
Vocabulary (Review)

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Carlos: No, it’s cool. I showered yesterday. What’s going on pod101 world? My name is Carlos and with me as always is Natalia.
Natalia: Carlitos que terrible.
Carlos: Okay Natty, now something has occurred to me.
Natalia: Huh what happened to you?
Carlos: Well I remember when I was getting ready to move down here right and I was talking to Joe from the Peruvian series and he said that as I learned, I will start to recognize things a little slowly when it came to Spanish.
Natalia: ¿Sí, cómo qué?
Carlos: And it’s true. No, no, no it’s true. As I do research for these lessons, I am noticing what people are saying and I am starting to realize the construction of Spanish I mean slowly but surely.
Natalia: Slowly.
Carlos: Yeah you know what, I have to admit. It is taking a little bit of time but it is all worth it. I mean it’s hard you know. Everybody I know speaks English.
Natalia: Patience my friend is a virtue. ¿Qué es lo que vamos a estudiar hoy?
Carlos: ¿Más suciedad?
Natalia: More dirtiness.
Carlos: Yes that’s the way. We are doing it like this today.
Natalia: You know what, I have to say I like these lessons less than the love series.
Carlos: Oh come on Natty. That’s impossible. You know, but you are right. This is pretty nasty. I mean today Jaime makes a nasty admission.
Natalia: What’s that?
Carlos: Well first question. How often do you think someone should shower?
Natalia: Pretty much every day or sometimes twice a day unless you are very disgusting.
Carlos: Okay exactly. Now apparently, not only does Jaime not change his socks very often but he also doesn’t shower every day.
Natalia: Umm I want to go to the conversation to see why. Why wouldn’t he shower every day?
Carlos: I don’t know. Some people are just lazy like that. I mean…
Natalia: Now some people just go and put on some perfume or something.
Carlos: Ah that’s so nasty. All right no, you know what, but as usual, we are going to have our good dose of grammar.
Natalia: Carlos, I don’t think you shower every day?
Carlos: Ah Natty I shower every day.
Natalia: Some days, you have like layers of eye bags.
Carlos: Bags under my eyes?
Natalia: Yes isn’t that an eye bag?
Carlos: You know, I come to think of it but I can remember you coming to these things not showered more than once.
Natalia: When, oh please sir. I am like the cleanest lady you’d ever meet.
Carlos: Uhoo.
Natalia: Anyways, what do we have today?
Carlos: Well today we have a nice little look at possessive pronouns.
Natalia: Okay thanks for laying it all out. Let’s go into today’s lesson.
Carlos: Okay but before we do guys, now would be the time to open up today’s lesson guide in your PDF reader. Maybe you know Adobe, or just a regular PDF reader from the MAC which is you know what I use. All right but no, check it out. Really read the conversations along so you can get the visual as well as the auditory learning. I mean that’s why the lesson is really important. Right Natty?
Natalia: Ahm, what do you want me to say? He gets any opportunity to speak about his precious MAC.
Carlos: I do.
1. ISABEL: Jaime, acabo de salir del baño, ya puedes entrar.
2. JAIME: No, está bien, Ya me bañé ayer.
3. ISABEL: ¿¡Qué!? ¡Qué cochino eres! Báñate que tus axilas huelen a cebolla.
4. JAIME: Y las tuyas, ¿a qué huelen?
5. ISABEL: ¿Las mías? A flores, por supuesto.
6. JAIME: ¡Pft! Bueno, está bien, me voy a bañar, pero solo para que dejes de
joder. Yo huelo rico, al natural.
7. ISABEL: Halágate, coles, que no hay quien te coma.
Carlos: And now slower. Una vez más, esta vez lentamente.
1. ISABEL: Jaime, acabo de salir del baño, ya puedes entrar.
2. JAIME: No, está bien, Ya me bañé ayer.
3. ISABEL: ¿¡Qué!? ¡Qué cochino eres! Báñate que tus axilas huelen a cebolla.
4. JAIME: Y las tuyas, ¿a qué huelen?
5. ISABEL: ¿Las mías? A flores, por supuesto.
6. JAIME: ¡Pft! Bueno, está bien, me voy a bañar, pero solo para que dejes de
joder. Yo huelo rico, al natural.
7. ISABEL: Halágate, coles, que no hay quien te coma.
Carlos: And now with the translation. Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
1. ISABEL: Jaime, acabo de salir del baño, ya puedes entrar.
1. ISABEL: Jaime, I just got out of the shower, you can go in now.
2. JAIME: No, está bien, Ya me bañé ayer.
2. JAIME: No, it's cool. I showered yesterday.
3. ISABEL: ¿¡Qué!? ¡Qué cochino eres! Báñate que tus axilas huelen a cebolla.
3. ISABEL: What!? You're so dirty! Take a shower, 'cause your armpits smell
like onions.
