
Vocabulary (Review)

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Joseph: “How about this heat!” Beatrice, great to be here with you for another show.
Beatriz: Thank you, Joseph! I’ve been looking forward to this one.
Joseph: Yes? Why is that?
Beatriz: Because we’re going to talk about the beach, “la playa”. I’m dreaming about that!
Joseph: Today’s lesson conversation takes place on one of the famous beaches, South of Lima. Aracelli and Kike have been laying in the sun for a while and they get so hot that they need to cool off in the ocean. Also, remember that this lesson references Newbie Lesson 16, so be sure to pick that one up, listen to both, compare, contrast. That’s really how you can get the most out of this Regional Series.
Beatriz: Today’s conversation is so typical for the Coast of Peru.
Joseph: And, Beatrice, why is that?
Beatriz: Porque en el verano hace tanto calor.
Joseph: Right! Because in the summer it gets so hot on the Coast in Peru. You know, that sun can really be deceiving.
Beatriz: What do you mean?
Joseph: Well, especially when you’re at the beach. The air is nice and cool, there’s a sea breeze and even though the sun is really strong, it’s sometimes hard to tell how hot it is. And it’s really easy to get sunburned.
Beatriz: Ay claro. We always feel really bad when people with light skin stay in the sun too long.
Joseph: I’ll tell you, it’s happened to me more than once.
Beatriz: I know that! That’s why you need to make sure you get your “sombrilla”.
Joseph: And a “sombrilla”is a big sun umbrella which people rent for a very reasonable price right on the beach.
Beatriz: Joseph, we’ve got a lot to talk about today. So, let’s move on to today’s conversation.
Joseph: Alright! So, to get us going here, let’s start off by going back to the standard version, the conversation from Newbie Lesson 16. There, we heard the following conversation:
ANGELA: ¡Caramba! ¡Hace calor!
RODRIGO: Sí, ¡hace mucho sol!
ANGELA: La playa está llena.
RODRIGO: Tú estás muy bronceada.
ANGELA: Todos estamos muy bronceados.
Joseph: This time with the translation! Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
ANGELA: ¡Caramba! ¡Hace calor!
ANGELA: “Wow! It’s hot out!”
RODRIGO: Sí, ¡hace mucho sol!
RODRIGO: “Yes, it’s really sunny!”
ANGELA: La playa está llena.
ANGELA: “The beach is full.”
RODRIGO: Tú estás muy bronceada.
RODRIGO: “You’re really tanned.”
ANGELA: Todos estamos muy bronceados.
ANGELA: “We are all really tanned.”
Joseph: Okay! So, that conversation would be understood anywhere you go in the Spanish speaking world. But now, let’s change this up a little bit and hear what this might sound like on one of the beaches South of Lima, Peru.
ARACELI: ¡Asu! ¡Qué tal calor!
QUIQUE: Sí pues, ¡ha salido un solazo! ¿Nos bañamos?
ARACELI: Claro... ¡uh... uh... quema, quema, me quemo los pies!
QUIQUE: Oye, te has puesto como el carbón.
ARACELI: ¡Y tú como el camarón!
Joseph: Once again slowly! Una vez más, esta vez lentamente.
ARACELI: ¡Asu! ¡Qué tal calor!
QUIQUE: Sí pues, ¡ha salido un solazo! ¿Nos bañamos?
ARACELI: Claro... ¡uh... uh... quema, quema, me quemo los pies!
QUIQUE: Oye, te has puesto como el carbón.
ARACELI: ¡Y tú como el camarón!
Joseph: So, it sounds like that beach is pretty hot, huh?
Beatriz: Así es. The sand is usually pretty hot.
Joseph: And there’s nothing more refreshing after you’ve been sitting around on the beach than going and jumping in the ocean, right?
Beatriz: That’s right!
Joseph: Okay! So, to begin, let’s look at the way “It’s hot out.” was constructed in Peruvian Spanish. Beatrice, could you repeat that for us, please?
Beatriz: ¡Qué tal calor!
Joseph: “How about this heat!” Now, in Newbie Lesson 16 it sounded like this:
ANGELA: ¡Caramba! ¡Hace calor!
