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Megan: ¡Bienvenidos a Spanishpod101.com!
David: ¡Buenos días! Me llamo David.
Megan: And I’m Megan. Iberian Spanish Series, Lesson 26.
David: “¡Menuda tía!”
Megan: “What a hottie!”
Well, last time we were in a very formal business meeting and this week we are as far away from that as you can possibly get, we’re on the street, a guy basically harassing a woman, which happens.
David: You’re on the street, and you know, I will be “en un andamio”.
Megan: Yes, on the scaffolding, working.
David: Working, and you know, saying beautiful things to beautiful women.
Megan: You’re going to get in trouble. Okay! Well, before I forget, this lesson references Newbie Lesson 26 which is “I would like to be blind”, so be sure to check that on the website, too.
Megan: Okay! Here we go. Let’s go back to Newbie Lesson 26 where we heard the following conversation:
ELIANA: ¿Y qué haces tú en Santiago?
RAMÓN: Bueno, estoy aquí por mis estudios.
ELIANA: Ah, ¿y qué quisieras ser?
RAMÓN: Quisiera ser ciego.
ELIANA: Ciego, ¿por qué ciego?
RAMÓN: Para poder leerte con las manos...
ELIANA: ¡Ay, pero qué imbécil!
M3: And now with the translation. Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
ELIANA: ¿Y qué haces tú en Santiago?
F2: “And what are you doing in Santiago?”
RAMÓN: Bueno, estoy aquí por mis estudios.
M2: “Well, I’m here for school.”
ELIANA: Ah, ¿y qué quisieras ser?
F2: “And what would you like to be?”
RAMÓN: Quisiera ser ciego.
M2: “I would like to be blind.”
ELIANA: Ciego, ¿por qué ciego?
F2: “Blind? Why blind?”
RAMÓN: Para poder leerte con las manos...
M2: “So that I can read you with my hands.”
ELIANA: ¡Ay, pero qué imbécil!
F2: “What a jerk!”
Megan: Oh, man! This week we’ve got some desperate man looking to “ligar”, ¿a que sí?
David: Yes, really desperate.
Megan: Really desperate! Okay! Let’s see how our Iberian guy strikes out with the ladies.
David: ¡Vaya, menuda tía buena que viene por ahí! ¡Guapa! Vete por la sombra, que al sol los bombones se derriten.
Megan: ¡Salido! ¿Por qué no atiendes a tu trabajo? ¡Que te vas a caer!
David: ¿Pero será posible? ¡Creída! ¡Que eres una creída!
M3: And now, slower. Una vez más, esta vez lentamente.
David: ¡Vaya, menuda tía buena que viene por ahí! ¡Guapa! Vete por la sombra, que al sol los bombones se derriten.
Megan: ¡Salido! ¿Por qué no atiendes a tu trabajo? ¡Que te vas a caer!
David: ¿Pero será posible? ¡Creída! ¡Que eres una creída!
M3: And now with the translation. Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
David: “¡Vaya, menuda tía buena que viene por ahí! ¡Guapa! Vete por la sombra, que al sol los bombones se derriten.” - “Wow! Look at that hottie coming our way. Beautiful, walk in the shade, chocolate melts in the sun.”
Megan: “¡Salido! ¿Por qué no atiendes a tu trabajo? ¡Que te vas a caer!” - “Hey, jerk, why don’t you pay attention to your work? You’re going to fall.”
David: “¿Pero será posible? ¡Creída! ¡Que eres una creída!” - “But can it be? Stuck-up! You’re a stuck-up.”
Megan: David, David, David! ¡Vaya piropo! That’s quite a line you have there. You wrote this today’s lesson, so you’re going to have to explain how did you come up with that one and, please, tell me that you have never used it on anyone.
David: Never, never.
Megan: And where did you hear that one?
David: Well, you know, you can hear that in the streets every day if you walk by a construction, you know.
Megan: Construction site or…
David: Yes.
