Lesson Transcript

Sí, soy mexicano.
In the next minute, you’ll be challenged to talk about your nationality.
First, let’s look at some examples.
Angel Salazar Almonte: ¿Eres estadounidense?
Catalina Hurtado: Sí, soy estadounidense.
Hugo Hurtado Arias: ¿Eres inglesa?
Mia Martin: No, soy australiana.
Hugo Hurtado Arias: ¿Eres inglés?
Jack Jones: Sí, soy inglés.
Let's practice!
Eres de Estados Unidos. Responde la pregunta.
¿Eres inglesa?
How did you do?
You can consider this practice exercise successful if you were able to answer in the given time, completed a pattern with a nationality, and used the sentence pattern featured in this example.
Mia Martin: No, soy australiana.
Try this practice exercise again if you want to improve your fluency or skill in any of these areas.

