
Vocabulary (Review)

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Carlos: I don’t know how you can tolerate it. What’s up pod101 world? My name is Carlos. With me as always is Natalia. How are you doing Natie?
Natalia: I am doing great Carlos. So happy to be here today.
Carlos: Oh wow! Thanks that’s really cool. I’m always happy to be in the spanishpod101 world. Natie, you know, I almost got into a car accident yesterday?
Natalia: Really Carlos, did you fall asleep on the wheel?
Carlos: Okay not that time but you know yesterday it was something completely different. It was almost with a bus. I mean like those guys are crazy. I am constantly amazed by the risks they take on such a large vehicle.
Natalia: Welcome to Costa Rica Carlos.
Carlos: Oh don’t I know it. I did something wild the other day.
Natalia: What’s that?
Carlos: Alright. I am driving home from Heredia which for all you listeners who know is like another city a little bit north about let’s say 10 kilometers away from San Jose and I saw a truck had run a car off the road.
Natalia: What?
Carlos: A truck had run a car off the road.
Natalia: For those of you that don’t know, Costa Rica has drainage canals on the side of the roads for the rainwater.
Carlos: That’s exactly where the car ended up.
Natalia: Was the driver okay?
Carlos: He looked okay but what shocked me was the reaction of the truck driver.
Natalia: Well I imagine he was all angry.
Carlos: Well no he was. You know like if you get into a accident or something like that, you know your blood starts boiling, you start getting adrenalin rush and it was a young guy. Now what shocked me was the driver of the car was an old man but see the thing is, the younger guy didn’t even seem concerned.
Natalia: What did they do? Did they call the police? Well what’s it?
Carlos: Well I mean it kind of – accident just happened. So the police weren’t there yet but like I saw this old man like you know, holding his back and getting out. And this young guy is like screaming at him and I am thinking to myself. The first thing I would have done...
Natalia: You help him.
Carlos: Are you okay?
Natalia: Exactly.
Carlos: Are you okay old man? Well…
Natalia: Sorry for bashing your car and ruining your back.
Carlos: Exactly but he is just like – my truck.
Natalia: I know, I know there is a bit of selfishness around the drivers here.
Carlos: Well yeah I mean that did surprise me.
Natalia: Carlos.
Carlos: Natie.
Natalia: I mean, are we going to do a lesson or are we going to keep talking about traffic.
Carlos: How many times must I tell you Natie this is part of our lesson.
Natalia: Carlos
Carlos: Okay fine. What’s on our grammar plate for today? I am hungry.
Natalia: Well the use of past participles as adjectives.
Carlos: Fun, fun, fun.
Natalia: It will be. You know what, get ready, I will prove it to you.
Carlos: Okay, okay so let’s get into today’s conversation.
Natalia: But before we do guys, now will be the time to open up today’s lesson guide and your PDF reader.
Carlos: Any PDF reader you have. I mean if you can have – if you can read a PDF on your computer, this is where you are going to follow along and get a line by line reading of the conversation at hand.
Natalia: Natie wants an iPhone.
Carlos: You heard that. Natie wants an iPhone. So like spanishpod101, if you are on the forum and you happen to have…
Natalia: It would help me so much with work. I could get the memos, I could read the emails. Makes my life easier.
Carlos: I like keeping Natie in the dark.
JORGE: El tráfico siempre se congestiona aquí… Estamos atascados.
ANA: ¡Ya no aguanto el tener que pasar tantas horas de viaje cada día para ir al trabajo!
JORGE: ¿Usted toma este viaje cada día?
ANA: Sí. Desde hace un año, salgo a las siete de la mañana y estoy de regreso a las ocho de la noche.
JORGE: Lo que a mí me fastidia es realmente el smog.
ANA: No sé cómo usted lo puede tolerar…
Carlos: And now slowly. Una vez más esta vez lentamente.
JORGE: El tráfico siempre se congestiona aquí… Estamos atascados.