ANGELA: “Wow, it’s hot out!”
Joseph: Beatrice, we see that the word “calor” comes up in both of these versions. Now, what does “calor” mean?
Beatriz: we can translate it as “heat” or as “hot”.
Joseph: Right! So, in the Spanish we say “hace calor” which literally means “It makes heat.” “Calor” is “heat”. But, in English we tend to say “It’s hot out.” or “It’s hot.” So that’s we can translate “heat” as either “heat” or “hot”, right?
Beatriz: Yes, that’s right!
Joseph: Okay! Now, another expression that we see here in the Peruvian version is “qué tal calor”. Now, this phrase “qué tal”, we’ve seen this before but we’ve seen it as a question, like when you meet someone you can say “¿Qué tal Beatriz?” and in that sense it means “How’s it going?” or “What’s going on?”, right?
Beatriz: Yes! “How are you?”, “How are you doing?”
Joseph: Right! But now, here we’re using it as an exclamation, right? ¡Qué tal calor!. And we translate that as “How about this heat!”, so would you say this is a common phrase?
Beatriz: Yes, “qué tal calor” is very common. People tend to say that when it’s very hot in the summer.
Joseph: Right, right! And we can use this with other words, too. All we need to do is say “qué tal” and then add a noun, right?
Beatriz: That’s right! Yes!
Joseph: So, can you think of an example?
Beatriz: Yes, I think I have it. For example, ¡Qué tal raza!
Joseph: ¿Qué tal raza? So, that’s kind of like “What a person!” or “What a…” I mean, “raza” literally means “race”, but it’s kind of like “Who do they think they are?” or something like that, right?
Beatriz: Yes, I think it’s pretty old expression in Spanish and that expresses when you’re not content with something.
Joseph: I see, I see. Okay! Can you think of another example with “qué tal” as an exclamation?
Beatriz: Yes, of course! ¡Qué tal auto!
Joseph: Right! So, if you’re looking at a really nice car, “qué tal auto” and we could translate that as “How about that car!” or “What a car!” or something like that.
Beatriz: Yes, that’s right!
Joseph: Okay! So, I would just say “qué tal” and then adding a noun to it and this is a way of showing either admiration or in the case with the heat I would say it’s almost a complaint.
Beatriz: And, as you know, it’s really common only to use “qué tal”. You know, you’re going to hear this a lot.
Joseph: Right! So, you can also just use “qué tal” as an exclamation and in that sense, we can even translate it as “How about that!” or something like that, you know, where you’re showing your surprise it’s an exclamation and, Beatrice, do you think there’s a way to distinguish these as formal or informal or could this be used in any situation?
Beatriz: I mean I could say that’s informal way to speak, but this not, I mean, it’s, how to say that…
Joseph: ¿Qué quieres decir?
Beatriz: Se podría pensar que no son formales pero realmente son muy muy cotidianas.
Joseph: So, there isn’t a clear cut distinction whether it’s formal or informal.
Beatriz: Más que formales o informales son cotidianas.
Joseph: Maybe we could say that it depends on what the noun is that you use, right?
Beatriz: Yes!
Joseph: I mean, depending on what you’re talking about. But, “qué tal” as an exclamation in itself can’t really be defined as either formal or informal. It could be used in many situations.
Beatriz: Yeah, podría decirse que es una forma informal pero muy cotidiana y muy, podría decirse educada.
Joseph: Right, right! So, it’s an expression “cotidiana” and “cotidiano, cotidiana” means “everyday” or the literal translation is “quotidian”, but we don’t really use that in English. Very every day, very common.
Beatriz: Simplemente es una forma cotidiana que la usan todas las personas.
Joseph: So, again, the standard way to say “It’s hot out!” is:
ANGELA: ¡Caramba! ¡Hace calor!
ANGELA: “Wow, it’s hot out!”
Joseph: And in Peruvian Spanish it wouldn’t be uncommon to hear:
Beatriz: ¡Qué tal calor!
Joseph: “How about this heat!”
Beatriz: Muy bien.
