
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Natalia: Buenos días, me llamo Natalia.
Carlos: What’s going on? I am Carlos. How Should I Cut Your Hair?
Natalia: Hola a todos ¿como están?
Carlos: What’s up everybody, how are you doing? My name is Carlos.
Natalia: Carlos, aren’t we doing the Costa Rican series anymore?
Carlos: Tranquila Natty. We are, but we are expanding our horizons.
Natalia: Oh really?
Carlos: Well I received a call from upstairs and they have made a request.
Natalia: But these are our newbie lessons. What will happen to Allen and Lizzy?
Carlos: They are still around. We aren’t replacing them.
Natalia: Then what are we doing?
Carlos: We are complimenting them.
Natalia: Complimenting them?
Carlos: Yeah we are going to fill in all the information that we think is missing from newbie season 1.
Natalia: Okay I get it.
Carlos: Yeah these aren’t sequential lessons. We will be jumping around and filling in the gaps where necessary.
Natalia: I see. So we are not a replacement at all?
Carlos: Not at all. Think of us as a chocolate syrup on a sundae, there is a newbie series.
Natalia: Thank you for making me want an ice cream now.
Carlos: Natty, you always want ice cream?
Natalia: So how is it different than the Costa Rican series Carlos?
Carlos: Well it’s going to follow the newbie format which is a little different but you know what, we will get it soon enough. There are still conversations, still examples. Yeah we are good.
Natalia: Umm that’s interesting. So like what’s the conversation about today?
Carlos: Cutting hair.
Natalia: No way.
Carlos: Yeah I knew she will have a kind of reaction like that the minute I saw the conversation.
Natalia: Here is the thing. Just for those of you around, I am against people cutting their hair. I really like the long hair.
Carlos: But I knew she would have that reaction the minute that I saw the conversation. Anyway, along with that, we are going to study how to form negation and how to express that an action does not happen.
Natalia: Well I can do that.
Carlos: I know you can Natty. I know you can.
Natalia: That’s right.
Carlos: So the way we do it in the newbie series is as follows. We are going to listen to a short conversation in Spanish at normal speed. Then we are going to hear it again but a little bit slower and then we will hear it again with English translation.
Natalia: That sounds great. This way we will really have some time to observe what’s being said.
Carlos: Ready?
Natalia: Yeah let’s get into today’s conversation.
CLAUDIA: A ver, ¿cómo te corto el pelo?
ALEJANDRO: Bueno, puede ser corto, ya que estamos en verano.
CLAUDIA: Ah, entiendo, quieres que lo corte al ras.
ALEJANDRO: ¡Ay, no! No quiero un corte al ras, sino un recorte no más.
CLAUDIA: Muy bien. Entonces sólamente voy a cortarle las puntas.
ALEJANDRO: De acuerdo.
Carlos: And now slowly. Una vez más esta vez lentamente.
CLAUDIA: A ver, ¿cómo te corto el pelo?
ALEJANDRO: Bueno, puede ser corto, ya que estamos en verano.
CLAUDIA: Ah, entiendo, quiere sque lo corte al ras.
ALEJANDRO: ¡Ay, no! No quiero un corte al ras, sino un recorte no más.
CLAUDIA: Muy bien. Entonces sólamente voy a cortarle las puntas.
ALEJANDRO: De acuerdo.
Natalia: And now with the translation. Ahora incluiremos la traducción.
CLAUDIA: A ver, ¿cómo te corto el pelo?
CLAUDIA: Let us see, how should I cut your hair?
ALEJANDRO: Bueno, puede ser corto, ya que estamos en verano.
ALEJANDRO: Well, it can be short, since we are in summer.
CLAUDIA: Ah, entiendo, quieres que lo corte al ras.
CLAUDIA: Oh, I understand, you want me to take it all the way down.
ALEJANDRO: ¡Ay, no! No quiero un corte al ras, sino un recorte no más.
ALEJANDRO: Oh no! I do not want a buzz cut, but just a trim.
CLAUDIA: Muy bien. Entonces solamente voy a cortarle las puntas.
CLAUDIA: OK. So then, I am just going to clean it up.
ALEJANDRO: De acuerdo.
ALEJANDRO: That is right.
Natalia: Well Carlos, this reminds me of something.
Carlos: What?
Natalia: Remember when I first met you, the first thing I said was hello and then you should cut your hair guy.
Carlos: Yeah that was actually the first thing she said to me.
Natalia: Well Carlos. You cut it now. It looks better.
Carlos: It’s odd. It’s odd now here. You know what I mean like it is a little different thing. Listen, light and froze are all the style in New York right now and I know I am not in New York but man, I came down here my farewell. You know, it is amazing.
Natalia: He could pretty much stick a comb on his head and walk around the streets of San Jose.
Carlos: I did a couple of times. I just wasn’t hanging out with her. No, no but let me tell you, it was nerve wracking when I got my haircut you know. I wasn’t really able to describe exactly what I wanted. I mean, hair is an important thing.
Natalia: Yeah that’s why you should know like you know, if you are in a foreign country and you don’t know the language, sign language doesn’t do the trick in this case.
