
Vocabulary (Review)

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Natalia: Buenos días soy Natalia.
Carlos: What’s going on? My name is Carlos. Can I borrow your car? Now Natie, tell us again why you don’t drive?
Natalia: Why I don’t drive? Where can I begin Carlos? I am afraid of other people, I am afraid of myself, I am very nervous. I think gas prices are insane. I am afraid of a car crash, I am afraid of crushing a tree, I don’t know. I can go on and on and on and on and on.
Carlos: Okay I am just saying because where I come from getting a license and driving is like an important rite of passage.
Natalia: Well here it is but you know the country is quite comfortable when it comes to transportation, all the buses, taxis, all that. Just makes your life easier. I never have to worry about filling gas or changing parts of the cars or paying the taxes on the end of the year and all of that.
Carlos: Okay well you know what that is true and I will say the public transportation here is very good.
Natalia: But the traffic is still horrible Carlos you know.
Carlos: Yes I don’t leave my house at times because of the traffic.
Natalia: Oyi Carlos you know what. You are talking too much.
Carlos: Now if anybody is listening to this lesson…
Natalia: Mhm, mhm, mhm.
Carlos: Natie, always about business.
Natalia: Carlos, Carlos, what’s with you? Have we met?
Carlos: Nice. I always use that sarcastically.
Natalia: Well today we are looking at an indirect object for nouns.
Carlos: Nice review.
Natalia: Stop saying nice.
Carlos: Good review.
Natalia: Well why Carlos, why?
Carlos: Because Joe and Bella went over indirect object pronouns in Peruvian #30 And what’s worse, with my sister!
Natalia: Your sister?
Carlos: No it’s just title of the lesson Natie.
Natalia: Oh! Carlos, I am sure you didn’t have a problem with that.
Carlos: Let’s go into the conversation Natie.
Natalia: But before we do, you know it will be time to open up today’s lesson guide in your PDF reader.
Carlos: Any PDF reader will do. So get it open.
ADRIANA: ¡Hola, Claudia! ¿Qué novedades?
CLAUDIA: Ay, muchas, hermana, pero te las contaré otro día. Un favorcito…
CLAUDIA: ¿Me prestas tu auto? Me desperté recontra tarde y si tomo el bus a esta hora, no llego.
ADRIANA: Bueeeeeno… Supongo que sí. ¿A qué hora me lo devuelves?
CLAUDIA: Cuando termine la clase a las cinco de la tarde.
Carlos: And now slowly. Una vez más esta vez lentamente.
ADRIANA: ¡Hola, Claudia! ¿Qué novedades?
CLAUDIA: Ay, muchas, hermana, pero te las contaré otro día. Un favorcito…
CLAUDIA: ¿Me prestas tu auto? Me desperté recontra tarde y si tomo el bus a esta hora, no llego.
ADRIANA: Bueeeeeno… Supongo que sí. ¿A qué hora me lo devuelves?
CLAUDIA: Cuando termine la clase a las cinco de la tarde.
Carlos: And now with the translation. Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
ADRIANA: ¡Hola, Claudia! ¿Qué novedades?
ADRIANA: Hey there, Claudia! What's new?
CLAUDIA: Ay, muchas, hermana, pero te las contaré otro día. Un favorcito…
CLAUDIA: Ah, so much, sis', but I'll tell you about it another day. I've got a little favor to ask…
CLAUDIA: ¿Me prestas tu auto? Me desperté recontra tarde y si tomo el bus a esta hora, no llego.
CLAUDIA: Can I borrow your car? I woke up way late and if I take the bus, I won't make it.
ADRIANA: Bueeeeeno… Supongo que sí. ¿A qué hora me lo devuelves?
ADRIANA: Weeell… I suppose so. What time are you giving it back to me?
CLAUDIA: Cuando termine la clase a las cinco de la tarde.
CLAUDIA: When I finish class at five in the evening.
Natalia: Carlos.
Carlos: What?
Natalia: Why don’t you do the fancy woman voice?
Carlos: I can’t, my voice is too like low.
Natalia: Oh please. I am sure you can.
Carlos: No it would sound really bad.
Natalia: Bah.
Carlos: Ah sorry Natie! You know what, sorry to disappoint you but now I want to go to the vocabulary.
Natalia: Let’s just do it.
Carlos: Okay first up.
Natalia: novedad
Carlos: Novelty new.
Natalia: no-ve-dad, novedad
Carlos: And then up we have a masculine noun diminutive
Natalia: favorsito
Carlos: Little favor.
Natalia: fa-vor-si-to, favorsito
Carlos: And then up we have a verb.
Natalia: prestar
Carlos: To lend, to borrow.
Natalia: pres-tar, prestar
Carlos: And then we have an adjective slang
Natalia: recontra
Carlos: Very, way
Natalia: re-con-tra, recontra
Carlos: Then next up we have a verb.
Natalia: suponer
Carlos: To support.
Natalia: su-po-ner, suponer
