
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lizy: Buenos días, soy Lizy.
Alan: Alan here.
Lizy: Newbie series, lesson 14.
Alan: I really Like That.
Lizy: Sean bienvenidos a otra transmisión de SpanishPod101.com
Alan: Alan and Lizy are back. Coming to you on demand.
Lizy: ¿Qué es de tu vida, Alan? ¿ Cómo has estado?
Alan: Muy bien muy bien, Lizy. ¿Qué novedades tú, amiga?
Lizy: Ahh, tranquila. Nothing really new.
Alan: Oh well, let’s hope that we can make your life a little bit more exciting with our lesson today because today we have the 14th lesson of our newbie series and I really like it.
Lizy: Of course you like it, Alan. It’s a good, good lesson.
Alan: I know, Lizy, but the name is “I really like that.” Once again this lesson will be focusing on the phrase “I really like it.”
Lizy: Who are we meeting today?
Alan: Well, today we are meeting Jose and Fatima who are having something to eat in a café in Lima.
Lizy: In Miraflores?
Alan: Ah, I am not sure Lizy.
Lizy: There is this one café there that I love.
Alan: What’s the name of that?
Lizy: Café Café. It’s a very cool place.
Alan: Is it! What do you like about it?
Lizy: The ambience is very warm and the coffee there is very special.
Alan: That’s right. Always a lot of people that you see there as well. Hey guys, we are going to be looking at the verb gustar.
Lizy: Oh, good. So it would make sense for everyone to go checkout the verb conjugation section in the learning center.
Alan: Right you are, Lizy. It will be the perfect complement to our lesson.
Lizy: Well, let’s get into today’s conversation, friends.
A: La crema volteada está rica.
B: ¡Sí, está cremosa!
A: ¿Te gusta?
B: ¡La crema volteada me gusta mucho!
Alan: And now slower. Una vez más esta vez lentamente.
A: La crema volteada está rica.
B: ¡Sí, está cremosa!
A: ¿Te gusta?
B: ¡La crema volteada me gusta mucho!
Alan: And now with the translation. Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
A: La crema volteada está rica.
A: The upside-down custard is delicious.
B: ¡Sí, está cremosa!
B: Yeah, it's creamy!
A: ¿Te gusta?
A: Do ya' like it?
B: ¡La crema volteada me gusta mucho!
B: I really like the upside-down custard!
Alan: Okay on to the vocab. Here we are going to break these words down syllable by syllable so that you can hear exactly how each word sounds.
Lizy: ¡Vamos!
Alan: So let’s begin with...
Lizy: Crema.
Alan: “Cream”, “heavy cream”, “custard.”
Lizy: Cre-ma, crema.
Alan: Okay, next we will hear...
Lizy: Volteado, volteada.
Alan: “Turned over”, “upside down.”
Lizy: Vol-te-a-do, vol-te-a-da, volteado, volteada.
Alan: Okay good, next we will hear...
Lizy: Cremoso, cremosa.
Alan: “Creamy.”
Lizy: Cre-mo-so, cre-mo-sa, cremoso, cremosa.
Alan: Right. Now let’s listen to...
Lizy: Te.
Alan: “You”, “to you”, “for you.”
Lizy: Te, te.
Alan: Okay, next...
Lizy: Me.
Alan: “Me”, “to me”, “for me.”
Lizy: Me, me.
Alan: And finally...
Lizy: Gustar.
Alan: “To be pleasing”, “to like.”
Lizy: Gus-tar, gustar.
Alan: All right, Lizy. I think that it’s time to pick a word and focus on it.
Lizy: Sure. How about the word volteado.
Alan: volteado.
Lizy: In Spanish, you will find that many words end in -ado and -ido just like we see here in volteado.
Alan: Or like hablado and comido.
Lizy: Exactly. Now the thing is when we are speaking quickly, it’s not uncommon to kind of drop that letter D in the ending and say volteao.
Alan: Volteao.
Lizy: Volteao.
Alan: But that’s probably something that you should get into the habit of hearing more than saying. Okay Lizy, let’s go deep into these words and explain how they are used.
Lizy: I am always game for that. How about starting with crema?
Alan: crema.
Lizy: Sí, crema. “La crema es deliciosa”.
Alan: “The cream is delicious.” So delicious but so, so bad for you Lizy.
Lizy: The word crema means “cream”, “heavy cream” or “custard.” It’s a pretty easy word.
Alan: I couldn’t agree more with you, Lizy. You don’t have to look too hard to notice that the words in English and Spanish here are very, very similar.
Lizy: The only difference that I see is that the A comes before the M in the English and in the Spanish it comes after the M.
Alan: So when I want to order coffee with heavy cream instead of milk, I would say...
Lizy: Me gustaría un café con crema.
Alan: “I would like a coffee with cream”. Now that was just an example, Lizy. I enjoy my coffee black. What about you?
Lizy: A mi también, Alan. Me gusta cargadito.
Alan: So she likes it black and strong, cargadito.
Lizy: Yes.
Alan: Now we have a very simple transition to the next word today.
Lizy: Why is that?
Alan: Well simply because the next word on our list is related to our first.
Lizy: Well then what is it?
Alan: First we had crema and now we have cremoso.
Lizy: Cremoso. Yeah, you are right. This is an easy translation.
Alan: That’s right. So crema is a noun and cremoso is an adjective.
Lizy: cremoso. “Creamy.”
Alan: Right, as in - la sopa está cremosa, “the soup is creamy.”
Lizy: I don’t like creamy soups, too heavy.
Alan: Umm I do sometimes. It depends what mood I am in.
Lizy: Now it’s specified that the words are related.
Alan: Right, cremoso is the adjective derived from the noun crema.
Lizy: One big happy family.
Alan: Well let’s expand the family and include the word volteado.
Lizy: volteado.
Alan: You said it.
Lizy: One of my favorite desserts.
Alan: What?
Lizy: La crema volteada. Wow umm…
Alan: Ah that’s “the upside down custard.” Yeah I would have to agree, not bad at all.
Lizy: So if you take my favorite dessert and combine it with an adjective we just learned, we would get...
Alan: La crema volteada es cremosa. “Upside down custard is creamy.”
Lizy: See the word volteado comes from the verb voltear which means “to turn upside down” or “to flip over.” The adjective that’s formed from this volteado simply means “upside down” or “turned over.”
Alan: Lizy, ¿te gusta mucho la crema volteada mucho?
Lizy: Si, ¡muchísimo!
Alan: And since our last word of the day is gustar...
Lizy: La crema volteada me gusta.
Alan: “I like upside down custard.” Yes, you do.
Lizy: So the verb gustar is literally translated as “to be pleasing” but in English we often say “to like.”
Alan: This is a really important verb to know friends and it can take a little while to pick it up. So it’s good to start early on.
Lizy: Notice the similarity between this verb gustar meaning “to be pleasing” and the adjective gustoso meaning “tasty” or “pleasurable” which we saw in lesson 13.