ANA: ¡Ya no aguanto el tener que pasar tantas horas de viaje cada día para ir al trabajo!
JORGE: ¿Usted toma este viaje cada día?
ANA: Sí. Desde hace un año, salgo a las siete de la mañana y estoy de regreso a las ocho de la noche.
JORGE: Lo que a mí me fastidia es realmente el smog.
ANA: No sé cómo usted lo puede tolerar…
Carlos: And now with the translation. Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
JORGE: El tráfico siempre se congestiona aquí… Estamos atascados.
JORGE: Traffic always gets heavy here… We’re in a jam.
ANA: ¡Ya no aguanto el tener que pasar tantas horas de viaje cada día para ir al trabajo!
ANA: I can’t stand it anymore, having to spend so many hours traveling to go to work!
JORGE: ¿Usted toma este viaje cada día?
JORGE: Do ya' take this trip every day?
ANA: Sí. Desde hace un año, salgo a las siete de la mañana y estoy de regreso a las ocho de la noche.
ANA: Yeah, for a year now, I leave at seven in the morning and I’m back at eight at night.
JORGE: Lo que a mí me fastidia es realmente el smog.
JORGE: What really gets to me is the smog.
ANA: No sé cómo usted lo puede tolerar…
ANA: I don’t know how ya' can tolerate it...
Carlos: You know one thing about Costa Rica, I like no smog here. I mean I know you guys consider San Jose to be like really populated but compared to where I come from or other cities I have been in.
Natalia: Not only that, have you been to Mexico? You just pretty much can almost see there.
Carlos: No but when I went to Lima, that was nasty. I went down Lima, Peru like you can’t breathe and you have a headache after a while.
Natalia: Yeah.
Carlos: Alright Natie. You know what, now that we’ve gone for the conversation, you know what I am going to say next?
Natalia: Vocabulary.
Carlos: Now we are going to move to the vocabulary section of today’s PDF lesson guide and now we are going to start off with a verb.
Natalia: congestionarse
Carlos: To get congested.
Natalia: con-ges-tio-nar-se, congestionarse
Carlos: Now we have a adjective.
Natalia: atascado, atascada
Carlos: Jammed up, hampered.
Natalia: a-tas-ca-do. a-tas-ca-da. Atascado, atascada
Carlos: And then we have a verb
Natalia: pasar
Carlos: To spend as in time.
Natalia: pa-sar, pasar
Carlos: Now we have a masculine noun.
Natalia: regreso
Carlos: Return.
Natalia: re-gre-so, regreso
Carlos: And then up we have a verb.
Natalia: fastidiar
Carlos: To annoy.
Natalia: fas-ti-diar, fastidiar
Carlos: Then up we have a verb.
Natalia: tolerar
Carlos: To tolerate.
Natalia: to-le-rar, tolerar
Carlos: I know exactly where you are going.
Natalia: I am going here. There is one word here you have to learn. Carlos que fastidio.
Carlos: You don't use that on me already?
Natalia: No, not in Spanish.
Carlos: No. No she does something in Spanish. Que estrés.
Natalia: Que estrés. No no no no. I’m thinking I’m going to start complaining in Spanish from now on.
Carlos: Good, so I’ll blatantly ignore that.
Natalia: Well well, sir. Go on and tell me all the list of those words. Come on.
Carlos: congestionarse
Natalia: congestionarse
Carlos: atascado, atascada
Natalia: Mhmm
Carlos: pasar, regreso, fastidiar, tolerar
Natalia:Okay. I meet random people from the street and asked them, say this word.
Carlos: Hey would you like to go to spanishpod101.com and record your…
Natalia: Hi we are recording live.
Carlos: I’ll do it on my radio show. I’m amazed how like I can call out something and people call up and they are like yeah man. It’s amazing.
Natalia: Carlos Carlos Carlos. Usage time.
Carlos: Now wait, wait! What’s the difference between congestionarse and congestionar.
