
Vocabulary (Review)

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Natalia: Buenos días soy Natalia.
Carlos: What’s going on? My name is Carlos. Do You Have Skype?
Natalia: Hola, todo el mundo.
Carlos: My name is Carlos and with me is Natalia as always. Natty, how are you doing?
Natalia: I am doing great Carlos. So tired.
Carlos: Ah, you sound it.
Natalia: I am so tired. I went shopping all day.
Carlos: Oh.
Natalia: Yes but I have a problem.
Carlos: The first step is admitting that you have one Natty.
Natalia: Oh yeah. In today’s conversation, Jorge wants to use Skype. So well Carlos, I think that we should get into it.
1. JORGE: ¡Buenas!
2. JUANA: Buen día.
3. JORGE: Quisiera saber si ustedes cuentan con el programa Skype...
4. JUANA: Sí, lo tenemos instalado. Cada compu equipada con audífonos
cuenta también con Skype.
5. JORGE: Perfecto. ¿A cuánto está la media hora?
6. JUANA: Nada más que diez colones.
7. JORGE: ¡Anda! Y, también cuentan con cámara para chat con video?
Carlos: And now with the translation. Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
1. JORGE: ¡Buenas!
JORGE: Mornin'!
2. JUANA: Buen día.
2. JUANA: Good mornin'.
3. JORGE: Quisiera saber si ustedes cuentan con el programa Skype…
3. JORGE: I'd like to know if you guys have the program Skype...
4. JUANA: Sí, lo tenemos instalado. Cada compu equipada con audífonos
cuenta también con Skype.
4. JUANA: Yes, we have it installed. Each computer equipped with
headphones also has Skype.
5. JORGE: Perfecto. ¿A cuánto está la media hora?
5. JORGE: Perfect. How much does a half-hour cost?
6. JUANA: Nada más que diez colones.
6. JUANA: Only ten Colones.
7. JORGE: ¡Anda! Y, también cuentan con cámara para chat con video?
7. JORGE: Wow! And do you also have a camera for video chatting?
Carlos: Man, you know, really Skype makes a difference Natie. I know you don’t use it.Like at all, actually now that I think about it. But really once you get on it, I mean it really makes a big difference in communication all over the world.
Natalia: Can I say something very, very, very sincere?
Carlos: Wow! I like that you have us to lead up and warning for that.
Natalia: Well you should work in some sort of advertising. Whenever you talk, either iPhones, Facebook, Skype, food whatever it sounds like you are doing a big commercial for them.
Carlos: Now that we’ve gone through the conversation, what do you say we run through some of the vocabulary?
Natalia: Sounds like a good idea.
Carlos: So today we are going to start with a verb.
Natalia: contar
Carlos: To have
Natalia: con-tar, contar
Carlos: Okay next up, we have a masculine noun.
Natalia: programa
Carlos: Program.
Natalia: pro-gra-ma, programa
Carlos: Okay then a past participle.
Natalia: equipado, equipada
Carlos: Equipped.
Natalia: e-qui-pa-do, e-qui-pa-da, equipado, equipada
Carlos: Then up a masculine noun.
Natalia: audífono
Carlos: Headphone.
Natalia: a-u-dí-fo-no, audífono
Carlos: Okay then we got a feminine noun.
Natalia: cámara
Carlos: Camera.
Natalia: cá-ma-ra, cámara
Carlos: And last but not least, a pronoun.
Natalia: cuánto-cuánta
Carlos: How much, how many?
Natalia: cu-án-to-cu-án-ta, cuánto-cuánta. Carlos.
Carlos: What?
Natalia: Say it all?
Carlos: What - contar, programa, equipado, equipada, audífono, cámara, cuánto, cuánta.
Natalia: Okay.
Carlos: There you are happy now, thank you! Bueno, okay we got the pronunciation tipped down and next I am going to use the “my recording” in the learning center to help my pronunciation.
Natalia: Entonces Carlos. Let’s see some of this vocabulary usage.
