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Megan: ¡Bienvenidos a Spanishpod101.com!
David: ¡Buenos días! Soy David.
Megan: And I’m Megan. Iberian Spanish Series, Lesson 22.
David: “¿Estás ya? ¡Venga, vámonos!”
Megan: Last time we looked at asking for something and giving orders.
David: Today’s lesson references Newbie Lesson 22 – “Are you ready? Let’s go!”, so be sure to check that out on our website.
Megan: Also in this lesson we’re going to look at the pronunciation of the “B” sound, or the “V” or “B” and a special rule for a very common way of using the Imperative.
Megan: To start out, let’s go back to Newbie Lesson 22 where we heard the following conversation:
AUGUSTO: ¡Oye, Cecilia! ¿Estás lista?
CECILIA: Sí. Ahora voy.
AUGUSTO: Tengo muchas ganas de salir esta noche.
CECILIA: Ya estoy lista. ¡Vamos!
M3: This time with the translation. Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
AUGUSTO: ¡Oye, Cecilia! ¿Estás lista?
M3: “Hey, Cecilia, are you ready?”
CECILIA: Sí. Ahora voy.
F3: “Yes, and be there right away!”
AUGUSTO: Tengo muchas ganas de salir esta noche.
M3: “I really feel like going out tonight.”
CECILIA: Ya estoy lista. ¡Vamos!
F3: “Now I’m ready. Let’s go!”
Megan: Now let’s hear what that sounds like in Iberian Spanish:
Megan: ¡Cristian! ¿Estás ya?
David: ¡No encuentro la camisa verde!
Megan: Si no salimos ya, nos van a quitar la mesa.
David: ¡Aquí está! ¡Venga, vámonos!
M3: Once again, slowly. Una vez más, esta vez lentamente.
Megan: ¡Cristian! ¿Estás ya?
David: ¡No encuentro la camisa verde!
Megan: Si no salimos ya, nos van a quitar la mesa.
David: ¡Aquí está! ¡Venga, vámonos!
M3: This time with the translation. Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
Megan: “¡Cristian! ¿Estás ya?” - “Christian, are you ready?”
David: “¡No encuentro la camisa verde!” - “I can’t find my green shirt.”
Megan: “Si no salimos ya, nos van a quitar la mesa.” - “If we don’t leave now, we’ll lose our table.”
David: “¡Aquí está! ¡Venga, vámonos!” - “Here it is! Come on, let’s go!”
Megan: Hey, David, how’s it going?
David: Fine, really fine. So, it seems you’re going to date your restaurant. Well, it may sound hard to be late, but in the few years you have been living here in Madrid, you know more restaurants and places than me.
Megan: I don’t know about that, but I am pretty food obsessed, I have to admit.
David: Well, but it’s not really so incredible, because you live downtown, in fact in a very “castizo” neighborhood or “barrio”, and I live in the suburb, some kilometers away from Madrid downtown.
Megan: Yes, well we do love our neighborhood, we try to “ir de tapas” as much as we can.
David: Okay! So, you have to tell me the restaurant you’re going.
Megan: Let’s go back and look at some items about pronunciation. We haven’t done that for a while. Let’s remember a couple of sounds that we already talked about in Iberian Spanish. For example, the sound that a “B”, “una B”, or a “V”, “una V”, make. And also, we should probably talk about the fact that in Spain it’s called an “uve” and not “ve chica”, or something…
David: Yes, or “ve corta”.
Megan: “Ve corta”, like in other countries.
David: Right! Yes, so notice how I pronounce words like “verde”.
Megan: “Green.”
David: “Venga”.
Megan: “Come on.”
David: And “¡Vamos!”.
Megan: “Let’s go!”
David: I would never say “verde”, “venga” or “vamos”.
Megan: Right! And I just wanted to point out here that there’s a slightly different pronunciation of the “B” and the “V” when it appears in between vowels or “vocales”.
David: Right! So, now that you have us primly…
Megan: How would you explain it to David? He didn’t realize that, say a couple of words like that so we can hear it.
David: Yes. “Abeja”, and this is a word with “B”, and “oveja”, this is with “V”. Yes, and if I compare these with “bota”, maybe.
Megan: And the difference is basically that the other “B” is “BA” and the sound when it’s between vowels is more like a “BHA”. It’s almost like a “V”, but not quite. It’s the lips come together and it’s subtle, but worth mentioning.
David: Yes, yes.
