
Vocabulary (Review)

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Natalia: Buenos días. Me llamo Natalia.
Carlos: What’s going on? I am Carlos. You Are Going To Conquer.
Natalia: Muahahaha
Carlos: What’s going on everybody pod101 world? My name is Carlos and with me, as always, it’s Natalia. How are you doing Natty?
Natalia: Muy bien Carlos, ¿y a usted cómo le va?
Carlos: I am chilling out, loving it. Loving life, it’s a beautiful thing out here.
Natalia: Well…
Carlos: Natty, we made it to #2.
Natalia: I’ve never had a doubt.
Carlos: Well yeah I never said you would but it sounded like a good opening.
Natalia: Okay, okay.
Carlos: Judging for the comments on the lesson, I think we did a really good job.
Natalia: Ah those were all your comments, weren’t they?
Carlos: My penny accounts and I think we did a good job.
Natalia: No you are right. It didn’t take us long to get the format down.
Carlos: Not at all.
Natalia: Do you think that they will give us season two of the Costa Rican series?
Carlos: That is a very, very good question.
Natalia: You know audience, if you have any requests, just leave us a comment or leave a message in the forum and we will get on it.
Carlos: You are right. You know I posted a video of us dancing couple of weeks ago.
Natalia: Why would you do that Carlos?
Carlos: To show people that we practice what we preach. It’s funny any way.
Natalia: Why funny?
Carlos: Well you know, how it goes Natty. Dance, two seconds, argue, dance, two seconds, argue.
Natalia: Because we never get it right. It’s impossible.
Carlos: If we get like three moves down, it’s like a happy thing but other than that like…
Natalia: It’s like from a 3 minute song, we dance less than a minute.
Carlos: And you will see her shaking her finger at me when I end the video. Hey if you have any videos or pictures of dancing, recipes or like pictures of you waving from sort of landmark, you know anything but well not everything.
Natalia: Carlos, focus, focus, focus!
Carlos: Post it in the forum.
Natalia: Well first if you’re going to have a friend or somebody along in the video, pictures et cetera, you should let them know first like Carlos didn’t do to me. What are we doing today?
Carlos: Well in this lesson, we are continuing the theme of getting the haircut but this time it’s the girl’s turn.
Natalia: I told you it takes a long time to get pretty.
Carlos: I know, I know and we are also continuing our discussion of negation.
Natalia: You know, it gets a long time to get pretty. How come you are not pretty?
Carlos: Because I am a man and I am ruggedly handsome, woman!
Natalia: Oh I am not even gonna go there and start talking. Well let’s get into today’s conversation.
CLAUDIA: ¿Y qué deseas hacerte hoy día, linda?
PAOLA: Bueno, esta noche tengo una cita con un pretendiente y quisiera un cepillado.
CLAUDIA: Ya veo... Pero, con los rizos que tienes, ¿no deseas un laciado permanente?
PAOLA: ¡Ni hablar! Sólo lo quiero alisado, porque amo mis rulos.
CLAUDIA: No te preocupe, mi amor, lo vas a conquistar.
PAOLA: ¡Eso me gusta!
Carlos: And now slowly. Una vez más esta vez lentamente.
CLAUDIA: ¿Y qué deseas hacerte hoy día, linda?
PAOLA: Bueno, esta noche tengo una cita con un pretendiente y quisiera un cepillado.
CLAUDIA: Ya veo... Pero, con los rizos que tienes, ¿no deseas un laciado permanente?
PAOLA: ¡Ni hablar! Sólo lo quiero alisado, porque amo mis rulos.
CLAUDIA: No te preocupe, mi amor, lo vas a conquistar.
PAOLA: ¡Eso me gusta!
Natalia: And now with the translation. Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
CLAUDIA: ¿Y qué deseas hacerte hoy día, linda?
CLAUDIA: And what would you like to do today, beautiful?
PAOLA: Bueno, esta noche tengo una cita con un pretendiente y quisiera un cepillado.
PAOLA: Well, tonight I have a date with an admirer and I would you to style it.
CLAUDIA: Ya veo... Pero, con los rizos que tienes, ¿no deseas un laciado permanente?
CLAUDIA: I see... But, with the curls that you've got, don't you want a permanent straightening?
PAOLA: ¡Ni hablar! Sólo lo quiero alisado, porque amo mis rulos.
PAOLA: No way! I just want it straightened, because I love my curls.
CLAUDIA: No te preocupe, mi amor, lo vas a conquistar.
CLAUDIA: Do not worry, honey, you are going to conquer him.
PAOLA: ¡Eso me gusta!
PAOLA: That is what I like!
Carlos: You get your hair straightened sometimes. I remember.
Natalia: No just once and how many months have you been here? Five months?
Carlos: Okay well you got it once. I remember.
Natalia: Okay, wait, wait, wait.
Carlos: There is something I didn’t understand though.
Natalia: What was that?
Carlos: Okay like if my mother or my sister or any of my female cousin got their hair straightening, they wouldn’t go outside if it’s raining.
Natalia: Right.
Carlos: Natty, it’s the rainy season. I mean, why would you straighten your hair if you know that it was going to rain on you?
Natalia: Oh because it is the lady in the conversation. So I had a date with an admirer. So I was just doing it for one night on special occasion.
Carlos: Oh I see. All right, well that seems like a waste of money but whatever is fine
