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Megan: ¡Bienvenidos a Spanishpod101.com!
David: ¡Buenos días! Me llamo David.
Megan: And I’m Megan. Iberian Spanish Series, Lesson 12.
David: “¡Estoy que reviento!”
Megan: “I’m stuffed!”
Last time we looked at what happens when the food arrives at a restaurant. Today we’re going to check out on more home sort of family meal.
David: And we’ll focus on the vocabulary and the local expressions you might hear in Spain.
Megan: Today’s lesson references Newbie Lesson 12 – “I’m full!”, so be sure to check that out on our website.
Megan: Okay! Let’s get started by going back to Newbie Lesson 12 where we heard the following conversation:
TÍA ROSA: ¿Quieres más, Felipe?
FELIPE: No, gracias, tía. Ya estoy lleno.
TÍA ROSA: ¿Y tú, Juana?
JUANA: Estoy satisfecha. Usted prepara muy bien el cebiche.
TÍA ROSA: ¿Ustedes están seguros?
FELIPE: Gracias tía, pero estamos repletos.
M3: This time with the translation. Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
TÍA ROSA: ¿Quieres más, Felipe?
F3: “Do you want more, Felipe?”
FELIPE: No, gracias, tía. Ya estoy lleno.
M3: “No, thanks, Aunt Rosa, I’m full.”
TÍA ROSA: ¿Y tú, Juana?
F3: “And you, Juana?”
JUANA: Estoy satisfecha. Usted prepara muy bien el cebiche.
M3: “I’m satisfied. You prepare the ‘cebiche’ very well.”
TÍA ROSA: ¿Ustedes están seguros?
F3: “Are you all sure?”
FELIPE: Gracias tía, pero estamos repletos.
F3: “Thank you, Aunt Rosa, but we’re stuffed.”
Megan: Now, let’s hear what that sounds like in Iberian Spanish.
Tía Lola: ¿Quién quiere repetir?
Almudena: Yo sí, ¿cómo no?
Tía Lola: Y tú, ¿Luisma?
Luisma: Me gustaría, pero estoy que reviento.
Tía Lola: Vale. ¿Te apetece un chupito de hierbas?
Luisma: Me vendría de perlas, gracias.
M3: Once again, slowly. Una vez más, esta vez lentamente.
Tía Lola: ¿Quién quiere repetir?
Almudena: Yo sí, ¿cómo no?
Tía Lola: Y tú, ¿Luisma?
Luisma: Me gustaría, pero estoy que reviento.
Tía Lola: Vale. ¿Te apetece un chupito de hierbas?
Luisma: Me vendría de perlas, gracias.
Megan: So, in this lesson we get to take a peek at what happens when a family gets together to eat. Eating together around the table is though really important here in Spain, don’t you think, David?
David: Definitely! That’s how we celebrate pretty much every holiday. I can’t imagine life without that.
Megan: I don’t think I’d be exaggerating if I say that people in Spain are pretty food obsessed, do you?
David: Well, probably not. Not only do we love to eat, we love to talk about food, too.
Megan: Why don’t you casein a little bit about the rhythm of a normal Spanish meal?
David: Of course. First, you might have an “aperitivo”.
Megan: Which is a little drink and maybe a snack or “tapita” before the meal.
David: That’s right. Then you would have the “primer plato”.
Megan: Which is the first course and it’s usually a soup, a salad, seafood, vegetables, or some other kind of light dish.
David: Yes. And, después, “el segundo plato”.
Megan: The second course which is usually a heavier dish of meat or fish, or maybe a stew or rice dish like paella.
David: Yes. And, luego, “el postre”.
Megan: And dessert.
David: Flan, natilla, tarta, helado, ...
Megan: And then café, but only after dessert. You’ll be chastised if you try to have café and dessert at the same time.
David: Yes, that’s right. Why be in such a hurry, no? And then, maybe “el digestivo” or “chupito” at the very end.
Megan: And then a little “paseo” or a walk to keep from falling into a food coma. It’s a great ritual. The cool thing here is that meals like this are totally every day normal things.
David: True, and I guess it isn’t that way everywhere.
Megan: That’s for sure. You guys don’t even know how good you have it. Okay! Let’s get into the dialogue a little bit. In the Newbie conversation it started off like this:
F2: ¿Quieres más, Felipe?
Megan: And in the Iberian dialogue Tía Lola says “¿Quién quiere repetir?”, which literally means “Who wants to repeat?” or “Who wants seconds?”. Is there a difference?
David: No, not really. It means the same thing, although I think “repetir un plato” is probably more common, though, maybe something that you would hear mostly in the family setting.
Megan: And what if you say “este plato me repite”?
David: Pues eso ya es otra cosa.
Megan: That means something else, right?
David: Yes.
Megan: It means that the food is repeating on me, which isn’t good.
David: Yes, that’s right. Efectivamente. The difference is that “repetir un plato” is transitive and “repetirme un plato” is intransitive.
Megan: In the first it’s you who is doing the repeating, and in the second is the food that is doing the repeating, right?
David: Exactly! There are so many verbs that work this way in Spanish. I’m sure we’ll see a lot more.
Megan: Hey, I noticed there’s one thing that’s exactly the same in both dialogues.
F2: Y tú, ¿Juana?
Megan: And Tía Lola said “Y tú, ¿Luisma?”, which means “How about you, Luisma?” or literally “And you, Luisma?”
David: Right! We say the same thing. It’s short and to the point.
Megan: And what about Luisma? Can you explain a little bit about this name?
David: Hey, that’s my brother’s name, but aside from that, it’s short for Luis Manuel, or to for Luis Mariano, Luis Maria.
Megan: I didn’t know, short for all of these different things. There’re so many different nicknames here in Spain, some of them are pretty far removed from the original name, aren’t they?
