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Megan: ¡Bienvenidos a Spanishpod101.com!
David: ¡Buenos días! Me llamo David.
Megan: And I’m Megan. Iberian Spanish Series, Lesson 29.
Megan: Well, last time José was scoring huge points with María by giving her tickets to a romantic getaway in Mallorca and this week we get to listen to Carmen and Pablo trying to decide exactly whether or not they’re going up to his place.
David: You know, this time it promised to be a very interesting conversation.
Megan: Definitely.
David: Okay! And before I forget, this lesson references Newbie Lesson 29, so be sure to check that out on our website.
Megan: Okay! So, here we go. Let’s go back to Newbie Lesson 29 where we heard the following conversation:
ELIANA: ¿Qué, ya son las dos tan rápido? ¡Ya me tengo que ir!
ERNESTO: Amor, tranquila...
ELIANA: Me tengo que ir... al menos que me invites a desayunar.
ERNESTO: Ay, mujer... ¡Quédate! ¿Qué desayunamos?
ELIANA: Frutas muy frescas y pan calientito.
ERNESTO: ¡Ya tengo hambre!
M3: And now with the translation. Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
ELIANA: ¿Qué, ya son las dos tan rápido? ¡Ya me tengo que ir!
F3: “What? It’s already 2 o’clock? I’ve got to go!”
ERNESTO: Amor, tranquila...
M3: “Honey, relax!”
ELIANA: Me tengo que ir... al menos que me invites a desayunar.
F3: “I’ve got to go, unless you invite me to breakfast.”
ERNESTO: Ay, mujer... ¡Quédate! ¿Qué desayunamos?
M3: “Oh, sweetheart, stay! What do you want for breakfast?”
ELIANA: Frutas muy frescas y pan calientito.
F3: Fresh fruit and hot hard roles.”
ERNESTO: ¡Ya tengo hambre!
M3: “That makes me hungry.”
Megan: ¡Uy, qué caliente! You can just feel the sexual intention. “Pan caliente” I think there’s some serious innuendo going on here.
David: Yes, very much. You know, I’m feeling a bit embarrassed about this.
Megan: All right! Well, now, you really going to get embarrassed because let’s see what our “españolitos” are up to.
Megan: ¡Uy, que ya se está haciendo tardísimo! ¡Voy a perder el último metro!
David: Pues sabes que vivo aquí al lado. ¿Te apetece subir a mi casa?
Megan: O sea, ¿pasar la noche contigo?
David: Pues sí, eso, para que no tengas que coger el búho, claro.
Megan: Si lo que buscas es un rollo de una noche, mejor que no.
David: ¿Pero qué dices? Sabes que eres mucho más que eso.
M3: And now, slower. Una vez más, esta vez lentamente.
Megan: ¡Uy, que ya se está haciendo tardísimo! ¡Voy a perder el último metro!
David: Pues sabes que vivo aquí al lado. ¿Te apetece subir a mi casa?
Megan: O sea, ¿pasar la noche contigo?
David: Pues sí, eso, para que no tengas que coger el búho, claro.
Megan: Si lo que buscas es un rollo de una noche, mejor que no.
David: ¿Pero qué dices? Sabes que eres mucho más que eso.
M3: And now, with the translation. Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
Megan: “¡Uy, que ya se está haciendo tardísimo! ¡Voy a perder el último metro!” - “It’s getting really late! I’m going to miss the last metro!”
David: “Pues sabes que vivo aquí al lado. ¿Te apetece subir a mi casa?” - “Well, you know, I live right round here. Want to come up to my place?”
Megan: “O sea, ¿pasar la noche contigo?” - “You mean spend the night with you?”
David: “Pues sí, eso, para que no tengas que coger el búho, claro.” - “Exactly! You know, and so you don’t have to catch the night bus.”
Megan: “Si lo que buscas es un rollo de una noche, mejor que no.” - “If you’re looking for a one night stand, I’d better not.”
David: “¿Pero qué dices? Sabes que eres mucho más que eso.” - “Oh, come on! You know you mean much more than that to me.”
Megan: Okay! Okay! Here we have the typical situation in Madrid, the metro closes at 1:30 AM, which is so, so, very early by Madrid standards, and I’m just absolutely sure it’s like the responsible for a million romances because…
David: Yes, that’s right, and no one wants to have to take a “búho” home.
Megan: Right! “Búho” means “owl”, but that’s what the night buses here in Madrid are called. So, if you live too far to walk home, you either crush at somebody’s place or stay out all night, right?
David: Right. You know, you should stay out for, you know, until 6 AM.
Megan: Until 6 is normal, nobody goes home at 1:30, vaya.
David: And Pablo is taking advantage of the situation a bit, don’t you think?
Megan: I don’t know. I was thinking that Carmen might’ve missed the metro on purpose, I mean she did already turned out José the other day for…
David: Yes, I think so, too.
Megan: I think there’s going to be sparks. Okay! So, let’s compare the Newbie Lesson with our Iberian version a little bit.
