
Vocabulary (Review)

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Joseph: “Rooftops” Bea and Joseph back for another lesson!
Beatriz: Bienvenidos al ciclo de habla peruana.
Joseph: You’re listening to Lesson 19 of the Peruvian Spanish Series, coming to you from Spanishpod101.com
Beatriz: Joseph ¿cómo te va?
Joseph: Me va bien, todo bien. Glad to be back for another lesson, after that last conversation in the Amazon about the imminent downpour.
Beatriz: Yes, that’s right! Today we’re back in Lima.
Joseph: The desert metropolis.
Beatriz: Here, Martin is giving Luisa a tour of his new apartment.
Joseph: Right! And they go up onto the rooftop and take a look out at the sprawling neighborhoods at night.
Beatriz: And remember, this lesson references Newbie Lesson 19. And, Joseph, is there a grammar point that you want to focus on today?
Joseph: Well, actually yes! In Newbie Lesson 19 we learned how to give commands. But I think that we can develop on this some more since there are so many different kinds of commands and since they’re used so often.
Beatriz: ¡Mira tú, buena idea!
Joseph: Imaginate que todos aprendieran a usar el modo imperativo.
Beatriz: Sería bien chevere.
Joseph: Commands like these will be our topic for today.
Beatriz: ¿Podemos pasar a las conversaciones? Can we move on to the conversations?
Joseph: Yes, we can. Sí podemos. So, back in Newbie Lesson 19 Glicerio and Fiorela are in Huaraz, Peru. I’ll let our tour guide, the extraordinaire here, describe this wonderful Indian town. Beatrice, ¿cómo es Huaraz?
Beatriz: Huaraz es un valle verde de cielos azules situada entre las altas cordilleras del Perú.
Joseph: So, Huaraz is a valley situated in between two large mountain ranges.
Beatriz: Yes, you got it.
Joseph: Okay! So, here, Glicerio and Fiorela are talking about the night sky. Let’s listen!
GLICERIO: ¡Mira, Fiorela! La luna está llena.
FIORELA: Es muy brillante.
GLICERIO: Hay muchas estrellas también.
FIORELA: Es verdad. Veo escorpión. ¿Ves?
GLICERIO: ¡Sí, mira la cola!
M3: This time with the translation! Y ahora incluiremos la traducción.
GLICERIO: ¡Mira, Fiorela! La luna está llena.
GLICERIO: “Look, Fiorella! The moon is full!”
FIORELA: Es muy brillante.
FIORELA: “It’s really bright!”
GLICERIO: Hay muchas estrellas también.
GLICERIO: “There are a lot of stars, too.”
FIORELA: Es verdad. Veo escorpión. ¿Ves?
FIORELA: “It’s true. I see Scorpio. Do you see?”
GLICERIO: ¡Sí, mira la cola!
GLICERIO: “Yes, look at the tail.”
Beatriz: Even though this conversation took place in Peru, I wouldn’t call it quote on quote Peruvian. I think, it will be understood in many places.
Joseph: Right, pretty standard Spanish. In the Peruvian adaptation we’re looking at today, the conversation takes place in Lima, in Mira Flores, to be exact, in a new apartment, in a new condominium, overlooking the Pacific Ocean and La Costa Verde de Lima. Let’s listen in!
LUISA: ¡Oye, Martín, qué buen departamento!
MARTIN: ¡Alucina que hasta asotea tiene!
LUISA: No me digas.
MARTIN: ¿Subimos para fumar un cigarillo?
LUISA: Claro. ¿Me invitas uno? Justo se me han acabado.
MARTIN: ¡Pero claro! Aqui tienes.
Joseph: Once again slowly! Una vez más, esta vez lentamente.
LUISA: ¡Oye, Martín, qué buen departamento!
MARTIN: ¡Alucina que hasta asotea tiene!
LUISA: No me digas.
MARTIN: ¿Subimos para fumar un cigarillo?
LUISA: Claro. ¿Me invitas uno? Justo se me han acabado.
MARTIN: ¡Pero claro! Aqui tienes.