4. JAIME: Y las tuyas, ¿a qué huelen?
4. JAIME: And yours, what do they smell like?
5. ISABEL: ¿Las mías? A flores, por supuesto.
5. ISABEL: Mine? Like flowers, of course.
6. JAIME: ¡Pft! Bueno, está bien, me voy a bañar, pero solo para que dejes de
joder. Yo huelo rico, al natural.
6. JAIME: Pft! Well, OK, I'm gonna shower, but only so that you quit nagging. I
smell great, natural.
7. ISABEL: Halágate, coles, que no hay quien te coma.
7. ISABEL: Go ahead and flatter yourself, cabbage, 'cause no one's gonna eat
Carlos: Okay listen like I said, people should shower every day. I mean that’s just common hygiene man.
Natalia: Well some people do smell like flowers like myself. So what can you do?
Carlos: Huh okay.
Natalia: You see Carlos is in like a moody mood today. What’s up with you?
Carlos: Natty, I am a little tired.
Natalia: Okay when Carlos is so tired, he may skip the showering part too.
Carlos: I never. Well why would I ever?
Natalia: Carlos, Carlos I have seen you more than once when I get to your house and you are like in those Grey sweatpants and you are like ahh…
Carlos: That’s because you come up knocking at 8 in the morning.
Natalia: Every time he doesn’t shower, he gets in a bad mood too.
Carlos: It was 8 in the morning when you came over and It was like twice…
Natalia: 8 in the morning, by 8, you should already be working man. Normal people are at work at 8 in the morning.
Carlos: Okay I am waking up around 8:30 or 9 o’ clock.
Natalia: Let’s keep going I say.
Carlos: Well you know what, now that we’ve gone through the conversation, you know what you say we run through some of the vocabulary.
Natalia: Sounds like a good idea.
Carlos: So today we are going to start out with an adjective.
Natalia: cochino, cochina
Carlos: Dirty.
Natalia: co-chi-no, co-chi-na, cochino, cochina
Carlos: Next up we have a feminine noun.
Natalia: axila
Carlos: Armpit.
Natalia: a-xi-la, axila
Carlos: Then up we got a verb
Natalia: olor
Carlos: To smell
Natalia: o-ler, oler
Carlos: Then up we have a possessive pronoun.
Natalia: tuyo, tuya
Carlos: Yours
Natalia: tu-yo, tu-ya, tuyo, tuya
Carlos: Then after that, another possessive pronoun.
Natalia: mío, mía
Carlos: Mine.
Natalia: mío, mía, mío, mía
Carlos: And then last but not least a verb
Natalia: halagar
Carlos: To flatter.
Natalia: ha-la-gar, halagar. We can make…
Carlos: Oh please don’t make a big sentence out of all this.
Natalia: Why not?
Carlos: Okay well.
Natalia: I was just going to say.
Carlos: Oh I know. I saw that comment but I got to practice my vocabulary you know.
Natalia: Go ahead. Tell me - cochino, cochina
Carlos: cochino, cochina
Natalia: axila
Carlos: axila
Natalia: oler
Carlos: oler
Natalia: tuyo
Carlos: tuyo
Natalia: tuya
Carlos: tuya
Natalia: mío
Carlos: mío
Natalia: mía
Carlos: mía
Natalia: alagar
Carlos: alagar
Natalia: mío
Carlos: mío
Natalia: mía
Carlos: mía
Natalia: tuyo
Carlos: tuyo
Natalia: Te huele la axila cochino.
Carlos: I knew that was coming.
Natalia: Wow get ready. You are saying all the words.
Carlos: One day Natalia. One day.
Natalia: That day doors will shiver and you will all realize Carlos got it right.
Carlos: And I spoke Spanish.
Natalia: Carlos.
Carlos: Yes.
Natalia: You know what, I think it’s time to see how the vocabulary is used.
Carlos: Natty I am expecting good explanations.
Natalia: Ah well as always, or we will get fired.
Carlos: I am happy you realized that.
Natalia: Poor me.
Carlos: Let’s keep the nastiness going though. The first word is - cochino
Natalia: cochino
Carlos: It means dirty. So I assume it is an adjective.
Natalia: claro, like - Carlos necesita lavar los platos cochinos.
Carlos: Oye, siempre los lavo.
Natalia: ay, que lindo, ya hablas.
Carlos: I hate waking up to dirty dishes especially here.
Natalia: ¿y por qué aquí?
Carlos: Because if you leave dirty dishes, it is an invitation for little guests.
