
Vocabulary (Review)

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Natalia: Hola todos, me llamo Natalia.
Carlos: What’s going on? My name is Carlos.
Natalia: Two weeks later.
Carlos: What’s going on pod101 world? My name is Carlos and welcome to spanishpod101.com, the fastest, easiest and most fun way to learn Spanish.
Natalia: I am Natalia and thanks again for being here with us for this newbie series season 2 lesson.
Carlos: Natie, you will never guess what happened to me yesterday.
Natalia: Should I? What happened?
Carlos: You will never guess.
Natalia: Carlos, what happened?
Carlos: I told you will never guess.
Natalia: That’s so dumb.
Carlos: What are we looking at?
Natalia: That is so….
Carlos: So Natie, what are we learning about today?
Natalia: We are looking at vos again.
Carlos: And our love birds.
Natalia: Well it looks like Martha is a little surprised for Adolfo.
Carlos: A surprise you say.
Natalia: Yes and it’s been two weeks.
Carlos: Do I get that drift? So this conversation is.
Natalia: Informal.
Carlos: You know what, let’s listen to today’s conversation.
MARTA: Hola Adolfo, habla Marta.
ADOLFO: ¿Quién?
MARTA: Marta. La chica "muy interesante" de la otra noche!
ADOLFO: ¿María?
MARTA: ¡No...! La pelirroja, ¿recordás?
ADOLFO: ¡Oh! Sí, ¿cómo estás?, preciosa. Perdoná, se me olvida la gente.
MARTA: De mí ya no te vas a olvidar más.
ADOLFO: ¡Claro que no!...eh, ¿pero porque lo decís?
MARTA: Porque estoy embarazada. Qué interesante, ¿no?
Carlos: And now slower. Una vez más esta vez lentamente.
MARTA: Hola Adolfo, habla Marta.
ADOLFO: ¿Quién?
MARTA: Marta. La chica "muy interesante" de la otra noche!
ADOLFO: ¿María?
MARTA: ¡No...! La pelirroja, ¿recordás?
ADOLFO: ¡Oh! Sí, ¿cómo estás?, preciosa. Perdoná, se me olvida la gente.
MARTA: De mí ya no te vas a olvidar más.
ADOLFO: ¡Claro que no!...eh, ¿pero porque lo decís?
MARTA: Porque estoy embarazada. Qué interesante, ¿no?
Carlos: And now with the translation. Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
MARTA: Hola Adolfo, habla Marta.
MARTA: Hi Adolfo, it's Marta speaking.
ADOLFO: ¿Quién?
MARTA: Marta. La chica "muy interesante" de la otra noche!
MARTA: Marta. The "really interesting" girl from the other night.
ADOLFO: ¿María?
ADOLFO: María?
MARTA: ¡No...! La pelirroja, ¿recordás?
MARTA: No...! The girl with red-hair. Do you remember?
ADOLFO: ¡Oh! Sí, ¿cómo estás?, preciosa. Perdoná, se me olvida la gente.
ADOLFO: Oh! Yeah, how are ya', precious? Sorry, I forget who people are.
MARTA: De mí ya no te vas a olvidar más.
MARTA: You're not going to forget about me anymore.
ADOLFO: ¡Claro que no!...eh, ¿pero porque lo decís?
ADOLFO: Of course I won't!... uh, but why do ya' say so?
MARTA: Porque estoy embarazada. Qué interesante, ¿no?
MARTA: Because I'm pregnant. Interesting, isn't it?
Natalia: That’s hilarious Carlos. Is that what I am never going to guess? Are you pregnant?
Carlos: What’s that? Listen, if a girl ever says, well now you are never going to forget me, it’s like one or two things.
Natalia: Don’t tell me.
Carlos: And neither are really good.
Natalia: And you are going like dun dun dun.
Carlos: Okay you know what, it’s time to move on to the vocabulary list of today’s PDF lesson. We are going to start with a word that can either be a masculine or feminine noun or an adjective.
Natalia: chico, chica
Carlos: Boy, girl.
Natalia: chi-co, chi-ca, chico, chica
Carlos: As you will hear in the example.
Natalia: Lo que vos necesitás es una chica.
Carlos: What you need is a girl. Next up, we have an adjective that can be either a masculine or feminine noun.
Natalia: pelirrojo, pelirroja
Carlos: Read haired, Redhead.
Natalia: pe-li-ro-jo, pe-li-ro-ja, pelirrojo, pelirroja
