
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Joseph: Soy rockero del grupo Ultramotor. Hi there! My name is Joseph and I’m joined by Beatrice. ¿Cómo estás Beatriz?
Beatriz: Estoy muy bien, gracias.
Joseph: In Peruvian Lesson 2, we looked at the word “felizmente” “fortunately” and the slang terms “chambear” “to work” and “chevere” “cool”.
Beatriz: Today’s Peruvian lesson references Newbie Lesson 3 – “Who are you?” So, be sure to check that one out, too.
Joseph: In this lesson we’re going to see the verb “ser” “to be” and we’ll look at some ways to ask how someone is and what they do. Now, to start this off here, let’s go back to Newbie Lesson 3, where we heard the following conversation:
César: ¿Quién eres tú?
Amanda: Yo soy Amanda. ¿Y tú?
César: Yo soy César. Soy músico
Amanda: ¡Qué bueno! Yo soy profesora
César: ¡Qué interesante!
César: This time with the translation. Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
César: ¿Quién eres tú?
César: “Who are you?”
Amanda: Yo soy Amanda. ¿Y tú?
Amanda: I am Amanda. And you?”
César: Yo soy César. Soy músico
César: “I am Cesar. I am a musician.”
Amanda: ¡Qué bueno! Yo soy profesora
Amanda: “Great! I am a teacher!”
César: ¡Qué interesante!
César: “How interesting!”
Joseph: Now, let’s hear what that sounds like in Peruvian Spanish. ¿Y tú, cómo te llamas?
Beatriz: Soy Amanda. ¿Y tú?
Joseph: Soy César. Soy rockero del grupo Ultramotor.
Beatriz: ¡Qué bacán! ¡Qué fuerte!
Joseph: ¿Y tú, a qué te dedicas?
Beatriz: Yo me dedico a la enseñanza. Soy profesora
Joseph: ¡Ah, qué interesante!
César: Once again, slowly! Una vez más, esta vez lentamente.
Joseph: ¿Y tú, cómo te llamas?
Beatriz: Soy Amanda. ¿Y tú?
Joseph: Soy César. Soy rockero del grupo Ultramotor.
Beatriz: ¡Qué bacán! ¡Qué fuerte!
Joseph: ¿Y tú, a qué te dedicas?
Beatriz: Yo me dedico a la enseñanza. Soy profesora
Joseph: ¡Ah, qué interesante!
Joseph: So, there are some very noticeable differences between these two conversations. To get going here, let’s look at the way the phrase “I’m a musician.” was pronounced in Peruvian Spanish. Beatrice, porfavor, could you repeat that for us?
Beatriz: Soy rockero.
Joseph: “I’m a rocker.” Now, in Newbie Lesson 3 it sounded like this:
César: Soy músico.
Joseph: Beatrice, ¿con qué palabra quisieras empezar?
Beatriz: Let’s begin with the verb “ser” conjugated to the first person, singular, of the Present Indicative “yo soy”.
Joseph: “Yo soy” “I am”.
Beatriz: We learned in Newbie Lesson 3 that the verb “ser” is used here to describe “una profesión”.
Joseph: “una profesión” “a profession”, right.
Beatriz: Joseph, what’s Cesar profession? ¿Cúal es la profesión de César?
Joseph: Es rockero. He’s a rocker. Rock on, Cesar! Rock on!
Beatriz: So, the word we use in Peru and probably in other Spanish speaking countries for a rock musician is “rockero”.
Joseph: Rockero.
Beatriz: “Rockero, rockera” and we use the verb “ser” in this sentence because we’re talking about a profession.
Joseph: Right! A profession. Man, I really like the way that sounds. “Rockero” and for the feminine “rockera”. So, again, the standard way to say “I’m a musician.” is:
César: Soy músico.
Joseph: And in Peruvian Spanish when referring to a rock musician, we say:
Beatriz: Soy rockero o soy rockera.
Joseph: I’m a rocker! Muy bien. Alright! Next we’ll look at how the question “What do you do?” was formed in Peruvian Spanish. Beatrice, could you refresh our memory?
Beatriz: ¿Cómo se pide?
Joseph: Ay, porfavor. Perdon, porfavor.
Beatriz: Ahora sí. ¿A qué te dedicas?
Joseph: “What do you do for a living?”
Beatriz: Notice that to form this question, we use the verb “dedicar”.
Joseph: Right! And “dedicar” means “to dedicate” or “to devote”.
Beatriz: Así es. So, when we say “¿ a qué te dedicas?” we’re really saying “What do you devote yourself to?”
Joseph: Right! But this is a figurative expression and it always refers to what someone does for a living. “¿ A qué te dedicas?” “What do you do for a living?”
Beatriz: Claro. And remember, this is the informal way of asking a question. Joseph, do you know the formal way?
Joseph: A ver... The formal way would be: “A qué se dedica usted?”.
Beatriz: Right! A qué se dedica usted?
Joseph: And would you say that this question is comun en el Peru, is it common in Peru?
Beatriz: Yes, this is probably the most common way to ask someone what he or she does for a living.
Joseph: I see! So, “a qué te dedicas” or “a qué se dedica usted”. Ahora bien. Let’s go over some of the localisms that came up in the conversation. First is the expression “Great!”. Now, in Newbie Lesson 3, it sounded like this:
Amanda: ¡Qué bueno!
Joseph: And in the Peruvian conversation here’s what it sounded likCésar:
Beatriz: ¡Qué bacán!
Joseph: “How cool!” Beatrice, tell us a little bit about this word.
Beatriz: Wow! Que rapido te olvidas. ¿Cómo se pide?
Joseph: ¡Caray! ¡Qué mujer delicada! Porfavor, estimada compañera de trabajo, hágame el favor usted.
Beatriz: Alright! Ahora sí, Joseph! “Bacán” es una jerga that means “cool”. It’s a lot like “chevere” which we looked at last lesson. But I think “bácan” is probably a little more universal. Either way, is very Peruvian.
Joseph: I see! So, we can say “Esta computadora es bácan” if we want to say “This computer is cool!”
Beatriz: Claro, así se usa. Right! That’s how it’s used!
Joseph: That really seems to be wrapped up in Peruvian culture, no?
Beatriz: Yes, it is. But like I said, I would imagine that this word is used in some other countries, too. It’s pretty common.
Joseph: I see! Now, there was one more expression that I wanted to cover. It was “Qué fuerte”. Now, I thought that “fuerte” means “strong”. So, Beatrice, why would Amanda say “How strong!” after Cesar tells her that he’s “rockero”?
Beatriz: Bueno lo que pasa es que “fuerte” también significa de gran intensidad.
Joseph: I see! So, “fuerte” can also mean “really intense”. Now it makes sense! I see!
Beatriz: So, in this case, Amanda being a teacher says “How intense!” when she finds out that Cesar is a “rockero” because his profession is so different than hers.
Joseph: Sí, ahora sí ya veo. Ya entiendo. Qué fuerte. Está fuerte. Ese rockero.


Beatriz: Oh my God! Stop it! That just about does it for today’s lesson!
Joseph: Remember that this lesson references Newbie Lesson 3. So have a good one.
Beatriz: Que te vaya bien.

Dialogue - Peruvian

Dialogue - Standard

