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Megan: ¡Bienvenidos a Spanishpod101.com!
David: ¡Buenos días! Me llamo David.
Megan: And I’m Megan. Iberian Spanish Series, Lesson 20.
David: “¿Oyes? Hay un grupo tocando”.
Megan: Well, last time we were talking about Saint James’ way and this week we’re going to talk about “fiestas de los pueblos” and different dances and things that you can find here in Spain.
David: Right! And before I forget, this lesson references Newbie Lesson 20 – “Listen! There’s a public concert!”, so be sure to check that out on our website.
Megan: To start out, let’s go back to Newbie Lesson 20 where we heard the following conversation:
JORGE: ¡Escuche, Otilia! Hay música.
OTILIA: ¡Oiga! Usted tiene razón.
JORGE: Es un concierto público.
OTILIA: Me gusta la música.
M3: This time with the translation. Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
JORGE: ¡Escucha, Otilia! Hay música.
M3: “Otilia, listen, there’s music!”
OTILIA: ¡Oiga! Usted tiene razón.
F3: “Hey, you’re right!”
JORGE: Es un concierto público.
M3: “It’s a public concert.”
OTILIA: Me gusta la música.
F3: “I like the music!”
Megan: Now, let’s hear what that sounds like in Iberian Spanish:
David: ¿Oyes? Hay un grupo tocando.
Megan: ¡Es verdad! ¿Pero de dónde viene la música?
David: Creo que están en el kiosco de la plaza.
Megan: Me gusta cómo tocan este pasodoble.
M3: One again, slowly. Una vez más, esta vez lentamente.
David: ¿Oyes? Hay un grupo tocando.
Megan: ¡Es verdad! ¿Pero de dónde viene la música?
David: Creo que están en el kiosco de la plaza.
Megan: Me gusta cómo tocan este pasodoble.
M3: This time with the translation. Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
David: “¿Oyes? Hay un grupo tocando.” - “Can you hear it? There’s a band playing.”
Megan: “¡Es verdad! ¿Pero de dónde viene la música?” - “Oh, yes! But where is the music coming from?”
David: “Creo que están en el kiosco de la plaza.” - “I think they’re in the bandstand in the square.”
Megan: “Me gusta cómo tocan este pasodoble.” - “I like the way they play this ‘pasodoble’.”
Megan: Okay! So, this week we have a conversation about music and dances in Spain. As far as I’ve seen when I’ve travelled in Spain, even in the little tiny villages, “las bandas” and “las orquestas” are a really popular entertainment at all the different kinds of “fiestas” that you can find there.
David: That’s right, Megan. It may sound a bit strange, but you can find “bandas”, bands, which are generally small bands with trumpets and drums which play at “la plaza”, traditional things, and people dance around “la plaza”.
Megan: Yes, I’ve seen that a lot, and it’s surprising that everyone comes out, young and old, all together. They dance “pasodobles” or “boleros”, which are dances for different type of musical pieces, different types of music. And the “orquesta” is more of a cultural kind of for young people who really come out, don’t they? And these are like, the “orquesta” you could translate it as “orchestra”, but it’s not like a classical orchestra with violins and stuff like that, right?
David: Right! There are bands with electric guitars and bass and drums, electronic pianos which play versions of modern and traditional songs. Young people in small villages like dancing tech sounds and in front of the band.
Megan: Even in the middle of Madrid, in my little “barrio”, my little neighborhood, they still do that in the traditional types of “fiestas” and everyone comes out. So, when you go to one of these “fiestas”, do you dance?
David: Well, you know, I didn’t go now as often as before, but yes, when I have the chance, I have a good time dancing these sounds.
Megan: Okay, okay! Now, let’s start today by giving just, okay let’s start out today by giving the correct pronunciation for a word that’s similar to a word in English, but that I think a lot of English speakers get wrong and don’t even realize it. I’m talking about the word “orchestra” or “orquesta”. Can you pronounce it in Spanish?
David: Yes, in Spanish we say “orquesta”. It’s three syllables,”or-ques-ta”, and the second one is the accentuated or strong syllable, “or-ques-ta”.
Megan: “Orquesta”. Right! And there’s no “R” after the “T”, so it’s “orquesta” instead of “orquestra” which a lot, a lot of English speakers mess up, don’t they? And then I wanted to review an expression that confuses not just in the pronunciation, but in the writing too, because it’s different than what you might expect.
David: Confuses you? Which phrase?
Megan: Well, in the Newbie dialogue we heard:
M2: Es un concierto público.
M3: “It’s a public concert.”
Megan: And in the Iberian dialogue we heard it this way: “Creo que están en el kiosco de la plaza”.
