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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Must-Know Spanish Social Media Phrases Season 1. Lesson 16 - Going on a Trip.
Eric: Hi everyone, I'm Eric.
Alex: And I'm Alex.
Eric: In this lesson, you'll learn how to post and leave comments in Spanish about being at the airport, waiting for a flight. Cristina is waiting at the airport for her flight, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment:
Alex: ¡Me choca cuando se atrasan los vuelos!
Eric: Meaning - "I hate it when flights are delayed!" Listen to a reading of the post and the comments that follow.
Cristina: ¡Me choca cuando se atrasan los vuelos!
Angélica: Por favor avisa cuando vayas a abordar.
Karen: ¡Mejor tarde que nunca!
Paco: Voy a estar esperando mi recuerdo.
Javier: Ese aeropuerto es terrible, buena suerte.
Eric: Listen again with the English translation.
Cristina: ¡Me choca cuando se atrasan los vuelos!
Eric: "I hate it when flights are delayed!"
Angélica: Por favor avisa cuando vayas a abordar.
Eric: "Please let me know when you’re going to board."
Karen: ¡Mejor tarde que nunca!
Eric: "Better late than never!"
Paco: Voy a estar esperando mi recuerdo.
Eric: "I’ll be waiting for my souvenir."
Javier: Ese aeropuerto es terrible, buena suerte.
Eric: "That airport is terrible, good luck."
Eric: Listen again to Cristina's post.
Alex: ¡Me choca cuando se atrasan los vuelos!
Eric: "I hate it when flights are delayed!"
Alex: (SLOW) ¡Me choca cuando se atrasan los vuelos! (Regular) ¡Me choca cuando se atrasan los vuelos!
Eric: Let's break this down. First is an expression meaning "I hate it when."
Alex: Me choca cuando
Eric: This is a very common phrase used in informal conversations. It literally means "It crashes to me when..." meaning that something bothers you or you hate something or someone. Listen again- "I hate it when" is...
Alex: (SLOW) Me choca cuando (REGULAR) Me choca cuando
Eric: Then comes the phrase - "flights are delayed."
Alex: se atrasan los vuelos
Eric: Mexico is one of the countries with the most airports in the world. 58 of its airports are international airports. Listen again- "flights are delayed" is...
Alex: (SLOW) se atrasan los vuelos (REGULAR) se atrasan los vuelos
Eric: All together, "I hate it when flights are delayed!"
Alex: ¡Me choca cuando se atrasan los vuelos!
Eric: In response, Cristina's friends leave some comments.
Eric: Her neighbor, Angélica, uses an expression meaning - "Please let me know when you’re going to board."
Alex: (SLOW) Por favor avisa cuando vayas a abordar. (REGULAR) Por favor avisa cuando vayas a abordar.
Alex: Por favor avisa cuando vayas a abordar.
Eric: Use this expression to show you’re feeling warmhearted.
Eric: Her husband's high school friend, Karen, uses an expression meaning - "Better late than never!"
Alex: (SLOW) ¡Mejor tarde que nunca! (REGULAR) ¡Mejor tarde que nunca!
Alex: ¡Mejor tarde que nunca!
Eric: Use this expression to show you’re feeling optimistic.
Eric: Her nephew, Paco, uses an expression meaning - "I’ll be waiting for my souvenir."
Alex: (SLOW) Voy a estar esperando mi recuerdo. (REGULAR) Voy a estar esperando mi recuerdo.
Alex: Voy a estar esperando mi recuerdo.
Eric: Use this expression to show you’re feeling cynical.
Eric: Her college friend, Javier, uses an expression meaning - "That airport is terrible, good luck."
Alex: (SLOW) Ese aeropuerto es terrible, buena suerte. (REGULAR) Ese aeropuerto es terrible, buena suerte.
Alex: Ese aeropuerto es terrible, buena suerte.
Eric: Use this expression to show you’re feeling pessimistic.


Eric: Okay everyone, that's all for this lesson. If a friend posted something about being at the airport, waiting for a flight, which phrase would you use? Leave us a comment letting us know. And we'll see you next time!
Alex: Hasta pronto.

