
Vocabulary (Review)

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Joseph: “That’s what I love about my good friends”
Beatriz: Muy bienvenidos.
Joseph: Bea and Joseph back again for another Peruvian Spanish Lesson coming to you on demand from Spanishpod101.com
Beatriz: Hola amigos. ¿Cómo están? Hey, Joseph, how are you?
Joseph: I’m doing all right! How are you doing, Bea?
Beatriz: Super good!
Joseph: Super good? All right! I’m super happy about that!
Beatriz: Today we have Lesson 20.
Joseph: And what, may I ask, is today’s lesson about?
Beatriz: It’s about “peñas”.
Joseph: Peñas, one of my favorite topics and one of the coolest places to see “la música criolla” in Peru. Now, before we get too far into today’s lesson, Bea, can you refresh our memory and tell us what we looked at last time?
Beatriz: We talked about the famous rooftops in Lima.
Joseph: Las asoteas.
Beatriz: And we also learned how to use the Imperative Mood with the verb “alucinar.”
Joseph: Alucina, right! And we remember that that means something like “imaginate” or “Imagine that!”
Beatriz: So, Joseph, what shall we look at today?
Joseph: Well, we’re going to look at some words that are very particular to Peru.
Beatriz: ¿Y la música criolla que se escucha en las famosas peñas?
Joseph: ¡Pero claro! Of course! We’ll also talk about “la múscia criolla”, “Creole music” and the famous “peñas” where you can go to hear this. Bea, who are some of your favorite “músicos criollos”?
Beatriz: Bueno, yendo un poco al pasado, osea retrocediendo al pasado un poquito quizas Felipe Pinglo Alva
Joseph: Me encanta, es uno de mis favoritos.
Beatriz: Las Limeñitas,
Joseph: Ay
Beatriz: Lucha Reyes y nuestros cantantes criollos de ahora serian Arturo Zambo Cavero, Cecilia Barraza y bueno la clásica de ayer y hoy Chabuca Granda.
Joseph: El Zambo. Chabuca Granda, como no. You know, one of my favorites is Cholo Berrocal. He’s a really, really interesting singer from the highlands, so he kind of has this mix of the highland feel and the Coastal feel. Great singer! The other group that I really love is La Fiesta Criolla.
Beatriz: Yes!
Joseph: Well, we’ve got a lot to cover today, but before we jump in, remember that this lesson references Newbie Lesson 20 as well as the twentieth lesson of the Iberian and Costa Rican Series. So, check those out, compare, contrast and broaden your understanding of this living and breathing language that Spanish is.
Beatriz: And now, let’s get into today’s conversation!
Joseph: So, in the Regional Series we always begin by going back to the corresponding Newbie Lesson in order to hear the “standard Spanish version.” So, today, let’s listen to the lesson conversation from Newbie Lesson 20. Here’s what we heard:
JORGE: ¡Escucha, Otilia! Hay música.
OTILIA: ¡Oye! Tienes razón.
JORGE: Es un concierto público.
OTILIA: Me gusta la música.
Joseph: This time with the translation! Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
JORGE: ¡Escucha, Otilia! Hay música.
JORGE: “Otilia, listen, there’s music!”
OTILIA: ¡Oye! Tienes razón.
OTILIA: “Hey, you’re right!”
JORGE: Es un concierto público.
JORGE: “It’s a public concert.”
OTILIA: Me gusta la música.
OTILIA: “I like the music!”
Beatriz: So, this is the kind of conversation that could be understood anywhere that the Spanish is spoken.
Joseph: Right! There aren’t really any words that are particular to one region or another and the pronunciation is pretty much standard as well.
Beatriz: Now, let’s hear what this conversation might sound like in Lima, Peru.
JULIO: ¡Escucha, Lucía, parece que esta noche habrá peña!
LUCIA: ¿Tienes ganas de ir?
JULIO: Por mi, encantado, pero estoy más misio...
LUCIA: ¡Pucha, Julio, ¿cuándo no?!
JULIO: ¡Pero si a los profesores nunca nos pagan...!
LUCIA: Suerte la tuya de que a mí, sí. Yo te invito.
JULIO: ¡Eso es lo que me gusta de las buenas amigas!
