
Vocabulary (Review)

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Joseph: “That’s slow death, man!”
Beatriz: ¡Hola!
Joseph: What’s up, everybody?
Beatriz: Bea y Joseph están de vuelta. Welcome back, world!
Joseph: Bea, great to be back with you for another journey to the land of the Andes, the Amazon rainforest spreading Coastal deserts and the vibrant capital metropolis Lima.
Beatriz: Entonces, papito. ¿Qué es lo que vimos la vez pasada?
Joseph: Last time? Well, we learned the phrase “quieren que nos casemos” “They want us to get married.” which opened the door to the Present Tense of the Subjunctive Mood.
Beatriz: Claro, claro. Es muy útil.
Joseph: It is. Now, Bea, for the last few lessons we were looking at love and romance and a whole bunch of situations.
Beatriz: I know that. I feel already very romantic, Jo!
Joseph: You do, you do. “Prende las velas.” Okay! Now, today, we’re going to switch gears a bit and listen to a conversation that I hope none of you ever has to have.
Beatriz: ¿Y qué es?
Joseph: We’re going to listen to Luke who’s eaten some bad fish on the street and his stomach is making some ungodly sounds.
Beatriz: ¡Qué asco! ¿Y la gramatica? Espero que el tema sea un poquito mejor, ¿ah?
Joseph: Well, I think it is. We’re going to learn a few different ways to say that you don’t feel very well. And we’re also going to look at a slang word very proper to Lima.
Beatriz: Suena bien.
Joseph: Alright! Now, remember to cross reference this lesson with Newbie Lesson 32 and the 32nd lesson of the Iberian and Costa Rican Series.
Beatriz: Let’s start out by going back to Newbie Lesson 32. Here is what we heard:
GABRIEL: No me siento bien, Lucía.
LUCÍA: ¿Qué tienes?
GABRIEL: Me duele el estómago.
LUCÍA: ¿Qué has comido?
GABRIEL: Nada fuera de lo normal. Espero que no sea una enfermedad grave.
LUCÍA: ¡Olvídate! ¿Te preparo una manzanilla?
Joseph: And now with the translation! Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
GABRIEL: No me siento bien, Lucía.
Joseph: “I don’t feel so good, Lucia!”
LUCÍA: ¿Qué tienes?
LUCÍA: “What’s wrong?”
GABRIEL: Me duele el estómago.
Joseph: “My stomach hurts.”
LUCÍA: ¿Qué has comido?
LUCÍA: “What have you eaten?”
GABRIEL: Nada fuera de lo normal. Espero que no sea una enfermedad grave.
Joseph: “Nothing outside of the ordinary. I hope it’s not a serious illness.”
LUCÍA: ¡Olvídate! ¿Te preparo una manzanilla?
LUCÍA: “Forget about it. Can I make some chamomile tea for you?”
Joseph: Cuantas veces me ha pasado. I have to admit this has happened to me a number of times in Lima. It’s so easy to get a little stomach bug.
Beatriz: Yes, especially when you come from another part of the world. I don’t know, like they bacteria’s in South America, probably they’re much more vibrant there.
Joseph: You know, I don’t know, maybe, maybe. I mean, it’s interesting because after you spend a little time there, you get used to it and you can be as adventurous of kneaders you’d like. Lo que quiero decir es que cuando uno pasa tiempo en un país como el Perú se acostumbra.
Beatriz: Oh, yes, of course! You get used to their bacteria’s. I think “te acostumbras”, I mean like you have to get it well, I think.
Joseph: Okay! So, that was the standard version, the version that would be understood anywhere in the Spanish speaking world. And now, we’re going to hear how this might sound in Lima, Peru.
LUKE: Oye, Ana, me siento fatal.
ANA: ¿Qué te pasa?
LUKE: Tengo una indigestión de la patada.
ANA: Pero, ¿qué te has manyado pues?
LUKE: Bueno, estuve en el centro y comí un ceviche de la ezquina.
ANA: ¡Qué bestia! ¡Eso es muerte lenta, hombre! Tómate un mate de coca.
Joseph: And now slower! Una vez más, esta vez lentamente.
LUKE: Oye, Ana, me siento fatal.
ANA: ¿Qué te pasa?
LUKE: Tengo una indigestión de la patada.
ANA: Pero, ¿qué te has manyado pues?
LUKE: Bueno, estuve en el centro y comí un ceviche de la ezquina.
ANA: ¡Qué bestia! ¡Eso es muerte lenta, hombre! Tómate un mate de coca.
Joseph: And now with the translation! Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
Joseph: Oye, Ana, me siento fatal. “Oh, Ana, I feel awful.”
Beatriz: ¿Qué te pasa? “What’s wrong with you?”
Joseph: Tengo una indigestión de la patada. “I have the worst indigestion.”
