
Vocabulary (Review)

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Joseph: “Time got away from me!”
Beatriz: Bienvenidos.
Joseph: Bea and Joseph back again for another Peruvian Spanish Lesson.
Beatriz: ¿Qué tal amigos, cómo están?
Joseph: ¿qué tal todos? ¿Beatriz, cómo te va?
Beatriz: Me va muy bien. Super contenta de estar aquí en Lima.
Joseph: Que bueno que bueno, de igual manera ¿no? Que gusto.
Beatriz: Imaginate, esta noche tengo una fiesta con la gente de mi facultad. No lo puedo creer.
Joseph: Anda.
Beatriz: Today we have Lesson 29.
Joseph: We’re going to be listening to a conversation between two “amantes”, “lovers.”
Beatriz: Cristina and Eduardo.
Joseph: That’s right! They’re waking up late in the morning and Cristina needs to leave in a hurry. Eduardo, of course, is trying to convince her to stay.
Beatriz: ¡Uy uy uy! Que levanten la mano los inocentes.
Joseph: That’s right, that’s right! Now, before we get too far into this lesson, Bea, can you refresh my memory and tell me what we looked at last time?
Beatriz: Aprendimos como hacerle un buen regalo a tu pareja y como usar el presente del subjuntivo.
Joseph: All right, all right! So, we learned how to give a good gift to your significant other and how to use the Present Tense of the Subjunctive Mood. Hey, not a bad combination if I may say so myself, the fine art of gift giving and another great mood and tense.
Beatriz: Sounds very nice! Y apra hoy, papito. ¿Qué es lo que vamos a ver?
Joseph: Bueno... Today we’re going to look at a really interesting way to use the verb “pasar” and we’re also going to focus on a couple of vocab words and some particular meanings that they have. These are the famous “falsos amigos,” “false friends,” “false cognates.”
Beatriz: Sounds good!
Joseph: Yes, very good! So, today’s conversation like we said, takes place in the morning “en la mañana” and these two lovebirds wake up late and Cristina is almost out the door before she’s even out of bed. Don’t you just hate that? ¿Duando te despiertas tarde y tienes que salir volando?
Beatriz: Oh, yeah! I know that. This is an awful feeling.
Joseph: Es lo peor, caramba.
Beatriz: You can say that in Spanish, we say here in Peru “con el calzón en la mano”. Sales con la justa.
Joseph: Claro. “Con el calzon en la mano” means “to leave with your underwear in your hand”, you’re in such a hurry that you don’t have time to put your underwear on. Well, we’ve got a lot to cover today.
Beatriz: Let’s get into today’s conversation!
Joseph: ¡Vamos! Our custom here, in the Regional Series, is to reference the Newbie Lesson conversation and then compare it to the Peruvian conversation. So, today we’re going to start out with the conversation from Newbie Lesson 29. Here’s what we heard:
ELIANA: ¿Qué, ya son las dos tan rápido? ¡Ya me tengo que ir!
ERNESTO: Amor, tranquila...
ELIANA: Me tengo que ir... al menos me invites a desayunar.
ERNESTO: Ay, mujer... ¡Quédate! ¿Qué desayunamos?
ELIANA: Frutas muy frescas y pan caliente.
ERNESTO: ¡Ya me da hambre!
Joseph: And now with the translation! Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
ELIANA: ¿Qué, ya son las dos tan rápido? ¡Ya me tengo que ir!
ELIANA: “What? It’s already 2 o’clock? I’ve got to go!”
ERNESTO: Amor, tranquila...
ERNESTO: “Honey, relax!”
ELIANA: Me tengo que ir... al menos me invites a desayunar.
ELIANA: “I’ve got to go, unless you invite me to breakfast.”
ERNESTO: Ay, mujer... ¡Quédate! ¿Qué desayunamos?
ERNESTO: “Oh, sweetheart, stay! What do you want for breakfast?”
ELIANA: Frutas muy frescas y pan caliente.