F2: ¿Qué, ya son las dos tan rápido? ¡Ya me tengo que ir!
F3: “What? It’s already 2 o’clock? I’ve got to go!”
Megan: And in the Iberian version we heard “¡Uy, que ya se está haciendo tardísimo!”. In this case, you could hear the Newbie version here in Spain, too, don’t you think?
David: Yes, I think so. But our version is probably more common.
Megan: Right! And “que ya se está haciendo tardísimo”, which literally means “Now it’s getting itself so late.” Can you explain the construction “se está haciendo”, because it’s used all the time?
David: Yes, I think it could be called Present Continuous or something like that.
Megan: Progressive or Present Progressive.
David: Yes, “presente continuo”. You know, it’s something that is happening right now, so we are using the verb “estar” in Present Tense, “está”, and we have in this case the verb “hacerse”. “Hacer” is a very, very common and very useful verb in Spanish, you know, “hacer” could be translated as “to do”, or even “to make”.
Megan: And here I feel like it’s “to get”, and that’s one of those things. There’s no verb in Spanish that really captures all of the meanings of “to get”, so this is one of the little pieces of it that you use with “hacer”. And in others we might use “conseguir” which is another verb that can mean “to get”, but in a totally different sense like “to grasp”, “to have it”.
David: Right.
Megan: So, that’s interesting. And here we get to see that verb “ir” plus Infinitive, “to go” plus Infinitive, referring to the future, “Voy a perder el último metro”. We saw this a few lessons back. What was that technical term that you used for this type of construction?
David: Well, I think it’s called “Futuro de Intención”.
Megan: “Futuro de intención”.
David: You know, I have the intention to do something.
Megan: Right, I’m going to miss the next metro or the last metro. And then Pablo is “suave”.
David: Yes.
Megan: What does he say?
David: “Pues sabes que vivo aquí al lado”.
Megan: It just happens to live right there. How convenient!
David: Yes.
Megan: “Aquí al lado” means “right here” or “right next to here where we are”.
David: Yes. And then he uses an expression that we used several lessons back, “¿Te apetece subir a mi casa?”.
Megan: Right! Before we used “te apetece” when we were talking about food, “¿Te apetece tomar vino?” or “tomar un vino”, or something like that, I can’t remember the exact expression, “Would you like to have some wine?”, “apetecer” comes from the same root as “appetize” or “appetizing” in English, but in Spanish it can be used for any sort of experience, not just food, right?
David: Right. You know, you can “te puede apetecer” almost anything. “¿Te apetece venir al cine?”.
Megan: “Do you feel like coming, to go and to see a movie?”
David: “¿Te apetece un vino?”.
Megan: “Do you feel like having a glass of wine?” It’s just basically the same, “do you feel like”, “does it appetizing to you” I guess would be the literal translation, but it really means just to feel like it. And it’s pretty informal or just normal, isn’t it?
David: Yes, it’s, you know, I wouldn’t use this with my boss, maybe. It’s just a very casual and informal.
Megan: And the last thing I wanted to look at here was, in some of the last lessons we talked about the “hache muda”, the silent H, and I wanted to point out, sometimes the “H” when you find it in the middle of a word, in between vowels, doesn’t have a sound but it has a function and actually does something, and there’s an example here, in the word “búho”, the “H” separates the “U” sound and the “O” sound, “búho”, which is spelled “b-u-h-o”, and that’s the word for “owl”, and without that it would be “buo”, no?
David: Yes, you know, it wouldn’t be two syllables, but just one. “Buho”.
Megan: Right! Because in Spanish there’s, so that H is there to just kind of separate the two sounds, but it doesn’t make a sound itself. Can you give us some other examples of words with “Hs” like that?
David: Yes, for example “almohada”.
Megan: “Almohada”, “a pillow”, and that’s “a-l-m-o-h-a-d-a.”
David: Right.
Megan: So, that “H” is “almohada”.
David: Or “moho”.
Megan: “Moho”, which is such a weird word. That’s the word for “moll” in Spanish, like that green gunk stuff that gets on things.
David: Yes.
Megan: “Moll”.
David: It’s two “Os.”
Megan: Right, it’s two “Os”, so you have, you couldn’t just have “m-o-o”, that would be, I don’t know, you can’t even pronounce.
David: Yes, you know, we have words that do have two “Os”, like “cooperar”.
Megan: “Cooperar”, o “zoológico”.
David: “Zoológico”, that’s right.
Megan: “A zoo”. But those are kind of “culto” and they’re kind of more formal types.
David: Or even it compounds word “co-operar”.
Megan: Right!
David: Yes.
Megan: So, okay! I just wanted to point that out. So, basically, to reiterate that, the consonant “H” doesn’t ever make a sound in Spanish, except when you find it with a “C”, “CH”, the “che” sound, but you might find it in the middle of words performing a function, just to separate the syllables like in “almohada”, “moho”, or “buho”, like we had in this lesson. Okay! Now we get to get into the fun part, about local expressions which makes it sound so formal. “Rollo de una noche”, “one night stand”, basically, here. This is an expression used a lot in Spain, “un rollo”, referring basically, well, you explain it, David.