Natalia: Well that’s a good question you know because congestionar means to congest while the pronominal verb congestionarse means to get congested or to become congested.
Carlos: Well you know it is similar in spelling, but the G is pronounced different and it almost sounds like phlegm.
Natalia: Carlos, don't even make a nasty joke. Why do you always have to bring this stuff up?
Carlos: Me? Never, Natie.
Natalia: Ok, the disgusting lessons are back in the past. You know?
Carlos: OK. How about an example.
Natalia: Carlos I will give you an example.
Carlos: Thank you.
Natalia: El tráfico se congestionó en la Carretera Pan Americana.
Carlos: Traffic got congested on the Pan-American Highway and at San Jose, man, traffic here is wild.
Natalia: He doesn’t get over and Carlos, a couple of years, you will be fine. You know what, that’s why I don’t drive.
Carlos: You know I kind of like it sometimes, man, it’s like a video game. When I first got a car, when I first rented one I was dropping Natie somewhere and I was like...
Natalia: When you hit the nun it’s ten points. The next word is used in a way you need to get used to.
Carlos: Yeah,but…
Natalia: Carlos Carlos, the words.
Carlos: Okay.
Natalia: Okay, the next word is used in a way you need to get used to.
Carlos: Okay what atascado, atascada?
Natalia: Atascado
Carlos: Now it’s an adjective. Now that’s why it has to be modified depending on the gender of the noun.
Natalia: Well actually this is the past participle of the verb atascar.
Carlos: Wait, wait, wait, wait!
Natalia: What Carlos, here it’s working as an adjective. It is not uncommon for the past participles to be used as adjectives in Spanish.
Carlos: ¿Enserio?
Natalia: Enserio. Carlos, you have to get used to it.
Carlos: I will make sure.
Natalia: Hmm. Los peatones atascan la calle.
Carlos: The pedestrians clog up the street.
Natalia: The next verb is why you should know why now.
Carlos: Which? Pasar.
Natalia: Okay. Well today we are seeing a whole new meaning.
Carlos: Which.
Natalia: Pasar tiempo is not to pass the time but really is more like to spend time. Pasé dos horas en el café. I spent two hours in the coffee shop.
Carlos: Knowing you is probably more than 2 hours Natie.
Natalia: Carlos, listen to our next word.
Carlos: Okay I am listening.
Natalia: Regreso. What comes to mind?
Carlos: The verb regresar.
Natalia: Right. Oho! Don’t confuse this masculine singular noun with the first person singular conjugation of regresar.
Carlos: No.
Natalia: No, el regreso is the return trip. We use the phrase estar de regreso we mean to be back or to be back home, to get back.
Carlos: Okay wait like: Llámame cuando estés de regreso.
Natalia: That’s right. Call me when you get back.
Carlos: That makes sense.
Natalia: Okay Carlos, we got fastidiar.
Carlos: Ah then the word that I’m gonna start to hear a lot I guess. To annoy, to get to someone to bother, to nag. All not good things.
Natalia: You just remember yourself and what you mean to me and you will get this word. Carlos.
Carlos: There’s so many ways to take that. It’s wrong.
Natalia: Carlos, Carlos. Don’t get it so personal.
Carlos: I’m a thorne on her side.
Natalia: Do you need some Kleenex?
Carlos: Wait a moment.
Natalia: Carlos, just notice, focus focus, on how it’s pronounced. Me fastidia. It annoys me. It gets to me.
Carlos: How about an example.
Natalia: Carlos, tu forma de hablar me fastidia. Carlos, your way of speaking annoys me.
Carlos: Right Natie and your way of speaking is music to my ears.
Natalia: I know that Carlos. That’s why you call me every 5 minutes.
Carlos: Let’s check the phone logs. Carlos, call me back. Hello, call me back and you hang up the phone.
Natalia: Okay.

Lesson focus

Carlos: I think Natie we should move on to grammar.
Natalia: I think we should. So how past participles can be used as adjective. How do we form regular past participles?
