
Vocabulary (Review)

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Asking for Help in Mexico
In this lesson, we’ll introduce you to some phrases that we hope you won’t have to use during your trip to Mexico. As long as you do not venture farther than the tourist areas of Mexico, you will be safe for sure. But if you want to explore a little bit more, you should always be careful. This phrase is not limited to threatening situations, and you can also use it if you, or someone around you, is in need of immediate assistance. In this lesson, we’ll learn how to call for help.
As you know, bad things can happen all over the world, even if you are having a good vacation in Mexico. So, it’s better if you know some useful phrases to use in case of emergency.
In Mexico, “Help!” is
(slow) A-yu-da!
Now let’s hear it again.
Ayuda! Literally, this means, “Help!”
The emergency phone numbers in Mexico are 066 to call the police, or 065 if it is a medical emergency. You can call from a public phone, or from a cell phone. It is free of charge.
“Call the 066!” in Spanish is Llame al cero sesenta y seis!
(slow) Lla-me al ce-ro se-sen-ta y se-is!
Llame al cero sesenta y seis!
The first word, llame, is a form of the verb “to call”. It refers to a phone call.
(slow) Lla-me.
The second word, al means “the”.
(slow) al.
At the end we have cero sesenta y seis, which means “066”.
(slow) ce-ro se-sen-ta y se-is.
cero sesenta y seis.
The whole expression is Llame al cero sesenta y seis!
If you don't remember the number, you can also say: “Call the police!” In Spanish that is: Llame a la policía!
(slow) Lla-me a la po-li-cí-a!
Llame a la policía!
After the verb “to call”, llame, we have a la policía, that means “the police”.
(slow) a la po-li-cí-a.
a la policía.
Let’s hear the entire sentence again:
Llame a la policía!
If you need to call the fire department, say:
Llame a los bomberos!
(slow) Lla-me a los bom-be-ros!
Llame a los bomberos!
The words los bomberos are literally translated as “the firemen”.
(slow) los bom-be-ros.
los bomberos.
The whole expression one more time is:
Llame a los bomberos!
Literally translated it’s “Call the firemen!”
Another useful expression is “Call an ambulance”.
Llame una ambulancia.
(slow) Lla-me una am-bu-lan-ci-a.
Llame una ambulancia.
The words una ambulancia mean “an ambulance”.
(slow) una am-bu-lan-ci-a.
una ambulancia.
The whole sentence is:
Llame una ambulancia.
To close out today's lessons, we’d like you to practice what you have just learned. I’ll provide you with the English equivalent of the phrase and you’re responsible for shouting it out loud. You’ll have a few seconds before I give you the answer, so !buena suerte! which means “Good luck!” in Spanish.
“Help!” - Ayuda!
“Call the 066!” - Llame al cero sesenta y seis!
“Call the police!” - Llame a la policía!
“Call the firemen!” - Llame a los bomberos!
“Call an ambulance.” - Llame una ambulancia.
Alright! That's going to do it for this lesson. Hasta luego.

