
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Dylan: Hola, buenos días a todos, soy Dylan.
Carlos: What’s going on pod101 world? My name is Carlos. In this lesson, you will learn about cardinal numbers.
Dylan: Again?
Carlos: Hey, we have to, Dylan. We had a strong base in the fundamentals. You are really standing on sand.
Dylan: That was a deep metaphor, Carlos.
Carlos: What can I say, Dylan? Sometimes I am a deep guy. You know this conversation is between Luis and his prospective boss.
Dylan: So he got the interview?
Carlos: Well, he is there, isn’t he?
Dylan: Carlos, don’t get smart. So he wants to make a good impression, of course. So how was he speaking?
Carlos: Formally. You know, he does want the job, doesn’t he? Let’s listen to the conversation.
LUIS: ¡Buenos días! Vengo a la entrevista de trabajo.
JEFE: Siéntese, muchacho, ¿cuál es su nombre?
LUIS: Luis Solís.
JEFE: ¿Usted trajo su currículo?
LUIS: Eh! Sí señor, y tres cartas de presentación.
JEFE: ¡Vaya! Muchacho, tiene mucha experiencia... estoy interesado en oír más de usted.
And now, slowly.
Una vez más, esta vez lentamente.
LUIS: ¡Buenos días! Vengo a la entrevista de trabajo.
JEFE: Siéntese, muchacho, ¿cuál es su nombre?
LUIS: Luis Solís.
JEFE: ¿Usted trajo su currículo?
LUIS: Eh! Sí señor, y tres cartas de presentación.
JEFE: ¡Vaya! Muchacho, tiene mucha experiencia... estoy interesado en oír más de usted.
And now, with the translation.
Ahora, incluimos la traducción.
LUIS: ¡Buenos días! Vengo a la entrevista de trabajo.
LUIS: Good morning. I've come here for the job interview.
JEFE: Siéntese, muchacho, ¿cuál es su nombre?
JEFE: Have a seat, young man, what is your name?
LUIS: Luis Solís.
LUIS: Luis Solis.
JEFE: ¿Usted trajo su currículo?
JEFE: Did you bring your resume?
LUIS: Eh! Sí señor, y tres cartas de presentación.
LUIS: Yes, sir, and three letters of recommendation.
JEFE: ¡Vaya! Muchacho, tiene mucha experiencia... estoy interesado en oír más de usted.
JEFE: Wow! Young man, you have a lot of experience...I am interested in hearing more about you.
Carlos: Dylan, do you have any like stressful job interview stories like have you ever been like in a really stressful job interview?
Dylan: Yeah, actually I went to a job interview once and as soon as I walked in the door, I knew that I didn’t want the job but I was just too embarrassed to walk out. So I did the interview and it was just – it was horrible because at the end, they wanted to hire me and I was like “no, I am sorry” and I got something else.
Carlos: Well, it’s crazy. You know I remember when I was interviewing to be a teacher in New York City, go to this big job fairs. I am like they had me in a room like this like big principal. He is just like all right, so you know, you are sitting and your kid comes in late and he don’t care and he just comes and sits down and you say, excuse me, why are you late and he says, beep you man and you are like, what are you doing? And I am like I don’t know. Let him sit down like what, I didn’t get the job.
Dylan: Yeah. Well, at least he came to class.
Carlos: Exactly.
Dylan: He is not around the street.
Carlos: You got to pick your battles.
Dylan: Right.
Carlos: All right let’s take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson. First up, we have a compound phrase.
Dylan: “Buenos días”.
Carlos: “Good morning.”
Dylan: “Bue-nos dí-as”, “buenos días”.
Carlos: Next up we have a verb.
Dylan: “Sentar”.
Carlos: “To sit.”
Dylan: “Sen-tar”, “sentar”.
Dylan: “Traer”.
Carlos: “To bring.”
Dylan: “Tra-er”, “traer”.
Carlos: Next up we have an adjective.
Dylan: “Interesado”.
Carlos: “Interested.”
Dylan: “In-te-re-sa-do”, “interesado”.
Carlos: And then we have a masculine noun.
Dylan: “Currículo”.