Beatriz: Pero, ¿qué te has manyado pues? “But, what have you eaten?”
Joseph: Bueno, estuve en el centro y comí un ceviche de la ezquina. “Well, I was downtown and I ate ceviche on the corner.”
Beatriz: ¡Qué bestia! ¡Eso es muerte lenta, hombre! Tómate un mate de coca. “What an animal! That’s slow death, man! Have some coca tea.”
Joseph: How many times have you heard this one, huh?
Beatriz: Yes, I think so. That’s a really typical conversation.
Joseph: Yes, it’s the sad truth. It’s the sad truth if it happens. But you have to be careful. I mean you have to, like there’s a lot of great food in Peru. Hay mucha comida muy rica, but you have to know where it is.
Beatriz: Yes, of course. I mean it is not going to happen to you like all the time. The thing is, if you eat on the street, si comes en la esquina bajo 30 grados centígrados en un día de verano ceviche.. .
Joseph: Y tarde ¿no? Y tarde si comes un ceviche osea despues de las 2 digamos…
Beatriz: Y lo peor en la calle. No se… ahí no tienen ni siquiera agua potable para lavar y buscas problemas.
Joseph: Exactly, exactly! So, especially when it’s really hot and if it’s later in the day, you got to be really careful where you eat fish because lot of these people who are selling it on the street, you know, they don’t have fresh water there to keep things clean and they might not even have refrigerators. So, if you’re going to eat “ceviche”, eat it early in the day, that’s the key and in a good restaurant, right?
Beatriz: Yes, of course. There are so many good places, come on world! “Come on to Lima and win that great ceviche!”
Joseph: That’s right! Bea, let’s jump right in since there’s a lot that we want to cover today.
Beatriz: Claro
Joseph: So, in the first line of the conversation from Newbie Lesson 32, Gabriel says:
GABRIEL: No me siento bien, Lucía.
Joseph: Well, in the Peruvian conversation, Luke says “Oye, Ana, me siento fatal.”
Beatriz: Pobre Lucas, ¿qué habrá comido? Eso le pasa por comer ceviche de dudosa procedencia.
Joseph: That’s right! That’s what you get for eating questionable ceviche. So, guys, listen to this word “fatal”. Bea?
Beatriz: Me siento fatal.
Joseph: Fatal. Now, this is a lot different than just saying “me siento mal”, which means “I feel bad.”, right?
Beatriz: Sí claro, significa, muy mal. Really, really bad.
Joseph: Malísimo.
Beatriz: Have you felt like that before?
Joseph: Oh my God, I have! Remember when I took that bus from Lima to Arica, Chile? And I ate, I actually ate soup on the road that just, it just did me in. I thought that soup would be, like the safe bet, oh my God! I came back, I just, it was terrible!
Beatriz: I imagine that. You can imagine like driving, like I don’t know, 24 hours in the bus?
Joseph: I know, that was horrible.
Beatriz: Without a good bathroom.
Joseph: The worst part about it is that it’s like 24 hours in the desert.
Beatriz: Yes!
Joseph: Right?
Beatriz: That’s crazy!
Joseph: Like you did it the whole time. Oh, it’s bad!
Beatriz: Yes!
Joseph: So, Bea, we see the difference here. “Me siento mal. Me siento fatal. No me siento bien”, right? “I feel bad.”, “I feel awful.” And “I don’t feel well.” So, when would you suggest that someone use the word “fatal” instead of “mal”?
Beatriz: Por ejemplo cuando estás en cama y no te puedes levantar por nada. Estás super debil.
Joseph: Right, right, right! So, when you’re in the bed and you just, you can’t get out, you’re so weak, then you know, in that case it would be appropriate to say “Me siento fatal”, like “Guys, you know, this is serious. I’m really, really ill.”
Beatriz: Yes, your body doesn’t respond.
Joseph: Exactly! Okay, so to recap, in Newbie Lesson 32 Gabriel says: No me siento bien, Lucía.
Beatriz: And in today’s Peruvian conversation, Luke says: Oye, Ana, me siento fatal.
Joseph: Moving right along, let’s look closer at how Gabriel from the Newbie Lesson and Luke from today’s Peruvian conversation describe their discomfort. Gabriel says:
GABRIEL: Me duele el estómago.
Beatriz: And then, Luca says: Tengo una indigestión de la patada.
Joseph: So, Bea, we translate this as “I have the worst indigestion.”, but this phrase “de la patada”, what does it mean?
Beatriz: Literally it means “of a kick”.
Joseph: You know, I think that we talked about this back in Peruvian Lesson 15 where we said “hace un frío de la patada”. So, this is interesting since these contexts are so different. Now, what’s the difference between saying “hace mucho frío” or “tengo mucha indigestión” and “hace un frío de la patada” and “tengo una indigestión de la patada”?