Carlos: And the sample sentence is?
Natalia: ¿Quién es la pelirroja esa?
Carlos: Who is that Redhead? Moving on, we have another adjective that can also be either a masculine or feminine noun.
Natalia: precioso, preciosa
Carlos: Precious.
Natalia: pre-cio-so, pre-cio-sa , precioso, preciosa
Carlos: And for this, we have the example
Natalia: Y decíme preciosa ¿qué planes tenés para este fin de semana?
Carlos: And tell me precious, what plans do you have for the weekend? And this time, we have an adjective.
Natalia: embarazada
Carlos: Pregnant.
Natalia: em-ba-ra-za-da, embarazada
Carlos: And to put this in context
Natalia: ¿Cómo reaccionaría si supiera que estás embarazada?
Carlos: How would he react if he knew you are a pregnant? The second to last word is a pronominal verb.
Natalia: olvidarse
Carlos: To forget.
Natalia: ol-vi-dar-se, olvidarse
Carlos: And an example of this would be
Natalia: ¿Cómo me puedo olvidar de ti?
Carlos: How can I forget about you? And to finish the list, we have a verb
Natalia: perdonar
Carlos: To forgive.
Natalia: per-do-nar, perdonar
Carlos: As in the example
Natalia: Hay algunas cosas que no se pueden perdonar.
Carlos: There are some things one cannot forgive.
Natalia: Okay Carlitos, now let’s quickly practice the pronunciation of un diptongo.
Carlos: And that’s a diphthong right?
Natalia: Yep. This just refers to two vowels that act as a single syllable as in the io of precioso.
Carlos: Precioso
Natalia: Right, pre-cio-so. Not pre-ci-o-so, no, no, no precioso.
Carlos: Precioso.
Natalia: There you go. Carlos, vocabulary.
Carlos: Okay. Well let’s have a closer look at the usage of the vocabulary words and phrases from this lesson.
Natalia: The first word/phrase we will look at is pelirrojo.
Carlos: Pelirrojo.
Natalia: This is an adjective.
Carlos: So can I assume like most adjectives in Spanish, it can also act as a masculine or feminine noun?
Natalia: That’s a safe assumption, pelirrojo, pelirroja. When we use it as a noun, it’s like saying the red haired boy or girl. That is the redhead.
Carlos: And in today’s conversation.
Natalia: La pelirroja, ¿recordás? The girl with red hair, do you remember?
Carlos: I think I get some related words in there pelo, hair, and rojo, red.
Natalia: Good. I thought I was going to have to do it Carlos.
Carlos: Next up.
Natalia: Precioso.
Carlos: Precioso.
Natalia: Again an adjective that can also be used as a masculine or feminine noun. It means precious. Anda preciosa, ¿qué haces vos aquí?
Carlos: And in today’s conversation?
Natalia: Sí, ¿cómo estás?, preciosa.
Carlos: Yeah how are you precious? Related words.
Natalia: How about precio,price. Someone who is precioso is somebody who is worth a lot.
Carlos: Next up
Natalia: Embarazada.
Carlos: Oh I know this one. It doesn’t mean embarrassed. Nope, it means pregnant.
Natalia: Right and in today’s conversation, we heard “porque estoy embarazada”.
Carlos: Because I am pregnant. Interesting, isn’t it.
Natalia: Related words embarazar, to get pregnant and then vergonzoso, embarrassed. Verguenza, embarrassment and impregnar which means impregnated.
Carlos: And how about an example with a different context?
Natalia: Las ideas revolucionarias impregnaron su espíritu.
Carlos: The revolutionary ideas impregnated his spirit.
Natalia: Last but not least, perdonar.
Carlos: Well that’s a dead giveaway. To pardon, to excuse, to say you are sorry.
Natalia: We heard in today’s conversation “ Perdoná, se me olvida la gente.”
Carlos: Sorry, I forgot who people are and some related words.
Natalia: How about some synonyms, disculpar, to excuse, to forgive or excusar to excuse.
Carlos: I will take those.
Natalia: All right guys. Stick around.
Carlos: Because today’s grammar point is next.