Natalia: Ah well, you know sometimes we just do things like that. It’s like all of those you know like the fake nails and all that stuff. That’s just a waste of money but we still do it.
Carlos: It is false advertising. Okay on to the vocab. Here we are going to break these words down syllable by syllable so you can hear exactly how each word sounds
Natalia: Vamos.
Carlos: So first we have a masculine noun
Natalia: pretendiente
Carlos: Admirer, suitor.
Natalia: pre-ten-dien-te, pretendiente.
Carlos: And then a masculine noun
Natalia: cepillado
Carlos: Brushing style.
Natalia: ce-pi-lla-do, cepillado.
Carlos: and then a masculine noun
Natalia: rizo
Carlos: Curl
Natalia: ri-zo, rizo.
Carlos: Next up, a masculine noun
Natalia: laciado
Carlos: Straightening
Natalia: la-cia-do, laciado.
Carlos: Next up
Natalia: permanente
Carlos: Perm, permanent.
Natalia: per-ma-nen-te, permanente.
Carlos: and then a verb
Natalia: conquistar
Carlos: To conquer, to win someone’s heart.
Natalia: con-quis-tar, conquistar.
Carlos: Man! That first one is kind of tough.
Natalia: ¿You mean pretendiente?
Carlos: Too many syllables.
Natalia: Look, just repeat after me. Pre...Carlos!
Carlos: Pre
Natalia: Pre-ten
Carlos: pre-ten
Natalia: pre-ten-dien
Carlos: pre-ten-dien
Natalia: te
Carlos: te
Natalia: pretendiente
Carlos: pretendiente
Natalia: ehh!
Carlos: Yeah you know it works like that sometimes. With those really long words, you have to do that.
Natalia: Now you just got to start saying - que pretendes pretendiente. We lost the guy.
Carlos: That’s when I go into the lower intermediate series.
Natalia: Oh god! I just saw your eyes almost popping out.
Carlos: Yeah it happens sometimes. Next up we have the vocabulary usage
Natalia: And I guess you want some examples.
Carlos: Natty, you know me too well. So pretendiente.
Natalia: Ella siempre ha tenido muchos pretendientes.
Carlos: And what does that mean?
Natalia: She has always had a lot of admirers.
Carlos: But doesn’t pretendiente mean something like suitor?
Natalia: Well that would be a closer translation but I am trying to translate it into a colloquial English. I mean come on Carlos, when was the last time you called yourself or any of your friends a suitor?
Carlos: Point taken. So I guess admirer is better.
Natalia: Why? What do you call a man who is interested in a woman in the States?
Carlos: Good question. You know, I probably have to agree with you. It’d probably be admirer.
Natalia: There you go. I told you. I speak nothing but the truth people.
Carlos: Now one thing Natie.
Natalia: What?
Carlos: I never see you with a brush.
Natalia: Carlos, yo no llevo un cepillo conmigo. I am not one of those girls.
Carlos: Excuse me for insinuating but thanks for the example.
Natalia: Well you have to understand that my hair does not take the brush, too curly.
Carlos: Okay.
Natalia: No well nice work Einstein, but you know what?
Carlos: What?
Natalia: I think you are confused.
Carlos: Why?
Natalia: Because un cepillo is the kind of brush that you use to brush your hair but un cepillado is the noun that describes that. It comes from the verb cepillar to brush.
Carlos: So then un cepillado is like styling or something like that.
Natalia: Yep and un cepillado implies styling.
Carlos: Like when you straighten your hair.
Natalia: A veces tengo ganas de quitarme los rizos. Sometimes I feel like getting rid of my curls.
Carlos: Everyone likes a little change now and then.
Natalia: Dear Jesus! I’d never want to get rid of my curls.
Carlos: And so I take it that rizo means curl.
Natalia: Well you should know with that mass of curls on your head.
Carlos: Listen, I like my curls. I am never going to go bald. Now Natty, the hairdresser says les vas a conquistar.
Natalia: You are going to conquer him and don’t buy that just because you have hair now, you are not going to go bald.
Carlos: I am not going to go bald. Le vas a conquistar, Is that more for men or more for women?
Natalia: That sounds more like you know like the girl chatting. Le vas a conquistar. Lo vas a conquistar.
Carlos: Okay obviously you didn’t hear my question which will be more common for a man or a woman.
Natalia: For a woman, that’s what I am saying. A group of women talking, then that would be like: Ay, lo vas a conquistar!
Carlos: So you wouldn’t say that a guy want to say it to another guy?
Natalia: You can say that too but then it’s more common in women.
Carlos: Okay so if I want to say, you are going to conquer her, how would I say that?
Natalia: La vas a conquistar.
Carlos: You know, we never use that in English. You know, I feel like if I was going to say that, I should place like my fists on my waist take out my chest and proclaim, yes I will conquer her.
Natalia: Ah..
Carlos: La vas a conquistar. Is that how you said it?
Natalia: La vas… La voy a conquistar.
Carlos: La voy a conquistar!
Natalia: Carlos?
Carlos: Yes.
Natalia: That sounds like some barbarian do.
Carlos: Yes I shall hit you on the head and drag you by the head to cave.
Natalia: Oh you wish. Look.
Carlos: Bam! Bam!
Natalia: Okay Julius.
Carlos: Follow women.