ELIANA: Fresh fruit and hot hard roles.”
ERNESTO: ¡Ya me da hambre!
ERNESTO: “That makes me hungry.”
Joseph: Oye que tal comentario, eso de la mujer, de Eliana. Quiere “fruta fresca y pan caliente”.
Beatriz: Ay, tú cuando no con esa mente toda pervertida.
Joseph: ¡Ay pervertida! Come on, that’s a complete innuendo.
Beatriz: Pues no, osea…
Joseph: Ya pero escuchala. Frutas muy frescas y pan caliente.
Beatriz: Esta bien, esta bien.
Joseph: Okay, okay! So, let’s move on. Now, we’re going to hear how this conversation might sound in Lima, Peru.
CRISTINA: ¡Pucha, se me pasó la hora! Tengo que volar.
EDUARDO: Ay, normal, amorcito.
CRISTINA: Suéltame, gordo. Oye, ¿no quieres comprar el pan?
EDUARDO: Bueno, si insistes...
CRISTINA: Insisto. Anda, corre. Y si no queda pan francés, cómprame tostadas.... ¡Vamos, arriba Perú!
EDUARDO: Ya, ya, mi mandóna...
Joseph: And now slower! Una vez más, esta vez lentamente.
CRISTINA: ¡Pucha, se me pasó la hora! Tengo que volar.
EDUARDO: Ay, normal, amorcito.
CRISTINA: Suéltame, gordo. Oye, ¿no quieres comprar el pan?
EDUARDO: Bueno, si insistes...
CRISTINA: Insisto. Anda, corre. Y si no queda pan francés, cómprame tostadas.... ¡Vamos, arriba Perú!
EDUARDO: Ya, ya, mi mandóna...
Joseph: And now with the translation! Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
CRISTINA: ¡Pucha, se me pasó la hora! Tengo que volar. “Chute! Time got away from me! I’ve got to fly!”
EDUARDO: Ay, normal, amorcito. “Oh, it’s not a big deal, baby!”
CRISTINA: Suéltame, gordo. Oye, ¿no quieres comprar el pan? “Let me go, honey! Hey, do you mind going to buy bread?”
EDUARDO: Bueno, si insistes… “Well, if you insist!”
CRISTINA: Insisto. Anda, corre. Y si no queda pan francés, cómprame tostadas.... ¡Vamos, arriba Perú! “I do. Come on, go! And if there’s no French bread left, buy some toast. Let’s go! Get up, Peru!”
EDUARDO: Ya, ya, mi mandóna… “Okay, okay, miss bossy!”
Joseph: ¿Qué tal conversación, eh?
Beatriz: Sí, muy cotidiana para muchas parejas este… furtivas.
Joseph: Bien dicho, bien dicho. Yes, this is a pretty common conversation. I mean, you can really imagine having this kind of conversation early in the morning with your partner, no?
Beatriz: Es una situación muy típica para los jóvenes de ahora, incluso de Lima, ¿no?.
Joseph: Alright! So, should we move on to the comparisons?
Beatriz: I think it’s a good idea!
Joseph: Where would you like to start?
Beatriz: Let’s start by comparing the first line of each conversation. In Newbie Lesson 29, we heard:
ELIANA: ¿Qué, ya son las dos tan rápido? ¡Ya me tengo que ir!
ELIANA: “What? It’s already 2 o’clock? I have got to go!”
Beatriz: And in today’s Peruvian conversation, this sounded like “¡Pucha, se me pasó la hora!”
Joseph: All right, all right! This sounds very good. So, this phrase “se me pasó” which we see here in “se me pasó la hora” is one that I hear all the time in Peru, but ¿Crees que se usa solamente en el Perú o también en otras partes del mundo hispanohablante?
Beatriz: Para mí es una expresión bastante universal.
Joseph: That’s a good point. So, this is a universal expression. So, that means that we could use this in other places, too, right?
