
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Lizy: Buenos días, soy Lizy.
Alan: Alan here.
Lizy: Newbie series, Lesson #9.
Alan: “I am hungry.” Hi everybody near and wide, close and far, spanishpod101 coming to you from Lima, Peru.
Lizy: Hi Alan, hi friends around the globe.
Alan: Welcome everybody to spanishpod101.com. My name is Alan and I am joined here by the one and only Lizy Stoliar. ¿Qué tal Lizy?
Lizy: Todo bien, todo tranquilo.
Alan: Last time we learned the verb “tener” with expressions of “thirst.” Today, we are going to look at the verb “tener” in greater depth and we will see how it’s used with expressions of “hunger.” Lizy, where does today’s conversation take place?
Lizy: Today’s conversation takes place around a lunch table in Chiloé, Chile, where María, Hector and Alejandro talk about how hungry they are.
Alan: I think it’s safe to say that you’d hear this conversation in any Spanish speaking country. Wouldn’t you say, Lizy?
Lizy: I think so.
Alan: Hey guys, remember to check out the learning center for lesson specific as well as general reference tools.
Lizy: But Alan, I already speak Spanish.
Alan: I am talking to the audience, Lizy. I know you speak Spanish. You speak it wonderfully. All right, so let’s focus now and listen to today’s conversation.
MARÍA: ¡Tengo hambre!
HECTOR: Sí, yo también. Quiero almorzar.
ALEJANDRO: ¡Qué bueno! Para el almuerzo, tenemos curanto.
MARÍA: ¡Qué rico es el curanto!
HECTOR: ¡Tengo ganas de comer!
Alan: And now slower. Una vez más esta vez lentamente.
MARÍA: ¡Tengo hambre!
HECTOR: Sí, yo también. Quiero almorzar.
ALEJANDRO: ¡Qué bueno! Para el almuerzo, tenemos curanto.
MARÍA: ¡Qué rico es el curanto!
HECTOR: ¡Tengo ganas de comer!
Alan: And now with the translation. Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
MARÍA: ¡Tengo hambre!
MARÍA: I'm hungry!
HECTOR: Sí, yo también. Quiero almorzar.
HECTOR: Yeah, me too. I want to have lunch.
ALEJANDRO: ¡Qué bueno! Para el almuerzo, tenemos curanto.
ALEJANDRO: Great! For lunch we have Curanto.
MARÍA: ¡Qué rico es el curanto!
MARÍA: How delicious Curanto is!
HECTOR: ¡Tengo ganas de comer!
HECTOR: I feel like eating!
Lizy: Alan, have you ever had “Curanto”?
Alan: Lizy, I haven’t. I haven’t even heard of it. That must be a really specific dish in Chile. I don’t know Chile very well but I can tell you that in Peru, I’ve had loads of different dishes. The list would go on. You know something Lizy and this is something that amazes my friends back home. In a month, it’s rare for me to repeat the same dish twice. I mean the variety here is awesome, amazing.
Lizy: Totalmente de acuerdo. Es que aquí tenemos tres regiones: costa, sierra y selva. Y cada región tiene su plato típico, y no solo uno, sino muchísimos platos típicos.
Alan: So Lizy is saying that here we have the coasts, the mountains and the jungle. So three different regions and within those regions, they all have their different varieties of dishes. Hey but Lizy, have you ever had “Curanto”. Have you heard of that?
Lizy: No, para nada.
Alan: I think we are going to have to travel to Chile. All right guys, let’s get down to it. Time to break down some of the vocab that came up today.
Lizy: ¡Vamos!
Alan: First we have...
Lizy: “Hambre”.
Alan: “Hunger.”
Lizy: “Ham-bre”, “hambre”.
Alan: Next we will look at...
Lizy: “Almorzar”.
Alan: “To have lunch.”
Lizy: “Al-mor-zar”, “almorzar”.
Alan: Now we have...
Lizy: “Almuerzo”.
