
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lizy: Buenos días, me llamo Lizy.
Alan: Hey everyone, I am Alan.
Lizy: Newbie series, lesson #8.
Alan: “I am Thirsty.” Hey everybody and welcome to all of you near and far. Here we are ago all the grammar together in this weird podcast community. Aren’t we breaking paradigms here, it’s strange. Ten years ago, this would not have been possible. Also I want to give a special welcome to my co-host Lizy Stoliar. Lizy, how are you doing?
Lizy: Fine, fine, Alan. Hola a todos, es un gusto saludarlos.
Alan: So everyone, turn up the volume, put on your headphones, load up the PDF. You are listening to the 8th lesson of the newbie series coming to you on demand from spanishpod101.com.
Lizy: Get on the inside track of learning Spanish with us.
Alan: We invite you to study and learn with us the language and culture of Latin America and Spain. Boy, there are so many different regional forms of Spanish. What makes spanishpod101.com a little bit different is that we tried to touch upon the diversity of the languages. If you come to Peru, you will hear one form of Spanish. Go to Colombia, you will hear another, Argentina, another, Spain, yet another. Lizy, let me ask you. I mean, you are Peruvian. If you hear a Mexican speak, can you, you know, identify them as being from Mexico?
Lizy: ¡Por supuesto, claro! “¡Orale mano!”
Alan: And what about somebody from Argentina? Can you pick up on that?
Lizy: Difieren totalmente. “¡Ché vos, fijate!”. Hablan de una manera… ¡es increíble!
Alan: That’s right. So that’s what Spanish pod tries to touch upon. They are all different but they are all valid.
Lizy: Thanks for being with us today. What are we discussing Alan?
Alan: Well, today we are going to be looking at the verbs “beber” and “tomar” both of which mean “to drink.”
Lizy: This conversation takes place on the streets of Cali, Colombia, where Gustavo and Jaime are looking for something to drink.
Alan: Liz, have you ever been to Colombia?
Lizy: No, no. Me gustaría ir algún día, pero conozco gente colombiana bella. Y además, me fascinan cantantes como Juanes, Carlos Vives, Shakira, de allí. And you?
Alan: Yeah, I went to Cartagena last year and I really want to recommend that to any of you travelers out there. Cartagena is a beautiful colonial walled city. Now there is fortresses, great restaurants, the nightlife is a lot of fun and beaches, just tremendous beaches. It’s a great, great place to visit. Okay, well, getting back to work, we are going to listen to a short conversation. The goal here is to try to imagine yourself there. Close your eyes and let this conversation transport you into the Spanish speaking world. Here we go.
GUSTAVO: ¡Tengo mucha sed!
JAIME: Yo también tengo sed.
GUSTAVO: ¿Quieres una bebida?
JAIME: Sí, quiero tomar un jugo.
Alan: And now slower. Una vez más esta vez lentamente.
GUSTAVO: ¡Tengo mucha sed!
JAIME: Yo también tengo sed.
GUSTAVO: ¿Quieres una bebida?
JAIME: Sí, quiero tomar un jugo.
Alan: And now with the translation. Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
GUSTAVO: ¡Tengo mucha sed!
GUSTAVO: I'm really thirsty!
JAIME: Yo también tengo sed.
JAIME: I'm thirsty too.
GUSTAVO: ¿Quieres una bebida?
GUSTAVO: Do ya' want a drink?
JAIME: Sí, quiero tomar un jugo.
JAIME: Yeah, I wanna' drink a juice.
Alan: Uff just listening to this is making me thirsty. Hey Liz, tell me, you probably have some favorite drinks. What are they?
Lizy: Gaseosas, pero más me gustan los jugos, como los de piña, el de piña es mi favorito.
Alan: Uhh so she likes pineapple juice and soda pops.
Lizy: What about you, Alan?
Alan: Uhh yeah lots of drinks. Hey Lizy, by the way, I noticed you didn’t mention any alcoholic drinks in your list of favorite drinks. You didn’t mention the Pisco Sour which is very famous here in Peru but yeah I would agree. I like those fruit juices especially “maracuyá”, “carambola”. Really the choices are awesome but there is one drink, Lizy, that I see them preparing sometimes in the center of Lima and I just – I can’t imagine drinking it. Do you know which one I am talking about?