Beatriz: I think so. Everybody could understand this.
Joseph: That’s great to know.
Beatriz: Yes.
Joseph: So, for you listeners out there, you’ll want to remember that this is a phrase that you’re definitely going to hear in Peru, I mean without a doubt. “Se mepasó”, but we can also use it in other places and you can expect to hear it in other places, too. Now, the interesting thing about this phrase, “se me pasó”, right, we’re looking at it here in the Preterit, we can tell by that ending, the O with the accent “se me pasó”. How should I say? It’s kind of used to avoid responsibility. I mean, Cristina could’ve said “Ay, dormí demasiado”, “I slept too much.”, but she’s saying “Se me pasó la hora”, “Time got away from me.”, you know? “It’s not my fault, it was time that did it.”
Beatriz: That’s pretty interesting how you put it now.
Joseph: Se me pasó. Y Beatriz, esta frase también se puede usar en otras ocasiones ¿no? Por decir estás cocinando ¿no?
Beatriz: Claro. Sí, te olvidaste de algún ingrediente, por ejemplo…
Joseph: Okay!
Beatriz: ¡Ay pucha se me pasó! Tenia que agregarle… que se yo… maizena.
Joseph: Okay! So, you’re cooking, right, and you forget to add an ingredient, in this case “maizena”, so “maizena” is cornstarch, and you forget to add the custard and you say:
Beatriz: ¡Ay pucha se me pasó! O “Se me pasó, no llamé a mi prima por su cumpleaños que fue ayer.”
Joseph: Se me pasó. You forgot to call your cousin on her birthday “y se te pasó”, like it got by you.
Beatriz: Yes, that’s right! That’s right!
Joseph: So, that, that’s really, you know, “pasar” is one of the ways we can translate it is “to get by” or “to go by”. It’s saying that something gets by me, it gets by me in the sense that I wasn’t aware of it. All right? So, just to recap, in order to express that it’s later than what we thought, in Newbie Lesson 29 we heard:
ELIANA: ¿Qué, ya son las dos tan rápido? ¡Ya me tengo que ir!
ELIANA: “What? It’s already 2 o’clock? I’ve got to go!”
Joseph: And in today’s Peruvian conversation it sounded like this: ¡Pucha, se me pasó la hora!
Beatriz: Very nice, Jo!
Joseph: Bueno. Ahora, let’s look at another word that came up in today’s Peruvian conversation. And I’m talking about the word “normal”. When Eduardo is trying to calm Cristina down, he says: “Ay, normal, amorcito.” So, this word “normal”, spelled just like the English word “normal” is pretty interesting in Spanish. I think it's meaning is a little bit different, don’t you, Bea?
Beatriz: Yes, yes! It’s kind of like saying “It’s not a big deal.”
Joseph: Right! You know, whereas in English “normal” it’s kind of like playing something that’s totally expected, you know, there’s nothing outside of the ordinary. We use the word “normal”, again, spelled the same to mean “it’s not a big deal”, “don’t worry about it”. Bea, if you were going, if you had to say this in other words, how would you, you know, what kind of phrase could you use?
Beatriz: No pasa nada, esta bien, tranquilo. “Chill out!”
Joseph: Exactly, exactly! So, the one that I was thinking of is “no pasa nada”, you came up with it, like “nothing’s happening”, right? Like there’s nothing going on, like don’t worry about it, that’s really the sense that’s at the heart of this, right? And all you got to say is “normal”.
Beatriz: Don’t freak out.
Joseph: Don’t freak out.
Beatriz: Right!
Joseph: Very nice! So, there’s another one that I’d like to mention here that didn’t come up in today’s conversation, but it’s related in the sense that it’s spelled exactly the same as it is in English, but the meaning is a little bit different. And this word is “regular”. So, Bea, if you’re telling someone about what you ate yesterday, right?
Beatriz: Okay!
Joseph: And I say “¿Qué tal la comida en”…
Beatriz: ¿Qué tal la comida en el Máncora?