David: True. Like Tía Lola in the dialogue. Lola is short for Dolores or Maria Dolores.
Megan: Which literally means Mary of the Sorrows, which is a pretty heavy name. And “Almudena” from the dialogue?
David: Sí, Almudena es un nombre muy, muy castizo.
Megan: It’s a very “castizo” name. “Castizo” here in Madrid means really old school “madrileño”, right?
David: Exactly! Our lady of Almudena is one of the Patron Saints of Madrid and a girl name that is probably from Madrid.
Megan: The funny thing is that Madrid has at least four patrons, and we get a holiday for each one of them.
David: Yes, well, that’s good, no?
Megan: Okay! I wanted to mention something really quickly about the word “tía” here in the dialogue, because we’ve gone over the fact that “tía” and “tío” are slang for “guy” and “girl”, but here it just means...
David: It means aunt and it means uncle.
Megan: So it still has the same meaning that it has all in Latin America which is, you know, in all the Spanish speaking world of “aunt” and “uncle” and…
David: Yes.
Megan: “Tío”, “tía”, it’s just a contextual thing, you would understand what they mean.
David: Yes, that’s right. And if you are speaking with your friends, with your buddies, you will say “¡Ey, tío!” that they will understand you’re not saying “Hey, uncle.”
Megan: Right! Okay. Now it’s time to look at the localisms and expressions that came up here.
David: Well, in the Newbie dialogue we heard:
F3: Estoy satisfecha.
David: And...
M2: Gracias, tía. Pero estamos repletos.
David: And in the Iberian dialogue I said: “me gustaría, pero estoy que reviento”, which literally means “I’d like to” or “I wish I could” “but I’m about to explode.”
Megan: I’m thinking this isn’t something you would say to your boss if he takes you out to lunch, right?
David: No, it’s just strictly for friends and family, on informal situations. But it means the same thing, “estoy lleno, ya no puedo más”.
Megan: I’m full, in other words. And speaking about being informal, I noticed that in the Newbie dialogue they used “used” with their “tía”.
F3: Usted prepara muy bien el cebiche.
Megan: Would you say this to your “tía”?
David: No, I wouldn’t. I would say that here in Spain, within the family we would almost use “tú”, we would “tutear”, but it’s not unusual that some families, I would say from the country, they would say “usted”.
Megan: So, it’s a very traditional kind of thing.
David: Yes, very traditional.
Megan: And “tutear” means to use “tú” or “vosotros”, again, just to review.
David: Yes.
Megan: And I love the way that the “tía” offers you a “chupito de hierbas” when you said that you’ve eaten too much. That’s so typical.
David: Right! She says, “Vale, ¿te apetece un chupito de hierbas?”.
Megan: A “chupito de hierbas” is a strong shot of liquor, “hierbas” is made of “orujo”.
David: Yes, and “orujo” is an alcohol made from what’s left over when they press the grapes to make the wine.
Megan: It’s kind of like Italian “grappa”, and they infuse it with herbs or “hierbas”.
David: Right, and having a little shot like right after dinner, helps you to digest your food and keep away stomach aches. That’s what we say, so…
Megan: That’s the official story.
David: Yes.
Megan: But really, I’m a believer now because it does seem to help when you’ve overdone it a bit. And what about your response?
David: Yes, I said “Me vendría de perlas, gracias”, which literally means “To me it would come of pearls, thanks.”
Megan: “Me vendría bien” or “me vendría de perlas” means something like “That’s just what I need” or “I could really use that” or “That would really hit the spot.”
David: Right! And here we have another diminutive, “chupito” which means “a shot” in English. In Spanish, “chupar” means “to suck”, so a “chupito” is...
Megan: Well, that just doesn’t really translate very well into English, does it? But we get the idea. I guess it’s because you have to suck it down pretty fast since it’s a really strong alcohol.
David: Yes, and one last thing, se me había escapado.
Megan: What’s that?
David: “Vale”.
Megan: Yes, we definitely have to talk about “vale”. It’s probably the most important word that a foreigner coming to Spain could learn. “Vale” just means “Okay, I agree” or “I understand.”
David: Right! It’s a way to agree to what was just said. It comes from the verb “valer”, “to be worth.”
Megan: And people say “vale” a lot, all the time because “Okay!” or “Ok!” isn’t used here at all, even though it’s understood, I’m sure. But, let’s give another example.
David: “Vale, ¿pues quieres repetir?”.
Megan: “Vale”.
David: Which means “Do you want another help in?” Okay!
Megan: I think I’ve probably had entire conversations with people when I first moved here just responding “vale”. Of course, I had no idea what they were talking about or what we were talking about most of the time, but it didn’t seem to matter. David, you have Aunt who makes any particular special dish that you like?
David: Yes, I’m sure you know, Bebita. Yes, she’s from Asturias and she cooks a very, very special dish. It’s “fabes con tinta de calamar”.
Megan: Which is baked white beans with squid ink.
David: Yes, that’s right. It looks very, very weird, that you don’t know how well it tastes.
Megan: It sounds really good. Does it have calamari in it?
David: No, it’s just the beans and the ink.
Megan: Yum!


Megan: Vale. Well, I think that will about just do it for this lesson. See you next time!
David: ¡Hasta la próxima!

Dialogue - Iberian

Dialogue - Standard