Joseph: This time with the translation! Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
LUISA: ¡Oye, Martín, qué buen departamento! “Hey, Martin, what a great apartment!”
MARTIN: ¡Alucina que hasta asotea tiene! “Imagine, it’s even got a rooftop patio.”
LUISA: No me digas. “You don’t say it!”
MARTIN: ¿Subimos para fumar un cigarillo? “Should we go up to smoke a cigarette?”
LUISA: Claro. ¿Me invitas uno? Justo se me han acabado. “Sure! You have one for me? I’ve just run out.”
MARTIN: ¡Pero claro! Aqui tienes. “But of course, here you go!”
Joseph: Bea, we got our work cut out for us today.
Beatriz: Vamos pues.
Joseph: In the first line of Newbie 19 Gliserio gets Fiorella’s attention by saying:
GLICERIO: ¡Mira, Fiorela!
GLICERIO: “Look, Fiorella!”
Joseph: And in our Peruvian conversation today, Luisa says: “¡Oye, Martín!”, “Hey, Martin!”
Beatriz: Los dos son muy parecidos. They are very similar.
Joseph: And what makes them similar?
Beatriz: They're both commands. ¡Mira, Fiorela!
GLICERIO: ¡Mira, Fiorela!
M3: “Look, Fiorella!”
Beatriz: ¡Mira, Fiorela! and “¡Oye, Martín!”, “Hey, Martin!”. ¡Oye, Martín!
Joseph: And in the first it’s Glicerio commanding Fiorella to actually look at the stars or does he just want her to lend him her attention?
Beatriz: Well, a little bit of both. But, I think he really wants her to look up at the sky.
Joseph: Okay! So, when we say “Mira, tengo que decirte algo.” “Look, I’ve got to tell you something.” Now, am I saying “Cast your glands at this.” or is it more like saying “Listen up!”, “Pay attention!”?
Beatriz: It’s more like “Pay attention!”
Joseph: And when we say “¡Oye chochera a los años!”“Hey, buddy, it’s been years!” Here, does “oye” mean “here you and me” or is it more like “Hey!”?
Beatriz: That’s so funny! It’s like “Hey!”, for example, I use the command “oye” when I want to say “Oye, espera” or “Oye mira”.
Joseph: “Oye, espera” “Hey, wait!” or “Oye mira” “Hey, look!” So, just to hear the first comparison one more time, in Newbie 19 we heard:
GLICERIO: ¡Mira, Fiorela!
Joseph: “Look, Fiorella!”
GLICERIO: ¡Mira, Fiorela!
Joseph: And in our Peruvian conversation today Luisa says:
Beatriz: ¡Oye, Martín!”
Joseph: “Hey, Martin!”
Beatriz: ¡Oye, Martín!
Joseph: Cool! The second command that came up in our Peruvian conversation is “alucina”. Martin says “¡Alucina que hasta asotea tiene!” “Imagine, it’s even got a rooftop patio.” This word “alucina”, where does it come from?
Beatriz: From the verb “alucinar”.
Joseph: And that means “to hallucinate”, right?
Beatriz: Right! But here, we’re using it to mean something like “imagine”.
Joseph: Okay! So, we use the word “alucina” when we’re talking about something surprising.
Beatriz: Claro, por ejemplo: Alucina que ayer vi a Michael Jackson.
Joseph: Okay! So, that’s like saying “Imagine, yesterday I saw Michael Jackson!” All right! Now, Luisa’s response to this surprise is interesting, too, because she also uses a command, though this time it’s a negative command.
Beatriz: She says “No me digas.”
Joseph: Right! And literally this means “Don’t tell me!”, but when we translate it figuratively we get “You don’t say!” and this is a really expressive saying. “No me digas.” it’s the kind of thing that you say to someone when you can’t believe what they’re saying.
Beatriz: Claro por ejemplo: De verdad ¿lo viste? No me digas.
Joseph: Right! Like “Seriously? You saw him? “No me digas” “You don’t say! I can’t believe you!”
Beatriz: I don’t believe it! No me digas. Ya llegó el momento de saber como es la Lima de ahora y cuales son las costumbres peruanas.