Carlos: I don’t know. Any way Natty, just really go through some of the vocabulary.
Natalia: Sounds easy enough.
Carlos: Now first up we have
Natalia: cortar
Carlos: To cut.
Natalia: cor-tar, cortar
Carlos: Next we will look at
Natalia: pelo
Carlos: Hair
Natalia: pe-lo, pelo
Carlos: Next up
Natalia: recorte
Carlos: Trim
Natalia: re-cor-te, recorte
Carlos: And then
Natalia: ras
Carlos: Level, brim.
Natalia: ras, ras
Carlos: Next up
Natalia: punta
Carlos: Tip.
Natalia: pun-ta, punta
Carlos: Last but not least
Natalia: sino
Carlos: But, rather.
Natalia: si-no, sino
Carlos: You know, here is one word that I think we should have a look at for a second.
Natalia: Which?
Carlos: recorte
Natalia: recorte
Carlos: Right Natty - recorte. You don’t have to repeat every word I said.
Natalia: Oh I thought we are still doing that re-cor-te, Oops!
Carlos: But since you started, how about we spell - recorte
Natalia: Okay it’s r-e-c-o-r-t-e.
Carlos: Right and can I say “recourte”
Natalia: No. “recourte” is not good. You have to say - recorte. You got to make sure those vowel sounds are like this - recorte, recorte
Carlos: that’s how I said it.
Natalia: Sure Carlos.
Carlos: Now Natty, next up, we are going to move into the vocabulary usage section and this is where we specify how to use the vocabulary.
Natalia: Carlos, I know what usage means.
Carlos: I am just explaining for our audience as well.
Natalia: What? People are going to think you are treating them bad. We are pretty obvious Carlos, pretty obvious.
Carlos: Yes I am.
Natalia: uh!
Carlos: No, no listen we just take the vocabulary words and use them in example sentences.
Natalia: Sounds easy enough.
Carlos: Well it is for me. I just say the word. You are the one out to come up with the examples.
Natalia: Of course all the time.
Carlos: Okay so we went over “cortar” to cut today.
Natalia: Yes like - Carlos, cortarse el pelo.
Carlos: Yes like Carlos needed to cut his hair. Like I said in New York, the light and Frozen style, don’t hate on it.
Natalia: There must be 100 New Yorkers listening to these and saying, what is this guy talking about?
Carlos: No they are not. If they are from New York City in the line of any type, they got the puff going on.
Natalia: Well once again Carlos, you are not in New York any more.
Carlos: I will be tomorrow, but all jokes aside, your example does include two of the vocabulary words. So it was a good one.
Natalia: I know, I did that on purpose.
Carlos: So we also saw the use of the word - pelo
Natalia: pelo
Carlos: Hair.
Natalia: pelo
Carlos: And you know what Natty, not for nothing, sometimes you come in with that Diana Ross hair hardcore.
Natalia: I know. If I lived in the 70s, I would have been that coolest chick I tell you.
Carlos: Now a question does occur to me.
Natalia: What’s that? Why didn’t I take Natty’s advice sooner?
Carlos: No. How does the word - pelo - compare with - cabello
Natalia: Cabello, well - cabello - is more like a formal way to say it.
Carlos: Okay now I see but for your looks like how do you get a cut, how often?
Natalia: How often? Umm I just usually get the tips. Just for the audience, my hair goes down my waist. I hardly ever cut it and I just trim it.
Carlos: Okay so when you go in, you just get a recorte
Natalia: Sí, un recorte. Recorte de pelo, que me recorten las puntas del pelo. Just the tips of the hair.
Carlos: Okay a trim.
Natalia: Cuando voy a la peluquera me da un recorte.
Carlos: Well can you say it a little slower?
Natalia: Cuando voy a la peluquera me da un recorte.
Carlos: When I go to the hairdresser, she gives me a trim. Me too, never too short.
Natalia: Why not?
Carlos: Well to tell you the truth, the last time I had a buzz cut. It was in 2004 when I came down here for volunteer work. I feel I’d be in a farm you know, like I’d be doing nasty work all day that my hair wouldn’t be that important. So I just took it all off.
Natalia: Maybe you should try that again Carlos.
Carlos: I didn’t like it.
Natalia: So you had - Un corte al ras.
Carlos: Yeah, I had a buzz cut but it was the last time.
Natalia: Or maybe let it grow so you just put it on top of your head, on your face.
Carlos: What?
Natalia: You should let it grow so it covers your face a little bit.
Carlos: Natty, do you realize how long I would have to have my hair growing before it even started coming down.
Natalia: Couple of years. Well Carlos, you know they got those hair extensions now.
Carlos: Oh yeah that’s good, I will be piping on that huh! Luxurious.
Natalia: ush!
Carlos: No but we see that the word - ras - means level or brim.
Natalia: Right so - al ras - is almost like saying level with your head. Un corte al ras - A level cut, a buzz cut and well there are probably lots of different ways to say this in Spanish but this one is pretty safe.
Carlos: Now the word - punta - has lot of different meanings you know.
Natalia: Yeah you always see it translated as - tip.
