attorney, too!

¡Silencio en la sala! (“Order in the court!”)
Denuncia | Report |
Demanda | Lawsuit |
Solicitud | Request |
Representante legal | Legal representative |
Abogado | Attorney |
Abogado de oficio | Public defender |
In Spain, you have the right to have a defense attorney (abogado de oficio) assigned to you free of charge. |
Procurador | Lawyer |
Testigo | Witness |
Acusado | Defendant |
Denunciante | Accuser |
Fiscal | Prosecutor |
Juez | Judge |
Tribunal | Court |
Jurado | Jury |
Juicio | Trial |
Sentencia / Condena | Sentence |
Recurso / Apelación | Appeal |
Depending on the legal or bureaucratic process, the appeal will be called a recurso or an apelación. |
Aprobación | Approval |
Denegación | Rejection |
Burocracia | Bureaucracy |
Administración pública | Public administration |
Funcionario | Public worker |
5. Bonus: Alternative Words for Acing a Spanish Essay
As promised, here is a bonus list of advanced Spanish words you can use to surprise your Spanish teacher!
You already know how to describe objects, people, and feelings, and how to maintain a coherent and fluent discourse. The next step is to start introducing some “high-end” words (including helpful connectors) into your vocabulary that can substitute basic everyday words. Using them well can help you score higher on your writing tests.

Connectors can definitely help you seem more clever!
1 – Adjectives
For “big” and “long”:
Mayúsculo | Enormous / Tremendous |
Considerable | Noteworthy |
Prolongado | Extended |
Extenso | Extensive |
Vasto | Vast |
For “important”:
Notable | Notable / Prominent |
Destacado | Prominent |
Significativo | Significant |
Trascendental | Very, very important |
For “small”:
Diminuto | Tiny |
Reducido | Limited / Reduced |
Insignificante | Insignificant |
Minúsculo | Minuscule |

¡Mira estos diminutos pollitos! (“Look at these tiny chickens!”)
2 – Adverbs
For “only” and “just”:
Solamente | Solely |
Exclusivamente | Exclusively |
Únicamente | Uniquely |
Única y exclusivamente is a phrase that combines two of the words mentioned here. It means basically the same thing but helps reinforce the idea of “only.” Note: In Spanish, when using an adverb ending in -mente after another, you can ditch the -mente in all adverbs except the last one. Here’s an example:
Positive reinforcers:
Completamente | Completely |
Totalmente | Totally |
Íntegramente | Entirely |
Obviamente | Obviously |
Efectivamente | Indeed |
Evidentemente | Evidently |
Sin duda | Without a doubt |
Por supuesto | Of course |
Negative reinforcers:
Difícilmente | Hardly |
Ligeramente | Slightly |
Insuficientemente | Insufficiently |
Levemente | Slightly |
Pobremente | Poorly |
Con dificultad | With difficulty |
- → Move to the next level with these 100 Spanish adverbs!
3 – Connectors
For “likewise”:
También | Too / Also |
Igualmente | Equally |
Asimismo | Additionally |
For “so”:
Así pues | So |
Justamente | Precisely |
Precisamente | Precisely |
De este modo / De esta forma | Thus |
For “however”:
Sin embargo | Nevertheless |
Aunque | Although |
Aun | Even if |
Si bien | Albeit |
No obstante | Despite |
Pese a que | In spite of |
For “moreover”:
Además | In addition |
Es más | Moreover / Furthermore |
For “regarding”:
En cuanto a | With regard to |
Respecto a | Regarding / With respect to |
En relación a | In relation to |
A propósito de | Concerning |
For “to sum up”:
En conclusión | In conclusion |
En definitiva | Ultimately |
En resumen | To sum up |

¡Qué buen discurso! (“What a great speech!”)
6. Final Thoughts
In this guide to advanced Spanish words, you have learned the most important words in the academic, business, medical, and legal worlds. Also, the bonus section gave you a handful of tools you can use to ace your written exams or essays in Spanish class. You’re now prepared to face any type of formal situation!
Did you know any of these words already? Which ones?
Of course, you can still continue your journey of learning advanced Spanish! SpanishPod101.com has plenty of advanced Spanish lessons to help you gain knowledge, skills, and confidence. We will help you dive deeper into Spanish culture and flex your fluency in any situation. And don’t forget to check out the free vocabulary lists and other useful tools on SpanishPod101.com. They will make the path super fun!
¡Hasta pronto! (“See you soon!”)