Joseph: Next we’ll look at the way “Yes, it’s really sunny!” was formed in the Peruvian Spanish version. Beatrice, could you take us back to where we heard that?
Beatriz: Of course! Sí pues, ¡ha salido un solazo!
Joseph: “I know! The sun is really hot!” Now, this isn’t a great translation, but we’ll talk about that in a second. Before we do, let’s remember that in Newbie Lesson 16 it sounded like this:
RODRIGO: Sí, ¡hace mucho sol!
RODRIGO: “Yes, it’s really sunny!”
Joseph: Okay! Beatrice, in the Newbie version, we see the word “sol” and in the Peruvian version we see the word “solazo”. But we translate them both as “sun”. What’s the difference between these two?
Beatriz: Alright! “Solazo” es el aumentativo is a big sun.
Joseph: Right! So, is “aumentativo”, the augmentative. And we looked at this in another lesson where we talked about “bueno” and then it changes to “buenazo”. I think in that lesson we compared it to the superlative “buenisimo”. So, when we’re using the augmentative, we’re increasing the quantity of something. So, when we say “solazo” it’s almost like saying there’s a lot of sun. And in this case, you know, it’s talking about how bright it is out.
Beatriz: Yes! You can say it’s pretty common between young people, quiero decir es muy común entre los jóvenes y podría decirse que es informal.
Joseph: Right! This is more common among young people, los jóvenes, and it’s an informal expression to use the augmentative this way “solazo”. It’s kind of slangy, I would say. Now, going back to our example, we see “ha salido un solazo”. Now that we know what “solazo” is, we can look at the verb “ha salido”. Now this is the Past Perfect of the verb “salir” and we’ll talk about that in a future lesson, but right now I just want to focus on the meaning. “Salir el sol” means “for the sun to come out”. So, if you say “sale el sol” it means “the sun come out”. In this case we say “ha salido” and that means “the sun has come out”. Beatrice, what’s the expression for when the sun comes up in the morning?
Beatriz: La salida del sol.
Joseph: Right! And we might translate that as “sun up” or something like that, but literally it’s like the sun coming out. Okay! And one more expression that came up in this example. “Si pues”. Now we’ve looked at the word “pues” a couple of times, it’s really common in Peru. So in this case, what does “si pues” really mean?
Beatriz: “Sí pues” significa reafirmación.
Joseph: Right! So, it’s a kind of reaffirmation and that’s why we translate it as “I know”. There’s a lot of different ways to translate this, but because Kike is reaffirming what Aracelli said, you know, “It’s really hot out. How about this heat!” and he says “Sí pues, ¡ha salido un solazo! ” “I know! It’s really hot out. It’s so sunny.” So, “sí pues” you can use to show that you already know something. Again, the standard way to say “Yes, it’s really sunny out.” is:
RODRIGO: Sí, ¡hace mucho sol!
RODRIGO: “Yes, it’s really sunny!”
Joseph: And in the Peruvian Spanish version we hear:
Beatriz: Sí pues, ¡ha salido un solazo!
Joseph: “I know! The sun is really hot!”
Beatriz: Muy interesante Joseph.
Joseph: Definitely, Beatrice! Now, let’s make one more comparison. Next we’ll look at the way “You’re really tanned.” was rendered in the Peruvian Spanish version. Beatrice, can you take us back to where that came up?
Beatriz: Oye, te has puesto como el carbón.
Joseph: “Hey, you’ve turned into charcoal.” Now, in Newbie Lesson 16 it sounded like this:
RODRIGO: Tú estás muy bronceada.
RODRIGO: “You’re really tanned.”
Joseph: Beatrice, we’ve got two really different expressions here. Now, this verb “ponerse, te has puesto”, what does this mean in this sentence?
Beatriz: “Ponerse” es como “volverse” cambiar de un estado al otro.
Joseph: That’s a great way to put it! So, to change from one state to another or to transform, in English we can think about this as “to get”, “to turn into”, “to become” and we see the word “el carbón” which is “charcoal”, so “te has puesto como el carbón”, like “You’re as dark as charcoal.”, “You’ve turned into charcoal.”, “You’re so tanned.” Now, can you think of any other examples with “ponerse”?
