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Megan: ¡Bienvenidos a Spanishpod101.com!
David: ¡Buenos días! Soy David.
Megan: And I’m Megan. Iberian Spanish Series, Lesson 11 - “¡Qué buena pinta!”
Last time we looked at how to order food at a restaurant. Today we’re going to check out what happens when some food arrives.
David: And we’ll take a look at some different vocabulary and expressions you could encounter in Spain.
Megan: Today’s lesson references Newbie Lesson 11 – “Let’s eat!”, so be sure to check that out on our website.
Okay! Let’s get started by going back to Newbie Lesson 11 where we heard the following conversation:
MOZO: Aquí tiene su chimichanga con mole, señor. Servido.
MANUEL: Gracias. Se ve rica.
MOZO: Y para usted señora, aquí tiene su burrito de carne. Servida.
LUISA: Gracias, señor. Se ve sabroso.
MOZO: ¡Buen provecho!
M3: This time with the translation. Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
MOZO: Aquí tiene su chimichanga con mole, señor. Servido.
F2: “Here you have your ‘chimichanga’ with ‘mole’, sir! There you are!”
MANUEL: Gracias. Se ve rica.
M4: “Thank you! It looks delicious!”
MOZO: Y para usted señora, aquí tiene su burrito de carne. Servida.
F2: “And for you, madam, here you have your beef burrito. There you are!”
LUISA: Gracias, señor. Se ve sabroso.
M4: “Thank you, sir! It looks tasty!”
MOZO: ¡Buen provecho!
F2: “Bon appetite!”
Megan: Now, let’s hear what that sounds like in Iberian Spanish:
Camarero: ¿Las chuletillas de cordero lechal?
David: Aquí, gracias.
Camarero: ¿Y la sepia a la plancha?
Megan: Para mí. ¡Mmm, qué buena pinta tiene!
Camarero: ¿Os falta algo?
David: No, creo que ya estamos.
Camarero: ¡Que os aproveche!
M4: Once again slowly. Una vez más, esta vez lentamente.
Camarero: ¿Las chuletillas de cordero lechal?
David: Aquí, gracias.
Camarero: ¿Y la sepia a la plancha?
Megan: Para mí. ¡Mmm, qué buena pinta tiene!
Camarero: ¿Os falta algo?
David: No, creo que ya estamos.
Camarero: ¡Que os aproveche!
Megan: So, people listening along might not realize that in the Newbie dialogue the waiter was called “mozo” and in the Iberian dialogue we changed that to “camarero”. Can you explain why, David?
David: Yes. Here in Spain we don’t use the word “mozo” at all anymore to mean “waiter”. To us it sounds kind of old fashion or even somewhat derogatory. “Camarero” or “camarera”, if it’s a woman, it’s the word that we use for “waiter”.
Megan: I know that I heard “mozo” and also “mesero”, meaning “waiter”, quite a bit when I was travelling in Latin America, though I think it’s been a while. But, it’s true. Here, in Spain, I’ve never heard “mozo” used that way. Though, I know that the word “mozo” does exist because every once in a while I hear an older person call my son “mozo” or “mocito” which means “little boy”.
David: Yes, that’s true. It can mean that and that’s probably why it has a negative connotation.
Megan: It’s interesting to see how a word can have a different trajectory in different places.
David: Yes, sure! Definitely! The Spanish speaking world is so diverse that it makes sense that its place makes the language its own.
Megan: Okay, moving on to some things that might be specific to the Iberian Peninsula. Here we have a waiter “tuteando”. “Tutear” means to use the second person, informal form, in this case the plural “vosotros” instead of the formal “usted”.
David: Yes, it’s not uncommon to be “tratado de tú” or “tuteado” in Spain, unless you are of a certain age.
Megan: Right! Older people still tend to get addressed as the more formal “usted” or “ustedes” by younger people, that is.
David: Yes, and what touted off that the waiter was using the more informal “tratamiento” or form of address.
Megan: Well, the only clue that we have is the inclusion of the pronoun “os”, “¿Os falta algo?”.
David: That’s right! And also “¡Que os aproveche!”. The “os” in both cases means “you”, plural informal. “Os” is the indirect object that corresponds to “vosotros”.
Megan: Right! “¿Os falta algo?” literally means “To you all is lacking something?”, or in plain English “Do you all need anything else?”
David: And “¡Que os aproveche!” literally means “I hope it’s enjoyable to you all.”
Megan: Which translates as “Bon appetite!” or “Enjoy your meal!”. So, you wouldn’t be offended if a waiter addressed you as “tú”, would you?
David: Oh, no, not at all! That depends on the formality of a situation and the age of the people in question.
Megan: In the Newbie dialogue they said:
