
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Dylan: Hola, hola a todos. Habla Dylan, ¿cómo están?
Carlos: What’s going on, pod101 world? My name is Carlos. In this lesson, you will learn about expressing future intentions.
Carlos: The conversation takes place in the bus.
Dylan: The conversation is between the bus driver and Jorge.
Carlos: The speakers are strangers so they’ll be speaking formally. Let’s listen to the conversation.
JORGE: ¡Señor!, por favor, pare aquí.
CHOFER: ¿Aquí? ¿está seguro?
JORGE: ¡Sí! ¡Por favor! ¡No tengo opción! No quiero ir a la playa.
CHOFER: ¡Pero estamos donde el diablo perdió la chaqueta!
JORGE: ¿El diablo? ¿Dónde estoy? ¡Pare por favor!
CHOFER: Está bien, pero no se queje después, ¡yo se lo advertí!
Jorge: Sir! Please stop here!
Chofer: Here? Are you sure?
Jorge: Yes! Please! I have no other option. I don’t want to go to the beach!
Chofer: But we're where the devil lost his jacket!
Jorge: The devil? Where am I? Please stop!
Chofer: Okay, but don't complain about it later. I warned you!
Dylan: Oh my God! Poor Jorge.
Carlos: Why would you get off the bus?
Dylan: I don’t know.
Carlos: Why would you get off the bus?
Dylan: Why Jorge, why?
Carlos: Audience, don’t ever get off the bus.
Dylan: No, especially where the devil left his jacket.
Carlos: I mean you are just between, you don’t know where actually.
Dylan: That’s what it means.
Carlos: And if it’s at night, there’s like, there’s no street light and hope he’ll be fine. He’s making a mistake.
Dylan: Yes, I mean the road from San José or any beach in this country is not a safe place to get off the bus. It’s just the middle of nowhere.
Carlos: You might fall off a cliff.
Dylan: Oh my God! He could!
Carlos: That’s it, but you know what. Dylan this being lesson 25, we’ll never know what happens to Jorge.
Dylan: Oh no.
Carlos: Okay guys, let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Dylan: “Parar”.
Carlos: “To stop”, “to halt.”
Dylan: “Pa-rar”, “parar”.
Dylan: “Seguro, segura”.
Carlos: “Sure.”
Dylan: “Se-gu-ro, se-gu-ra”, “seguro, segura”.
Dylan: “Opción”.
Carlos: “Option.”
Dylan: “Op-ción”, “opción”.
Dylan: “Diablo”.
Carlos: “Devil.”
Dylan: “Dia-blo”, “diablo”.
Dylan: “Quejarse”.
Carlos: “To complain.”
Dylan: “Que-jar-se”, “quejarse”.
Dylan: “Advertir”.
Carlos: “To warn.”
Dylan: “Ad-ver-tir”, “advertir”.
Carlos: Okay, let’s have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Dylan: The first word we’ll look at is “parar”.
Carlos: “Parar”, “to stop”, “to come to a halt.” You know, I just learned this verb.
Dylan: When?
Carlos: Like just now. I mean it’s one of those verbs that I couldn’t find when I needed it at the time.
Dylan: Well, give me a situation.
Carlos: Well, like yesterday. I was driving and I was lost and we stopped to ask directions. And I couldn’t figure out how to express that. To say should we stop and ask for directions.
Dylan: Well yes, the verb “parar” would have been perfect for the situation. Wait, did I just hear you right? Did you just say that you were the one that said that you should stop to ask directions?
Carlos: Yes so?
Dylan: That is a miracle!
Carlos: I’m a modern man, if I’m lost I ask for directions.
Dylan: Huh! Okay, well. Woo! Back to “parar”. How was the verb used in today’s conversation?
Carlos: “¡Señor!, por favor, pare aquí”.
Dylan: “Sir! please, stop here.”
Carlos: So not only do we have the verb “parar” being used in the context of driving, which is how I would now usually use it, we also have the verb “parar” conjugated as “pare” which is a form of command.
Dylan: Very good.
Carlos: Well Dylan, we are on lesson 25, picking up little things like that goes with the territory now.
Dylan: Very good, now how about another example.
Carlos: “Yo iba manejando y tuve que parar”.
Dylan: “I was driving and had to stop.”
Carlos: But I can’t think of a related word.
Dylan: You know what?
Carlos: Really?
Dylan: Actually we covered it recently.
Carlos: No, can’t say that I do.
Dylan: You are going to kick yourself, are you ready?
Carlos: Okay, shoot.
Dylan: “Parada”.
Carlos: Oh, “stop.” As in bus stop. I should have known.
Dylan: I told you, you should have. But whatever, now you know.
