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Lesson Transcript

Joseph: “Whereabouts are you from?” Bienvenidos. Welcome to Spanishpod101! My name is Joseph and I’m joined here by Beatrice. ¿Qué tal Beatriz?
Beatriz: Todo bien.
Joseph: Last time, we looked at the question “¿Quienes son?” “Who are you all?” in the plural. And we also looked at some answers to this question. Today’s lesson references Newbie Lesson 5 “Where is he from?”. So, be sure to check that out one out for a deeper comparison. In this Peruvian lesson, we’ll look at a regional way to ask the question “Where is he from?”. And remember to press the center button of your IPod to see the lesson transcript in your display. In Newbie Lesson 5, we heard the following conversation:
Susana: ¿De dónde es él?
David: Él es de Inglaterra.
Susana: ¿De dónde es ella?
David: Ella es de los Estados Unidos.
Susana: Ella está contenta, ¿no?
Susana: ¿De dónde es él?
Susana: “Where is he from?”
David: Él es de Inglaterra.
David: “He’s from England!”
Susana: ¿De dónde es ella?
Susana: “Where is she from?”
David: Ella es de los Estados Unidos.
David: “She is from the United States.”
Susana: Ella está contenta, ¿no?
Susana: “She is happy, isn’t she?”
Joseph: Now, let’s hear what this would sound like in Peruvian Spanish.
YMA: ¿Y de qué parte es él?
JUAN: Es de Arequipa... de la ciudad blanca.
YMA: ¡No me digas! Y ella, ¿de qué parte es?
JUAN: Es de Trujillo... es norteña.
YMA: ¡Ah, por eso es que es tan graciosa!
YMA: ¿Y de qué parte es él?
JUAN: Es de Arequipa... de la ciudad blanca.
YMA: ¡No me digas! Y ella, ¿de qué parte es?
JUAN: Es de Trujillo... es norteña.
YMA: ¡Ah, por eso es que es tan graciosa!
Joseph: So, there are some very interesting differences here. To begin, let’s look at the way the question “Where is he from?” was pronounced in Peruvian Spanish. Beatrice, would you repeat that for us, please?
Beatriz: “¿Y de qué parte es él?”
Joseph: “And whereabouts is he from?” Now, in Newbie Lesson 5 it sounded like this:
Susana: ¿De dónde es él?
Joseph: Beatrice, what do you think are the major differences here?
Beatriz: Bueno, en ese caso la pregunta en español peruano empieza con la palabra “y”.
Joseph: Right! So, in the Peruvian version the question begins with the word “y” which we know means “and”.
Beatriz: This is very common in Peru.
Joseph: It is, isn’t it? It adds fluidity to the speech.
Beatriz: In fact, many times when I get home, my sister looks at me and ask “¿Y?”.
Joseph: ¿Y? ¿Y qué? That’s really funny! And saying “y” is something like “And what’s going on with you?” “And?”, right?
Beatriz: Yes, así es. That’s right!
Joseph: Okay! So, now, instead of saying “de donde es” as we heard in Newbie Lesson 5, we hear “de qué parte” which literally means “From which part?”, but this is an idiomatic expression and we could translate it as “whereabouts”.
Beatriz: Tú lo has dicho. Y además es común que alguien te pregunte “¿de que parte?” en vez de hacer la pregunta completa.
Joseph: Very interesting, Beatrice! So, as you say, it’s common for someone to ask “de que parte” and the shorten form instead of asking the entire question informally “de que parte eres tú” or formally “de que parte es usted”. So, again, the standard way to say “Where is he from?” is:
Susana: ¿De dónde es él?
Joseph: And in Peruvian Spanish we can say:
Beatriz: ¿ De qué parte es él?
Joseph: “Whereabouts is he from?” Great! All right! Next we’ll look at the response to this in the Peruvian version. After Yma asks “¿Y de qué parte es él?”, Juan responds:
Beatriz: Es de Arequipa... de la ciudad blanca.
Joseph: “He’s from “Arequipa”, the White City.” We’ll look at why Arequipa is known as the White City in just a second. But for now, I want to focus at Ima’s reaction to Juan’s answer. She says:
Beatriz: ¡No me digas!
Joseph: “You don’t say!” I love this expression! “¡No me digas!” literally it means “Don’t tell me!”. It’s a command. But here, it’s used figuratively, just like the phrase in English “You don’t say!”
Beatriz: That’s right! We use this expression to show our surprise when someone tells us something that we don’t expect to hear.
Joseph: Exactly! “¡No me digas!” That’s great! ¡No me digas! to show surprise like, cuando alguien te dice un chisme, like when someone tells you some gossip or a joke, you can say “¡No me digas!”.
Beatriz: Yes, yes! That’s very typical Limanion.
Joseph: Let’s go over some of the localisms that came up in the conversation. To begin, we’ll look at the expression “He’s from Arequipa, from the White City.” Beatrice, would you take us back to where this came up in the Peruvian Spanish conversation?
Beatriz: Es de Arequipa... de la ciudad blanca.
Joseph: “He’s from Arequipa, from the White City.” Okay! Now, let’s start out with the word Arequipa. Beatrice, would you put this in the context for us?
Beatriz: Bueno, Arequipa es una ciudad en el sur de Perú.
Joseph: Right! It’s a city in Southern Peru.
Beatriz: The name Arequipa comes from Quechua, one of the languages of the Incas. In Quechia it is “ari qhipay”.
Joseph: And what does “ari qhipay” mean?
Beatriz: It means “Yes, stay!”
Joseph: Wow! “Yes, stay!” Wow! Where does this come from? I mean, what’s the context of it?
Beatriz: Se dice que el cuarto Inca, Mayta Capac, lo dijo cuando llegó a esas sierras.
Joseph: Wow! That, Beatrice, is very interesting! So, the fourth Inca Mayta Capac is said to have said this when he first arrived in these lands. That is fascinating! That’s very rich history that you have in Peru. Well, this just about wraps up today’s show!
Beatriz: ¡Oye espera!
Joseph: What? We’re done with the show!
Beatriz: Pero si no hemos explicado porqué se llama la ciudad blanca.
Joseph: Ah mis disculpas. I’m sorry, you’re right! We haven’t explained why it’s called the White City. Beatrice, would you do us the honor?
Beatriz: The ciudad of Arequipa is made of a stone called “sillar”.
Joseph: Right! And in English “sillar” is known as “ashlars”.
Beatriz: Es una piedra volcánica y blanquísima. Muy brillante, con la que se construyó la bellísima Arequipa colonial.
Joseph: That’s right! It’s an extremely white volcanic stone, and the city of Arequipa is located on the Indian step. So, they’re blue skies every day and a bright sun and it reflects off of the Spanish colonial buildings which were constructed with ashlars.
Beatriz: Así es. Es una ciudad preciosa. No hay mejor aire que el aire de Arequipa y pues no se… Su belleza, su atmósfera… Realmente es uno de los mejores sitios a los que se puede ir.
Joseph: Estoy de acuerdo. I have to agree with you there! It is a precious city and there isn’t any better air than that of Arequipa. Beatrice, having this context has really made it easier to understand the conversation.


Beatriz: This will conclude today’s lesson.
Joseph: Don’t forget to reference this lesson with Newbie Lesson 5. See you again tomorrow.
Beatriz: Ya nos vemos mañana.

Dialogue - Peruvian

Dialogue - Standard