Carlos: Then up we have a verb.
Natalia: devolver
Carlos: To return, to give back.
Natalia: de-vol-ver, devolver. Carlos...
Carlos: Novedad, favorcito, prestar, recontra, suponer, devolver.
Natalia: We have to make the lessons harder.
Carlos: What can I say Natie. I just you know getting it down sometimes.
Natalia: Well why don’t we start with French?
Carlos: Voulez-vous coucher lavec moi ce soir?
Natalia: That’s the only thing you know.
Carlos: Yes and I think it is dirty…
Natalia: Oui! Okay Carlos, let’s look at some of the vocabulary.
Carlos: I always want to know how to use vocabulary.
Natalia: Don’t be sarcastic.
Carlos: Okay, okay Natie first word.
Natalia: novedad
Carlos: Novedad. Novelty new. Natie, what kind of noun is that?
Natalia: What do you think sir?
Carlos: Feminine.
Natalia: That’s right. Carlos una novedad, but very commonly heard in the plural with novedades.
Carlos: How so?
Natalia: Like a greeting. ¿Qué novedades?
Carlos: What novelties are there?
Natalia: Exactly. So you can add this to your repertoire of Spanish greetings and stop being that gringo that only ever says, ¿como esta? Hah!
Carlos: Thanks for the tip Natalia.
Natalia: And next up, one of your favorites.
Carlos: Me estoy palmando del hambre.
Natalia: No. Similar though. Favorcito.
Carlos: Now the diminutive.
Natalia: The diminutive of what?
Carlos: And that will be the diminutive of favor.
Natalia: Notice how it’s spelled the same as English and Spanish but it sounds a lot different. Favor pronounced in English and favor pronounced in Spanish.
Carlos: You know that did cross my mind.
Natalia: So how do you know it’s the diminutive?
Carlos: Well with the diminutive we are adding cito with an O ending since favor is el favor, a masculine noun.
Natalia: So how will we translate favorcito
Carlos: Well that will be a little favor.
Natalia: Excellent. So I think our next verb is quite interesting.
Carlos: I will take your word for it.
Natalia: prestar
Carlos: Prestar. To lend, to borrow. Natie, why is it interesting?
Natalia: Well you know, in Spanish, there is no direct way to express the action of borrowing.
Carlos: Okay.
Natalia: So if I ask you: ¿Me prestas tu auto? well we might translate this as, Can I borrow your car? A strict translation shows that the lender is always a subject. So he is like saying, would you lend me your car? ¿Me prestas tu auto?
Carlos: Yeah I could see that.
Natalia: We can also know the masculine noun that is derived from this verb which is prestamo and this means loan. Did you get it, got it, good.
Carlos: She is enthusiastic today.
Natalia: I know Carlos…
Carlos: Yes.
Natalia: Cheers! Recontra
Carlos: Recontra.
Natalia: We should do a spanishpod101 boot camp.
Carlos: Okay.
Natalia: You got the hair already.
Carlos: Thank you.
Natalia: Okay next up: recontra.
Carlos: REcontra. Very way.
Natalia: Now first we should point out that this is a slang. Really the word for recontra just means movie which is really or as you might hear in American slang way as in: Los chistes de Carlos son recontra estupidos. Carlos jokes are way stupid. Adaptations like these happen a lot. For example, in Argentina, sometimes they add the prefix re to the beginning of a word in order to give it this kind of emphasis. So instead of saying es muy bueno it’s really good they might say rebueno. It’s great.
Carlos: Natie, my jokes aren’t always stupid. You laugh sometimes.
Natalia: 99.9 of the time they are but Carlos, you know I just laugh to make you feel better about yourself. I think having a good self esteem is something important.
Carlos: Oh well thank you for the consideration Natalia.
Natalia: Haha! Any way, suponer
Carlos: Suponer. To suppose.
Natalia: This is an irregular er verb.
Carlos: How so?
Natalia: It is conjugated just like the verb poner, to put, suponer means to suppose but it is also to imagine as in to guess.
Carlos: Okay do you have an example?
Natalia: I do. Supongo que si. I suppose so, I imagine so, I guess so.
Carlos: Now is that the example or do you suppose you have an example?
Natalia: I am using what you usually do. Any ways, etymology tip of the day, the verb suponer comes from the Latin supponĕre, where we see the perfect sub like the submarine under the water and then the verb poner to put. So when we suponemos we are laying it down as an assumption and building a hypothesis on it.
Carlos: Well, gracias por eso profe.

