
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

In today’s lesson, we’ll introduce you to a phrase that will help you find the place you’re looking for.
Today’s phrase is, “Is there a (something) near here?”
First, we need something, so let’s use the word cajero, which means “ATM.”
Let’s break it down by syllable: ca-je-ro.
And now, let’s hear it once again, cajero.
In Spanish, “Is there an ATM near here?” is ¿Hay un cajero cerca?
¿Hay un cajero cerca?
Let’s break it down by syllable: ¿Hay un ca-je-ro cer-ca?
And now, let’s hear it once again, ¿Hay un cajero cerca?
The first word, hay, means “there is.”
This is followed by un, which in Spanish is “a” for masculine singular.
Let’s take a look at the next word, cajero, which means “ATM.”
And one more time, cajero.
Finally, we have cerca, which means “near.”
Let’s break it down: cer-ca.
And hear it one more time, cerca.
So, all together, we have, ¿Hay un cajero cerca?
Literally, this means “Is there an ATM near?” but we translate it as “Is there an ATM close by?”
While Spain’s technological statistics may not set records in some industries, it will surely surprise you at how many ATMs you will find all over Spain. The banking sector is one of the strongest in Spain and they have always promoted many technological innovations to improve their service to customers. So, don’t worry if one day you don’t have money and the bank offices are not open. You can easily find an ATM for your credit card. But if you can’t, just remember to ask, ¿Hay un cajero cerca?
Now, to ask for a different item, we can just replace the word for ATM with any other word and the first works just fine.
Let’s try 24-hour convenience store.
In Spanish, “Is there a 24-hour convenience store near here?” is ¿Hay una tienda 24 horas cerca?
¿Hay una tienda 24 horas cerca?
The only thing that changes is the thing you are looking for. In this case, it’s tienda 24 horas.
Let’s break down this word and hear it one more time: tien-da vein-ti-cua-tro ho-ras.
And tienda 24 horas.
These phrases will come in handy before leaving the hotel, talking with taxi drivers or other people trying to help you locate a desired item. Now that you’re able to ask, you’re going to get an answer.
As we ran out of time, we’re going to have to cover that in the next lesson.


Okay, to close out today’s lesson, we'd like for you to practice what you've just learned. I'll provide you with the English equivalent of the phrase and you are responsible for saying it aloud. You’ll have a few seconds before I give you the answer, so buena suerte, that means “good luck” in Spanish.
Okay, here we go!
“Is there an ATM near here?” - ¿Hay un cajero cerca?
¿Hay un cajero cerca?
¿Hay un cajero cerca?
“Is there a twenty-four-hour convenience store near here?” - ¿Hay una tienda 24 horas cerca?
¿Hay una tienda 24 horas cerca?
¿Hay una tienda 24 horas cerca?