Joseph: This time with the translation! Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
JULIO: ¡Escucha, Lucía, parece que esta noche habrá peña! “Listen, Lucia! It looks like there’s going to be a party tonight.”
LUCIA: ¿Tienes ganas de ir? “Do you feel like going?”
JULIO: Por mi, encantado, pero estoy más misio… “For me, a pleasure. But I’m so broke.”
LUCIA: ¡Pucha, Julio, ¿cuándo no?! “Man, Julio, when aren’t you?”
JULIO: ¡Pero si a los profesores nunca nos pagan...! “But if they never pay us professors anything!”
LUCIA: Suerte la tuya de que a mí, sí. Yo te invito. “Lucky for you that I get paid! This one is on me!”
JULIO: ¡Eso es lo que me gusta de las buenas amigas! “That’s what I like about my good friends!”
Joseph: So, it’s not hard to tell that there are some big differences between these two conversations.
Beatriz: Entonces, Joseph ¿por donde quisieras empezar? Where would you like to begin?
Joseph: Let’s start out with the first line. In Newbie Lesson 20 we hear:
JORGE: ¡Escucha, Otilia! Hay música.
Joseph: “Otilia, listen, there’s music!”
Joseph: ¡Escucha, Otilia! Hay música.And in our Peruvian version we said:
Beatriz: ¡Escucha, Lucía, parece que esta noche habrá peña!
Joseph: “Listen, Lucia, it looks like there’s going to be a party tonight.”
Joseph: So, Bea, let’s hold off on the word “peña” for just a bit. For now, I’d like to talk about the word “escucha”.
Beatriz: Escucha
Joseph: Right!
Beatriz: Escucha
Joseph: And this means “Listen!”. Here, it’s a command. I could say “Escucha, Bea.” “Listen, Bea!” and you’ll notice that this is written the same as it is in the Newbie conversation.
Beatriz: But there is one difference.
Joseph: And what’s that?
Beatriz: La pronunciacion de la letra “s”.
Joseph: Right! So, the pronunciation of the letter S is different. Let’s really compare these closely. In the standard version we heard:
JORGE: Escucha
Joseph: And in the Peruvian?
Beatriz: Escucha
Joseph: Standard?
JORGE: Escucha
Joseph: And Peruvian?
Beatriz: Escucha
Joseph: So, the real difference here is in the pronunciation of the letter S. In the Peruvian version it’s not that it’s completely omitted, but it’s rather pronounced in the back of the mouth. “Escucha”. And, Bea, we can say that this is the kind of pronunciation that you’ll find in Lima, right? Like you wouldn’t hear this everywhere in Peru.
Beatriz: Yes, of course! You hear this in Lima, but not in many other places in Peru, for example in Arequipa the pronunciation of the S it’s really perfect.
Joseph: Right, right! But in Lima we do tend to say “escucha”. And there are some other words that highlight these difference in pronunciation, also, right?
Beatriz: Oh, yes, of course! Por ejemplo: buscar.
Joseph: Right! So, you’re saying “buscar” with that really soft accent in the back of your mouth and you know, in other places this might be pronounced “buScar”.
Beatriz: Buscar
Joseph: Buscar.
Beatriz: But, I mean, when we want to speak I really understand Spanish, we know you don’t want to speak like that.
Joseph: Sure, sure!
Beatriz: But, por ejemplo, we say “buscar”, we say Cusco..
Joseph: Right! The place, the city, Cusco instead of Cusco.
Beatriz: Yes! Or, “mosca”.
Joseph: Right!
Beatriz: Mosca
Joseph: “Mosca” instead of “mosca”.
Beatriz: Yes, people really don’t realize that they are speaking like that and they say “We are really speak perfect Spanish.”
Joseph: Right! And it’s hard because it’s a regional tendency, so if you’re surrounded around other people that talk this way, you don’t recognize the difference. So, just to recap, in Newbie Lesson 20 we heard:
JORGE: ¡Escucha, Otilia! Hay música.
M3: “Otilia, listen, there’s music!”
Joseph: And in our Peruvian version we said:
Beatriz: ¡Escucha, Lucía, parece que esta noche habrá peña!