Beatriz: Como por ejemplo también ponerse rojo o ponerse tan rojo como el camarón.
Joseph: Okay! So, “ponerse rojo” means “to turn red” which we can also think about as “to blush”. So, if we say “él se pone rojo” it’s like saying “He turns red.” or “He blushes.” So, again, “ponerse” signifies this change from one state to another, it’s a becoming. And how about another example, Bea?
Beatriz: Bueno hay una expresión que usaba mucho mi abuela y es decir: No estés tantas horas bajo el sol sino te vas a poner como el fondo de la olla. Pero no creo que sea usado por mucha gente , la verdad.
Joseph: Okay, okay! But that’s such a funny expression that we have to explain it. So, as you’re saying, your grandmother used to have this saying “Don’t stay in the sun for too many hours, because if you do you’ll turn into the bottom side of the pot.” And, you know, basically, it has the same idea that you’re going to just get too dark if you stay under the sun too long. So, just to recap, the standard way to say “You’re really tanned.” is:
RODRIGO: Tú estás muy bronceada.
RODRIGO: “You’re really tanned.”
Joseph: And in the Peruvian Spanish version we heard:
Beatriz: Oye, te has puesto como el carbón.
Joseph: “Hey, you’ve turned into charcoal.” Now, let’s have a look at some of the localisms that we saw in today’s conversation. Beatrice, to start, what can you tell us about the word “asu”?
Beatriz: Bueno la expresión “asu” no significa nada.
Joseph: Right! So, the word “asu” is really just a sound. You know, this isn’t the kind of word that you’re going to find in the dictionary, and it’s not onomatopoeic because it’s not imitating the sound of what’s describing. It’s just sound.
Beatriz: Realmente es una expresión que es implícita para cada peruano.
Joseph: And this sound to every Peruvian is going to indicate either admiration or surprise.
Beatriz: Que expresa admiración sobre algo, ¿no? O expresa sorpresa.
Joseph: So, in the conversation today, Aracelli says “Asu” when she’s talking about the heat. Can you think of another situation in which you would use this interjection?
Beatriz: ¡Asu! ¡Qué tal casa!
Joseph: Right, right! You could say “¡Asu! ¡Qué tal casa!” What a house!” So, “asu” is kind of like “Wow!”
Beatriz: Así es, Joseph! It’s really easy! It’s very colloquial.
Joseph: Alright! Let’s see if I can come up with an example. ¡Asu, qué tal música!
Beatriz: Yes, that sounds good.
Joseph: Okay! And that means “Wow! How about this music!”
Beatriz: Yes!
Joseph: Okay! So, there was another word that came up in the conversation, which we definitely have to talk about and I’m referring to “camarón”. Literally, “camarón” means “shrimp” but it’s often used to talk about getting sunburned, right?
Beatriz: Yes! Por el hecho de que el camarón cuando no está cocida tiene un color neutro, oscuro y cuando lo cocina es un naranja fuertisimo, ¿no?
Joseph: Right, right!
Beatriz: Que refiere pues a cuando te da la bendita insolación allá.
Joseph: So, we use the expression “camarón” because the shrimp has a very neutral color before it’s cooked, and as soon as it receives heat, it turns bright orange or bright red, just like someone with fair skin does when they stay too long in the sun.
Beatriz: Mucho sol.
Joseph: Right!
Beatriz: Rojo.
Joseph: If we’re to think about this in English, I’m pretty sure that we usually say “red like a lobster” instead of like a shrimp. Sure!
Beatriz: It’s funny!
Joseph: Because in English a shrimp refers to someone who’s short, you know, you might say “un chato” or something like that. It refers to a small person. So, in English when we translate this it would probably make a little more sense to use the word “lobster” since we usually associate that red with being sunburned.
Beatriz: That’s interesting, Joseph.


Joseph: Okay, we’ll stop here for today. To further compare what we’ve covered. Check out Newbie Lesson 16. See you soon!
Beatriz: Nos vemos pronto.

Dialogue - Peruvian

Dialogue - Standard