Alan: “Lunch.”
Lizy: “Al-muer-zo”, “almuerzo”.
Alan: And then...
Lizy: “¡Qué rico!”
Alan: “How delicious.”
Lizy: “¡Qué ri-co!”, “¡qué rico!”
Alan: Now we will hear...
Lizy: “Tener ganas”.
Alan: “To be in the mood”, “to have the urge.”
Lizy: “Te-ner ganas”, “tener ganas”.
Alan: And finally...
Lizy: “Comer”.
Alan: “To eat.”
Lizy: “Co-mer”, “comer”.
Alan: All right, and now for today’s pronunciation tip, let’s look at the word “hambre”.
Lizy: “Hambre”.
Alan: That’s right “hambre”, spelled “h-a-m-b-r-e”, “hambre.” Guys don’t be that gringo that pronounces the “H”. In Spanish, the letter “H” is always silent. You know unless of course it’s the “ch” as in “coche”. So we need to remember to always omit the “H” sound “hambre”.
Lizy: “Hambre”.
Alan: Man, that conversation made me hungry, Liz.
Lizy: You aren’t the only one.
Alan: You know what I am hungry for Lizy?
Lizy: What?
Alan: The first vocabulary word of the day.
Lizy: Okay, the first word we will look at is “hambre”.
Alan: “Hungry.”
Lizy: “Ella tiene mucha hambre”.
Alan: “She is really hungry.” Actually I am feeling a little hungry right now too.
Lizy: Well you are going to have to wait, Alan. We have lessons to do.
Alan: I am just making a statement.
Lizy: So we see that the word “hambre” which literally means “hunger” is used with a verb “tener”.
Alan: When these two words are used together, the expression means “to be hungry.”
Lizy: Remember newbie lesson 8?
Alan: Of course how could I forget?
Lizy: We saw something similar happen with the expression “tener sed” which literally means “to have thirst” but which we translate “to be thirsty.”
Alan: So let’s get used to this idea of “having hunger” and “having thirst” in order to say “I am hungry” and “I am thirsty.”
Lizy: It’s pretty simple once you get over the initial awkwardness.
Alan: That’s what learning is, getting over the initial awkwardness. Now, the next word we are going to look at today is “almorzar”. Lizy, what are you going to have for lunch today?
Lizy: No lo sé aún, pero tal vez una rica ensalada mixta con pollito sancochado.
Alan: That’s very healthy Lizy, salad and broiled chicken.
Lizy: Es que me gusta cuidarme.
Alan: I think it’s pretty obvious that the verb “almorzar” means “to have lunch.” You can think of it like the verb in English “to dine” except it’s only used “to lunch” like “let’s do lunch.” I would never say that though. I am not that pretentious.
Lizy: If you want to say that you have something for lunch, you simply add what you have after the verb. For example, “almorzaremos pollo”.
Alan:” We will have chicken for lunch.” Okay, what’s our next expression?
Lizy: “¡Qué rico!”
Alan: Have an example for that one?
Lizy: “¡Qué rico es el jugo!”
Alan: “How delicious the juice is!” This expression is used all the time throughout the Spanish speaking world and particularly in Latin America.
Lizy: Of course, we have the best fruit juices indeed.
Alan: You could say that Latin America is rich in fruit.
Lizy: Interesting for you to mention that, Alan. The word “rico” on its own can also mean “rich.”
Alan: In both the sense of “wealth” and of “heavy food.”
Lizy: But when you use the expression “¡qué rico!”, it refers to a deep satisfaction and is very often associated with food or with other pleasures.
Alan: Okay this brings us to the last expression today which is “tener ganas”.
Lizy: “Tengo ganas de tomar jugo.”
Alan: “I feel like drinking a juice.” Lizy, would you say that this is a very common expression in the Spanish speaking world?
Lizy: Definitely.
Alan: What does it mean exactly?