Joseph: Okay! ¿Qué tal la comida en el Máncora? Y dices, “Comimos regular.”
Beatriz: Yes!
Joseph: What does that mean?
Beatriz: Que comiste de una… una cantidad considerable.
Joseph: Okay, yes! So, that’s so different than the way that we use “regular” in English. Comiste una cantidad considerable, right?
Beatriz: Sí pero mira hay… hay otra, hay otra acepción, otra… Otro significado también a esta palabra, ¿no? “¿Cómo estuvo? Ah regular.” “Ni fu ni fa” “Masomenos”.
Joseph: Right! So, that’s how we tend, I mean, something that’s regular is something that’s again...
Beatriz: Yeah. Pero si hablas de cantidad, entonces es regular. Realmente… ¿Cuánto me sirvieron? Regular. Osea... ¿Cuánta gente hubo en la fiesta, estaba llenesito o había regular gente? ¿No?
Joseph: So, in that sense it’s like a considerable amount, it’s more than what you’d expect.
Beatriz: That’s right!
Joseph: You know, it’s not necessarily a ton of people or a ton of food, but it’s more than you would expect, right? And again, all you got to say is “regular”. All right! So, one more quick comment here before we move on to localisms. The verb “quedar” here has a pretty interesting meaning. We’ve looked at it in the past, to talk about staying somewhere, right? “Me quedé donde mi hermano”, “I stayed at my brothers.” “Quedate ahí”, “Stay put.”, right?
Beatriz: O “Me quede dormido.”
Joseph: Right! “I fell asleep.” in that sense. Now, here we’re looking at it when it means “to be left” or “there to be left”, not necessarily “to remain”, but “to be left”. For example, in the conversation Cristina says “si no queda pan francés”, right? And the way we translate that is “If there’s no French bread left”, right? Like, so you walk into a bakery and you want to know if there’s bread left, you can say “¿Queda pan”, “Is there bread left?”, you know, they can say “Sí hay”, right? “Yes, there is.” Or they may say “No queda”, right? And that just means “There’s none left.”
Beatriz: You got it, Jo! Ahora vamos a conversar un poquito acerda de los localismos.
Joseph: That’s right! This is the place where we talk about the language in culture. A traves de los localismos. So, today we have two phrases that I just want to bring up. The first one is “arriba Perú” and we see this one used at the end of the conversation where Cristina is trying to get Eduardo out of bed, so that he can go to the bakery, buy the bread for her so that she can get out of the house and go to work. And “arriba Perú”, Beatrice, literally this means “Up, upward Peru!”. Why does she say this to him when he’s laying in bed?
Beatriz: Es una expresión que se usa mucho en las, creo que más en los hogares. En las casas, de una forma muy familiar como diciendo “Arriba Perú, progresemos, trabajemos”. ¿No?
Joseph: Okay! So, right! Right, right, right! So, you’re saying that it’s a phrase that we tend to use at home, in the households, but the last comment that you made there I think it’s really at the heart of this, that, you know, it’s kind of saying like “Let’s move on, let’s progress”, you know? I’m pretty sure that this phrase comes from some kind of a campaign that was promoting the development of the country. “Arriba Perú”, right? It’s kind of like helping to stimulate the national pride, don’t you think?
Beatriz:Yes! tiene algo de eso, de hecho tiene algo de eso. Como que las personas progresistas, optimistas, tienden a decir esto pues. I like this a lot!
Joseph: Yes!
Beatriz: I think it’s very positive.
Joseph: Yes, it’s a nice, it’s a nice saying.
Beatriz: And it’s very sweet for me, I’m remembering now, desde que era muy niña, since I was a girl, my mom used to say that.
Joseph: Right. It’s a nice one. Okay! Now, another word or couple of words here that we should talk about are “mandón” and “mandóna”. And this is how Eduardo responds Cristina at the end of the conversation, when she’s pretty much ordering him to go to the bakery, right? And he’s just trying to keep, you know, he just wants to keep sleeping. So, “mandón” and “mandóna”, Bea, what verb does this come from?