M2: ¡Buen provecho!
David: Yes! This would be understood in Spain just fine, but I think we say “¡que aproveche!” more.
Megan: And why is “aproveche” when the verb is “aprovechar” which has an “–ar” ending?
David: Well, that’s another example of the Subjunctive. “¡Que aproveche!” expresses a wish about the future and that is always going to be in the Subjunctive Mood.
Megan: So, it’s like “que te sea leve” which we saw in Iberian Lesson 6. “Que te sea leve”, meant “I hope you have an easy time of it.”
David: Exactly! We have “un montón de expresiones”, tons of expressions like that. I’m sure we’ll get to see more.
Megan: Okay! Now, let’s review just a few words for pronunciation, like the soft “C” that has the “th” sound, for example.
David: Yes, we saw that in the word “gracias”, “gra-cias”.
Megan: And how about that strong “Y” sound in “ya”?
David: “Ya”, “ya”.
Megan: And how about the word “para”? We saw “para” compressed into “pa” in Lesson 10, “‘pa’ beber”.
David: Ah, no, yo no digo eso.
Megan: Okay! Well, I hear people shorten “para mí” to “‘pa’ mí” all the time, but are you saying that you really wouldn’t say it that way yourself?
David: Do you want the truth?
Megan: Sure!
David: ¿La verdad? Well, probably not. And you’re right. Lots of people, not me, shorten it to “‘pa’ mí”, “‘pa’ ti”, but it’s important for people learning to hear this, so they know what people are talking about.
Megan: Okay, I’ll let you off the hook. But tell us, for you is “‘pa’ mí” and “‘pa’ ti”, is that informal to you or is that less “cuidado”, less careful?
David: No, no! It’s very, very informal. It’s a very relaxed way of speaking. You wouldn’t say that in a, you know, work meeting or something like that.
Megan: Okay! Moving on to the localisms in this dialogue, first off I wanted to get into what wasn’t in this dialogue that showed up in the Newbie Lesson. For example, in the Newbie Lesson the waiter said:
M2: Servido. Servida.
Megan: As he served the food.
David: Yes, I noticed that, but I can’t recall it or hear it in this in Spain. I think that waiter would more just say like “para usted” or “aquí tienes”. I also don’t think we use the word “sabroso” as much.
F2: Se ve sabroso.
David: We would more likely say “rico” or “bueno”.
Megan: Or as we said in the conversation “¡Qué buena pinta tiene!” or “tiene buena pinta” which literally means “What a nice look it has!” or “It has a nice look to it!”.
David: Yes, this just means “It looks good.”. This is a very informal expression, but I’d say it’s pretty common.
Megan: True. This is an expression that’s used a lot, but not even just for food, for people, things, even situations.
David: Absolutely! Something can also have “mala pinta”, which means “It doesn’t look good.”
Megan: Or you can even say “no tiene mala pinta” which is around about an ironic way of saying “It looks good” or “It doesn’t look half bad.”
David: Yes, that’s right! One other thing, we have another example here of an expression with “estar”.
Megan: Oh, yes. The waiter asked if we wanted anything else “¿Os falta algo?”, and you said:
David: No, creo que ya estamos.
Megan: Which literally means “No, I believe that we already are.”
David: Yes, here “estar” means “to be ready”, in this context “ya estamos” means “We’re in a good shape now and we have everything we need.”
Megan: And how about the food? “Sepia a la plancha”, “sepia” is cuttlefish, and the word “sepia”, in English, comes from the brownish color of the cuttle fishing.
David: Yes, and “a la plancha” means “grill”. This is a very, very common way of cooking meat, seafood and vegetables.
Megan: I love “a la plancha”! And what about the “chuletillas de cordero lechal”? Tiny, little suckling lamb chops. They’re so tiny that they use the diminutive of “chuleta”, “chuletillas”, and “lechal” comes from the word “leche”, which means “milk”.
David: Yes, “lechal” means that the lambs haven’t been fed anything but milk. Mmm, “chuletillas”, that’s one of my favorite dishes from Castilla. There are special restaurants called “asadores” which just are specialized in lamb.
Megan: I’m not giving score, but just how many favorite dishes do you have, David?
David: I couldn’t say, but, you know, there’s so much good food in Spain.
Megan: Totalmente de acuerdo contigo. I couldn’t agree more.
David: Venga, creo que ya estamos, ¿no?


Megan: That about does it, right?
David: Pues sí.
Megan: See you next time!
David: ¡Hasta la próxima!

Dialogue - Iberian

Dialogue - Standard

