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Megan: ¡Bienvenidos a Spanishpod101.com!
David: ¡Buenos días! Soy David.
Megan: And I’m Megan. Iberian Spanish Series Lesson 32.
David: “Me duele la tripa”.
Megan: “My stomach hurts”. This week we go from the thrilling romantic conclusion of our “culebrón” to the depths of major stomach distress here, in our dialogue this week.
David: It is the same couple?
Megan: I don’t think so, we can’t just say it is. But before I forget, this lesson references Newbie Lesson 32 where they’re also having their own stomach problems, so be sure to check that out on our website.
Megan: Okay, here we go. Back to Newbie Lesson 32, where “pobre Gabriel” is having a very hard time of it.
GABRIEL: No me siento bien, Lucía.
LUCÍA: ¿Qué tienes?
GABRIEL: Me duele el estómago.
LUCÍA: ¿Qué has comido?
GABRIEL: Nada fuera de lo normal. Espero que no sea una enfermedad grave.
LUCÍA: ¡Olvídate! ¿Te preparo una manzanilla?
M3: And now, with the translation. Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
GABRIEL: No me siento bien, Lucía.
M4: “I don’t feel so good, Lucia.”
LUCÍA: ¿Qué tienes?
F3: “What’s wrong?”
GABRIEL: Me duele el estómago.
M4: “My stomach hurts.”
LUCÍA: ¿Qué has comido?
F3: “What have you eaten?”
GABRIEL: Nada fuera de lo normal. Espero que no sea una enfermedad grave.
M4: “Nothing outside the ordinary. I hope it’s not a serious illness.”
LUCÍA: ¡Olvídate! ¿Te preparo una manzanilla?
F3: “Forget about it. Can I make some camel milk tea for you?”
Megan: And now let’s hear how can you say that in Iberian Spanish. Here we go.
Megan: ¡Estoy malita!
David: Seguro que tienes resaca.
Megan: No creo, no bebí tanto.
David: Es verdad. ¿A que comiste la tortilla en la barra? No tenía buena pinta.
Megan: ¡Uy! Mejor no hablar de eso… Estoy mareada y me duele la tripa un montón.
David: ¡Uy, uy, uy! ¿No estarás embarazada?
M3: And now, slower. Una vez más, esta vez lentamente.
Megan: ¡Estoy malita!
David: Seguro que tienes resaca.
Megan: No creo, no bebí tanto.
David: Es verdad. ¿A que comiste la tortilla en la barra? No tenía buena pinta.
Megan: ¡Uy! Mejor no hablar de eso… Estoy mareada y me duele la tripa un montón.
David: ¡Uy, uy, uy! ¿No estarás embarazada?
M3: And now, with the translation. Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
Megan: “ ¡Estoy malita!” - “I’m sick.”
David: “Seguro que tienes resaca.” - “I bet you’re hangover.”
Megan: “No creo, no bebí tanto.” - “I don’t think so. I didn’t drink that much.”
David: “Es verdad. ¿A que comiste la tortilla en la barra? No tenía buena pinta.” - “True. Do you think you ate the tortilla that was sitting on the bar? It looked kind of funky.”
Megan: “¡Uy! Mejor no hablar de eso… Estoy mareada y me duele la tripa un montón.” - “Ugh, better not talk about it. I’m queasy and my stomach is killing me!”
David: “¡Uy, uy, uy! ¿No estarás embarazada?” - “Oh-oh. You’re not pregnant, are you?”
Megan: Okay, this dialogue brings back some really bad recent memories. Not the pregnancy part, but the “mareada” part.
David: Why?
Megan: Well, I just went to Cádiz on the Strait of Gibraltar this last week and we went on a whale watching expedition in the strait.
David: Oh cool! Did you see any?
Megan: Yes, we did. We saw a whole bunch “calderones” and all different kinds of “delfines” and it was really cool, that part of it. But I’m sure you know it’s always really, really windy in “estrecho” and there’s a wind that’s so strong, it has a name, it’s called “levante” and people say that it can even drive you crazy.
David: ¡Uy! So the sea was a little rough?
Megan: Yeah, just a little, but that was enough to get me really seriously seasick and “mareada” and I tossed my cookies on the boat. It was horrible.
David: Well, you know, they say that when you spend some days on the sea, on the boat then you guess you’re, you don’t know, moving.
Megan: I’m never ever going to get to that point. I’m never setting foot on another boat in my life! It was horrible. Okay, well here we have somebody who’s “mareada” but not from the “mar” because I guess “mareada” comes from the idea of being seasick but it can also be just feeling queasy and she’s gotten “mareada” from the dried bad tortilla and it’s happened to me. Is it ever happened to you?
David: Yeah. Well, you know, when I went out in Saturday night and I went back home, my parents asked what was happening to me I always said it was the tortilla.
Megan: Was that the bad tortilla? That’s hilarious. And of course, a Spanish tortilla, “tortilla española”, it’s not like a Mexican tortilla, it’s really, like, a big omelet that you cut in a wedge and you can eat it or in a sandwich form.
David: Mmm, yes, “bocadillo de tortilla”.
Megan: “Bocadillo de tortilla”.
David: Really good.
Megan: And it’s diverse by us in Spain, I’d say tortilla is one of the few dishes that you can find everywhere.
David: True.
Megan: Sitting on the bar, sometimes getting a little bit too warm and causing major stomach distress.
David: Yeah. You know that everyone makes it different.
Megan: It’s true, it’s true.
David: Yeah.
Megan: It’s always there.
David: You know, in Galicia it’s very, very typical to make the tortilla not so hard.
Megan: Yeah, kind of squishy in the middle.
David: Yeah.
Megan: Yeah. Mm, that’s how I like it.
David: And when you cut the tortilla you can see the egg, coming down from inside.
Megan: Oh yeah, that’s going to get you salmonella right there, that gooey part. All right, let’s compare the Newbie and our dialogue a little bit. In the newbie they said.
GABRIEL: No me siento bien, Lucía.