Megan: Okay! Well, I have to ask you, did you “tirar piropos” like this to your wife Shanti when you first met?
David: No.
Megan: I don’t know if she would buy that kind of.
David: No, not like these ones. You know, and I have tried to imagine or to remember some “piropos” that the workers at the construction sites say, and this is the best I could thing about.
Megan: Rated G version, because pretty much all of the rest of them were just…
David: Yes, I was trying, you know, I was asking with my wife, with Shanti, and I said “Do you think that this one could be?” and she said “Oh, no! Absolutely not!”
Megan: Well, “madrileños” are kind of known for being flirty, aren’t they? And using their “piropos castizos”. Can you share another one with us? It’s not too “guarro”? Can you think of any other ones? I know, they’re so exaggerated.
David: Well, let me think. Okay! There we go. “¡Viva la madre que te parió!”
Megan: “Long live the mother who gave birth to you.”
David: Yes.
Megan: Which, yes, we’ll have to get into “la madre que te parió” a little bit more, because that has some other connotations. I wouldn’t recommend using that one at all.
David: You have to be very careful with that.
Megan: Okay! So, I’m picturing today’s scene, you know, it’s a woman walking down the street, there’s a construction worker kind of guy up on the scaffolding which is an “andamio” and he’s on break, he’s trying to hook up with all the women who walk by.
David: Yes, definitely, “está intentando ligar”.
Megan: “Ligar” means “to hook up” in Spanish. And she’s having none of it, right?
David: Sí, típico, ¿no?
Megan: Yes, yes. I think so. I think there is a kind of art to “tirando piropos” and all which is, means to, you know, just kind of throwing his little flirts and compliments out and then the snappy come back to at the woman have. Have you heard the one the guy tried to pull in the Newbie Lesson?
M2: Quisiera ser ciego.
F2: Ciego, ¿por qué ciego?
M2: Para poder leerte con las manos.
David: I had never heard this.
Megan: Es un poco cursi, ¿no?
David: Yes.
Megan: “Cursi” means kind of “cheesy”, kind of… I don’t know, that one does. I think I like yours better.
David: Yes.
Megan: Okay! Well, let’s get serious and look at a few grammatical things because even things like this have to be grammatically correct, even though there’re very “borde”. She says “¿Por qué no atiendes a tu trabajo?”, which is a way of saying “Why don’t you watch what you’re doing?” or more literally, “Why don’t pay more attention to your work?”
David: “¿Por qué no haces algo?” I think it’s basically like in English. She’s not really asking him why, she’s pretty much ordering him to do it.
Megan: So this is one of those indirect commands that we talked about a few lessons back. It sounds pretty strong, doesn’t it? Kind of reminds me of what the King of Spain said when he was meeting with Chávez, a few months ago. Can you tell, I’m sure everybody already knows this, but can you say that one for us?
David: Yes, he said “¿Por qué no te callas?”.
Megan: Which means “Why don’t you shut up?” which caused a huge story, didn’t it? Because it’s not exactly what you expect to hear someone in a diplomatic setting say, right?
David: Right, but you know, I think that Chávez was looking for this.
Megan: Se le ha ido la olla un poco, ¿no?
David: Well, maybe.
Megan: The king, “se ha ido la olla” means “he kind of flipped out”, the king I think he just couldn’t take it anymore.
David: Okay! So, you know, “se le ha ido la olla” and “se le ha ido la pinza”, is another way of saying that.
Megan: “Se le ha ido la pinza”, which means “he lost his clothespin.”
David: Right.
Megan: I love these expressions. They’re so funny. It just means that somebody flipped out or they couldn’t take it anymore. And there’s another really common expression in the dialogue which is “¿Será posible?” and this is used all the time. It means “Really?” or “You’re kidding!” or I guess it literally means “Can it be?”, “Can it possibly be?”
David: Yes, you know, it’s something like “I can’t believe this.” It’s something you say when you’re really surprised.