Megan: And the second sound that I wanted to go over again because it’s really bothered me for years, because I couldn’t make this, I couldn’t figure out how to make this sound, is the “Y” sound and also the double “L” sound, here in Spain, which is not “ya”, it’s not like a “Y” sound, it’s like a “lla”, it’s more like the sound that we have in English in the word “judge”, the second “dg” sound, that “DG”. So, it’s “lla”. Did I say it right?
David: Very good!
Megan: Muy bien. Finally, I have it!
David: You got it!
Megan: It took me a long time. So, now you all don’t have to suffer as long as I did. In the standard version we heard:
M2: “¡Oye, Cecilia! ¿Estás lista?”.
M3: “Hey, Cecilia, are you ready?”
David: Yes, and we rerolled in the Iberian version: “¡Cristian! ¿Estás ya?”.
Megan: Which roughly translates the same although “ya” maybe gives the meaning of more urgency. Can you repeat it for us one more time, David?
David: Yes. “¿Estás ya? ¿Estás ya? ¿Ya? ¿Ya? ¿Ya?”
Megan: Yes, when I hear that “ya” it just makes me clinch, because I know… Okay! And the second line that we have in which you find “ya” is “Si no salimos ya, nos van a quitar la mesa”, which means “If we don’t leave now, we’re going to lose our table.” Here, “ya” means “now”. Can you repeat that for us, too?
David: Yes. “Si no salimos ya, si no salimos ya, ya, ya”.
Megan: That’s enough to make anybody hurry.
David: Ya.
Megan: Okay! So, let’s move on by comparing the last sentence in both versions. In the standard version we heard:
M2: Ya estoy lista. ¡Vamos!
Megan: And in the Iberian version you have: “¡Aquí está! ¡Venga, vámonos!”.
David: Not big differences. The standard version means “Now I’m ready. Let’s go!” and the Iberian version “Here it is! Come on, let’s go!”
Megan: Okay! And I’d like to focus on the word “vámonos”. What do you want to say about that?
David: Well, this word is used like an Imperative, though it’s not it strictly. “Vamos” is the Present Tense of the Indicative Mood and it strictly the Imperative for any verb can only be formed just for second person, singular and plural. In this case, “ir” which means “to go” is “ve” for singular and “id” for plural.
Megan: And in Madrid you would say “ith”, right?
David: Right.
Megan: Though I have to say I hear all the time “iros” with an “R”, no?
David: Yes, that’s right.
Megan: And it’s not correct, is it?
David: No, it’s not correct.
Megan: Okay! But people say it.
David: Yes, people say it. You know, the right, the right, right thing would be “idos”.
Megan: “Idos”, pero nadie lo dice.
David: Nobody says that.
Megan: Okay. And another common way to say it is “vete” which literally means “go to you”. It’s very Imperative, it means “go away”, “get away from me”. Can you hear “vete” as part of something that someone might say when they’re sick of you or something like that? Can you give us an example?
David: Yes. You know, Megan, “sick of one” could be something like “¡Vete al cuerno!”.
Megan: Yes, which literally means “Go to the horn!”, as is that referring to the Devil, I don’t know what is that. I’ve heard a lot something like “vete a…”, a lugares que… bueno.
David: Yes, very, very tough places.
Megan: Yes, very bad places.
David: I wouldn’t say that.
Megan: Just use your creativity. Okay! Let’s go back to “vámonos”.
David: Okay! So, “vámonos” is not an Imperative though it’s used as an Imperative. This is called the exhortative Subjunctive. And though “vamos” is not Subjunctive, let’s say just by now that it’s acting as it was.
Megan: That’s complicated. I didn’t realize that. I’ve heard that “vamos” was formally a form of the Subjunctive.
David: Right! The rule is that when you have a Subjunctive used as Imperative before “nos”, the “nos” pronoun.
Megan: And “nos” means “to us” or “us”.
David: Right. So, in this case, the final “S” in the Subjunctive verb is lost. So, “vamos” plus “nos”, “vámonos”.
Megan: “Vistamos” plus “nos” would be “vistámonos”.
David: Right! And “acostemos” plus “nos” results in “acostémonos”.
Megan: And so on, and so on. I’ve never really thought about this, I just sort of accepted it naturally, I never thought about it. Okay! I think we’ll just have to go into that deeper at some other time, but I’m sure there are other cases like that in Spanish, but for now it’s time to “¡vámonos!”.


David: So, I think that will do it for today’s lesson. ¡Nos vemos pronto!
Megan: See you soon!

Dialogue - Iberian

Dialogue - Standard