Lesson focus

Natalia: Julius, shush! oh my god! In these times… In this times you try to do that and you will see who gets a beating. Well Julius, why don’t you try to conquer some grammar?
Carlos: Hey that’s your niche.
Natalia: Okay fine negations. Two forms.
Carlos: I assume there are two examples in the conversation.
Natalia: Well it will be a safe bet.
Carlos: I want you to refresh our memory.
Natalia: Ni hablar. Literally not even talking.
Carlos: But we translate it as no way.
Natalia: Right this is very emphatic expression.
Carlos: Okay like in what other situations could this be used?
Natalia: Like for example, if you tell me to wash your dishes, I will be like ni hablar.
Carlos: No way.
Natalia: Exactly.
Carlos: Natie doesn’t wash dishes man!
Natalia: I don’t wash dishes.
Carlos: She doesn’t wash dishes. She just doesn’t do it.
Natalia: Well that is why you got washing machines for and a bunch of people around you so you can ask them, hey I will cook, you wash. There is always ways to get it off….
Carlos: How come I do both?
Natalia: Well because you are a special case my boy! You are a special case.
Carlos: Hey I am a man, honey! Don’t call me boy. No.
Natalia: That sounds so much of Carlos kind of stuff. You love that Julius stuff. You now get the Barbaric guy. Stop talking that way.
Carlos: Ceasar.
Natalia: Oh shush!
Carlos: Okay. Alright, now how important is word order in forming negative commands?
Natalia: Well it is important but wait, we went over this in Costa Rican 19.
Carlos: You are right. We did cover the imperative move but we didn’t cover word order.
Natalia: You didn’t listen to newbie 20 or 22, did you?
Carlos: Would you quit stalling and answer the question?
Natalia: Carlos, you should know all these lessons by heart already. Well fine, let’s say - tú eres vaga nada más. Word order all depends on the presence of pronouns.
Carlos: Okay.
Natalia: Word order with pronouns, no plus pronoun plus imperative verb.
Carlos: Nice, like no te preocupes, don’t worry.
Natalia: Right.
Carlos: No te preocupes, no te preocupes, no te preocupes.
Natalia: Let me just push his button so he stops. Why are you repeating the example?
Carlos: Listen, preocupes is a hard word and it took me like a long, long time to get the syllables down. It really did.
Natalia: Yeah well there is another easier example, no me digas.
Carlos: Don’t talk to me or you don’t say. You know I didn’t understand it the first time you said it, but you said it so many times that I finally got the gist of it.
Natalia: And you kept talking.
Carlos: What do you want? I am new. Now what about word order without pronouns?
Natalia Without pronouns, no plus imperative verb. For example, no comas demasiado.
Carlos: Don’t eat too much.
Natalia: Or, no dejen sus platos sucios en la mesa.
Carlos: Natie, don’t leave dirty dishes on the table.
Natalia: As if I would ever do that. I know. Audience, he wouldn’t leave the plate down for a second after you are done. It’s so rude and then he started washing dishes while people are still there and he stares at you while you eat so that he sees when you are done and he throws a little bit of soap while you eat too.
Carlos: There were a lot of dishes. There was a lot of dishes Natie. I made a big meal you know like the sooner you start, the sooner they are done.
Natalia: Well Carlos, the question here is not wash or not wash the dishes. You got the imperative mood clear now?
Carlos: With this lesson, Costa Rica 19, newbie 20 and 22, I think I got enough to wrap mind around.
Natalia: Well now it’s time to give la tarea.
Carlos: Homework.
Natalia: I hope you are doing these still Carlos. That’s right. Well, you know, in our lesson of the newbie season 2, we give a short assignment. So for today, here it is. We are going to give you five sentences in English. These sentences are going to be related to today’s lessons. What you have to do is translate them to Spanish and figure out how to pronounce them.
Carlos: And how may I ask, Can our listeners check to see if they got them right or not?
Natalia: All they have to do is check out the premium audio track named Tarea. Guys, there you will find the answers to today’s assignment and some comments on the answers.
Carlos: So without further adieu, here are the five sentences for today’s assignment. Don’t worry honey. Don’t leave your dirty dishes on the table. You are going to conquer him. That’s what I like. I love my curls.
Natalia: All right. And again, check out the premium audio track called Tarea in order to get the answers and comments on the answers.


Carlos: Okay this is where we will stop for today.
Natalia: Bueno muchas gracias por escucharnos.
Carlos: Goodbye everybody. Natalia has spoken.
Natalia: And Julius, you should be quiet.
Carlos: Thanks for listening to us. We will see you next time.
Natalia: Hasta luego.


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