Joseph: “Listen, Lucia! It looks like there’s going to be a party tonight.” Now, in the Peruvian version, Lucia asks Julio ¿Tienes ganas de ir?.
Beatriz: ¿Tienes ganas de ir?
Joseph: “Do you feel like going?” And they’re talking about this “peña”. And, Be, how does Julio respond?
Beatriz: He says “Por mi, encantado, pero estoy más misio...”.
Joseph: Right! And we can translate this as “For me, a pleasure. But I’m so broke!”. So, the word I want to focus on here is “misio”.
Beatriz: Bueno es una palabra muy peruana, probablemente no es una palabra cultisima pero es una palabra que se usa.
Joseph: Right, right! And I’m not sure that you’ll hear this anywhere but in Peru. So, Bea, in Peru what do we mean by this word “misio”?
Beatriz: “Misio” means “without money”.
Joseph: Exactly! “Without money”, “misio”, “broke”, you know?
Beatriz: Yes!
Joseph: You don’t have any money.
Beatriz: Maybe, maybe, I’m not sure about it but it comes from the word “misionero”, from ‘to be a missionary”.
Joseph: That’s interesting! “Misio”. And this is an adjective. So, we want to remember that it can be either masculine or feminine.
Beatriz: Misio o misia.
Joseph: And those are the singular forms, and in the plural?
Beatriz: Misios o misias.
Joseph: Right! And it’s kind of interesting how this word comes up in the conversation. I mean, Julio would love to go to the “peña”, but he’s “misio”, he’s broke. And when Lucia gives him a hard time about this, he says ¡Pero si a los profesores nunca nos pagan...! “But if they never pay us professors anything.”
Beatriz: Bueno lamentablemente, no se les paga suficiente. Y es muy común que si eres un profesor de un colegio público va, seas conocido por tener algunas dificultades económicas.
Joseph: Right, right! So, unfortunately, professors in public schools are not paid as much as they probably should be. Right?
Beatriz: Exactly!
Joseph: So…
Beatriz: They should, really should be.
Joseph: So, we might be able to say that they have “la mala fama de estar misios”.
Beatriz: Yes, or “ser misios”, that is what is worst because you can’t “estar”, I mean that’s in a moment, one day. But “ser”, you know, you don’t have any.
Joseph: And it’s perpetual. Right!
Beatriz: Ahora pues, vamonos a la “peña”.
Joseph: Time to go to the “peña”! So, Bea, there’s so much that we can talk about here. Let’s begin with the word itself Peña. What is a “peña”?
Beatriz: Bueno “peña”, si hablamos de la palabra peña en el sentido de fiesta, es una fiesta pública en locales cerrados en donde se toca y se canta.
Joseph: Right, right! So, it’s kind of an interesting concept. A “peña” is a public party, but it’s a closed public party. So, you have to pay to get in, usually with the door fee, it includes a little bit of food and some beer, or something like that, and this is the place where you go to celebrate and to listen to Creole music.
Beatriz: Yes, it’s really cool! La gente disfruta desde sus mesas hasta que el ambiente se pone a punto y se empieza a bailar.
Joseph: Exactly! So, people are at their tables and the ambiance is just kind of building, there’s music and then people start dancing and it turns out it’s just a great party.
Beatriz: Could be until the 6 in the morning.
Joseph: Until 6 in the morning! Okay! And, Bea, what are some of your favorite “peñas” in Lima?
Beatriz: In Lima I love the peñas en Barranco .
Joseph: En Barranco.
Beatriz: Yes!
Joseph: And what are their names?
Beatriz: What are the names? One is Poggi Uno Poggi Dos y las peñas Del Carajo .
Joseph: Del Carajo. Okay! So, there’s a long standing tradition of música criolla in these peñas, right? Bea, who are some of these musicians that our listeners should check out? I know we’ve mentioned some before.
Beatriz: Someone very important representative in this time is Arturo Zambo Cavero.
Joseph: Okay! Arturo Zambo Cavero and Arturo Zambo Cavero is kind of at the heart of Creole music on the Coast. He kind of had a lot of musicians revolving around him and I have to say, when I was living in Barranco, one day I heard all of this noise and I couldn’t figure out what it was, and finally I left my house and went out to the little “plazita” and “Don’t you know? They’re setting up a stage.” And Zambo Cavero, this large, like 300 probably more than 300 pound musician is up on the stage and singing and what was most shocking of all was when he got up and started dancing a little bit.