Beatriz: El verbo es “mandar”.
Joseph: “Mandar” means “to order”.
Beatriz: Yes.
Joseph: Right? It means to order, I mean we also use it here in Latin American, pretty sure they don’t use it this way in Spain, but in Latin America we also use it “to send”, right, we use it as a synonym of “enviar”, right? So, “te mando una carta, te envio una carta”, same thing. But, “mandar” is also “to order”, as in “to command someone”, right?
Beatriz: Yes.
Joseph: Like “un mandato” is a command, right?
Beatriz: Yes, if you think about the word demand or “demandar”…
Joseph: Right!
Beatriz: You know, “como exigir” también.
Joseph: Right, “to demand”, “to be exigent”. When we say “mandón”, this is calling someone “bossy”, and now it’s a noun. So, “mandón” is the masculine noun, and you’re going to need to put an accent over the O at the end. “Mandon” And “mandóna”, don’t confuse it with Madonna,”mandóna” has an A at the end and it loses that accent. Mandona.
Beatriz: Madonna
Joseph: No, no! Mandona.
Beatriz: Caramba, Madonna.
Joseph: Bueno...
Beatriz: You remember “Like a virgin…”
Joseph: Oh, man! Speaking of that, “hablando de eso”, Cristina and Eduardo have spent the night together and, Beatrice, they are not married yet. Bea, is this taboo in Peruvian culture?
Beatriz: Definitivamente.
Joseph: Caramba. What are they going to do to them and what’s going to happen?
Beatriz: I don’t know, I mean…
Joseph: People are going to talk, that’s what it’s going to happen.
Beatriz: Of course! They’re going to talk, they’re going to talk.
Joseph: And that’s the worst, right? You know it, that they’re going to talk, but they won’t talk directly to them, right?
Beatriz: No, there is this dualism, I mean “ese, existe ese dual… ¿Cómo se dice?”.
Joseph: Dualismo.
Beatriz: Ese dualismo. Eso de que existe la verdad que se ve hacia afuera y existe la verdad de la puerta para adentro.
Joseph: Okay, very good. Let me translate that. So, there’s dualism as Beatrice says or, you know, there’re two sides to this. There is the truth that everyone sees on the outside and then, there’s the other truth that you only see from the door in where it’s, right?
Beatriz: Así es.
Joseph: It’s such an interesting thing, because you know, it’s not like people don’t, you know, sleep with each other before they get married here, but it’s just, you know, people just don’t want to accept that publicly, you know, it could taint the name of the family, I mean it’s such a…
Beatriz: Yes, for me, this is the phenomenon I see around Lima. There is so many hotels around Lima where people go and if you see us, some of your friends and you say it to the other and I said “Oh my God, that is horrible.”
Joseph: Right!
Beatriz: Right?
Joseph: Right! Yes, but it’s hard because it’s just not acceptable in the family’s house.
Beatriz: Yes, and that’s why it’s normal that the parents know they’re going to go to a hotel, because they’re not allowed to be with your couple in your room.
Joseph: Not with your couple, with your partner.
Beatriz: With your partner in your bedroom, right?
Joseph: Right! If it were your couple, it would be a different kind of scandal.
Beatriz: Okay, okay! Are you taking advantage of it?
Joseph: Quizás un poquito.


Joseph: Alright! Well, Bea, this has been a really fun lesson and this is about all the time we have for today.
Beatriz: Bueno, ahora al foro.
Joseph: That’s right! Beatrice, a sido un gusto.
Beatriz: Un gustazo, Jo. Saludos a todos.
Joseph: Claro. Saludos a todos. Gracias por acompañarnos.
Beatriz: Hasta pronto.
Joseph: Chao!
Beatriz: Chao, chao.


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Dialogue - Peruvian

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