Carlos: “Resume.”
Dylan: “Cu-rrí-cu-lo”, “currículo”.
Carlos: And last but not least a feminine noun.
Dylan: “Recomendación”.
Carlos: “Recommendation”, “advice.”
Dylan: “Re-co-men-da-ción”, “recomendación”.
Carlos: Okay guys, let’s have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Dylan: The first phrase we will look at is “buenos días”.
Carlos: “Buenos días”. “Good morning.”
Dylan: Remember, this compound phrase is very basic and very important.
Carlos: Wasn’t “buenos tardes” covered in our last lesson?
Dylan: Practice makes perfect, Carlitos.
Carlos: You know what, you are right. I mean we’ve mentioned how polite most Spanish speakers are and I can’t think of any situation in which I simply talk to a stranger without saying good morning or good afternoon.
Dylan: “Buenos días”, “buenos tardes” y...
Carlos: And then we have “buenas noches”, “good evening” and “good night.”
Dylan: Since we are talking about formality, Luis is pretty well with his opening.
Carlos: Yes, he does “¡Buenos días! Vengo a la entrevista de trabajo”.
Dylan: “Good morning, I’ve come here for the job interview.” Do you say good morning in a situation like that in English?
Carlos: You know, Dylan, that’s an interesting question. You know when I can’t recall ever going somewhere, well actually yeah, good morning yeah, you are walking somewhere and say yes, good morning, good morning, good morning. I can’t recall the last time I went to somebody and said good afternoon.
Dylan: Well, you should. It sounds better.
Carlos: Well, I will keep that in mind, Dylan.
Dylan: Moving along, we have the verb “sentar”.
Carlos: “Sentar”, “to sit.”
Dylan: What do you know about this verb, Carlos?
Carlos: Well, I know that it’s an irregular “ar” verb.
Dylan: Nice and in the conversation...
Carlos: Well, when the boss says “Siéntese, muchacho, ¿cuál es su nombre?”
Dylan: “Sit down young man, what is your name?” Can you think of another example sentence?
Carlos: Let me think. “Cuando voy a la escuela, yo siempre me siento en la primera silla”.
Dylan: You are such a suck up.
Carlos: Why?
Dylan: “When I go to school, I always sit on the first chair.” I bet that’s so true.
Carlos: No, it is. You know and I love school and think about it. I sat so far ahead that I became a teacher.
Dylan: Not sure that that makes sense, but okay. Carlos, isn’t there a word that you mix up with “sentar”.
Carlos: That will be the verb “sentir”, “to feel.”
Dylan: Do you know why you probably mix them up?
Carlos: Why?
Dylan: Think about it, “sentar” is commonly mixed up with the verb “sentir” because the conjugation for “yo”, first person and present tense, is exactly the same for both verbs.
Carlos: You know what, I’d never thought about it that way. “Yo me siento”, “I feel”. “Yo me siento”, “I sit.” And you know what, that will stick now.
Dylan: I will test it on you later.
Carlos: Deal! So what do we have next?
Dylan: The verb “traer”.
Carlos: “To bring”, right?
Dylan: Right, but you could have figured that out from the conversation.
Carlos: True, “¿Usted trajo su currículo?”
Dylan: “Did you bring your resume?” Hold that example on your head, audience. We are going to use it again.
Carlos: But here is another sentence just to give “traer” some more light.
Dylan: “Yo siempre traigo mi dinero en los bolsillos de mi pantalón”.
Carlos: “I always carried my money in my pants pocket”, and 10,000 colons in my shoe.
Dylan: What?
Carlos: You never know, you might need the money.
Dylan: Don’t you think that’s a little overly cautious?
Carlos: Maybe but I believe it’s better to be safe to the sorry. It’s a habit that I have from my New York days and I walk around with 20 dollar bill in my shoe.
Dylan: Well, I guess it’s good to be prepared which is why we give you some related words.
Carlos: Aha, thanks. I was about to ask you, Dylan.
Dylan: Think about the verb “llevar”.
Carlos: Doesn’t that mean “to take”?
Dylan: Yeah. It’s an antonym.