Natalia: Así es cuando vives en un país tropical.
Carlos: Either way, I am still getting used to it, even if I do live in a tropical country.
Natalia: Well get used to our next word - axila
Carlos: axila - That means armpit right?
Natalia: Carlos?
Carlos: Yeah.
Natalia: We just went through the vocabulary list.
Carlos: Well that’s why I said right. I am just making sure.
Natalia: Axila - Armpit, just make sure that you don’t confuse that with Axel.
Carlos: Well that seems like an easy mistake.
Natalia: Yeah that’s why you have to be careful. Axel is an - eje - in Spanish.
Carlos: Well, how about an example?
Natalia: Hay un problema con el eje delantero. - There is a problem with the front axle.
Carlos: Espera, tengo una pregunta.
Natalia: pregúnteme
Carlos: Okay it has to do with pronunciation.
Natalia: I think I know where this is going.
Carlos: Okay, okay so bear with me Natie. Axila
Natalia: Axila
Carlos: Isn’t the letter X pronounced like - h - like, Mexico
Natalia: Generally this just happens to be an exception to the rule.
Carlos: Okay so it is just one of those things that I would have to memorize.
Natalia: Yeah kind of like the word - night - in English. I mean really Carlos night - NIGHT.
Carlos: You know I agree that doesn’t really make much sense. I guess we just have to memorize it.
Natalia: So we are even.
Carlos: Okay next up.
Natalia: oler
Carlos: oler - To smell.
Natalia: In Spanish, we say that Algo - huele - a - something.
Carlos: Wait! Wait! Doesn’t the preposition A mean to or at.
Natalia: Yeah but in Spanish, something smells to or at something instead of smelling like something. That’s only for comparisons.
Carlos: Like?
Natalia: Carlos huele a pescado muerto. - Carlos smells like dead fish, in the mornings or Carlos huele mal. Just like that. Carlos huele mal. You know so that’s depending on the situation the general smell you can have.
Carlos: I smell fresh. Don’t worry about that.
Natalia: So like fresh fish instead of dead fish.
Carlos: Oh that’s nasty. Oh come on, Natty.
Natalia: Well this is a nasty lesson.
Carlos: It is, it is.
Natalia: Let me be. Well what’s the next word?
Carlos: Okay next up is - mío.
Natalia: As in, Usa tu propio ejemplo. Ya tengo el mío. - Use your own example. I already have mine.
Carlos: Wait, so what kind of word is - mío, any way?
Natalia: Mío. This is a possessive pronoun but we will look at this later in today’s grammar point. It means mine.
Carlos: Okay I guess that we’d have to wait then?
Natalia: Well not that long. We only have one more word left.
Carlos: Right - alagar
Natalia: alagar
Carlos: To flatter.
Natalia: There is an old saying that your grandma could say - Halágate coles que no hay quien te coma.
Carlos: Go ahead and flatter yourself cabbage because no one is going to eat you?
Natalia: Exactly.
Carlos: What, there was a verb in the verb conjugation series. Another thing that someone said. Wait, where three eats, one eat or something like that, where one eats, three eat, or stuff.
Natalia: Oh yeah - Donde comen dos, comen tres.
Carlos: What does that mean?
Natalia: Carlos, it’s such a good one. Donde comen dos, comen tres.
Carlos: Donde comen dos, comen tres.
Natalia: Where two people eat, three eat. That means that if for example you are living in your house with your mom
Carlos: okay
Natalia: And then there is a person that needs your help, you’d be like welcome - where two people eat, three eat. So it is like a very welcoming phrase that you know where the two people can eat, three people can eat. Where three people can eat, four eat.
Carlos: Okay well thank you. I was always wondering about that saying. Thanks Natty.
Natalia: Well this other one is go ahead and flatter yourself cabbage because no one is going to eat you, means pretty much flatter yourself because no one else will. Carlos .
Carlos: Yes.
Natalia: Learn it.

Lesson focus

Carlos: Oh…You know what Natie, I know how you love my enthusiasm for grammar.
Natalia: Carlos, you are getting a little possessive of sections now. Aren’t we?
Carlos: Of course, and then is filling considering that we have to discuss possessive pronouns today.
Natalia: Oh god.
Carlos: Yep and thanks to you Natty. Our audience will have a clear and concise definition.
Natalia: I am sure you went to the grammar bank in the learning center already. Didn’t you? You are cheating Carlos. You are so cheating.
Carlos: How did you know?
Natalia: I honestly I am about to send a memo to somebody so they block your account from there. So that way I can cut you.
Carlos: Okay listen Natty, give me a minute to gather my faculties.
Natalia: All right.
