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Megan: ¡Bienvenidos a Spanishpod101.com!
David: ¡Buenos días! Soy David.
Megan: And I’m Megan. Iberian Spanish Series Lesson 33.
David: “¿Qué tal la enfermilla?”
Megan: “How’s the sickie doing?”
Well, our poor “enferma” is still sick, kind of somebody else I know.
David: Yeah. I’m still a bit bad.
Megan: Yes. ¡Estás fatal! ¡Suenas fatal!
David: Well, you know ...
Megan: You have a voice like Ricardo Montalbán or somebody like that.
David: Well, you know, it’s just finally I ...
Megan: Yeah. You had to get sick in order. It’s impressive. Well, before I forget, this lesson we’re going to have this week references Newbie Lesson 33 where they’re having their own major health issues over there, so be sure to check that and the other regional lessons on our website to see all the different ways that things can go wrong.
Megan: Okay. Well here we go! Let’s go back to Newbie Lesson 33 where we hear the following conversation:
LUCÍA: Gabriel, ¿cómo vas con la molestia?
GABRIEL: La verdad que no ha mejorado y me siento peor.
LUCÍA: ¿En serio? ¡Ay, pobrecito! Tienes que ir a la farmacia.
GABRIEL: ¿Sabes dónde queda la farmacia más cercana?
LUCÍA: Sí, sé. ¿Te acompaño?
GABRIEL: Ah, gracias, Lucía, mejor.
M3: And now, with the translation. Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
LUCÍA: Gabriel, ¿cómo vas con la molestia?
F3: “Gabriel, how are you doing with your discomfort?”
GABRIEL: La verdad que no ha mejorado y me siento peor.
M4: “Well the truth is it hasn’t gotten better. I feel worse.”
LUCÍA: ¿En serio? ¡Ay, pobrecito! Tienes que ir a la farmacia.
F3: “Seriously? You poor little thing. You’ve got to go to the pharmacy.”
GABRIEL: ¿Sabes dónde queda la farmacia más cercana?
M4: “Do you know where the nearest pharmacy is?”
LUCÍA: Sí, sé. ¿Te acompaño?
F3: “Yeah, I do. Should I go with you?”
GABRIEL: Ah, gracias, Lucía, mejor.
M4: “Oh Lucia, thanks. That would be better.”
Megan: And now let’s hear how we can say that in Iberian Spanish. Here we go.
David: ¿Qué tal la enfermilla?
Megan: Fatal. El médico me ha dicho que estoy deshidratada de tanto vomitar.
David: ¡Ay, pobrecita! ¿Te ha dado algo?
Megan: Una receta para un suero de esos. ¿Te importa bajar a la farmacia y comprármelo?
David: Para nada, ahora voy. ¿Quieres algo más?
Megan: No, gracias. Con eso me apaño.
David: And now, slower. Una vez más, esta vez lentamente.
David: ¿Qué tal la enfermilla?
Megan: Fatal. El médico me ha dicho que estoy deshidratada de tanto vomitar.
David: ¡Ay, pobrecita! ¿Te ha dado algo?
Megan: Una receta para un suero de esos. ¿Te importa bajar a la farmacia y comprármelo?
David: Para nada, ahora voy. ¿Quieres algo más?
Megan: No, gracias. Con eso me apaño.
David: And now, with the translation. Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
David: “¿Qué tal la enfermilla?” - “How is the sickie doing?”
Megan: “Fatal. El médico me ha dicho que estoy deshidratada de tanto vomitar.” - “Horrible. My doctor said I’m dehydrated from vomiting so much.”
David: “¡Ay, pobrecita! ¿Te ha dado algo?” - “Poor thing. Did he give you anything?”
Megan: “Una receta para un suero de esos. ¿Te importa bajar a la farmacia y comprármelo?” - “A prescription for one those electrolyte drink things. Would you mind going to the drug store to buy it for me?”
David: “Para nada, ahora voy. ¿Quieres algo más?” - “Not at all. I’ll go right now. Do you want anything else?”
Megan: “No, gracias. Con eso me apaño.” - “No, thanks. I can get by with just that.”
Megan: ¡Suero! That’s the doctor, Spanish doctor’s solution to everything.
David: Really, do you think so?
