
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Joseph: “Inka Cola goes with everything!” Bienvenidos. Welcome to Spanishpod101.com! My name is Joseph and I’m joined here by Beatriz. ¿Qué tal Beatriz?
Beatriz: Todo bien, gracias Joseph.
Joseph: In our last Peruvian lesson we looked at some expressions related to food.
Beatriz: La comida.
Joseph: And we learned about the delicious Peruvian dish, Seco de Res. Be sure to compare today’s lesson with Newbie Lesson 10 for a deeper understanding of the content that we’re going to cover. And also, keep your eyes open for an Iberian lesson that references Newbie Lesson 10 as well. In today’s lesson, we’re going to continue with the topic of food. We’ll look at some more expressions related to hunger and we’ll also learn about some more of the delicacies of Peruvian cuisine. So, to begin, let’s go back to Newbie Lesson 10, where we heard the following conversation:
Renzo: ¡Lucía, me muero de hambre!
Lucía: Yo también tengo mucha hambre, Renzo.
Renzo: ¿Qué quieres comer tú?
Lucía: Yo quiero comer carne.
Renzo: Con la carne quiero tomar un vino tinto.
Lucía: Yo tengo un Malbec.
Renzo: This time, with the translation! Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
Renzo: ¡Lucía, me muero de hambre!
Renzo: “Lucia, I’m starving!”
Lucía: Yo también tengo mucha hambre, Renzo.
Lucía: “I am really hungry, too, Renzo!”
Renzo: ¿Qué quieres comer tú?
Renzo: “What do you want to eat?”
Lucía: Yo quiero comer carne.
Lucía: “I want to eat meat!”
Renzo: Con la carne quiero tomar un vino tinto.
Renzo: “With the meat I want to drink red wine.”
Lucía: Yo tengo un Malbec.
Lucía: “I have a Malbec.”
Joseph: Now, this version would be understood anywhere you go in the Spanish speaking world. But, let’s hear what that might sound like in Peruvian Spanish.
Luis: ¡Gabi, me muero de hambre!
Gabriela: Bueno, Luchito, ya somos dos.
Luis: ¿Qué te provoca?
Gabriela: Me provoca un tiradito de lenguado.
Luis: ¡Qué rico! ¡Lenguado! ¡Es buenazo! ¿Lo acompañamos con una Inka Kola?
Gabriela: ¡Claro, la Inka Kola con todo combina!
Luis: Once again, slowly! Una vez más, esta vez lentamente.
Luis: ¡Gabi, me muero de hambre!
Gabriela: Bueno, Luchito, ya somos dos.
Luis: ¿Qué te provoca?
Gabriela: Me provoca un tiradito de lenguado.
Luis: ¡Qué rico! ¡Lenguado! ¡Es buenazo! ¿Lo acompañamos con una Inka Kola?
Gabriela: ¡Claro, la Inka Kola con todo combina!
Joseph: So, you can see that there are some big differences between the two conversations. To begin, let’s look at the way the question “What do you want to eat?” was rendered in Peruvian Spanish. Beatrice, could you repeat that for us, please?
Beatriz: ¿Qué te provoca?
Joseph: “What are you in the mood for?” Now, in Newbie Lesson 10, this is what we hearLucía:
Renzo: ¿Qué quieres comer tú?
Joseph: Beatrice, those two questions sound quite a bit different, no?
Beatriz: Claro, son formas diferentes de hacer la misma pregunta. La pregunta de la versión peruana me parece un poco más indirecta.
Joseph: Yes, I can see that! As you say, the question from the Peruvian version does seem a little more indirect. So, the question “¿Qué te provoca?” literally means “What provokes you?”, but we can’t really translate it that way.
Beatriz: No, no se puede. Más bien es como decir “¿Qué te apetece?”
Joseph: That’s a good way to look at it! So, the question “¿Qué te provoca?” is like asking “Qué te apetece?” which means “What do you find appetizing?” or “What do you feel like?”
Beatriz: Asíe s Joseph. Además mencionamos que esa pregunta no es propiamente peruana pero si es bastante común en el Perú.
Joseph: That’s good to know! So, we should also mention that this question is not strictly Peruvian, yet it’s very common in Peru. So, again, the standard way to ask “What do you want to eat?” is:
Renzo: ¿Qué quieres comer tú?
Joseph: And in Peruvian Spanish, we often hear:
Beatriz: ¿Qué te provoca?
Joseph: “What are you in the mood for?” Now, Beatrice, there was another word in the Peruvian version which I think we should talk about. I’m thinking of “buenazo”.
Beatriz: Buenazo
Joseph: Yes, that’s the one! “Buenazo” So, what kind of word is this?
Beatriz: Es un adjetivo aumentativo formado por el adjetivo “bueno” más el sufijo aumentativo “azo”.
Joseph: I see! So, it’s an augmentative adjective formed with the adjective “bueno” which means “good” and the suffix “azo” spelled a-z-o. Now, Beatrice, I think we’re pretty clear on what an adjective is. But, what exactly do you mean by augmentative?
Beatriz: Bueno, se dice aumentativo del sufijo que aumenta la magnitud del significado del vocablo al que se une. De “bueno” “buenazo”.
Joseph: There we go! So, when you say augmentative, you’re referring to the suffix which increases the magnitude of the meaning of the word to which it’s joined. So, we have the regular adjective, “bueno”, which means “good”, and then the augmentative “buenazo” which is like “great” or “excellent”, or something like that.
Beatriz: En el Perú, mucha veces, preferimos el adjetivo aumentativo “buenazo” al superlativo “buenisimo”.