Carlos: Boom, I am back to my teaching days. You know the first day at school, my kids – my students emailed me - Acevedo, what’s up? It’s the first day at school today blah, blah, blah!
Natalia: No that’s sweet. We should have like a section on every lesson that’s like Carlos flashbacks because you can’t avoid to do them.
Carlos: I like flashbacks. Okay the thing is Natty, you want to scaffold when teaching.
Natalia: Meaning what?
Carlos: Okay meaning that you first lay a foundation and then build upon it.
Natalia: Okay.
Carlos: So then I think we should begin by discussing what a pronoun is exactly.
Natalia: I think that’s a good idea as long as it’s done quickly.
Carlos: I agree. A pronoun takes the place of a noun when the context of the sentence is still understood.
Natalia: Like - Those are my earrings. Would become -
Carlos: They are mine.
Natalia: It wouldn’t be a jump to say that when possessive pronouns serve the same function but
Carlos: Showing possession or ownership and Natty, what are possessive pronouns in Spanish?
Natalia: mío y mía
Carlos: Mine.
Natalia: tuyo, tuya
Carlos: Yours. Would that be informal?
Natalia: Yep.
Carlos: Okay.
Natalia: Suyo, suya.
Carlos: Also yours, but I will assume that it would be formal if we follow the same pattern.
Natalia: It is formal.
Carlos: Nice.
Natalia: So there is - nuestro, nuestra
Carlos: Ours.
Natalia: y vuestro, vuestra
Carlos: There is the - Vosotros. So that would be yours?
Natalia: Yeah last but not least - suyo, suya
Carlos: Wait again? Wait okay, so then now it would have to be theirs.
Natalia: Yep and this is easy because when any of these are plural just add an s.
Carlos: Like - Lost pantalos son míos.
Natalia: Uhoo, The pants are mine. Now why do you use - míos, instead of - mías.
Carlos: Well because of concordance Natty. The noun - pantalones - is masculine. So the possessive pronoun must correspond to gender.
Natalia: Carlos, you see if you stick with me, you will be speaking fluidly before you know it. People will be asking you what part of Costa Rica you are from.
Carlos: Alright you know what Natty. I have no doubt about that especially if I keep check on the learning center.
Natalia: I tell you, this man is about to get his little, little iPhone just to have the learning center on every time I test him.
Carlos: How did you know?
Natalia: Carlos because you are super predictable.
Carlos: But then you said we are going to get iPhones together and then we are just going to…
Natalia: Carlos, I am getting my iPhone just because it’s pretty.
Carlos: Okay.
Natalia: And I can get the memo straightaway and I am not doing any advertising for Apple, Keep going Carlos.
Carlos: Well Natty, then how about some examples of the formation of possessive pronouns?
Natalia: Well I was just about to ask you the same thing.
Carlos: Okay so then give me a noun and the English pronoun and I will go through it.
Natalia: Let’s see glasses and yours.
Carlos: Los anteojos son tuyos. - You tried to get me on the first one.
Natalia: So what, yes, glasses are plural.
Carlos: Alright cool but I am down. They are getting caught. Next.
Natalia: The shirt is mine.
Carlos: La camisa es mía.
Natalia: See that’s not bad.
Carlos: Nope last one.
Natalia: The program is ours.
Carlos: El programa es nuestro. You know what, I remember that - programa - is one of those trick words.
Natalia: Why?
Carlos: Because it is a masculine noun with A ending but you know I do remember one thing that we have to remember that I came across in the Grammar Bank.
Natalia: What’s that?
Carlos: Not to get confused when we say - La revista es mía. I mean if we didn’t use - mía, we would have to repeat the noun - revista, and say - La revista es mi revista. Therefore we are in fact replacing the second noun with the possessive pronoun.
Natalia: Alright Mr. Know it all, time for La Tarea.
Carlos: The Homework.
Natalia: In today’s lesson, we’ve learned how possessive pronouns work. What we are doing guys is give you five sentences in Spanish. These sentences are going to show possession but not with a pronoun. What you need to do is replace the noun with the correct possessive pronoun so that there is a redundancy. For example, if I say - El auto es de Carlos. the answer would be - El auto es suyo. - The car is his. Are you ready?
Carlos: Let’s do it.
Natalia: Okay number one would be- Esta computadora es mi computadora. Number two- Ese apartamento es de nosotros. Number three- Las medias son tus medias. Number four El celular es de mi hermano. Number five- Los zapatos son de mi papá.


Carlos: And remember people, you can always get the answers and comments on the answers by checking out the premium audio track called - Tarea.
Natalia: Okay, you just have to apply what you learned.
Carlos: Goodbye.


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