Megan: Definitively. It seems like no matter what you go to the doctor for, they’ll send you to the “farmacia” to get some kind of “suero” which I guess it literally translates as a “serum”? But it can be anything from saline solution, “suero fisiológico” or something like that.
David: Right.
Megan: To Gatorade or Pedialyte which is like a serum you get for your stomach like the one our poor dehydrated “enfermilla” has to take. Now, what about you? You’re sick. Tell me! The doctor told you to take “suero” didn’t here?
David: Right.
Megan: I knew it!
David: Yes, I had to wash my mouth with “suero”.
Megan: When I had sinusitis, sinus infection, I had to do “ducha en la sal”.
David: Right.
Megan: Which is like the most painful thing, you just like take this apparatus and squirt the saline solution up into your sinus and they burn, burn, burn.
David: Right.
Megan: And you – there’s an expression about that, right? About how you need to experience pain in order to get better?
David: Yes. Something like “si duele” or “si escuece es que está curando”.
Megan: Yeah. “If it’s itchy or painful it’s getting better.” Which I think it’s the theory because I think it seems like just this “suero” obsession is just to make you suffer but it works.
David: Yeah, very much.
Megan: I’m a believer right now. Okay, in this week’s lesson there are a bunch of pronunciation things that I wanted to look at that have to do with the combining of sounds and words that are next to each other. One is in the expression “algo de esos” in this case “un suero de esos” and can you pronounce that for us?
David: Yeah. “Un suero de esos”.
Megan: So when you pronounce “de esos” you say “desos”.
David: Yes.
Megan: And it’s sort of like an extended “e” sound it as “desos”.
David: Right. It makes it like just one word.
Megan: And other one, another expression in the dialogue that gets kind of compressed like that is “para nada”. Can you say the different ways...
David: Yeah.
Megan: ...on how you can say that?
David: You know, it’s very, very common to hear that “para” turns into “pa”. It’s “para nada”, “pa nada”.
Megan: And “nada” can turn into “na”.
David: Yeah. If you talk very, very relaxed -
Megan: “Pa na…”
David: “Pa na…”
Megan: Yeah.
David: This is not the very formal.
Megan: Yeah.
David: You can’t say this speaking with – in a formal situation.
Megan: “Pa na…”
David: “Pa na…” I’m sure you have something like that in Cádiz.
Megan: In Cádiz when I was down there.
David: In South of Spain.
Megan: Like the town Granada, you hear “Graná”.
David: “Graná”.
Megan: And here there’s one more where we have “ahora voy” and this is a word that I think also gets compressed, don’t you think?
David: Well, maybe sometimes if you are in a very relaxed situation, if you’re talking to someone who speaks in a very relaxed way, maybe you can hear something like “ara voy”.
Megan: “Ara voy”. Yeah.
David: That “o” gets eaten.
Megan: Because instead of “ahora” you say “ara”.
David: “Ara voy”.
Megan: “Ara voy”. And let’s compare the Newbie Lesson a little bit to our Iberian version. Where they say:
LUCíA: Gabriel, ¿cómo vas con la molestia?
Megan: “¿Cómo vas con la molestia?” And we say “¿Qué tal la enfermilla?”, basically they’re saying the same thing. Would you say “cómo vas con la molestia?”?
David: No. I never said this.
Megan: I never heard that. It sounds really ...
David: No.
Megan: Sounds funny.
David: Yeah. You know, I’m thinking about this and I would say something like “¿Cómo vas con lo tuyo?”
Megan: “Con lo tuyo”, with your thing.
David: Yeah.
Megan: You’re right. Okay.
David: But not this way.
Megan: And what about “¿Qué tal la enfermilla?”? Here we have the use of the diminutive “illa” which in Madrid particularly I can’t say the rest of Spain, I think “illa” even if it’s a regular diminutive it kind of add some sort of ironic or funny tone to the word, doesn’t it?
David: Yeah. You know, you can – you will always have to see what is the intention of the people saying that, but it gives a funny in a lovely or a nicer way to say something.
Megan: It could be mean too though, couldn’t it? In a different context to say “enfermilla” one thing is sometimes that the suffix “illo” can make something not nice.
David: When you are talking about “tú eres un listillo”, you are not saying “You’re not very clever”.
Megan: No.
David: Nicely.
Megan: Saying “Mister smarty pants” but it’s very sarcastic.