Joseph: Costumbres y idiosincracias. Customs and idiosyncrasies. Now, in today’s conversation, Martin and Luisa are checking out Martin’s new apartment and he says “¡Alucina que hasta asotea tiene!”. This sounds muy limeño to me.
Beatriz: Yes, you’re right! That’s very “limeño”. “¡Alucina que hasta asotea tiene!” Remember, we can think about “alucina” as “imaginate”.
Joseph: And then we have the clause “que hasta asotea tiene”. Remember that the word “hasta” means “even”. And now we have a new word “asotea”.
Beatriz: La asotea.
Joseph: “The roof” or “the rooftop”. Notice how the verb comes at the end of the sentence here. Phrasing the sentence this way emphasizes the importance of the rooftop to the speaker Martin, que hasta asotea tiene, the rooftops of Lima. Beatrice, let’s get a description. We’re on the top floor of a tenth story condo on the Coast. What does it look like where I am?
Beatriz: Es una terraza acoplada en un techo o es un techo donde se ha acoplado una terraza.
Joseph: A terrace or a patio on top of a roof, on top of a building.
Beatriz: You got it!
Joseph: And what do people in Lima use these rooftops for?
Beatriz: Most of the times they use it to hang clothes.
Joseph: Okay, to hang clothes. What else?
Beatriz: But in the these fancy apartments, you meet a florist and saying to seed or you know it, in new districts of Lima, there are a lot of very nice terraces and you can grill there, you know, see the stars and, yes…
Joseph: Right, right! So, you can kind of enjoy it as an open area without having to leave the building.
Beatriz: That’s right! Yes!
Joseph: Okay! Now, let’s switch it up just a little bit. So, we’re on the top of a tenth story building, and let’s say that it’s daytime now, right? It’s a clear day, could you just describe the panorama for us? Let’s look around 360 degrees and you tell us what we see.
Beatriz: Okay! Viendo al oeste encontraremos al mar Pacífico.
Joseph: Okay! So, looking to the West we find the Pacific Ocean.
Beatriz: Al norte más edificios como este, edificios altos con este atmosfera de Lima.
Joseph: Okay! So, if we look to the North we’re going to find more buildings like this because we’re on the Coast and Mira Flores is a Coastal district, I mean it goes in land a little bit, but it’s really wrapped right around the coast there, so if we look North we’re going to find more buildings just like the one we’re on top of. And now if we look to the East?
Beatriz: Al este en un día despejado se pueden ver estructuras multiformes y de todo tamaño.
Joseph: Okay! So, if we look to the East we’re going to find structures of all shapes and sizes and we say structures because these are going to be houses, buildings, stores, just a complete range, tons of different kinds of buildings.
Beatriz: It’s a mixture, yes! It’s a mixture. Yes!
Joseph: Es una mezcla.
Beatriz: Yes!
Joseph: That’s right! And if we look to the South, Bea, let’s turn around, what do we see now?
Beatriz: Okay! Y si vemos al sur, viendo por ejemplo desde el Mirador de Barranco, ¿no? Por ejemplo viendo al sur en una noche romántica con tu pareja, bien agarraditos de la mano, vemos el distrito de Chorrillos, barrio de casas modernas y antiguas en un puerto pesquero.
Joseph: Qué bonito, qué lindo. So, if we look to the South, either from el Mirador de Barranco which is a famous place to go and look off the coast in Barranco, el Mirador it’s like the lookout, when we look South we’re going to see Chorrillos, which is an old neighborhood on the Coast of Lima and it’s a traditional fishing port also.
Beatriz: Yes, you got it.


Joseph: Alright! This is where we’ll stop for today. Now, remember, this lesson is designed to be used together with Newbie Lesson 19. Beatrice, de nuevo me quedo en deuda por los sentidos ejemplos que hoy nos ofreciste .
Beatriz: No que va, no importa. No que va, a sido un gusto para mi.
Joseph: Para mi también. Y para todos nuestros oyentes muchos saludos.
Beatriz: Que les suave bien.
Joseph: See you.
Beatriz: Nos vemos.
Joseph: Chao!


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Dialogue - Peruvian

Dialogue - Standard