Carlos: Well for ar verbs, we drop the infinitive ending and add ADO or ado for masculine singular and ADA or ada for feminine singular.
Natalia: For example
Carlos: Atascar to atascado or atascada. Like: La calle está atascada. The street is jammed up.
Natalia: And for er and ir verbs?
Carlos: Well for those, you drop the infinitive ending and add IDO or ido for masculine singular and IDA, ida, for feminine singular.
Natalia: Hmm let me try. So how about the verb pulir to shine?
Carlos: That will become pulido in the singular masculine and pulida with singular feminine.
Natalia: Carlos, so in this sentence, we could say: El piso ya está pulido. The floor is now shined. How about the verb meter to get in the middle?
Carlos: Metida yeah metida that’s one I am betting on.
Natalia: Okay if I am talking to my gossiping girlfriend, I can say: Siempre estás metida en los asuntos de otros. You are always in the middle of other people’s affairs.
Carlos: How are they feeling Natie? You know a lot of people like that.
Natalia: I do.
Carlos: I am sure. Costa Ricans are infamous for being gossipers.
Natalia: Carlos Carlos,what’s with you and Costa Ricans today? Hey, look at him. What’s up? Where did your love for the country go?
Carlos: My love is right here but I’m surrounded.
Natalia: Alright. Carlos Carlos, I mean come on. Why do we use the form atascados in the example from today’s conversation: Estamos atascados.
Carlos: Well because the subject is nosotros and nosotros estamos and we know that the gender of the pleural subject is mixed like Jorge is a man and Ana is a woman and in Spanish, we use the masculine plural form even when the subject is mixed, estamos atascados.
Natalia: So what would the taxi driver had said if she was a woman too?
Carlos: Yeah, talk about like me talking about Ticos and Costa Ricans all day you are the one full of questions.
Natalia: Carlos Carlos. Well you know that’s my work pretty much. To test you, to test you. To pull the Spanish out of you.
Carlos: Yeah Nati you know me too well. Okay, estamos atascadas.
Natalia: Well that’s not bad, but you… Carlos you still talk a little bit like a gringo. You’re getting better, but you still have it.
Carlos: You know, I’m starting to think that really it’s my… The accent, the ear that Nati has for the accent really is like she doesn’t understand like the Puerto Rican New York accent. She’s strict Tico accent. No, Carlos! Like this.
Natalia: No! Well do you know that I read the other day that Costa Rican Spanish is like the fourth or third…
Carlos: Actually I thought it was the second to tell you the truth.
Natalia: The second?
Carlos: Second. The first is Colombian. That is closest spoken to written. So that’s why I came in. I’m not gonna lie Nati. There was some method to my madness.
Natalia: Okay Carlos, well if you call it improvement, call it improvement. Well and how about a little tarea you know tarea. As you would say.
Carlos: I have never in my word said tarea. Well I have met people who jokingly have said por favor.
Natalia: Por favor, la tarea rapido. So Carlos, for today’s assignment, I am going to give you five regular verbs in Spanish. What you have to do is change each verb into a past participle which as we’ve seen in today’s lesson can be used as an adjective and as an adjective each verb has four forms. So your job is to give all the forms. Are you ready? Number one parar. to stop, number two abrigar, to bundle up, number three meter to get in the middle, number four batir to beat, number five entretener to entertain.
Carlos: Okay now remember people. You can always check up the answers with the comments on the answers in the premium audio track labeled Tarea or homework or tarea homework.
Natalia: Tarea
Carlos: La tareo.
Natalia: La tareo.


Natalia: Okay so Carlos say bye in Spanish.
Carlos: Adios. What is the thing you said to me the other day?
Natalia: Lo vi por tele.
Carlos: Lo vi por tele.
Natalia: Lo...
Carlos: Lo vi por tele. That’s gonna be my new thing. Lo vi por tele.
Natalia: Los vi por tele. Okay, chao.
Carlos: Later.


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