Lizy: No.
Alan: Let me give you hint. Sometimes people drink this because they believe it helps their bronchial system if they are asthmatic. Now you know what I am talking about. Don’t you?
Lizy: Emolientes.
Alan: No not the “emoliente”.
Lizy: No?
Alan: I am talking about the “extracto de rana”.
Lizy: Ah…
Alan: The “extracto de rana” is something that essentially it’s an herbal based but they will drop in a live frog. So it’s like that joke. Hey what’s red and green and goes 90 miles an hour, a frog in a Blender. Well, now I know where that joke came from Lizy. And I just get sick thinking about it. All right, it’s time to break down some of today’s vocab.
Lizy: You got it!
Alan: So let’s begin with...
Lizy: “Mucho”.
Alan: “Many”, “a lot.”
Lizy: “Mu-cho”, “mucho”.
Alan: Next we have...
Lizy: “Sed”.
Alan: “Thirst.”
Lizy: “Sed”, “sed”.
Alan: And then...
Lizy: “Uno, una”.
Alan: Ah…
Lizy: “U-no, u-na”, “uno, una”.
Alan: Next we will hear...
Lizy: “Bebida”.
Alan: “Beverage”, “drink.”
Lizy: “Be-bi-da”, “bebida”.
Alan: Next we will listen to...
Lizy: “Querer”.
Alan: “To want.”
Lizy: “Que-rer”, “querer”.
Alan: And finally...
Lizy: “Jugo”.
Alan: “Juice.”
Lizy: “Ju-go”, “jugo”.
Alan: Lizy, before we move on, let’s practice a bit of pronunciation. There is a great opportunity here. Today’s word “jugo”.
Lizy: “Jugo”.
Alan: Now as you see in today’s PDF, this word is spelled “j-u-g-o”, “jugo”. Listen to the way that the letter “J” kind of sounds like an “H” in English, “jugo”.
Lizy: “Jugo”.
Alan: But sometimes there is a kind of a rumble in the back of your throat right, “jugo”.
Lizy: “Jugo”.
Alan: Okay. Let’s see how these words were used today, Liz. Where would you like to start?
Lizy: I think “mucho” is as good a place as any.
Alan: Okay, so here “mucho” means really as in...
Lizy: “Tengo mucha sed”.
Alan: “I am really thirsty.” See there is a level being expressed here.
Lizy: What do you mean a level?
Alan: Well you can always say “I am thirsty” but there are times when you are really thirsty.
Lizy: Right. So we would use the adjective “mucho” to express the severity of thirst.
Alan: Lizy, would you say that “mucho” is a really common word in the Spanish language?
Lizy: Oh yes, definitely, but there is something else to keep in mind.
Alan: What’s that?
Lizy: “Mucho” can also be used as an adverb and a noun.
Alan: Hey, good point but baby steps, Liz. Let’s cover that in the future lesson.
Lizy: Okay Alan, good idea but let’s at least remind anyone that like “O” adjectives, “mucho” must always agree with a noun it modifies in gender and the number.
Alan: Right, like if I wanted to say “hay muchos músicos en Argentina”. “There are lot of musicians in Argentina”. “Mucho” becomes “muchos” because...
Lizy: The noun “músicos” is masculine and plural which is why we use “muchos” with the “O” as ending.
Alan: Good explanation. Now let’s look at “sed”.
Lizy: Right we see “sed” used twice in the conversation. “¡Tengo mucha sed!” and “Yo también tengo sed”.
Alan: “I am really thirsty” and “I am thirsty too.”
Lizy: But that’s not the literal translation.
Alan: No, it’s not. The expression “tener sed” literally means “to have thirst” but we usually translate it as “to be thirsty.”
Lizy: You will find throughout the course of these lessons that the verb “tener” is used in a lot of different expressions.
Alan: And what it is, it usually can’t be translated literally.
Lizy: Language learning would be so easy if there were straight equivalents.
Alan: You got that right. Hey what’s the next word?
Lizy: Okay, the next vocabulary word is “querer”.
Alan: The verb “querer” means “to want.”
Lizy: Now there is something strange about this verb.