Megan: And that’s a usage of the Future Tense, “será posible”, “will it be possible”. So, it doesn’t really translate literally in English very well. You just kind of have to listen and see when that’s used. I think in Spanish the future is used a lot in cases where we don’t use it in English.
David: Really? Like when?
Megan: I’m thinking of hypothetical kinds of situations, kind of like this one “¿Le habrá dicho algo?”, which means “I wonder if she told him something” or... you know what I mean?
David: Yes, that’s true. When you use the future like that in a question, you’re really asking yourself a hypothetical shard of question.
Megan: Maybe we’ll come up with more examples in another lesson for that, because it’s one of the things that I’ve noticed.
David: So you would never use the Future Tense in English?
Megan: No, I can’t imagine using it in that case “He will have said something”, no, it doesn’t translate literally, we would say “I wonder”. I think we would use that expression “I wonder if”, “será posible”.
David: Okay, so I think I have used.
Megan: “I wonder if it’s possible.” or “Could it be” it’s…
David: I have run something today.
Megan: Oh, good. Yay! Okay! Well, to recap, here we got to go a little bit deeper into the way that in Spanish questions are often used not necessarily to ask things, but actually the way of demanding things very strongly or even posing hypothetical situations.
David: Right! “¿Por qué no atiendes a tu trabajo?” or “¿Por qué no te callas?” are actually very strong, pretty rude elements. And “no será posible” is a strong way of saying “I can’t believe it!”
Megan: Yes, it’s kind of funny how often in Spanish you say the opposite of what you really mean. I guess we do the same in English, but I don’t think it always coincides with the context as one of those things you just have to.
David: Yes, it just takes practice and lots of listening I guess.
Megan: Well, in this lesson I wanted to go over some of the localisms. Again, I think we’ve seen this in the past, but we have “tía buena”.
David: Right! So, yes, “tía buena”.
Megan: “A good chick”, but it means “a hottie”.
David: Yes. So, you know, I remember that some lessons before we were talking about the difference between “ser” y “estar”, the verb “to be”. And you said “Well, this guy is good”, “Este tío es bueno”, and sometimes you made the mistake saying “Este tío está bueno”.
Megan: “Está bueno”, which means “he’s yummy. “
David: Yes, so “tía buena” is “esta tía está buena” and... “tía buena”.
Megan: Yes, that’s a little tricky. And “tía” is just slang for a girl, and “tío” for a guy. Are there other types of slang terms like that for guy or girl that you can think off?
David: Well, maybe “piba”.
Megan: “Piba”, yes.
David: Yes, it’s a word from Argentina and we use it very often for girls.
Megan: For girl or girlfriend.
David: Not for boys. You know, I wouldn’t say “pibe”, but I would say “piba”.
Megan: Yes, that’s true. You do hear that. And then there’s also like “tronco” and “tronca”. I’ve heard “tronca”, too, which is funny, which it literally means “trunk”, but it’s just a way of saying “Hey, guy!”, “¡Hola, tronco!”.
David: Yes, “tronco” it’s very informal, you know, it’s very “marginal”, “de barrio”, ... How do you say that?
Megan: “De barrio”, it’s kind of, you know, from the hood. I guess it’s what I would say. I hear it all the times, so I guess I’m from the hood. David doesn’t because he kind of like associates with a higher class of people.
David: No, I say “tronco”.
Megan: “Tronco”, you say it, too.
David: Sometimes, but then I feel bad.
Megan: You feel like you’re being bad. And “tronca”? That’s just weird, isn’t it?
David: Very weird for me, yes.
Megan: I just heard it yesterday, I thought it was hilarious. Okay! And how about, we’ll just comment a little bit on the beautiful metaphor that you put here “vete por la sombra que al sol los bombones se derriten”.
David: Yes, you know, I know it’s very extreme and you would never hear this, but you know, I couldn’t find anything which wasn’t being a bit dirty.