David: Yes, “I think they are in the bandstand in the square.” So, about this, I think that the most remarkable point is that while in South America “plaza” would probably be pronounced like “plasa”, in Iberian it’s “plaza”, “plaza”, “plaza”. That’s something that one who is learning Iberian Spanish must keep in mind.
Megan: Right! But, not only that. I wanted to point out the spelling of one of those words. We know that “que” and “creo que”, which means “I think that”, probably everybody knows that “que” and “qui” in Spanish are written with a “Q”: “que” and “qui.”
David: Ya, correcto.
Megan: So, then why do we have “kiosco” with a “K”?
David: Well, that’s because that some words we had been incorporated into Spanish, coming from other languages and “kiosco” comes from the France word “kiosque” which intern comes from Turkish, but these words don’t always follow the same rules as the Spanish ones.
Megan: Right! Okay, so we also have the case of “kilómetro” which is “kilometer” or the word “kiwi”. Can you say “kiwi”?
David: Yes, “kiwi”.
Megan: “Kiwi”. Tú lo dices bien.
David: Yes, I have heard something like “kivi”.
Megan: Or “kigui” or “kigüi”, no? Some people say it that way because that “W” sound gives trouble to the Spaniards. It’s nice to see that you, guys, have trouble pronouncing words too, that come from other languages. But “K” is the one part of the Spanish dictionary that fits on one page, usually, right? Because there’re so few words that begin with “K”. Okay! Well, moving right along, what can we say about the difference between the first line in both versions?
David: Well, let’s review that. In the Newbie Lesson version we heard:
M2: ¡Escuche, Otilia! Hay música.
M3: “Otilia, listen, there’s music!”
M2: ¡Escuche, Otilia! Hay música.
Megan: In the Iberian version it sounded like:
David: “¿Oyes? Hay un grupo tocando” - “Can you hear it? There’s a band playing.”
Megan: What can you say about these differences?
David: Well, first of all, “escucha” is the Imperative Mood of the verb “escuchar”, “to listen”, while “¿Oyes?” is an interrogative Present Tense of the verb “oír”, “to hear”.
Megan: Right! So you’ve got one that’s a command, which is “Escucha”, and one that is a question, “¿Oyes?”.
David: Right!
Megan: Okay! And it seems like these two verb have the same nuances that we have in English, “to hear”, “oír”, means to receive the sound, it’s like a physical process, while “to listen”, “escuchar”, is to pay attention to what you’re hearing.
David: That’s right, Megan! Those two verbs have those meanings in Spanish, too. So, we can understand that Jorge wants Otilia to listen the music, even to try to discover which song they’re playing, while I just want to check that you have heard the music, too. Megan, is there any saying in English with these two verbs?
Megan: I can’t think of any, but I think the difference is kind of like, you know, are you listening or are you hearing, right? The opposition between the two.
David: Yes, because in Spanish we have a very common complaint when two people are speaking and, you know, one is speaking and the other one seems he’s not paying attention. The typical complaint is “Me oyes pero no me escuchas”.
Megan: “You hear me, but you don’t listen to me.” That sounds like it’s going to be the start of a pretty bad conversation, not a fun one.
David: Okay, now, there’s another localisms I would like to talk about which is the “pasodoble”.
Megan: Which is literally the “double step”, it’s a type of song, but it’s also a kind of dance. Maybe the name has something to do with the numbers of steps in the music or the dance?
David: Maybe, yes, but I can tell you for sure. “Pasodoble” is very typical from Spain, and I couldn’t say that other countries have “pasodobles”.
Megan: Yes, I don’t know. I mean, it’s the kind of dance that when you go to a “fiesta”, everyone dances and, you know, from little kids to grandmothers, and I know that there’s a “pasodoble” in like ballroom dancing, but that’s not something you get to see, people dancing in the street and a party doing. I think people here in Spain tend to dance more, in general, you know.
David: Maybe.
Megan: With any excuse.
David: Yes, and you know, in the bull fights, in the bull rings, when the bullfighter is doing very good “faena”, you know, he’s…
Megan: His job is doing the…
David: Very good job. You know, there’s a band and they start playing “pasodobles”.
Megan: Yes, and the attention goes up. Yes, it’s a very sort of, you just hear it all the time here.
David: Yes.
Megan: And it’s not just traditional, it’s actually something that people still, I think, really enjoy.
David: Very much.


David: Okay! Well, I think that will do it for today’s lesson.
Megan: See you soon!
David: ¡Nos vemos pronto!

Dialogue - Iberian

Dialogue - Standard