Carlos: Right, but how else could we use the word other than in relation to hair?
Natalia: Well when I go out, it might be the - punta en blanco
Carlos: Of the white tip?
Natalia: No the - de punta en blanco - is like saying dressed to the nines.
Carlos: Okay that is the big difference in meaning.
Natalia: Well you know, when you want to say something and you just can’t get the words out
Carlos: Of course
Natalia: Okay you could say - Tener algo en la punta de la lengua.
Carlos: To have something on the tip of your tongue.
Natalia: Exactly. Ah, he is getting things now.
Carlos: Nice I like that phrase.
Natalia: Why?
Carlos: Because I can translate it.
Natalia: All right.

Lesson focus

Natalia: Was that it?
Carlos: Not bad at all, was it?
Natalia: No not at all. Now what?
Carlos: Now comes the grammar.
Natalia: Oh yes, how could I forget it?
Carlos: Because you are a - olvidona
Natalia: a What?
Carlos: olvidona
Natalia: Who taught you that? I know you did not learn that on your own.
Carlos: I have the internet in spanishpod101.com at the learning center with the grammar bank and vocabulary words. Come on Natty, give me a little credit.
Natalia: olvi … which
Carlos: By the way audience, my pronunciation is wrong on this but olvidón
Natalia: ¿olvidón?
Carlos: Or - olvidona - means forgetful.
Natalia: Any ways, when would you like to tap on my grammatical brain for
Carlos: I already told you, and just forgot already. Okay, I was joking.
Natalia: dah...
Carlos: Well as we said, when we open I think the form of negation in Spanish.
Natalia: Is that it?
Carlos: No, no, no there is more but I think we should start with that maybe going back to where this occurred in the conversation would be helpful.
Natalia: No quiero un corte al ras, sino un recorte no más.
Carlos: I don’t want a buzz cut but just a trim.
Natalia: Okay, so what we see is that the word - no - goes before the verb that is negating. No quiero - I don’t want.
Carlos: So I couldn’t say - quiero no
Natalia: Sure you can say that but you are just going to sound like a gringo that doesn’t speak Spanish and - quiero no - is not really negating.
Carlos: I see.
Natalia: Listen, if the subject pronoun is explicit, then the adverb - no - goes between the subject pronoun and the verb - yo no quiero
Carlos: I don’t want.
Natalia: Right.
Carlos: Let’s get some examples down I mean both negative and positive just to really get the feel for this.
Natalia: Okay.
Carlos: Let’s get it down like this. I will say it in English and then well you could translate it.
Natalia: Well whatever you want, let’s see.
Carlos: Cool. So I want to go to the movies.
Natalia: What do you want to see?
Carlos: No Natty, that was the first example.
Natalia: But that’s positive, not negative.
Carlos: I want to look at both, remember?
Natalia: Okay, okay, okay. So what was it? I want to go to the movies?
Carlos: Yes.
Natalia: Yo quiero ir al cine.
Carlos: I want to go to the movies. Nice now I don’t want to go to the movies.
Natalia: Why not?
Carlos: Natty!
Natalia: I am picking on you.
Carlos: I see that. I am trying to get hit some before I bounce.
Natalia: Okay so I don’t want to go to the movies - Yo no quiero ir al cine.
Carlos: Okay I don’t want to go to the movies. How about I want an espresso?
Natalia: Me too. Quiero un cafecito.
Carlos: I don’t want coffee.
Natalia: Well you should. I thought we never say this well but…Yo no quiero un cafecito.
Carlos: I don’t want coffee. I think that’s clear enough and I know you want coffee Natty. You always want coffee.
Natalia: Not really. I have had like four cups already today. I am all hyper.
Carlos: Have you eaten?
Natalia: I had a pita sandwich. Well you know what, should we stop here?
Carlos: Not yet Natty. This is where it really gets good.
Natalia: What do you mean?
Carlos: It’s time to give, “la tarea”
Natalia: Of course. I am for all of you who don’t already know “tarea” means homework.
Carlos: If they listen to the news, they knew what it meant but that’s right. You can expect this every lesson of newbie season 2. So for today, here is your assignment. We are going to give you five sentences in English. These sentences are going to be related to today’s lesson. What you have to do is translate them to Spanish and figure out how to pronounce them.
Natalia: And how can our listeners check to see if they got them right or not?
Carlos: All they have to do is check out the premium audio track named - Tarea. Guys, there you will find answers to today’s assignment and some comments on the answers.
Natalia: Well sir, can you tell me what’s today’s assignment?
Carlos: Today guys, you need to translate the following sentences to Spanish and figure out how to pronounce them. I want a buzz cut, I don’t want to go to the movies, do you need a haircut, I like coffee, I don’t like coffee.
Natalia: Now guys you will really be able to see if you learned everything that we covered today.
Carlos: And that’s right guys. So again, don’t forget to check out the premium audio track - Tarea - homework for the answers and comments.


Natalia: All right. This is as far as we will go for today. Bueno, gracias por escucharnos y eso es todo por hoy.
Carlos: I will see you later.


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