Megan: Yes, right. This was the nicest version, and literally means “Go or walk in the shade, because in the sun bonbons, or little pieces of chocolate, melt.” Ay, ¡qué bonito! ¡Qué bonito!
David: Right!
Megan: Bueno. The other thing we have here is something that’s kind of useful which is we have these Past Participles where they’re insulting each other. He calls her “creída” which is the Past Participle for…
David: “Creer”.
Megan: “Creer”.
David: Yes.
Megan: And she calls him “salido” which is the Past Participle for “salir”.
David: Right.
Megan: And these are ways that you can refer to people a lot. Now let’s talk about these particular two and then we’ll go into some other examples, but “creída” means basically “stuck-up” or “arrogant”. Does it mean you believe in yourself too much or…
David: Yes, you know, you believe you are too good and that’s right. You can see this is an adjective. “Creída” comes from the Participle of the verb and you can use this as an adjective.
Megan: So, you would be “creído” and I’m “creída”.
David: Yes, right. And you can put these into plural, “creídos” and “creídas”.
Megan: And now you just have to explain “salido” because honestly I had a hard time translating that. Explain the concept for us.
David: Well, you know, “salido” means that you are always thinking about sex, something like that.
Megan: I think it’s a pervert, I think that’s the only way I could think of. I put “jerk” in the translation, but I think really the most proper translation would be “pervert”, I guess.
David: But, you know, not so hard. You know, you can be talking with your friends and you can say one of your friends “¡eres un salido!”. That you are not saying he’s a pervert.
Megan: Yes, I think it’s a cultural question. That sounds not strong in Spanish and in English it just does, and I don’t think there’s any way of getting it, we don’t have a nice soft word for referring to people like that.
David: You know, we have a…
Megan: We’re too puritanical, I guess.
David: Maybe. We have a phrase, a sentence here in Spain that we say “estás siempre pensando en lo único”.
Megan: “En lo único”. ¡Ya sabes lo que es lo único!
David: Right!
Megan: “You’re only thinking in the only thing.”
David: The only thing.
Megan: And that only thinking can only be one thing, right?
David: Right!
Megan: And… No, give a couple of more examples of Past Participles could be used like that like “maleducado”. You can be a “maleducado”, which means somebody was just rude or, you know. And what are some other examples of Past Participles that we use like that?
David: “Estar ido”, when someone “está ido” means that “he’s mad.”
Megan: “Está ido”. Like to explode, or to…
David: Yes, you know.
Megan: Another one is “despistado”, somebody who is “despistado” is to get lost or get confused, so “despistado”, “despistadillo”, is somebody who’s very spaced out, basically. Okay! And last I wanted to just give some practical advice for women who might, and this, I don’t want people to think that Spanish men are anymore “macho” or, I really don’t think they are than you’ll find anywhere else, but it’s good for, you know, women to have a little tool to deal with these “chulería de los machos ibéricos”. So, what’s another ways that women can tell men to just shut up and leave them alone?
David: You can use many tools or many phrases, but you know, you can say to someone that “Estás más salido que el pico de una mesa”. How would you say that in English?
Megan: Well, that one just doesn’t translate, it’s like “You’re sticking out more than the corner of a table.” I don’t know… it doesn’t translate.
David: Yes, I think it’s hard to translate, but you know, this is a phrase that is very much used in Spain.
Megan: And you can also just say “¡Déjame en paz!” or…
David: Yes, or “Shut up!” or “¡Cállate!”.
Megan: “Vete a la…”, lo que sea.
David: “Vete a…”


Megan: Okay! Well, maybe we’ll get into some of those more strong once in a future adults only lessons.
Okay! Well, there will be plenty of lessons, other lessons for us to “profundizar” all of this.
David: Profundizar. Get into it deeper, definitely! See you next time!
Megan: ¡Hasta la próxima!

Dialogue - Iberian

Dialogue - Standard