Joseph: I see! That’s another good point! So, in Peru, the augmentative adjective “buenazo” is often given preference over the superlative “buenisimo”.
Beatriz: Y bueno tendría que decir otra cosa también, que en el Perú son los jóvenes los que prefieren la palabra buenazo a la palabra buenisimo.
Joseph: And, as you say, this often happens more among young people than it would among older people. And, Beatrice, do you think that this happens in other Spanish speaking countries as well?
Beatriz: Bueno no me estrañaria.
Joseph: Yes, I’m with you in that! I wouldn’t be surprised, either! And we should also mention that being an adjective, even though it’s augmentative or superlative, they’re going to show gender and number, as well. So, we can say “buenazo” or “buenazos” or “buenaza” or “buenazas” just like we would with the superlative “buenisimo, benisima, buenisimos, buenisimas”. Well, that was really interesting, Beatrice! Now, let’s switch gears a bit and look at some localisms that came up in today’s conversation! To begin, we’ll look at the expression “Tiradito de lenguado”. Beatrice, would you take us back to where this came up in the Peruvian Spanish conversation?
Beatriz: Me provoca un tiradito de lenguado.
Joseph: “I’m in the mood for toast flounder.” Let’s start with the word “lenguado”. We see that it means “flounder”, as in the name of the fish. So, Beatrice, is “flounder” a popular fish to eat in Peru or is it something that you eat when there’s nothing else around?
Beatriz: Ah no, todo lo contrario, el lenguado es uno de los más preciados pescados en el Perú y por lo tanto uno de los más caros también.
Joseph: So, as you say, “lenguado” or “flounder” is a very appreciated fish in Peru and also one of the most expensive.
Beatriz: A mí me encanta, es suavecito, es de carne blanca, blanda, muy jugoso…
Joseph: It’s a really mild, white fish, it’s full of juice, it’s a great fish to eat.
Beatriz: Y no se… la carne es perfecta.
Joseph: Sí, parece que te gusta mucho.
Beatriz: Bueno sí me gusta, así como otros también.
Joseph: I really enjoy it, too. And one of my favorite ways to eat it is in a tiradito.
Beatriz: ¡Pucha! Ya tengo ganas de comer lenguado.
Joseph: So, now you’re in the mood to eat flounder. Well, can we wait until we’re done with this lesson?
Beatriz: Claro.
Joseph: Okay! So, Beatrice, why don’t you tell us what “tiradito” is?
Beatriz: Bueno un “tiradito” en un plato de pescado como el lenguado, cortado en trozos delgados, mezclado con jugo de limón, ají amarillo licuado, sal , aceite, apio y ajos.
Joseph: Great! So, “un tiradito de lenguado” which we translated it as “toast flounder” is a dish made of fish like flounder, cut into thin pieces, mixed with lime juice, blended with yellow chili, salt, oil, garlic and sometimes solely. Now, of course there’re a lot of different recipes for this dish, but these ingredients are the basics for most of them.
Beatriz: Claro, lo interesante de este plato es que no se cocina el pescado ya que basta el limón. Solamente se masera.
Joseph: That’s right! In this dish, the fish really doesn’t get cooked, but by adding the lime juice it gets cured, which adds a great texture. And of course, you've got to use really fresh fish in order to make it. Now, Beatrice, if we can just go back to the Peruvian conversation one more time, I’d like to talk about the beverage that Luis and Gabriela have with their lunch.
Beatriz: La Inca Kola.
Joseph: Inca Kola. That’s right! So, what can you tell us about “Inca Kola”?
Beatriz: Es el sabor nacional del Perú.
Joseph: That’s right! That’s one of the slogans, too. The national flavor of Peru!
Beatriz: Claro, es una gaseosa de color amarillo brillante que originalmente tuvo el sabor de la hierba luisa.
Joseph: I see! So, it’s a yellow colored soda that originally had the flavor of lemongrass.
Beatriz: Así es, en 1999 la empresa Coca Cola lo adquirió pero todavía se produce en el Perú y sigue siendo riquísimo.
Joseph: So, in 1999, Inka Cola was taken over by the Coca Cola company, and as you say, it’s still delicious. Beatrice, that saying “La Inca Cola con todo combina”, “Inka Cola goes with everything!” What’s that all about?
Beatriz: Bueno, salió de una publicidad y se pegó a la conciencia cultural del peruano.
Joseph: I got it! So, originally, it came from a commercial “La Inca Kola con todo combina”, but it kind of stuck in the Peruvian cultural consciousness, no?
Beatriz: Así es. Es muy gracioso. Es como que cada persona sabe lo que significa la Inca Kola y cual es el ritual que la acompaña a todo eso. La Inca Kola se acompaña con un buen chifa o con un buen ceviche al lado del mar, consuensito.
Joseph: So, Inka Cola goes with everything! I mean you can eat with Chinese food, you can eat it with seafood on the beach and that’s kind of why the slogan has stuck so strong in Peruvian culture. “La Inca Kola con todo combina”. It goes with everything!


Joseph: Well, this would conclude today’s lesson! Don’t forget to reference this lesson with Newbie Lesson 10. See you again tomorrow.
Beatriz: Ya nos vemos.

Dialogue - Peruvian

Dialogue - Standard