Lesson focus

Natalia: Carlos, how is your understanding of vos?
Carlos: It’s coming along.
Natalia: Give me a review.
Carlos: Okay well tú is the standard pronoun for the second person singular. Vos is also used.
Natalia: And where is the vos used?
Carlos: In Argentina, Uruguay and it is used interchangeably with tú in Costa Rica, Bolivia, Chile as well as other places.
Natalia: Right and aside from the different pronoun verbs used with the vos have different endings in the present tense of the indicative mood as well as in the imperative mood.
Carlos: I have the feeling we are learning something new today.
Natalia: Today we are going to outline the general rules for using the imperative mood for commands with the second person singular whose pronoun is vos.
Carlos: Aye aye Captain!
Natalia: To form an affirmative commands addressing vos, all you have to do is use the following personal endings. For ar verbs A, for er verbs E and for ir verbs I.
Carlos: Seems simple enough and how about negative commands?
Natalia: To form negative commands addressing vos, all of the forms are identical to the forms we use for tú. For ar verb ES, for er verbs AS and for ir verbs AS.
Carlos: And how about an example?
Natalia: Well give me a verb.
Carlos: Escuchar. To listen.
Natalia: Well for affirmative commands, ar verbs, infinitive stem plus A, escuchar, plus A.
Carlos: Equals
Natalia: ¡Escuchá vos! Listen you!
Carlos: Okay. Comer. To eat is an er verb.
Natalia: Er verbs. Okay so it’s a infinitive stem plus E, comer, plus E ¡comé vos! Eat you!
Carlos: Now partir which is ir to. leave.
Natalia: Ir verbs infinitive stem plus I, partir, plus I ¡partí vos! Leave you!
Carlos: So then, negative commands.
Natalia: Carlos, your turn.
Carlos: Okay then give me the formula.
Natalia: Carlos, look for ar verbs, no plus infinitive stem plus es. Es.
Carlos: Okay so for escuchar and -ar verb, ¡no escuches vos!
Natalia: No escuches vos.
Carlos: No escuches vos. Don’t you listen.
Natalia: Er verbs no plus infinitive stem plus AS.
Carlos: Okay. No comas vos. Don’t you eat?
Natalia: Ir verbs no plus infinitive stem plus AS. Try with partir.
Carlos: Okay. ¡No partas vos! Don’t you leave! Okay I am done. How about you do some examples?
Natalia: Mírame cuando te hablo.
Carlos: Look at me when I am talking to you.
Natalia: No me mires mi pelo está hecho un desastre.
Carlos: Don’t look at me my hair is disaster.
Natalia: Now it is a really good example. Comé todo lo que vos querrás.
Carlos: Eat all that you want.
Natalia: No comas tanto te va a salir una panza.
Carlos: Don’t eat so much or else you get a paunch.
Natalia: Escríbime una carta cuando vos llegues.
Carlos: Write me a letter when you arrive.
Natalia: No me escribas si no vas a decir cosas bonitas.
Carlos: Don’t write to me if you are not going to tell me nice things.
Natalia: Remember that using the voseo is a regional tendency and that every form of Spanish is made up of regional tendencies.
Carlos: Right and we’ve learned that the voseo however is very distinct and since vos is a pronoun all the tone and since it receives different personal endings in the present tense of indicative mood and in the imperative mood.
Natalia: It could be confusing to the untrained ear however it is also important to realize that if you are in a place like Argentina where the voseo is the standard or in Costa Rica where it’s used interchangeably with tú. If you use the tú form, it’s not like the person you are speaking to will not understand you.
Carlos: Yeah I found that.
Natalia: And the contrary speakers who prefer vos over tú understand and can use both forms. That being said, it’s definitely a good idea to learn to recognize the voseo and if you are interested in really giving your Spanish some flavor, it’s a good idea to learn how to use it as well.
Carlos: And it’s all about flavor.
Natalia: Whatever you say Carlos.
Carlos: All right. Time for you know what?
Natalia: La tarea.
Carlos: The homework.
Natalia: So in today’s grammar point, we learned how to form commands that are directed at vos. Now we are going to give you five sentences in Spanish each will be a command directed at tú. What you have to do is change each one so it corresponds.
Carlos: Ready.
Natalia: Número 1: Llámame cuando llegues a tu casa. Número 2: Comé todo lo que quieras. Número 3: Pero escúchame cuando te hablo. Número 4: Decidelo tú, a mí no me importa. Número 5: Cuéntame tú porque nadie más me quiere decir.
Carlos: And remember people, you can always pick up the questions, answers and comments on the answers by downloading the premium audio track labeled Tarea.
Natalia: The homework.


Carlos: Now that just about does it for today. Espero que les haya gustado esta lección. Hasta pronto.
Natalia: Que les vaya bien. Adios!


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