Carlos: Next up.
Dylan: “Seguro”, the adjective sense.
Carlos: Ah okay, so “seguro, segura”, “secure.”
Dylan: Correct.
Carlos: See Jorge just found out that he’s on the wrong bus and he wants to get out.
Dylan: But the bus driver thinks he shouldn’t.
Carlos: So he asks...
Dylan: “¿Está seguro?”
Carlos: “Are you sure?”
Dylan: At least now the bus driver is showing a little concern.
Carlos: Very true but I would not want to be in Jorge’s situation.
Dylan: Not in the slightest. But give us another example, would you?
Carlos: “No estoy seguro de esa respuesta”.
Dylan: “I am not sure of that answer.”
Carlos: I learned that one when I was studying Spanish in a language school.
Dylan: Were you sure of all your answers?
Carlos: Nope. It was kind of embarrassing you know, being named Carlos, everyone figured that you know Spanish.
Dylan: Yeah, that must have been frustrating.
Carlos: You have no idea. How about a related word?
Dylan: “Cierto”.
Carlos: Ah well, when you put it that way.
Dylan: Huh, that I did.
Carlos: Next up.
Dylan: “Opción”.
Carlos: Pretty straight forward. “Opción”, “option.”
Dylan: Correct.
Carlos: Jorgee seems pretty desperate to be using the word in this context. “No tengo opción”.
Dylan: “I have no other option.”
Carlos: He does have another option, take the bus to the beach, relax there and simply take the bus back. I mean come on, he’s already been on the bus for a couple of hours.
Dylan: That’s true.
Carlos: “Hay muchas más opciones siempre”.
Dylan: Yes, “there are always many other options.”
Carlos: But I can understand his stress. As someone who’s travelled all alone, it can be pretty stressful when you find out you are on the wrong bus and then you don’t know where you are.
Dylan: I can imagine.
Carlos: That’s why they always say, pack and plan light.
Dylan: Is that what they say?
Carlos: That’s what they said to me.
Dylan: Okay well, how about a related word?
Carlos: [inaudible 05:05]
Dylan: Another cognate something Jorge will have to do with his options, ”tomar una selección”.
Carlos: “Make a selection.”
Dylan: And he’s selecting to get off the bus. No matter where he is.
Carlos: Next up...
Dylan: “Diablo”.
Carlos: “The devil.” Not a very comforting image. Where’s this conversation going?
Dylan: Well, this is the point of the conversation where we learn exactly where Jorge is.
Carlos: Why do you say that?
Dylan: Well, here the bus driver says “¡Pero estamos donde el diablo perdió la chaqueta!”
Carlos: “But where the devil lost his jacket!”
Dylan: That is a Costa Rican saying.
Carlos: Oh yeah you know, now that I think about it, you are right. I remember that from a Costa Rican series.
Dylan: Yeah, I figured that would ring a bell.
Carlos: How else might I use “diablo” in everyday speech? Maybe not with a religious connection.
Dylan: “Ese niño es un diablo”.
Carlos: “That kid is a devil.” Okay, I’ll take that. That one works.
Dylan: Have you ever heard of the noun “la diablura”?
Carlos: No, can’t say that I have.
Dylan: “Devilry.”
Carlos: I don’t even know what that is in English.
Dylan: Maybe it can be thought of as acts of the devil.
Carlos: Okay, I see what you mean.
Dylan: Next up, the verb “quejarse”.
Carlos: “To complain.” I hate whiners.
Dylan: I hate them too. It just bothers me.
Carlos: I hope that Jorge doesn’t whine after he gets off that bus. He’s definitely going to regret it.
Dylan: The bus driver is warning him. “Está bien, pero no se queje después, ¡yo se lo advertí!”
Carlos: “Okay, but don’t complain about it later, I have warned you.”
Dylan: At least he’s warning him.
Carlos: But even if he didn’t warn him, there are some people who just always complain.
Dylan: I know. “Mi tío se queja por todo. Por el clima, por la comida, por todo”.
Carlos: “My aunt complains of everything. For the weather, for the food, for everything” You just can’t make some people happy Dylan, it’s a sad sad fact.
Dylan: Always “las quejas”.
Carlos: “The complaints.”
Dylan: Last but not least, “advertir”.
Carlos: “To warn.” Now this is another verb that I need to put in my pocket. I always try to think of it and it always escapes me.
Dylan: This lesson has been good to you with the vocabulary, huh?
Carlos: Yes it has, you have no idea.
Dylan: So then use it again. How was it used in the conversation? “¡yo se lo advertí!”
Carlos: “I warned you.”
Dylan: Use it in another sample sentence.
