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Megan: ¡Bienvenidos a Spanishpod101.com!
David: ¡Buenos días! Me llamo David.
Megan: And I’m Megan. Iberian Spanish Series, Lesson 9 - “¡A ponernos morados!”, “Let’s pig out!”. Last time we looked at some diminutives and exaggerations. Today we’re going to delve into the world of food, restaurants and eating.
David: Today’s lesson references Newbie Lesson 9 – “I’m hungry”, so be sure to check that out on our website.
Megan: Also in this lesson we’ll look at a special Iberian pronunciation of the soft “C” and “Z” and the suffix “on”. To start out, let’s go back to Newbie Lesson 9 where we heard the following conversation:
MARÍA: ¡Tengo hambre!
HÉCTOR: Sí, yo también. Quiero almorzar.
ALEJANDRO: ¡Qué bueno! Para el almuerzo, tenemos curanto.
MARÍA: ¡Qué rico es el curanto!
HÉCTOR: ¡Tengo ganas de comer!
David: This time with the translation. Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
MARÍA: ¡Tengo hambre!
Megan: “I’m hungry.”
HÉCTOR: Sí, yo también. Quiero almorzar.
David: “Yes, me too. I want to have lunch.”
ALEJANDRO: ¡Qué bueno! Para el almuerzo, tenemos curanto.
David: “Great! For lunch we have ‘curanto’.”
MARÍA: ¡Qué rico es el curanto!
Megan: “How delicious ‘curanto’ is!”
HÉCTOR: ¡Tengo ganas de comer!
David: “I feel like eating.”
Megan: Now let’s hear what that sounds like in Iberian Spanish:
Megan: ¡Ay, qué hambre tengo!
David: Pues fíjate, hay cocido completo en el menú del día.
Megan: Mmm, ¡y el cocido es una pasada aquí!
David: Venga, ¡a ponernos morados!
Megan: Menudos comilones que estamos hechos.
David: Once again, slowly. Una vez más, esta vez lentamente.
Megan: ¡Ay, qué hambre tengo!
David: Pues fíjate, hay cocido completo en el menú del día.
Megan: Mmm, ¡y el cocido es una pasada aquí!
David: Venga, ¡a ponernos morados!
Megan: Menudos comilones que estamos hechos.
Megan: So, this week’s conversation really does sound like a typical conversation that people might have when sitting down to lunch and deciding what to eat, don’t you think?
David: But how do you know it’s lunch time?
Megan: Ah, claro... Because in the dialogue they say “cocido completo” is on the “menú del día”, the menu of the day. And there’s a law in Spain that every restaurant has to offer an affordable fixed price menu, three course menu for lunch, and have several options.
David: Right, right! And something else that’s differing in Madrid from the Newbie dialogue is that we don’t use the words “almorzar” or “almuerzo” for lunch.
David: Quiero almorzar.
David: In Madrid, instead the midday meal is called “comida”.
Megan: “Comida” is also a general word that means “food” or “meal” in general. Lunch is the biggest meal of the day here in Madrid, by far, and most people get at least two hours off at the middle of the day. And what about the “cocido”?
David: “Cocido madrileño” is one of my favorite dishes. It’s a very, very traditional Madrid stew with broth, “garbanzos”, carrots, cabbage, “fideos”.
Megan: “Fideos” are little noodles.
David: Yes, and “chorizo”, “morcilla”. “Morcilla” is this blood sausage, chicken, “pollo”, “jamón”, ham. It’s served in several courses. “Cocido completo” means you get a bit of everything.
Megan: I really do love “cocido”, too. But it’s a huge feast which explains why in the conversation they talk about pigging out. I think “curanto” from the Newbie dialogue must be something similar. Now, I want to try that one, too. Okay! Let’s get into a few items about pronunciation. First off, I don’t think we’ve really delved enough into what is probably the most obvious phonetic difference between Latin American and Iberian pronunciation and that’s the different pronunciation of the soft C, “la C”, and the “Z”, the Z. In Latin America, “cocido” or c-o-c-i-d-o would be pronounced “cosido”. Can you say it for us, David?
David: Yes, here in Madrid it’s pronounced “cocido”, “co-ci-do”.
Megan: So, the second “C” is pronounced with a “th” sound that sort of like that the one we have in the word “thing” in English. “Cocido”. Your tongue goes in between your teeth and you blow, “th”. Can you give us a few other examples of words like this?
David: Sure! For example, “cinturón”.
Megan: “A belt.”
David: “Cebra”.
Megan: “A zebra.”