Carlos: All right, “to bring” and “to take.” You know learn those opposites and get two words memorized for the price of one.
Dylan: Here is the fun word to say, “recomendación”, a feminine noun.
Carlos: Yeah, that’s a good one to practice. Hold on, “recomendación”, “recomendación”.
Dylan: Good. Get those accents down, Carlos.
Carlos: “Recomendación”, “recomendación”.
Dylan: Okay, okay, practice on your own time.
Carlos: Well, we are starting to translate it.
Dylan: That’s a cognate, go ahead.
Carlos: “Recommendation”. “Sí señor, y tres cartas de recomendación”. That’s pretty straightforward.
Dylan: But it also means “advice”, you know. “Recomendación”, “recommendation”, “advice.”
Carlos: Like...
Dylan: “Mi recomendación es que llegues temprano al cine”.
Carlos: “My recommendation is that you arrive early to the movie” or “my advice is that you arrive early to the movie.” You know that is true and you know that is my advice.
Dylan: Audience, this is where Carlos is a little crazy. He has to see the movie previews.
Carlos: I consider that a fundamental part of the movie going experience.
Dylan: There is another word that means “advice.”
Carlos: And what’s that?
Dylan: “Consejos”.
Carlos: Interesting.
Dylan: “Interesado”, “interesada”. Coincidentally our next word.
Carlos: There are no coincidences, Dylan. I did that on purpose.
Dylan: Well, we know this is an adjective.
Carlos: That we do. And doesn’t it just mean “interested”?
Dylan: It also means “concerned.”
Carlos: You know it makes sense but how is it used in the conversation. I mean since context is king.
Dylan: “Estoy interesado en oír más de usted”.
Carlos: “I am interested in hearing more about you.”
Dylan: Or “Carlos está interesado en aprender cosas nuevas”.
Carlos: That’s right, Dylan. I am always interested in learning new things but you know what I really want to learn?
Dylan: What’s that?
Carlos: Related words.
Dylan: Well, umm… “preocupado”, which means “concerned about.” The next word is “currículo”.
Carlos: “Resume.” Audience, do you realize that you have to put your picture on your resume in Latin America? Dylan, why is that you would never get away with that mistakes?
Dylan: I know and honestly, I think it’s got to do with you know thinking the people around you are attractive. You know, people you work with, you go to look at them every day and mostly all the day.
Carlos: So does that mean old people wouldn’t get jobs?
Dylan: Well, I have seen Carlos’s picture from when he first moved here.
Carlos: Yes, you know what, my resume looks like a mug shot. They must look at the job.
Dylan: Which you quit for spanishpod101.com
Carlos: Yes, no need to speak on that.
Dylan: Well, how did you give them your resume?
Carlos: Well. First, audience, remember that we told you we would come back to this example “¿Usted trajo su currículo?”, “did you bring your resume?”
Dylan: Great, but that doesn’t answer my question.
Carlos: They told me, “¿Usted trajo su currículo? Por favor, envíenos su currículo por correo electrónico”.
Dylan: “Please send us your resume by email.”
Carlos: And that’s what I did along with my mug shot. What?
Dylan: Your mug shot.
Carlos: You got to see it. I had like – I had the line beard going there like New York FROW, it was awesome. I was Puerto Rican.

Lesson focus

Dylan: So for today’s grammar, remember we have something very basic and practical.
Carlos: Basic and practical are good. And that means they are easy.
Dylan: Well, Mr. Know it all, why don’t you just count till 50 then?
Carlos: Oh, that’s right. We are studying cardinal numbers.
Dylan: Don’t stall, count.
Carlos: Okay, okay I got this, hold on. Numbers were the first thing I memorized. So I will go by groups of 10 and let me know if I do this right or not. So let’s see how we count to 50. “Uno”.
Dylan: “One.”
Carlos: “Dos”.
Dylan: “Two.”
Carlos: “Tres”.
Dylan: “Three.”
Carlos: “Cuatro”.
Dylan: “Four.”
Carlos: “Cinco”.
Dylan: “Five.”
Carlos: “Seis”.
Dylan: “Six.”
Carlos: “Siete”.