Beatriz: Así como es el, así de la… del peso que es, se mueve. I mean, y se mueve con ritmo por que aca se dice que bueno todos los negros en el Perú tienen mucho ritmo.
Joseph: Right, right!
Beatriz: Entonces es así. Y bueno estamos hablando un poco de la música… la música un poco más relacionada con la música negra pero también hay cantantes que tienen mucha influencia de la música Andina, siendo música criolla, ¿no? Y también está la marinera...
Joseph: Yes, hablando de la “marinera”, this is a really interesting type of song. It’s very common along the Coast and probably in the highlands a little bit, but probably, like in Arequipa you could probably hear m”marinera”, but definitely in the North. La marinera norteña, es muy conocida
Beatriz: Y la limeña también.
Joseph: La limeña tambien….
Beatriz: Es muy elegante y muy bonita.
Joseph: And they’re different!
Beatriz: They’re different!
Joseph: They’re different! The “marinera limeña es muy sofiticada”, the instruments are a little bit different, and of the things that’s interesting about the “marinera” is that there is an interlude between the two main sections of the song. And in that interlude you get this little refrain, it’s like a little stanza that deled singer a speech, actually, it’s not really sun, you know the music kind of breaks down and then you get this refrain and then they pick up again. And there are a couple of “refranes” that I’ve noted here that I would love to share because you kind of get an idea of the feel of these songs and the language that they use it’s really funny.
Beatriz: Shall we start?
Joseph: Sure, sure! So, the first one come from the song called. Sacachispas. Me han dicho que he dicho un dicho. Y ese dicho no lo he dicho que si ese dicho lo he dicho, no hay dicho como mi dicho. He dicho
Beatriz: ¿Qué ha dicho?
Joseph: Right! All right! And to give a translation of that, it’s like saying “They’ve said that I’ve said a saying and that saying I didn’t say. For if I’ve said that saying there wouldn’t be a saying like my saying.” There! I’ve said it!
Beatriz: What does he say?
Joseph: Alright! And the second one that we have noted here is from a song called “Chiclayanita” is a Northern city in Peru. This one is really great, too! So, here it goes! Cuatro nombres con R tiene mi prenda. Rosa Lía, Rosaura, Rosa, Rosenda; y me voy con la segunda paisano!
Beatriz: Great!
Joseph: Alright! And the translation for that one is “My love has four names with an R. Rosalia or Rosaura or Rosa or Rosenda. And I’m off to the second “paisano.” At the end of this, the word “paisano” really is so typical of these peñas. A “paisano” is, I mean, literally it’s someone from the countryside.
Beatriz: Yes!
Joseph: Right? But, this is like, this is the kind of term that you always hear in a peña , just like you could also hear the word “cholo”.
Beatriz: Yes, like brother, to be, to get familiar with everyone.
Joseph: Exactly! It shows fraternity, right?
Beatriz: Yes!
Joseph: It totally shows fraternity. And you know, “cholo” can be derogatory, also. But in this sentence it wouldn’t be at all.
Beatriz: No!
Joseph: We’ll be sure to put some links on the lesson or in the forum so that you, guys, can really get the sense of what the music is like that’s played in these peñas.
Beatriz: One of the best ways to express is to go on a trip to peña and dance from twelve in the night until six in the morning.
Joseph: That’s right! That’s right! So, definitely, take that trip to Peru, and if you do, make sure to ask us which peñas you should visit before you go.


Joseph: Bea, this has been a lot of fun. Me diverti muchísimo.
Beatriz: Si estuvo muy bueno, buenísimo.
Joseph: Now, be sure to check out Newbie Lesson 20 and the twentieth lesson of the Iberian and Costa Rican Regional Series in order to really get the most out of this network of learning tools.
Beatriz: Also, show us some love and leave a post in today’s lesson.
Joseph: Let us know what’s useful and how we can improve.
Beatriz: Take care! Nos vemos pronto. Bye-bye!
Joseph: Chao!

Dialogue - Peruvian

Dialogue - Standard