Alan: Right, strange as in irregular.
Lizy: That means that it’s conjugations do not follow the same pattern as regular “er” verbs like “correr”, “beber” or “temer”.
Alan: So like all irregular verbs, they have to be learned individually.
Lizy: Nevertheless, the verb “querer” is very, very common in the Spanish language.
Alan: And so it should be learned as early as possible.
Lizy: This is only Lesson 8. So I think it’s early enough. This brings us to the last vocabulary word today which is “jugo”.
Alan: I love juice.
Lizy: “Quiero un jugo”.
Alan: “I want that juice.” I always want juice. It’s so much fresher in Latin America than in the States or Canada. Would you agree Liz?
Lizy: Completely Alan. Además, aquí tenemos una variedad enorme de frutas exquisitas.
Alan: A huge variety, you are right. And always freshly squeezed. I don’t think I’ve had reconstituted, thought out orange juice once in my 13 years in Lima. It’s always freshly squeezed. Anyway we digressed. Let’s get back to it. Guys, in Spanish, we tend to say “I want a juice” as opposed to “I want some juice” which we say more commonly in English. For the sake of clarity, we will translate this usage literally so that we remember the formation of the phrase.
Lizy: Alan, what is your favorite fruit juice?
Alan: Huh “maracuyá”, I love strawberry juice, freshly made strawberry juice and that road standby orange juice.

Lesson focus

Alan: Okay time to keep our mind off juice once again and let’s have a more thorough look at the grammar used in this lesson. Today we are going to look at the verb “to drink.”
Lizy: In Spanish, there are two verbs that mean “to drink.”
Alan: They are “beber” and “tomar”.
Lizy: This can be a little confusing at first.
Alan: Lizy, which would you say of the two “beber” and “tomar” is used more commonly here in Lima?
Lizy: Definitivamente, “tomar”.
Alan: So the verb “beber” is the more literal way to say “to drink”?
Lizy: Yes, however it is used in Spain much more than it is in Latin America.
Alan: The verb “tomar” means “to take” and in Latin America it’s used to say “to drink.”
Lizy: Kind of like the British tend to take their Tea as those in the United States would drink it.
Alan: That’s right to take versus to drink. So Lizy, how was “tomar” used here?
Lizy: “Quiero tomar un jugo”.
Alan: “I want to drink a juice.” So if we were to translate this literally, we would say “I want to take a juice.”
Lizy: Is that commonly said in English?
Alan: Look it’s not unheard of in English but what would probably be a much more common form is “I want to drink a juice.”
Lizy: Now again this is how the drink is said in Latin America and this conversation takes place in Cali, Colombia, but if it were to have taken place in say, Barcelona, España, it would sound different.
Alan: How so?
Lizy: “Quiero beber un jugo”.
Alan: “I want to drink a juice.” So you can see that the translation doesn’t change.
Lizy: In this case, there is no figurative meaning as there was in the case of “tomar”. The verb “beber” is a literal way of saying “to drink.” It is from this verb that the noun “bebida” which means “beverage” is derived.
Alan: So remember, “tomar” in Latin America, “beber” in Spain both of which mean “to drink” but Lizy, if I were in Latin America and I said “quiero beber un jugo”, how would you think people would react to that?
Lizy: Umm depends. Do you have an Iberian accent?
Alan: For the sake of argument, let’s say no. I don’t have an Iberian accent.
Lizy: En realidad no hay problema porque ambas palabras se usan, pero definitivamente “tomar” es más común que “beber”.
Alan: Yeah, so it would seem a little odd but people would understand it.


Lizy: Well, that’s all the time we have for today.
Alan: Now from here, make sure you pick up the PDF for today’s lesson and also guys, check out the learning center at spanishpod101.com. Here you will get all the tools you need to take your Spanish to the next level. And when you are ready to go above and beyond that, remember us here in Lima and come try out an emerging class at EL SOL Spanish Language School. You can find us online at elsol.idiomasperu.com
Lizy: Alan, ha sido un verdadero gusto, como siempre.
Alan: De igual manera, Lizy. It’s always fun with you.
Lizy: ¡Chao a todos!
Alan:Take care everybody.


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