Lizy: The phrase “tener ganas” means “to have the urge”, “to desire” or “to feel like.” It’s often accompanied by a verb in the infinitive as in this example with “tomar”.
Alan: When this infinitive verb is used, we can either translate it as “I have the urge to drink” or “I feel like drinking.”
Lizy: What do you feel like drinking right now Alan?
Alan: A little Pisco I never heard anyone or if it did, they probably didn’t notice.
Lizy: ¡Ay el Pisco peruano, no hay nada que se le parezca! Es riquísimo, ¿verdad Alan? Amigos de Spanishpod, cuando visiten Perú están cordialmente invitados a probar nuestro sabrosísimo Pisco Sour.
Alan: That’s right. Pisco is for those of you who don’t know. It’s a brandy. It’s from Grape and the Pisco in Peru is the best in the world. So remember, Pisco is Peruvian.

Lesson focus

Alan: Okay, okay, let’s calm down listeners. Stop thinking about parties and Pisco and let’s have a more thorough look at the grammar used in this lesson.
Lizy: Okay, today we are going to be looking at a few expressions with the verb “tener” which on its own means “to have.”
Alan: This verb in particular is used in conjunction with other words to form set phrases or idiomatic expressions. For example, in the conversation we heard...
Lizy: “Tengo hambre”.
Alan: “I am hungry.”
Lizy: Right, but remember that this isn’t the literal translation. This phrase would literally be translated, “I have hunger.”
Alan: But we don’t say that in English. Instead we say, “I am hungry.”
Lizy: The idea of “having” in Spanish is far reaching. We use it a lot in many different situations.
Alan: Lizy, would you show us another example of tener from the conversation?
Lizy: Claro que si. “¡Tengo ganas de comer!”
Alan: “I feel like eating.”
Lizy: This time, the verb “tener” is joined with “ganas” which means “desires” or “urges” and the preposition “de”.
Alan: So together, this set phrase means “I feel like” or “I have got the urge to.”
Lizy: All you have to do to complete the expression is add a verb in the infinitive.
Alan: And remember, the infinitive is the form in which the verb appears in your dictionary and on our vocabulary list.
Lizy: In this example, we add “comer” after “tengo ganas de” in order to say...
Alan: “I feel like eating.” Now you can’t eat anything without something to drink. Lizy, how might we use “tener” and apply to “drinking”?
Lizy: “Ella tiene sed.”
Alan: “She is thirsty.” Now we looked at this briefly in newbie lesson #8.
Lizy: “Tener”, when used in this set phrase, takes on a new meaning. Like we said, it’s a very useful phrase.
Alan: Instead of meaning “I have thirst”, which would be the literal translation of the phrase, it means “I am thirsty.”
Lizy: So now we have attained a clearer vision of how in Spanish the idea of “having” can encompass being through the use of the verb “tener”.


Alan: That just about does it for today’s lesson.
Lizy: Make sure you check out the grammar point in this lesson’s PDF which you can pick up at spanishpod101.com
Alan: And visit the learning center for all the materials you could ever want or need. Guys, you just can’t learn by listening. You’ve got to add to this, mix it up, make it interesting for yourself. Listen to podcasts, take some classes, go to a Spanish movie, try to talk to somebody in Spanish, watch some Spanish television. Just everything you can think of, try it. The greater the variety, the faster you will learn and that’s a promise. You can do it.
Lizy: Also check out our regional series Peruvian lesson 9, Costa Rican lesson 9 and Iberian lesson 9 which are all based on this lesson.
Alan: That’s right. Learn Spanish from around the world and if you really want to enrich your learning experience one day, why not come down to Lima and visit us at EL SOL Spanish Language School. Make an immersion program part of your overall experience.
Lizy: Okay friends, será hasta la próxima lección, till next lesson.
Alan: We’ve had a lot of fun guys. Hope you have too. Take care, study hard. Goodbye.
Lizy: ¡Chao!


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