
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Dylan: Hola, hola a todos. Habla Dylan, ¿cómo están?
Carlos: What’s going on, pod101world? My name is Carlos. In this lesson, you will learn about the set phrase “please” and “thank you.”
Dylan: This conversation takes place in a coffee shop.
Carlos: The conversation is between Daniel and Adriana.
Dylan: The speakers are friends and are speaking informally.
Carlos: Okay guys, let’s listen to the conversation.
DANIEL: Estoy enamorado de ti desde el momento que te vi.
ADRIANA: Ay, ¡sí claro!, ¡qué gracioso!
DANIEL: No, es en serio, ¡es la verdad! Por favor, dame tú número de teléfono.
ADRIANA: Humm, está bien, el número es...
DANIEL: ¡Gracias!, ¡gracias!, ¡gracias!
Daniel: I’ve been in love with you since the moment I saw you.
Adriana: Hahaha, yeah right! How funny!
Daniel: No, seriously, it’s the truth! Please give me your phone number.
Adriana: Mmm, okay, the number is three, twenty-two, fourteen, eighteen.
Daniel: Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Dylan: My gosh! You think this is the right number?
Carlos: I don’t know, that hadn’t occurred to me.
Dylan: What didn’t occur to you?
Carlos: I thought that she might just have given him her number. I’d be freaked out by this personally.
Dylan: It’s like too weird.
Carlos: Yes, especially the girl is so gorgeous, I mean one thing that we’ve already mentioned is that you know, Latin men are just supposed to be able to go up to women and talk to them and so she must get whistled at, conked at horns all day and for guys to say “ I love you”.
Dylan: Yes, I know, it’s too easy. There’s something wrong here.
Carlos: Okay well, we’ll find out later.
Dylan: Yes.
Carlos: Okay guys, let’s have a closer look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
Dylan: “Desde”.
Carlos: “Since.”
Dylan: “Des-de”, “desde”.
Dylan: “Gracioso, graciosa”.
Carlos: “Funny.”
Dylan: “Gra-cio-so, gra-cio-sa”, “gracioso, graciosa”.
Dylan: “En serio”.
Carlos: “Seriously.”
Dylan: “En se-rio”, “en serio”.
Dylan: “Está bien”.
Carlos: “It’s okay.”
Dylan: “Es-tá bien”, “está bien”.
Dylan: “Dar”.
Carlos: “To give.”
Dylan: “Dar”, “dar”.
Dylan: “Catorce”.
Carlos: “Fourteen.”
Dylan: “Ca-tor-ce”, “catorce”.
Carlos: Okay guys, let’s have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Dylan: The first word we’ll look at is “desde”.
Carlos: “Since.” You know I always get that confused with.
Dylan: Save that for the related word.
Carlos: Okay, okay, “desde”, a preposition.
Dylan: You have to do this example. It is too dramatic.
Carlos: “Estoy enamorado de ti desde el momento que te vi”.
Dylan: “I’ve been in love with you since the moment I saw you.” Wow, talk about direct.
Carlos: It could go either way I tell you.
Dylan: Probably but from a woman’s point of view, let me tell you that if a guy said that to me, I might be a little put off.
Carlos: “Estoy enamorado de ti desde el momento que te vi”.
Dylan: Eeew.
Carlos: Okay. Yes, if a girl said that to me I’d be pretty disturbed. It’s like a novella, isn’t it?
Dylan: Yes, but let’s get back to the preposition.
Carlos: Right so can we also use the preposition to denote time?
Dylan: Yes, we can. “Caminé desde mi casa hasta la escuela”.
Carlos: Right, so can we also use the preposition to denote distance?
Dylan: Yes, we can. “Caminé desde mi casa hasta la escuela”.
Carlos: “I walked from my house until the school.” Hey, that is the other word I was going to mention.
Dylan: Yes, “hasta” is a related word, another preposition that means “until.”
Carlos: Okay, I’m going to have to figure out some way to tell those two apart.
Dylan: “Gracioso, graciosa” is our next word.
Carlos: An adjective that means “funny.”
Dylan: What can we infer from Adrianna’s response? “Hahahaha, ¡sí claro!, ¡que gracioso!”
Carlos: “Hahahaha, yes, right, how funny.”
Dylan: Well she could be joking or feigning humility, it’s hard to tell.
Carlos: Es gracioso como...
Dylan: Its funny how what?
Carlos: Nothing, I’m just trying to use the word. Now what about some related words?
Dylan: Well, you come up with some. Come on. What do you associate with “funny”?
Carlos: The adjective “chistoso” which also means “funny”, right? And “divertido”, “fun.”
Dylan: Good, now we are moving to something a little more serious.
Carlos: “En serio”?
Dylan: Exactly.
Carlos: Oh, “seriously”?
Dylan: “No, es en serio, ¡es la verdad! Por favor, dame tú número de teléfono”.
Carlos: “No, seriously, it’s the truth, please give me your phone number.” Now in the States this might be the time she takes the pepper spray.
Dylan: I’ve been in love with you since the moment I laid eyes on you, give me your phone number, at least he didn’t propose.
Carlos: Oh Dylan, I don’t think they are moving that fast. Come on.
Dylan: Now we hear the seed of a related word in our example.
Carlos: Which is...
Dylan: “De verdad”.
Carlos: “Really.”
Dylan: Now an allocution that maybe the most common in Spanish.
Carlos: Which is...
Dylan: “Está bien”.
Carlos: “It’s okay.” Yes, that is very common.
Dylan: Now we must differentiate from “está bien”, “he/she/you (formal) are okay.”
Carlos: Right and you know that from the accent.
Dylan: The pronunciation is different. “Está bien”, “está bien”.
Carlos: But looks like Adrianna isn’t scared at all.
Dylan: No, she says “hummm está bien, el número es…”
Carlos: “Okay, the number is…” Man that was really easy.
Dylan: That’s how you know this is fiction, Carlos.
Carlos: Está bien, moving on.
Dylan: “Dar”, “to give.”
Carlos: Ah you know, I was wondering about that. We have it in the imperative, don’t we?
Dylan: Yes, “dame”.
Carlos: “Dame tú número de teléfono”.
Dylan: Now don’t confuse “dame” with “dime”.
Carlos: You know I was going to get to that. “Dame” is “give me” informal and “dime” is “tell me.”
Dylan: “Dar” and “decir”, but those imperatives are so similar that they are very easy to confuse.
Carlos: You are telling me.
Dylan: Last but not least, a number.
Carlos: There are a lot of numbers out there, Dylan.
Dylan: Yes, but here’s a number that is kind of irregular.
Carlos: Which?
Dylan: “Catorce”.
Carlos: “Fourteen.” You know I totally agree with that. You know I always had trouble remembering it so I usually find myself counting from eleven. Like “once, doce, trece, catorce…”
Dylan: Well, I’m sure that’s a common strategy.
Carlos: Like “yo tengo catorce primos”.
Dylan: You have fourteen cousins?
Carlos: No, but if I did I would have a huge family.
Dylan: Not down here. A couple of generations ago it wouldn’t have been uncommon to hear “catorce hermanos”.
Carlos:”Fourteen siblings” you know that would lead to a whole bunch of cousins wouldn’t it?
Dylan: Yes, now for grammar. We are going over something that is very basic and sometimes may be overlooked. We will not make that mistake here.

