
Vocabulary (Review)

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In today’s lesson, we’ll introduce you to a phrase that will help you to get to places you need to be. In some places, trains and subways are the way to travel, but it’s also very useful to know how to rent a car, scooter, or bicycle.
In Spanish, “I would like to rent a car” is Me gustaría alquilar un coche.
Me gustaría alquilar un coche.
Let’s break it down by syllable: Me gus-ta-rí-a al-qui-lar un co-che.
Now, let’s hear it once again, Me gustaría alquilar un coche.
The first word, me, means “to me.”
Then we have gustaría, which means “it would like.”
Let’s break down this word and hear it one more time: gus-ta-ría.
And gustaría.
This is followed by alquilar, which in Spanish is “to rent.”
Let’s break it down by syllable: al-qui-lar.
And hear it once again, alquilar.
So, to recap here, we have - Me gustaría alquilar…
Literally, this means “To me, it would like to rent…” but must be understood as “I would like to rent.”
Let’s take a look at the next word, un, which is the indefinite article “a” for masculine singular.
Finally, we have coche, which means “car.”
Syllable break down: co-che.
And one more time: coche.
So all together, we have Me gustaría alquilar un coche.
Literally, this means “To me, it would like to rent a car.” That must be translated as “I would like to rent a car.”
Now, we’ll look at the words for other vehicles to open up your transportation options.
In Spanish, the word for a “scooter” is motocicleta.
And once again, motocicleta.
However, the English word “scooter” is widely understood and you should have no problem if you use it.
So, the phrase, “I would like to rent a scooter” could be Me gustaría alquilar una motocicleta.
Or Me gustaría alquilar una scooter.
Now, the word for “bicycle” is bicicleta.
And once again, bicicleta.
So, the phrase, “I would like to rent a bicycle” would be - Me gustaría alquilar una bicicleta.
If you’re renting something, it’s also important to know when you must return it. Therefore, we’re giving you a phrase you can use to make sure you’ll return it on time.
In Spanish, “When must I return it?” is ¿Cuándo debo devolverlo?.
¿Cuándo debo devolverlo?
Let’s break it down by syllable: ¿Cuán-do de-bo de-vol-ver-lo?
Now, let’s hear it once again, ¿Cuándo debo devolverlo?
The first word, cuándo, mean “when.”
Let’s break down this word and hear it one more time: cuán-do.
And cuándo.
This is followed by debo, which in Spanish is “I must.”
Syllable break down: de-bo.
And one more time, debo.
Finally, we have devolverlo, which means “to return it.”
Let’s break it down by syllable: de-vol-ver-lo.
And one more time: devolverlo.
And finally, you may want to return it a different location.
In Spanish, “Can I return it at (location)?” is ¿Puedo devolverlo en (location)?
¿Puedo devolverlo en (location)?
Let’s break it down by syllable: ¿Pue-do de-vol-ver-lo en (location)?
Now, let’s hear it once again, ¿Puedo devolverlo en (location)?
The first word, puedo, means “I can.”
Let’s break down this word and hear it one more time: pue-do.
And puedo.
This is followed by devolverlo, which in Spanish is “to return it.”
Let’s break it down by syllable: de-vol-ver-lo.
And one more time, devolverlo.
Then we have en, which means “in” or “at.”
Finally, we would add the place where we intend to return it.
So all together we have ¿Puedo devolverlo en (location)?
Literally, this means “I can return it in (location)?” but you should understand it as “Can I return it at (location)?”
Let’s talk now about other important concepts when renting a car that could help you to understand what you’re paying for.
Franquicia, the literal translation is “exemption.” It’s the amount of money you have to pay even although you have contracted insurance. For example, you may take out insurance against theft with an exemption of 100 euros.
In Spanish, you could find something like - Seguro de robo con una franquicia de 100 €.
This means that if your car is stolen, the insurance pays for it all, except for the first 100 euros that you will have to pay.
Suplemento por…
Suplemento por…
This means “Surcharge for…”
This is an extra charge you’ll have to pay for certain circumstances.
For example: Suplemento por edad mínima.
Suplemento por edad mínima. “Surcharge for minimum age.
It’s an extra charge if you are under the minimum age set by the rental company.
Suplemento por segundo conductor.
Suplemento por segundo conductor. “Surcharge for second driver.”
It’s an extra charge if more than one person is going to drive the car.
Suplemento por oficina en aeropuerto.
Suplemento por oficina en aeropuerto. “Surchage for office in airport.”
Some special offices located at airports or train stations may have an extra charge.
Impuestos - “taxes”


Okay, to close out today’s lesson, we'd like for you to practice what you've just learned. I'll provide you with the English equivalent of the phrase and you are responsible for saying it aloud. You’ll have a few seconds before I give you the answer, so buena suerte, that means “good luck” in Spanish.
Okay, here we go!
“I would like to rent a car.” - Me gustaría alquilar un coche.
Me gustaría alquilar un coche.
Me gustaría alquilar un coche.
“I would like to rent a scooter.” - Me gustaría alquilar una motocicleta.
Me gustaría alquilar una motocicleta.
Me gustaría alquilar una motocicleta.
“I would like to rent a bicycle.” - Me gustaría alquilar una bicicleta.
Me gustaría alquilar una bicicleta.
Me gustaría alquilar una bicicleta.
“Surcharge for a second driver.” - Suplemento por segundo conductor.
Suplemento por segundo conductor.
Suplemento por segundo conductor.
Taxes.” - Impuestos.