Lesson focus

Natalia: Mucho gusto. Today’s grammar point, I am going to explain indirect object pronouns.
Carlos: I can hardly stand the suspense.
Natalia: Oh my god! Somebody has to do something about this man. Now that you can tell a few words in Spanish, now you don’t get excited about me teaching you new stuff. In the example, I lend her the car, what’s receiving the action of the verb indirectly. Pero le presto el auto. So here I am lending the car to her.
Carlos: Okay.
Natalia: So what would the indirect object pronoun be here?
Carlos: That will be le.
Natalia: Poco a poco estas perdiendo esa estigma de gringo.
Carlos: You sound like an Italian saying that.
Natalia: Okay so we have the verb prestar.
Carlos: To lend, to borrow.
Natalia: Okay so we know that indirect object pronouns are
Carlos: Me, te , le nos, os and les
Natalia: Right. So let’s conjugate this verb prestar and add some indirect object pronouns to see how this works.
Carlos: I am ready when you are Natie.
Natalia: Te presto.
Carlos: I lend you.
Natalia: Me prestas.
Carlos: You lend me.
Natalia: Te prestamos
Carlos: We lend you.
Natalia: Os presto.
Carlos: I lend you all.
Natalia: Me prestáis.
Carlos: You all lend me.
Natalia: Les presto.
Carlos: I lend them.
Natalia: Me prestan.
Carlos: They lend me.
Natalia: Bueno Carlos, if I say ¿me prestas tu auto? What am I literally saying?
Carlos: To me, you lend your car.
Natalia: But the word order is important here.
Carlos: Why?
Natalia: Notice how you is the subject of the sentence in English. You lend it to me. The thing is very often in Spanish, the subject is not even explicit in the sentence but we know what it is by the ending of the verb.
Carlos: Right and in this case, prestas tells us that the subject is tu, you.
Natalia: Now let’s turn it around and say, I lend the car to you.
Carlos: Oh that would be, te presto el auto.
Natalia: All right Mr. Gringo, if you think you know so much, then why don’t you prove yourself today in the Tarea.
Carlos: Don’t bring that Natie. I am down. What have we got in store for today?
Natalia: So yeah for today’s assignment, I am going to give you a phrase in Spanish using the verb prestar. This phrase is also going to contain an indirect object pronoun. What you have to do is translate it to English. Don’t worry. They are all in the present tense of the indicative mood. Are you ready? They are, one: Te presto. Two: Os prestamos. Three: Nos prestáis. Four: Me prestas. Five: Les prestas.
Carlos: Alright. Remember people, you can always check up the answers with comments on the answers in the premium audio track label Tarea, homework.
Natalia: We did it again.
Carlos: Did it again.
Natalia: I feel the newbie lessons in beginner series, they are all flying Carlos.
Carlos: They are flying by really. I mean look, we are at #12 on Newbie Season 2 already.
Natalia: I know.
Carlos: We are going to get back to Costa Rica. So you know, it’s not done. It’s just pretty much put on hold.


Natalia: Okay, hora de decir adios.
Carlos: We will see you later guys. Bye bye.
Natalia: Bye.


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