Carlos: I am ready when you are Natty, let’s get our learn on.
Natalia: What?
Carlos: Nothing. All right, our first word was - contar - to count right?
Natalia: Well it depends. Here it means to have.
Carlos: Wait! Wait! Context again hah!
Natalia: Well something like that. In other cases, you write it means to count but to make it means to have. We need to use the preposition - con - after it.
Carlos: Like
Natalia: Contamos con los recursos necesarios.
Carlos: So with the preposition - con - it means to have. So that would mean we have the necessary resources.
Natalia: Right - contar, is an ar verb but…
Carlos: It is a stem changing in the present indicative.
Natalia: I was just about to say that.
Carlos: I beat you to it.
Natalia: Oh please... okay. Then conjugate it.
Carlos: I walked right into that one, okay. Cuento, cuentas, cuenta, contamos, contáis, cuentan
Natalia: Next word
Carlos: programa
Natalia: programa.
Carlos: Programa - Program, but wait in this sense, a computer program.
Natalia: A Carlos le gusta usar Skype.
Carlos: That’s right I do.
Natalia: But there is something that you should notice.
Carlos: What’s that?
Natalia: What kind of word is it?
Carlos: A masculine noun.
Natalia: Right but what letter doesn’t it end it.
Carlos: A
Natalia: Right next word.
Carlos: equipado, equipada
Natalia: equipado, equipada, is the past participle of the verb - equipar
Carlos: To equip, yeah but here it’s being used as an adjective though right?
Natalia: Yep in Spanish, past participles are often used this way. Don’t you notice the similarity to the English word?
Carlos: Similarity.
Natalia: Do you notice the similarity to the English word?
Carlos: Well now that you say it in the English accent, yeah I did notice that.
Natalia: Also in this conversation, ojo it says - Cada compu equipada.
Carlos: Okay I am looking.
Natalia: Well you are listening, not looking.
Carlos: I am listening.
Natalia: Okay, ojo - don’t take it literally. So Carlos, pay attention.
Carlos: I am.
Natalia: Here we know that these adjectives need to be feminine singular because - compu - is short for - computadora - also feminine singular.
Carlos: I see, Natalia good explanation.
Natalia: Thank you. Here is the fun one to pronounce - audífono
Carlos: audífono
Natalia: Uhoo.
Carlos: You know that kind of sounds like audio phone.
Natalia: Yeah look closely at both parts of the word -audi- from audio and -fono- like phone. We usually use this word in the plural - audífonos - since there is one for each year.
Carlos: You know what, that would make sense. Now next up is a easy one I think - cámara
Natalia: cámera.
Carlos: My English students used to have so much trouble with the English pronunciation of this word because it was so similar.
Natalia: I mean come on, anyone who speaks English would understand what that means.
Carlos: I know I mean I pretty much just told them not to worry about it. I mean seriously you could say camera - cámara. I mean it ain’t that much of a jump.
Natalia: Only two differences between the Spanish and the English here. The Spanish word is spelled - cámara - while the English is - camera - and in the Spanish word, the first A receives a written accent.
Carlos: Well if you want to get all tactical with it. I mean she just likes this because she is a picture junkie.
Natalia: What do you mean?
Carlos: Natty, tell the truth. ¿Tienes tu cámara ahora?
Natalia: Yeah so what? You never know when you can take a good picture, plus I got a bunch of pretty pictures in my camera.