Dylan: “Seven.”
Carlos: “Ocho”.
Dylan: “Eight.”
Carlos: “Nueve”.
Dylan: “Nine.”
Carlos: “Diez”.
Dylan: “Ten.”
Carlos: Okay, we got the first group down. Let’s go all the way to 20.
Dylan: Go on.
Carlos: “Once”.
Dylan: 11.
Carlos: “Doce”.
Dylan: 12.
Carlos: “Trece”.
Dylan: 13.
Carlos: “Catorce”.
Dylan: 14
Carlos: “Quince”.
Dylan: 15
Carlos: “Dieciséis”.
Dylan: 16
Carlos: “Diecisiete”.
Dylan: 17.
Carlos: “Dieciocho”.
Dylan: 18.
Carlos: “Diecinueve”.
Dylan: 19.
Carlos: “Veinte”.
Dylan: 20.
Carlos: now “veintiuno”.
Dylan: 21
Carlos: “Veintidós”.
Dylan: 22
Carlos: “Veintitrés”.
Dylan: 23
Carlos: “Veinticuatro”.
Dylan: 24
Carlos: “Veinticinco”.
Dylan: 25
Carlos: “Veintiséis”.
Dylan: 26
Carlos: “Veintisiete”.
Dylan: 27
Carlos: “Veintiocho”.
Dylan: 28
Carlos: “Veintinueve”.
Dylan: 29
Carlos: “Treinta”.
Dylan: 30
Carlos: “Treinta y uno”.
Dylan: 31
Carlos: “Treinta y dos”.
Dylan: 32
Carlos: “Treinta y tres”.
Dylan: 33
Carlos: “Treinta y cuatro”.
Dylan: 34
Carlos: “Treinta y cinco”.
Dylan: 35
Carlos: “Treinta y seis”.
Dylan: 36
Carlos: “Treinta y siete”.
Dylan: 37
Carlos: “Treinta y ocho”.
Dylan: 38
Carlos: “Treinta y nueve”.
Dylan: 39
Carlos: “Cuarenta”.
Dylan: 40.
Carlos: Ten more to go, we are doing good. I like it. “Cuarenta y uno”.
Dylan: 41
Carlos: “Cuarenta y dos”.
Dylan: 42
Carlos: “Cuarenta y tres”.
Dylan: 43
Carlos: “Cuarenta y cuatro”.
Dylan: 44
Carlos: “Cuarenta y cinco”.
Dylan: 45
Carlos: “Cuarenta y seis”.
Dylan: 46
Carlos: “Cuarenta y siete”.
Dylan: 47
Carlos: “Cuarenta y ocho”.
Dylan: 48
Carlos: “Cuarenta y nueve”.
Dylan: 49
Carlos: And “cincuenta”.
Dylan: 50.
Carlos: Do you do this with your Tico? Do you go over it now and then like do you guys count together like that sometimes?
Dylan: Yes, but he always gives 15.
Carlos: 15
Dylan: Yeah, he goes 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16 oh and then I say 15 and then he goes 15, 12, 10 like it just blows him off.
Carlos: Okay. I wonder why, that’s funny.
Dylan: Yeah, 15.
Carlos: All right, well you know what guys, we got the numbers down and we counted them. So thank you for staying with us. Let’s take a look at some examples.
Dylan: Okay. “Te va a costar cincuenta colones”.
Carlos: “It’s going to cost you 50 colons.”
Dylan: “Trabajé por diecisiete años en ese edificio”.
Carlos: “I worked for 17 years in that building.”
Dylan: “Cuando mi mamá tenía treinta y dos años decidió cambiar su profesión”.
Carlos: “When my mom was 32, she decided to change her profession.”
Dylan: Wow, that’s brave. “Estudié por cuarenta y cinco minutos”.
Carlos: “I studied for 45 minutes.”
Dylan: “Te quejas como si tuvieras cincuenta años”.
Carlos: “You complain like you are 50 years old.”
Dylan: So we see how to use numbers.


Carlos: More and more every day but you know what guys, that just about does it for today. All right, ¡nos vemos!
Dylan: ¡Chao amigos!


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