Beatriz: Okay! If you say “hace un frío de la patada” quieres decir que hace un frío que te traspasa los huesos.
Joseph: Okay! So, if you say “hace un frío de la patada” you’re saying that the cold just goes right through you, right to your bones.
Beatriz: Yes! If you say “hace mucho frío” you say it is really cold, I mean, but it’s not like you are like having this really discomfort, right?
Joseph: Okay!
Beatriz: Or you say “tengo mucha indigestión”. This could be a little bit relative, like could you be really bad, but you say “tengo una indigestión de la patada” it means you are dead, you’re really bad.
Joseph: You’re dead. You’re pretty close, right?
Beatriz: Yes.
Joseph: Yes, so it’s interesting. So, “de la patada”, one more question, “de la patada” would you say that this is very Peruvian or could you hear this in other places?
Beatriz: With this word I’m not really sure, I have the feeling it’s really Peruvian, but if I’ve made a mistake, please correct me, guys, everywhere.
Joseph: Right! A mi parecer suena por lo menos sudamericano. It seems to me that it’s at least South American if not properly Peruvian, but yes, definitely, anyone listening, if you know you’re in another country or you’ve been to another country where they use this also, let us know because we’re interested. So, to recap, in Newbie Lesson 32 we heard:
GABRIEL: Me duele el estómago.
Joseph: And in today’s Peruvian conversation Luke says “Tengo una indigestión de la patada.”
Beatriz: Okay! Quisiera hacer una comparación más.
Joseph: A ver a ver.
Beatriz: Well, in Newbie Lesson 32 Lucia asks:
LUCÍA: ¿Qué has comido?
Beatriz: And then, in today’s Peruvian conversation Ana says: ¿qué te has manyado pues?
Joseph: Right, right! So, what do you want to point out here, Bea?
Beatriz: El verbo “manyar”.
Joseph: A very good one. So, this doesn’t sound much like “comer” which means “to eat”.
Beatriz: Not all, my friend.
Joseph: So, what does it mean?
Beatriz: Bueno, la palabra “manyar” viene del italiano “mangare”.
Joseph: So it comes from Italian.
Beatriz: Significa comer.
Joseph: So, it means “to eat”.
Beatriz: Por la cultura italiana en el Perú, que se empezó a usar en forma cotidiana y ahora está en la memoria de cada peruano.
Joseph: Okay! But, one question, one question.
Beatriz: Yes.
Joseph: In today’s conversation we’ve used it as a synonym for “comer” “to eat”, right? Which is the same meaning that it has in Italian and for all of you linguistic puffs there this is called a barbarism “un barbarismo” which is an adaptation of a word from another language into the grammar of a, you know, native language. But, I feel like I’ve heard this word a lot when someone is explaining something to me and you know, they’ll just kind of end the sentence with “manyas”.
Beatriz: Of course, Jo!
Joseph: So, what does it mean in that case?
Beatriz: Let me finish, please!
Joseph: Oh my gosh! She has an attitude today!
Beatriz: Okay! Por otro lado es muy popular entre la gente joven al usarlo como “¿entiendes?” “¿manyas?”
Joseph: So, you can also use it as a synonym for “captar” or “entender”, and both of those kind of mean “to understand”, “to get”. So, Bea, give me an example how people use this in the second sense?
Beatriz: Si quieres tomar la 92, vas a la ezquina, ¿manyas?
Joseph: Okay! So, “If you’re going to take the 92 bus you go to the corner, understand?” So, it’s kind of added at the end of the sentence and all it means is like “You get it?”, “Do you understand?” “Entiendes. Manyas.”
Beatriz: ¿Capicé?
Joseph: Capicé. Okay!
Beatriz: Okay, ya llegó el momento de enterarnos como es la Lima de ahora y cuales son las costumbres peruanas.
Joseph: Costumbres e idiosincrasias. Customs and idiosyncrasies. Now, in today’s conversation, Ana says something really funny. In fact, I think this is one of the funniest Peruvian sayings that I’ve come across. I’m talking about “la muerte lenta”, “slow death”.
Beatriz: Yes. El término “muerte lenta” quiere dar a entender que la comida puede ser higiénicamente peligrosa.
Joseph: Oh my gosh, oh my gosh! So, so what we mean by this when we refer to “la muerte lenta”, we’re saying that some restaurant or food could be deadly, could, deadly might be a little extreme, but it’s an exaggeration so we can translate it that way.
Beatriz: Yes.
Joseph: But, now basically you’re going to probably get really sick by eating in that place, right?
Beatriz: Yes, como que no te va a matar pero te puede causar una tifoidea.
Joseph: Right, right! It might not kill you, but you could get typhoid.
Beatriz: Yes. Exactly!