David: “Zapato”.
Megan: “A shoe.”
David: “Zona”.
Megan: “Zone.” Great! And the word “almuerzo” from the Newbie dialogue:
Megan: “Almuerzo”.
David: Yes, like I said, we don’t really use this word for the midday meal, but I would pronounce it “almuerzo”, “al-muer-zo”.
Megan: Now, some people call the Iberian with pronouncing the soft “C” and “Zs” a lisp, but it’s really not, because in the standard pronunciation, Iberian pronunciation that is, the “S” is still pronounced as “s”, as a regular “S.”
David: Yes! ¡Sí!
Megan: But we should probably also mention that, as always, there’s a lot of variation within Spain itself, and you could go to some regions and hear people pronounce the “C” and the “Z” and the “S” all the same with a “s” sound that you could also hear in Latin America.
David: Yes, this is typical of parts of Andalucia mainly. And you can even find another variation, which is to pronounce all of them as “z” which is typical of the area around Málaga and Cádiz, in Southern Andalucia.
Megan: And you just said Cádiz. In this time the “TH” sound at the end of that word is a “Z”, not a “D” as in Madrid.
David: Right! In Madrid we pronounce the “D” as the “Z”, the same, when they are the end of the word. Cádiz and Madrid.
Megan: One other thing. In words like “morados”, there’s a real tendency to relax the “D” when it’s between an “A” and an “O.” I’m talking about the ending “ado” turning into “ao”. Can you say it for us?
David: Yes, and that’s true. You know, we should say something like “morados”, but it gets relaxed in some way like “moraos”. This is pretty common, especially when people are speaking fast.
Megan: And there’re just a few localisms in this conversation, like “ponerse morado”, for example, which literally means “to make yourself purple”, but in reality it means “to pig out” or “to eat or drink way too much”.
David: Yes. “¡A ponernos morados!”, “Let’s pig out!” This is pretty informal.
Megan: And what about “El cocido es una pasada aquí”, “The ‘cocido’ is amazing here”? Which compares to:
Megan: ¡Qué rico es el curanto!
Megan: Is this a common expression?
David: It’s slang, but pretty common, don’t you think so, Megan?
Megan: Yes, I think I’ve heard it quite a bit. But can’t a “pasada” also be something negative?
David: Yes, that’s true. “Qué pasada” can mean that something is just over the top in a bad way.
Megan: Right, kind of like “qué pasada”, the “menú del día” costs 20 Euros there.
David: Exactly!
Megan: And what about “menudos comilones”? That means “what a bunch of big eaters” or “what a bunch of gluttons we are”. “Comilón” comes from the verb “comer”, “to eat”, doesn’t it?
David: Yes, with the suffix “ilón” added to the end. When you see “on”, this termination at the end of a word, you know it means something kind of big or exaggerated.
Megan: So, it’s sort of the opposite of the diminutives that we saw “illo” or “ito” like in “cañita” or “tirandillo”. Can you give us another example of a word like “comilón”?
David: Of course! For example, “dormilón”, comes from the verb “dormir”, which means “to sleep”.
Megan: And a “dormilón” is a sleepy head. And what about the word “menudo”?
David: “Menudos comilones”, “menudos” just exaggerates this even more.
Megan: Hyperbole is really big in Spanish, I think we’ve already mentioned that. One last thing, there’re two interjections in this dialogue: “fíjate” and “venga”. “Fíjate” is from the verb “fijarse” which means “to take notice” or “to pay attention”.
David: Right! And “fíjate” just means “Hey, look!”
Megan: And what about “venga”? That’s another command which comes from the verb “venir”, “to come”.
David: Yes, that’s another interjection, something like “¡hombre!” that we saw before. That doesn’t mean “mate” literally.
Megan: It’s just a way of saying “All right! Woohoo! It’s time to pig out!”, but “venga” is also sometimes a subtle hint that it’s time to say goodbye, isn’t it?
David: Yes, that’s right! “Venga, pues nada”, something like “Okay!”
Megan: Which is “madrileño” and it means “It’s time to go!”, “Venga, pues nada”.
David: ¡Nos vemos! See you! ¡Venga!


David: Okay! And that’s it for today’s lesson.
Megan: See you soon!
David: ¡Nos vemos pronto!

Dialogue - Iberian

Dialogue - Standard