Lesson focus

Lizy: Time for un poquito de grammar.
Alan: Un poquitito.
Lizy: Well a little more than just the middle.
Alan: What word we will be looking at today, Lizy?
Lizy: Today we are going to be looking at the verb gustar which literally means “to be pleasing.”
Alan: Even though we usually translate this as “to like”, it’s a good idea to think about it in the literal sense.
Lizy: Why would you say that?
Alan: Well the reason for this has to do with the way the verb works.
Lizy: Right. With gustar what we are really saying is that something is pleasing to me but not that I like it.
Alan: That’s right. It’s a big difference. It’s backwards. Now going back to the conversation, we might be able to make this more clear for you.
Lizy: La crema volteada me gusta mucho.
Alan: “I really like the upside down custard.”
Lizy: So here the verb gustar is conjugated in accordance with a noun which in this case is la crema, that is “the custard.”
Alan: Right and we should remember because the noun is singular, we use the third person singular form of the verb.
Lizy: Also because we are saying “it is pleasing to me”, we add the personal pronoun "me" before the verb. That’s how we get me gusta, “it is pleasing to me.”
Alan: And if the noun is in the plural, then the verb gustar would be in the third person plural which is me gustan.
Lizy: Me gustan los chocolates.
Alan: “I like the chocolates”. But really “the chocolates are pleasing to me.” Lizy, you do have a sweet tooth today.
Lizy: I always have a sweet tooth but if we think about it literally, the chocolates are pleasing to me which is true because they are.
Alan: And if you want to say that it is pleasing to you, then the personal pronoun "te" is simply used instead of me.
Lizy: Te gusta la crema volteada.
Alan: “You like the upside down custard.”
Lizy: Again if we think about this literally it would be “the upside down custard is pleasing to you.”


Lizy: Alan, let’s go have a coffee with cream and an upside down custard.
Alan: You know that sounds like a great idea, although it’s a little late.
Lizy: You know you want to have the dessert after talking about it so much.
Alan: I do, I do. Hey we should see about a recipe in the forum.
Lizy: I think that that can be done. ¡Qué les vaya muy bien!
Alan: Have a good one. ¡Chao!


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Dialogue - Bilingual