Joseph: But it’s such a, it’s such a funny, a funny phrase, like “la muerte lenta”, like it’s not even that like you’re going to quick, right? It’s going to take a while, there’s going to be a lot of pain, you know?
Beatriz: Yes. Pues te puede doler el estomago, te da pues una diarrea de la patada, osea extrema.
Joseph: Oh, gosh! All the details, so you know, this… You know, the symptoms of this, like you’re going to get a really bad stomach ache, you get like these terrible gazes.
Beatriz: No, I mean, it’s really bad if you’re in a trip and you’re bothering a passenger, you’re going with a lot of people in the bus and you have to stop everywhere, oh my gosh! Horrible!
Joseph: Now, Bea, another question. There’s a phrase that’s kind of related to this and to be honest, I really don’t understand it, but I’ve heard it a lot. What is “mala muerte”?
Beatriz: “Bad death”, right?
Joseph: Literally, it means “bad death” “mala muerte”, but do, I feel like I’ve heard people refer to a restaurant as this.
Beatriz: Okay, yes! For example, es una frase muy común para decir eso es un sitio de mala muerte .
Joseph: Claro es un sitio de mala muerte. And how do you understand that?
Beatriz: Es un sitio muy...ósea de lo peor... like… es como…
Joseph: DE lo peor. Okay, so it’s bad as a geed.
Beatriz: It’s as bad as a geed, like, I don’t know, it’s the worst whole that you can find in there.
Joseph: Okay!
Beatriz: For example, it’s in downtown.
Joseph: Right, right! So, that you know, guys, this is something that’s really important to kind of take into account. I mean, I know, you know, we’re talking about eating and being careful where you eat, and you know, some problems that you can encounter, but these expressions, like “la muerte lenta, mala muerte”, this kind of exaggeration and the playfulness of the language, is something that’s very, very common in Peru. So, if you go there and, you know, you just say something like “me siento mal”, right? I mean, you know, people are going to pay attention and ask you what’s wrong, but you know, if you say like “ay no comas ahí, es muerte lenta”, I mean like, this is how people talk. If you talk to people in their language, you’re going to get so much further.
Beatriz: Yes, of course!
Joseph: Now, Bea, one more question, the question that is probably on everyone’s minLUCÍA: how can I avoid “la muerte lenta”?
Beatriz: How can you avoid it? Of course, you have to get clean, you want to wash your hands, try not to eat like veggies, like fresh veggies.
Joseph: That’s a good one! You’ll notice that in Peru, most of the salads, like most of the vegetables, are peeled. So, and what that does is it assures you that there’s no water on them that could make you ill and many restaurant owners just do this as a practice now, because they know that this is a concern to tourists.
Beatriz: Yes. For example, you could go to the finest restaurant and, I mean, the salad grows on the ground, right? And meantime they wash the salad on the normal water, on their sink, right?
Joseph: Right!
Beatriz: And this bacteria’s sprawl could be, you know, attack your body, while they don’t attack my body because I’m Peruvian and I’m used to.
Joseph: Right, right! Because you got those strong Peruvian bacteria, right?
Beatriz: Of course! I mean, and is, there’s the little things, I mean, you can ask the guy or the waiter “Please, get me like cooked vegetables.” You don’t get this, right?
Joseph: Right! And also, as long as we’re talking about this, we should also mention the best dish to order when you’re sick and what I’m thinking of is “dieta de pollo”. “Dieta de pollo”. It’s just chicken diet and all it is, is a very, very light chicken broth with some noodles and, you know, a piece of chicken, but like, I don’t know if I can say, almost every restaurant, but at a lot of restaurants they offer this. And just because, you know, if you’re not feeling well and you have to eat out, it’s an option.
Beatriz: I think it’s a plate that is very famous in every home when you’re sick and then every restaurant had it. Because like Peruvian food is a little bit like, could be heavy sometimes.
Joseph: Right! La comida criolla.
Beatriz: Yes, the “comida criolla”, so want to, may you get this “dieta de pollo” to rest your stomach.
Joseph: That’s right! To give your digestive system a vacation.


Joseph: Okay, guys. Well, that’s just about all the time we have for today.
Beatriz: Yes, yes. Ahora al foro.
Joseph: That’s right! Would you like to continue this conversation and learn more about what we’ve talked about? Check out the forum at Spanishpod101.com. Also, after you sign in, be sure to set your RSS Feed settings to your personal preference in the My Feed feature. Download whichever series fits your needs. Remember, this is Spanish on demand.
Beatriz: We bring the Spanish speaking world to you.
Joseph: So, we’ll see you soon. Ha sido un gusto, Beatriz.
Beatriz: Un gustazo, Jo. Saludos a todos.
Joseph: Ya nos vemos.
Beatriz: Ciao!


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Dialogue - Peruvian

Dialogue - Standard