David: Well…
Megan: You know more than I do.
David: Let’s see. You know, when you’re talking “un rollo” it’s a, you know, one night stand. You meet a girl and you spend one night with her and then you will never meet her again.
Megan: You hope you won’t. So, basically, what she’s saying is I’m not “rollo de una noche”, and…
David: That’s right.
Megan: “Un rollo” is just kind of like something, you know, that doesn’t mean much, basically, relationship wise. And there’re so many expressions with “rollo”, “enrollarse”, and for example another expression with “rollo” is “es un rollo”.
David: Yes.
Megan: Which skippers say all the time.
David: Yes, “es un rollo”, when you say something “es un rollo”, it’s a pain and…
Megan: It’s a pain, it’s boring, it’s a pain.
David: It’s really boring.
Megan: It’s like you’re just being rolled around over and over again or something.
David: Yes.
Megan: And what about “enrollarse”?
David: That’s the verb. “Enrollarse”. When you are talking about “rollo de una noche”, when you’re talking about a roman situation is that you meet a girl and, you know, you kiss and you spend the all night together. Not really going to somebody’s house or somebody’s place, nothing like that.
Megan: Yes.
David: But you know, you are with her and it’s all the night together and that’s all.
Megan: Because young people here don’t actually live in their own apartments, they live with their parents. I was going to point that out.
David: Yes.
Megan: I was going to point that this guy is a major catch for her because he has his own place, which is you know…
David: Yes, this is very, very strange in Spain. You know, young people in Spain, well when they live with their parents, they are not so junk.
Megan: No, I think I read somewhere that I think something like 40% of 35 year-old still live with their parents. There’s something crazy like that.
David: It’s not easy to find someone who has left their parents before 30.
Megan: Right! Well, you did. You were one of few I’ve met. And what are other things we see here or some of the “muletillas” that you hear people use, like for example when she says “muletilla” is like a crutch, it literally means a crutch, I’m using them right now, like you know, that kind of thing we do in English. And she says “o sea”, which is so typical.
David: Yes. You know, when you are talking and you don’t know how you’re going to continue your conversation, well you help yourself by saying “o sea”...
Megan: “O sea”, which means like “So…”
David: Yes.
Megan: And then he says something that seems to be very typical for people here. He says “Pues sí, eso”.
David: Yes.
Megan: Which is so…
David: That means nothing and you know, you are saying “Pues sí, eso”.
Megan: And he’s saying “Exactly, that’s what I mean.” “Pues sí, eso”. And there’s two different expressions here, two different phrases here where we hear “sabes que” also used a lot here, though in these cases it’s almost a literal meaning, “¿Sabes que vivo aquí al lado?”, “Did you know that I live here, right here?” and also “sabes que eres mucho más que eso” and I just wanted to point that out, because “Sabes que” is another “muletilla”, more or less, too. Not necessarily here, but people say “Sabes que…”, “You know, you know”.
David: Yes, and you know, “sabes” itself is a very, very commonly used “muletilla”. You can hear people talking “Bla bla bla, ¿sabes? Bla bla bla, ¿sabes?”.
Megan: Or it’s the first thing “¿Sabes qué?” and then “bla bla bla”. My son talks like that, so… And the other thing I wanted to point out was when he says “¡qué dices!”.
David: So, it’s something like, you know, “I’m so surprised that it’s something like I have to tell you to repeat what you’re saying because I can’t believe it.”
Megan: Right, like you know, “What are you saying? Are you crazy?”
David: Yes.
Megan: “Of course I’m not thinking that.” And the last thing that I wanted to talk about is another sort of cultural thing. He says “¿Te apetece subir a mi casa?” and I wanted to point out that one thing he’s saying “subir”, “Do you want to go up to my house?” would be the, or “Do you feel like coming up to my house?” and that’s pretty much how everyone who lives in the city says it because we all live up, upstairs, of the first floor. And also, “mi casa” it doesn’t mean that he lives in a house. He lives in “un piso”, we all know he, which is an apartment.
David: When we talk about where we live, we always say “casa”, it doesn’t mean that we live in a house or, you know, we can live in a flat or…
Megan: Flat, or as we say in the US, an apartment which here is called a “piso”.
David: We can live wherever, but we always say “mi casa”.
Megan: “Mi casa”, right, which is just, it means my, and here I translated it as “my place”, because it’s like “Come on up to my place.”
David: Do you remember E.T., the extraterrestrial?
Megan: Yes.
David: I don’t know what he said in English, but in Spanish he said “mi casa”.
Megan: Yes, well he says “Phone home” or something like that. Because yes, we have the difference in “home” and “house”, and here I think both are encompassed by “casa”.


David: Yes. Okay! So, I think that will do everything for today’s lesson.
Megan: See you soon!


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