Carlos: “Mi amigo me advirtió sobre esta situación”.
Dylan: “My friend warned me about the situation.”
Carlos: Cool I think I got it.
Dylan: Not yet, what about the noun? “The warning.”
Carlos: That would be “la advertencia”.
Dylan: Good work.
Carlos: Thanks, I know I got it now.

Lesson focus

Dylan: Now we review how to express future actions using “la perífrasis”.
Carlos: Which is a unit of one verb in a personal form and another in an impersonal form. This way of speaking usually takes place in the absence of a future.
Dylan: Here we conjugate the personal verb “ir”, “to go” and then we have the preposition “a” and the infinitive of the future action that we carry out.
Carlos: Now unlike the absolute future tense which expresses a finite statement that we will do something, we are expressing “el futuro de intención”, “the future of intention.” Which shows our intention to carry out an action with less absolute certainty.
Dylan: In order to build this structure we need to know the conjugation of the verb “ir”, “to go”, in both the imperfect past tense and the present tense.
Carlos: So formation. “Ir” (personal verb) + “a” + infinitive (impersonal verb) which would be the impersonal verb. So the present tense...
Dylan: “Yo voy a…”
Carlos: “I’m going to.”
Dylan: “Tú vas a…”
Carlos: “You are going to.”
Dylan: “Él va a…”
Carlos: “He is going to.”
Dylan: “Ella va a…”
Carlos: “She is going to.”
Dylan: “Usted va a…”
Carlos: “You are going to.”
Dylan: “Nosotros vamos a…”
Carlos: “We are going to.”
Dylan: “Vosotros vais a…”
Carlos: “You are going to.”
Dylan: “Ellos/ellas van a…”
Carlos: “They are going to.”
Dylan: “Ustedes van a…”
Carlos: “You are going to.” Now in the imperfect past tense.
Dylan: “Yo iba a…”
Carlos: “I was going to.”
Dylan: “Tú ibas a…”
Carlos: “You were going to.”
Dylan: “Él iba a…”
Carlos: “He was going to.”
Dylan: “Ella iba a…”
Carlos: “She was going to.”
Dylan: “Usted iba a…”
Carlos: “You were going to (formal).”
Dylan: “Nosotros íbamos a…”
Carlos: “We were going to.”
Dylan: “Vosotros ibais a…”
Carlos: “You were going to.”
Dylan: “Ellos/ellas iban a…”
Carlos: “They were going to.”
Dylan: “Ustedes iban a…”
Carlos: “You all were going to.” Sample sentences.
Dylan: “Voy a caminar en el parque”.
Carlos: “I’m going to walk in the park.”
Dylan: “Vas a hacer tu tarea”.
Carlos: “You are going to do your homework.” Now contrast this with the following use of the absolute future.
Dylan: “Iré a caminar en el parque”.
Carlos: “I will go to walk in the park.”
Dylan: “Harás tu tarea”.
Carlos: “You will do your homework.” Now observe the difference between the present tense and the imperfect past tense conjugation of the verb “ir”, “to go.”
Dylan: In the present tense, “Yo voy a trabajar”.
Carlos: “I am going to work.”
Dylan: And in the imperfect past tense, “Yo iba a trabajar”.
Carlos: “I was going to work.”
Dylan: “Tú vas a venir”.
Carlos: “You are going to come.”
Dylan: “Tú ibas a venir”.
Carlos: “You were going to come.”
Dylan: “Ella va a dormir”.
Carlos: “She is going to sleep.”
Dylan: “Ella iba dormir.”
Carlos: “She was going to sleep.”
Dylan: “Nosotros vamos a jugar”.
Carlos: “We are going to play.”
Dylan: “Nosotros íbamos a jugar”.
Carlos: “We were going to play.”
Dylan: “Vosotros vais a comer algo”.
Carlos: “You all are going to eat something.”
Dylan: “Vosotros ibais a comer algo”.
Carlos: “You all were going to eat something.”
Dylan: “Ellos van a correr”.
Carlos: “They are going to run.”
Dylan: “Ellos iban a correr”.
Carlos: “They were going to run.”
Dylan: Remember that we referred to “ir”, “to go”, as the personal verb in this case because we are conjugating it to show it’s going to carry out the impersonal action.
Carlos:There are two reasons why this periphrastic constructions so important to learn. First it’s a very common everyday speech. Which is why we reviewed it. Since this expresses a future tense in a less direct way.
Dylan: Secondly it’s also important to learn because the verb “ir” is very irregular. Which means that you are going to have to memorize the forms.


Carlos: Okay guys you know what, that just about does it for this season.
Dylan: ¡Chao!
Carlos: ¡Nos vemos!


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