Lesson focus

Carlos: No, we won’t.
Dylan: There are a few words and basic expressions that are key for anyone trying to learn Spanish. You will need to know how to be polite in order to get by on any given setting.
Carlos: Very true and the average person on the street will appreciate it, trust me.
Dylan: Now, let’s go through the primary words and phrase that come up in almost every situation.
Carlos: Very good, an overlooked idea. Formation.
Dylan: “Por favor”.
Carlos: “Please.”
Dylan: “Gracias”.
Carlos: “Thanks.”
Dylan: “Muchas gracias”.
Carlos: “Thank you very much.”
Dylan: “Mil gracias”.
Carlos: “Many thanks”, “a thousand thanks.”
Dylan: “Mucho gusto”.
Carlos: “A pleasure.”
Dylan: “Encantado, encantada”.
Carlos: “Charmed.”
Dylan: “Perdón”.
Carlos: “I beg your pardon.”
Dylan: “Disculpe”.
Carlos: “Excuse me.”
Dylan: “Perdone”.
Carlos: “Pardon me.”
Dylan: “Muy amable”.
Carlos: “How kind of you.”
Dylan: “Lo agradezco”.
Carlos: “I appreciate it.”
Dylan: “Buenos días”.
Carlos: “Good morning.”
Dylan: “Buenas tardes”.
Carlos: “Good afternoon.”
Dylan: “Buenas noches”.
Carlos: “Good night.”
Dylan: “Cuídese”.
Carlos: “Take care.”
Dylan: And one important thing to remember.
Carlos: You know I know we are going to talk about politeness.
Dylan: Try to learn the formal “usted” form in order to address people with more respect. We use this form especially when speaking with unknown adults, teachers, a boss, a police officer and so on.


Carlos: Okay guys, that just about does it for today. Buenos días, buenas tardes y buenas noches. ¡Cuídese!
Dylan: ¡Hasta luego!
Carlos: ¡Chao!


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