
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lizy: Buenos días, me llamo Lizy.
Alan: I am Alan.
Lizy: Newbie series, lesson 13. “How Delicious!” ¡Sean muy bienvenidos!
Alan: Hey everybody, welcome back and if you are here for the first time, a special big welcome to you. Nice to have you.
Lizy: Es lindo estar con ustedes nuevamente y gracias por preferir SpanishPod101.com
Alan: Lizy, I hope you are not full of talking about food because we are continuing our conversation about it.
Lizy: Sounds good to me Alan, don’t worry.
Alan: Good. Today we are going to look at exclamations.
Lizy: Okay, where does the conversation take place?
Alan: Well here is a surprise. This lesson’s conversation takes place around the lunch table in Valencia where Humberto and Claudia talk about the paella they are enjoying.
Lizy: ¡España! I love paella, ¡olé!
Alan: And it really is something that you have to go to Spain to eat. They have perfected it to a high science. All right, let’s get into today’s conversation.
HUMBERTO: ¡Qué rica la paella!
CLAUDIA: ¡Qué gustosa está!
HUMBERTO: Los mariscos están exquisitos.
CLAUDIA: Sí, están muy jugosos.
HUMBERTO: ¡Qué bien preparada está la paella!
Alan: And now slower. Una vez más esta vez lentamente.
HUMBERTO: ¡Qué rica la paella!
CLAUDIA: ¡Qué gustosa está!
HUMBERTO: Los mariscos están exquisitos.
CLAUDIA: Sí, están muy jugosos.
HUMBERTO: ¡Qué bien preparada está la paella!
Alan: And now with the translation. Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
HUMBERTO: ¡Qué rica la paella!
HUMBERTO: What delicious Paella!
CLAUDIA: ¡Qué gustosa está!
CLAUDIA: How tasty it is!
HUMBERTO: Los mariscos están exquisitos.
HUMBERTO: The shellfish are exquisite.
CLAUDIA: Sí, están muy jugosos.
CLAUDIA: Yeah, they're very juicy.
HUMBERTO: ¡Qué bien preparada está la paella!
HUMBERTO: How well prepared this Paella is!
Alan: Hey you know Lizy, I have never had a great paella here in Peru but one dish that is kind of similar is “arroz con mariscos” and that’s Shellfish that are in fact boiled with rice. Ah just delicious, very, very typical, typical lunch.
Lizy: That sounds like a delicious really main course. What would you have as an entree?
Alan: Oh as an entree maybe a “pulpo a la oliva” which is boiled octopus, maybe marinated octopus because it’s very, very tender sliced with some olive sauce, delicious. You know Lizy, how is it that we are always talking about food. You know, have you ever noticed that?
Lizy: Sí, sí.
Alan: Well let’s move on and take a look at vocabulary and phrases for this lesson. First...
Lizy: “Marisco”.
Alan: “Shellfish”, “sea food.”
Lizy: “Ma-ris-co”, “marisco”.
Alan: Okay, next we have...
Lizy: “Gustoso, gustosa”.
Alan: “Tasty”, “pleasurable.”
Lizy: “Gus-to-so, gus-to-sa”, “gustoso, gustosa”.
Alan: Okay, now let’s listen to...
Lizy: “Exquisito, exquisita”.
Alan: “Exquisite.”
Lizy: “Ex-qui-si-to, ex-qui-si-ta”, “exquisito, exquisita”.
Alan: All right. Now let’s hear...
Lizy: “Jugoso, jugosa”.
Alan: “Juicy.”
Lizy: “Ju-go-so, ju-go-sa”, “jugoso, jugosa”.
Alan: Next we will hear...
Lizy: “Bien”.
Alan: “Well.”
Lizy: “Bien”, “bien”.
Alan: And finally...
Lizy: “Preparado, preparada”.
Alan: “Prepared.”
Lizy: “Pre-pa-ra-do, pre-pa-ra-da”, “preparado, preparada”.
Alan: Oh, esta lista es buenaza. ¿Sabe qué, Lizy? a mi me encanta la palabra “jugoso”.
Lizy: “¿Por qué?”
Alan: Porque es aplicable a muchas cosas. Por ejemplo, “jugoso” quiere decir “juicy”. “Es una carne jugosa”. Pero también se puede usar para la lotería, por ejemplo. ¿Tú juegas la lotería?
Lizy: De vez en cuando, Alan. Realmente.
Alan: Okay guys, I am drawing your attention to a word on the list which is “jugoso” which means “juicy” literally as in “this is a juicy steak” but in Spanish, we also use it to refer to, for example a grand prize of a lottery. “Oh, that’s a juicy grand prize.” So I have asked Lizy if she plays and she says, “hah from time to time.” Lizy, ¿has ganado alguna vez la lotería?
Lizy: No, no… Lamentablemente no, aún no.
Alan: Todavía, todavía. Aún no has sacado un premio jugoso.
Lizy: Pero puede ser, ¿no?
Alan: If you want to win, you have to buy a ticket.
Lizy: Alan, you said you’ve never had a good paella. That’s too bad.
Alan: I know, Liz. I’ve never had a good one here in Peru. Even in Spain, I didn’t have a good paella.
Lizy: As we’ve mentioned, Peru does have some delicious seafood dishes as well.
Alan: Sounds like you are leading us into our first word. Aren’t you, Lizy?
Lizy: Yes, the first word we will look at is “marisco”.
Alan: “Los mariscos son ricos”.
Lizy: Alan, you took my example.
Alan: Sorry, I couldn’t help it. I said “Shellfish are delicious.”
Lizy: The word “marisco” refers to “Shellfish” or “seafood” in general.
Alan: Do you know where this word comes from?
Lizy: It comes from the word “mar” which means “sea.” On a menu at a restaurant, you may see a section in title “pescados” which means “fish” and then “mariscos” which means “shellfish.”
Alan: But it can also be used in a more general sense to mean all seafood.
Lizy: Right and it is so very tasty or “gustoso”. Que realmente aquí en Perú usamos más la palabra sabroso para definir una comida rica, ¿no? “La comida está rica”, “la comida está sabrosa”.
Alan: That’s right. So we can use “gustoso” or in Peru “sabroso”. Now Lizy, you switched up the examples a little bit.
Lizy: “La comida está muy gustosa”.
Alan: “The meal is very tasty.”
Lizy: The adjective “gustoso” is a great word to know.
Alan: That’s right. As we said, it means “tasty” or “pleasurable.”
Lizy: It’s connected to the verb “gustar” which we will look at in lesson 14 of this newbie series. For now, let’s think of “gustoso” as “tasty” or “pleasurable” and so for us it is a deep pleasure.
Alan: Okay, the next vocabulary word is “exquisito”.
Lizy: “El vino está exquisito”.
Alan: “The wine is exquisite.”
Lizy: So I think it is pretty obvious. The word “exquisito” means “exquisite.”
Alan: Again friends, you can see the similarity between the Spanish word and the English demonstrating once again that sometimes it’s okay to try to turn English word into a Spanish word just by guessing and being intuitive.
Lizy: This is because they both share the Latin root.
Alan: That’s right and this brings us to the last vocabulary word today which is “jugoso”. Lizy, we’ve talked about this one before but how about one more example?
Lizy: “La manzana está jugosa”.
Alan: “The apple is juicy.”
Lizy: The word “jugoso” means “juicy.”
Alan: Now this is very close to another word we saw in lesson 8, “jugo” which means “juice.”
Lizy: Notice how the noun “jugo” is transformed into the adjective “jugoso”. This happens with a lot of nouns when they are transformed to adjectives they tend to express the main characteristic or essence of the noun.