Lesson focus

Carlos: Now we have grammar.
Natalia: Carlos
Carlos: Yes.
Natalia: You cannot just switch up like that. Are you sick?
Carlos: No.
Natalia: I am used to you screaming Grammar. I actually have like little earplugs when I come to record with you just for the grammar.
Carlos: Natty, you know sometimes, you just have to keep things fresh.
Natalia: Well fine, we will get ready any way. Today we are looking at the preposition A.
Carlos: Uh! Sounds technical. So then let’s just bite off a chunk and let’s see what happens.
Natalia: Let me ask you something.
Carlos: Shoot.
Natalia: When you were just beginning to learn Spanish, what were you told about the preposition A.
Carlos: Well, very simply that it was a way of expressing the English preposition, to.
Natalia: Well that’s right and what else did you learn as you went on.
Carlos: Well quite simply that the preposition A has like a lot of uses. I mean not only translated as to but also as on, at, from, by or in. And I mean other prepositions as well.
Natalia: Well it might be confusing but sometimes this is not translated at all.
Carlos: Okay. How would you suggest learning how to use A?
Natalia: Umm well probably by looking at how it’s used.
Carlos: Okay so what would be the first function on your list?
Natalia: To express motion.
Carlos: Example.
Natalia: Voy a Granada. Una carta dirigida a ella. Aspirar a capitán. Voy a Granada
Carlos: Okay, I am going to Granada.
Natalia: Una carta dirigida a ella.
Carlos: I don’t know what - dirigida - means.
Natalia: A letter directed to her.
Carlos: Okay.
Natalia: Aspirar a capitán.
Carlos: So then about a captain.
Natalia: Carlos - aspirar, aspire.
Carlos: Okay.
Natalia: Aspire to a captain, aspire to be a captain. There is three different examples.
Carlos: Okay.
Natalia: Well you know what else, it is used with infinitives.
Carlos: Oh that wasn’t a sentence.
Natalia: Oh my god! He got it.
Carlos: I am sorry. Took me a little time.
Natalia: We are expressing motion.
Carlos: Okay.
Natalia: So Voy a Granada. - I am going to Granada. motion, I am going. However you are getting it as to express emotion. A letter directed to her.
Carlos: Aaha
Natalia: Aspire to captain.
Carlos: Okay I get it, I get it.
Natalia: Okay well this is used with infinitives that compliment the conjugated verb of movement.
Carlos: Like ir - to go?
Natalia: Yeah.
Carlos: For example.
Natalia: Viajaré a Madrid.
Carlos: Okay so I see. So this is like saying I will travel to Madrid.
Natalia: Yep. Now let’s look at another role of the preposition, A.
Carlos: Which is?
Natalia: Well this is used when an infinitive verb complements a conjugative verb with a sense of finalization. For example - Aprendo a nadar. Enseña a leer.
Carlos: I learn to swim, he learns to read.
Natalia: Yet on the other hand, Quiero nadar. and Deseo leer. are verbs of volition that do not signify a sense of finalization and there before do not carry A.
Carlos: Okay that was pretty technical.
Natalia: So you get it?
Carlos: Except for the fact that you said the word volition.
Natalia: Quiero nadar and Deseo leer, are verbs of volition. That’s how you say it.
Carlos: Yes.
Natalia: Okay great. So what’s wrong with you? And do not signify a sense of finalization and there before do not carry A
Carlos: Okay so since it’s like an open thing - I wanna swim. Not like - I want to swim now.
Natalia: All right. So now it is time for homework.
Carlos: Oh I like – I want to read.
Natalia: Carlos, time for homework. Don’t ignore it. Their homework. Any way…
Carlos: Okay - La tarea
Natalia: La tarea - Here is today’s assignment. Today we’ve talked about how the preposition A can be used to express motion or to express a sense of finalization. For example, if I say Manejé a la fiesta - I drove to the party, this expresses emotion but if I say - Aprendí a manejar - I learn to drive, now it’s expressing finalization. Are you ready?
Carlos: Sure let’s have it.
Natalia: Okay number one-Ella me enseñó a bailar, number two-Volamos de Costa Rica a los Estados Unidos, number three-Él aprendió a cantar cuando era joven.


Carlos: Now remember people, you can always get the answers and comments on answers by checking out the premium audio track label Tarea.
Natalia: Okay. You just have to apply what you have learned. Well Carlos, it’s time for us to say adiós.
Carlos: Goodbye. Que tengan una linda semana.
Natalia: He is like a parrot.


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