David: Right.
Megan: It’s mean to say it to somebody.
David: Right. Sometimes they say that diminutive gives this nuance of this ironic means.
Megan: Yeah and so somebody saying that you’re “Listillo” and you say “Oh, thank you”. No, they’re insulting you.
David: Right.
Megan: If you’re “listo” maybe it can go either way, you never know.
David: Well, sometimes you can say “Tú eres un listo”.
Megan: “Tú eres…”, yeah. And that can also be -
David: That means “What do you think? You think you’re better than me?” and you know -
Megan: It’s true.
David: - can’t avoid this question.
Megan: Okay and we have another diminutive which is “pobrecita” or you can say “pobrecilla”.
David: Right.
Megan: And that’s just a way of saying “you poor little thing” or ...
David: Yeah. In these occasion “pobrecita” really has this meaning for something nice to that person.
Megan: Yeah, that you feel bad and it’s even nicer than saying “pobre”.
David: Right.
Megan: It sounds nicer, like you care more. And there’s one another thing I wanted to look at which is the expression “de tanto vomitar”, which is “de tanto” plus the infinitive, which is a construction that means, in English we use the Gerund “from vomiting” instead of “de tanto vomitar” we’d say “from vomiting” and that’s just another way of saying it, so you can’t use the Gerund in cases like that, right?
David: Right. All right, I think we should talk about another expression which is “¿Te importa?”, we find the expression “¿Te importa bajar a la farmacia?” which we have translated it as “Would you mind going to the drugstore?” You know, this is our way of doing some kind of ...
Megan: Kind of indirect way of commanding somebody.
David: Yeah.
Megan: But it’s very, very polite, isn’t it?
David: I would say it’s a…
Megan: Manipulating?
David: “Chantaje sentimental”.
Megan: Ah, “emotional blackmail”.
David: Right.
Megan: It is, because it seems very nice, but it’s actually very difficult to say “no” when someone says ...
David: Right.
Megan: “¿Te importa?”.
David: “¿Te importa?”, “Would you?”
Megan: Yes.
David: Would you say ...
Megan: Because “te importa” means “Do you mind” or “Does it matter to you” and if you say “yes”, you sound like a jerk.
David: Yeah.
Megan: So, it’s very hard.
David: “Sí, me importa”. Yeah, it’s a very ...
Megan: “Chantaje”.
David: “Chantaje emocional”.
Megan: “Chantaje emocional”, “Emotional blackmail” says David. He states a very strong opinion about this.
Megan: Okay and just moving onto some tiny localisms that we have here, actually I’m not even sure this is a localism but it’s an informal way of speaking and we already mentioned it in the pronunciation part, “un suero de esos”, it’s kind of a common way of talking about something this kind of vague, I don’t know, like “de esos”.
David: Yeah. It’s like you are not giving too much importance to that thing, so you could say “traéme un suero”, which means ...
Megan: “Bring me one of those ‘sueros’”. Saline solution.
David: When you say “de esos” when you have these final words you are just like being a bit… como...
Megan: Kind of lazy, right? Like “Ah, one of those thing”. I think of how us in English call it “Oh, bring me that thingy over there”.
David: Yeah, something like you don’t want to be despective or not giving my importance to you.
Megan: Right, you’re trying to take away the importance from whatever the thing is – trivialized! That’s the word I’m looking for: Trivialized. So, in here you’ll hear it all the time, “un perro de esos” it’s like just “ah, cualquiera” or something like that, “cualquiera”, and then we have the expression “apañarse” which I’m almost positive that they don’t use it the same way in Latin America, which means just kind of “to get by”, “to be the minimum” or to be able to – but how would you explain what “apañarse” means?
David: In this case, “con eso me apaño”, that means “that would be enough for me”. I wouldn’t need anything else. But if you say to someone “apáñate con esto” you’re saying “here, you have this. I won’t give you anymore”.
Megan: That’s it, that’s all you’re getting. “Apáñate” means you have to go by just on this and your own merits.
David: And don’t ask for anything else, because I won’t give it to you.
Megan: It has something to do with somehow being self-reliant or, you know, “yo me apaño”, it means “I’ll get by”.
David: Yeah, so I think it’s time.


Megan: See you soon!
David: ¡Hasta la próxima!


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