Megan: And our Spanish said “¡Estoy malita!”.
David: Yeah, “estar mal” or in the diminutive form “estar malito” for a male or “malita” for a female, it’s a really common way of saying that you feel bad or sick.
Megan: Yeah. I think almost everyone says it that way and I think it’s interesting here that the diminutive is used with an adverb, “mal”, and not a noun or adjective which is kind of surprising, I think.
David: Yeah and you know, we always try use the diminutive for almost any word.
Megan: Can you say “estoy malísimo” or “malísima”?
David: Yes, yes we can say that.
Megan: And here you could say “no me siento bien”, right?
David: Yeah, yet it sounds a bit more formal.
Megan: And here we have a really common sort of informal construction that I wanted to point out “¿A que comiste la tortilla?”. Can you explain why you say “a que”, here?
David: Well, it’s a way of forming a question.
Megan: And I would translate this as “Didn’t you” or in some cases “Isn’t it”, it’s some sort of the tag questions or sort of things that we have in English. Can you give us some other examples of “a que”?
David: Yeah. I could say something like “¿A que no sabes qué te he comprado?”.
Megan: Ah yeah, it’s a different example, it’s more like “Yeah, I bet you”. I think in English, we’d say “I bet you don’t know what I bought you” which is even – yeah, it’s used a lot like that, it’s sort of like a conjecture about whether or not the person knows about what you’re talking about. And another thing that people say all the time is “¿a que sí?”.
David: Right.
Megan: With means “Isn’t it” or “Didn’t it”.
David: Right. When you say something and you want to get feedback from somebody, you say “¿a que sí?”.
Megan: “¿A que sí?”, “right?” or it can also mean “right”.
David: Yeah, “Hace calor, ¿a que sí?”.
Megan: Sí. A que sí. Sí, ahora hace calor… Esto es verdad.
Megan: Okay, let’s move on to some particularly Iberian expressions here. Let’s compare the Newbie Lesson.
GABRIEL: Me duele el estómago.
Megan: With our version, “Me duele la tripa un montón”. Here in Spain we use a lot the word “la tripa” when we talk about or stomach or whatever in that area that is causing problems and I don’t think they do that a lot in another Spanish speaking countries, but that’s pretty common, right?
David: Yeah.
Megan: Is it formal? I mean…
David: It’s a bit more formal. You know, I wouldn’t say – I wouldn’t talk about “la tripa” if I’m in a business meal or ...
Megan: How would you say in a business meal?
David: “Please excuse me”.
Megan: Yeah, you wouldn’t say any there.
David: No, not really.
Megan: You just kind of beg it off but would you say “me duele el estómago”?
David: Yeah.
Megan: You can say that.
David: You can say that.
Megan: And these are other words that I heard in another Latin American countries like “la panza”.
David: Yeah.
Megan: People don’t say “la panza” here.
David: No.
Megan: But “barriga” you can say.
David: Yes, you can say “barriga” but then you’re taking it too fast.
Megan: Yeah.
David: You have a big “barriga”.
Megan: “Tengo barriga” means “I have a big belly”.
David: Yeah.
Megan: Yeah.
David: And we have a very special kind of “barriga” which is “la barriga cervecera”.
Megan: Oh, right. “A beer gut, a beer belly”.
David: Right.
Megan: Or “michelines”.
David: Yes.
Megan: “Love handles”.
David: We don’t say, we don’t use the word “panza” but we use the word “panzazo” when you are jumping into a swimming pool and you enter with your stomach.
Megan: We call it a “belly flop”. “Panzazo”, I didn’t know that word.
David: That’s “un panzazo”.
Megan: So there’s still a little vestiges of that word here then. And here, in the dialogue we use the word “vomitar” which is such a beautiful word, but there are other ways that even more disgusting of saying this, aren’t they?
David: Yeah, very much. There are so many different ways of saying that, a very common expression in young people is “potar”.
Megan: “Potar”.
David: Or “echar la pota”.
Megan: What is a “pota” anyway?
David: I can’t tell you.
Megan: Yeah.
David: It’s something like a “pan” or ...
Megan: Like a “cazuela” or something.
David: Right.
Megan: It just means “to puke”, basically it means “to barf”, “to puke” or – that’s what you hear all the time, “potar”, “echar la pota”.
David: Yeah.
Megan: And how about “tener resaca”, “to be hangover”? That’s something that happens a lot here in the summer when people tend to get really dehydrated because it’s so dry and then you stay “tomando cañas y copas” late until the night.
David: True. “Resaca” literally means “the under chill of the water at the beach”.
Megan: Right, the way the water goes back out to sea after the way it comes in, right? I just love that expression because it’s exactly the way a hangover feels, it’s sort of like ...
David: Right.
Megan: … the earth is being pulled from under you.
David: One friend of mine, when he was younger and he returned a bit hangover to his house he used to “echar el ancla”, which is to put his foot on the floor just to feel a bit more...
Megan: “Echar el ancla”, “put down the anchor”.
David: Anchor, right, and he put his foot on the floor just to stay a bit more.
Megan: It’s to steady.
David: Yeah.
Megan: Glad that doesn’t happen to me anymore.


David: Well, all of this talk about being sick makes me want to take a “siesta”.
Megan: Pobrecillo, estás malito. Well, it is lucky for you since the time is pretty much up. See you soon!
David: ¡Hasta la próxima!


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Dialogue - Iberian

Dialogue - Standard