Lesson focus

Alan: Okay, let’s have a more thorough look at the grammar used in this lesson.
Lizy: Okay! ¡bueno! woohoo..
Alan: Lizy, easy, easy relax, relax.
Lizy: Alan, today we are looking at the exclamations.
Alan: Ah, now it makes sense.
Lizy: An exclamation is a word or phrase that’s uttered with great emotion or intensity.
Alan: In Spanish, there are numerous exclamations. Today we are going to look at some that use the word “qué”. In the conversation, we heard...
Lizy: “¡Qué rica la paella!”
Alan: “What delicious paella!”
Lizy: Notice that there is no verb in this expression. When there is a noun but no verb in an exclamation with “qué”, we tend to translate it as “what” and then the rest of the expression.
Alan: Lizy, can you show us how this applies?
Lizy: “¡Qué jugosa la carne!”
Alan: “What juicy meat!”
Lizy: So you see that when there is a noun but no verb included in an exclamation with “qué”, it’s usually translated as what but other times there is a verb in exclamations with “qué” and this changes the meaning a little bit.
Alan: Where did this occur in the conversation?
Lizy: “¡Qué bien preparada está la paella!”
Alan: “How well prepared this paella is!”
Lizy: This time, we see that “qué” is translated as “how.” In both cases, the first word in the expression is the exclamatory adjective “qué”, then the adjective, then the verb if there is one and finally the noun which is being modified.
Alan: Hey guys and it’s also important to remember that exclamations express emotion.
Lizy: ¡Emoción! They shouldn’t be pronounced like statements. Instead they really need to be emphasized “¡qué rico!, ¡qué bueno!, ¡qué emoción!


Alan: Well, what an exciting lesson today, Lizy.
Lizy: Yes. ¡Chao chicos, chicas, señoras, señores!
Alan: Hasta luego, ¡nos vemos pronto!


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