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Lesson Transcript

¡Sean bienvenidos!
Transmitiendo desde Spanishpod101.com
¡Qué chiva que está!
¡Hola chicos!
¿Qué tal todo el mundo?
¿Qué onda todos?
Dylan: We’re doing something a little more, shall we say, practical here?
Me parece muy útil.
¡Pero será posible!
Más útil no puede ser.
a thousand times.
¡Qué dicha!
Lizy: Muy buenos días, me llamo Lizy Stoliar.
Alan: Alan La Rue here. Introduction, Lesson #6 – “Giant steps”. Lizy and Alan, back again.
Lizy: Alan, ¿cómo estás?
Alan: Excellent, Lizy. It’s great to be here, helping students discover the beauty of the Spanish language.
Lizy: Yes, Alan. Our language is very rich and beautiful.
Alan: Lizy, we’re back for the third introduction lesson at Spanishpod101.com Bienvenidos.
Lizy: Gracias Alan. We’re coming to you via podcast from Spanishpod101.com, an innovative and revolutionary way to master Spanish. This way you can study anytime and at your own place, anywhere.
Alan: Now, today’s lesson is an introduction to the Intermediate Series.
Lizy: El ciclo de nivel intermedio.
Alan: This series is designed for students with strong grammar skills who want to challenge themselves and take the next step which is conversational Spanish, with much of the instruction given in Spanish. Now, in this series we’ll make sure to give explanations with English translations, but this is really the place where you start to learn Spanish in Spanish.
Lizy: Here’s how it works. Just like we saw in the Newbie and Beginner Series, in each lesson we’ll listen to a conversation.
Alan: Here, in the Intermediate Series, the conversation will be about twice as long as before. And now we’ll hear it in Spanish at normal speed, and then with an English translation. But we’ll no longer be pronouncing the whole conversation slowly as we did before.
Lizy: After that, we’ll break down some of the vocabulary that came up in the lesson, so that we can hear each syllable, each sound.
Alan: And from there, we’ll discuss an extensive vocabulary that will let you express yourself in many different ways and we’ll show you the language, how it works and how to make it work for you.
Lizy: Así es.
Alan: Now, the real trick to making the most of these lessons is to listen to the podcast and then stop by Spanishpod101.com. Remember, these lessons are designed to be used in tandem with the Learning tools found in the premium Learning Center at Spanishpod101.com.
Lizy: ¡Les invitamos una semana gratis!
Alan: So, stop by and sign up for your free seven day trial.
Lizy: Now, Alan, what is the goal of the Intermediate Series?
Alan: Claro, la meta. The goal of the Intermediate Series is to learn how to actively participate in conversation, how to express actions that are related to emotions, how to use most of the verb tenses.
Lizy: And I should add, “aprenderán a estudiar lecciones dictadas en español”.
Alan: Right. You’ll learn to study lessons given in Spanish.
Lizy: Me parece muy bien. Sounds very good to me.
Alan: A mi también. Me too.
Lizy: Should we listen to today’s conversation?
Alan: Yes, but before we do, make the most of this medium. Press the center button on your IPod to see the transcripts of today’s lesson conversation in the display. Okay. Are you ready? Should we jump in?
Lizy: ¡Vamos!
Alan: Let’s go!
CÉSAR: Hola, Amanda. Soy César.
AMANDA: ¡Hola, César! ¿Qué es de tu vida?
CÉSAR: Todo bien. Estoy aquí pensando, ¿hace cuánto tiempo que no hablamos?
AMANDA: Es verdad. Demasiado tiempo.
CÉSAR: ¿Qué vas a hacer esta noche?
AMANDA: Bueno, no tengo planes.
CÉSAR: ¿Quisieras acompañarme a una exposición de arte?
AMANDA: ¡Me encantaría! ¿Dónde queda la galería?
CÉSAR: Queda en el centro. Está un poco lejos.
AMANDA: Ya veo.
CÉSAR: ¿A qué hora quisieras que te recoja?
AMANDA: ¿A qué hora empieza?
CÉSAR: A las diez.
AMANDA: Estoy lista a un cuarto para las diez.
E: And now, with the translation.
F: Ahora incluimos la traducción.
Lizy: “Hello?”
CÉSAR: Hola, Amanda. Soy César.
Alan: “Hi, Amanda. It’s Cesar.”
AMANDA: ¡Hola, César! ¿Qué es de tu vida?
Lizy: “Hi, Cesar. What have you been up to?”
CÉSAR: Todo bien. Estoy aquí pensando, ¿hace cuánto tiempo que no hablamos?
Alan: “Everything’s good. I’m here thinking it’s been a long time since we last spoke.”
AMANDA: Es verdad. Demasiado tiempo.
Lizy: “It’s true. Too long.”
CÉSAR: ¿Qué vas a hacer esta noche?
Alan: “Hey, what are you doing today?”
AMANDA: Bueno, no tengo planes.
Lizy: “Well, I don’t have any plans.”
CÉSAR: ¿Quisieras acompañarme a una exposición de arte?
Alan: “Would you like to go with me to an art show?”
AMANDA: ¡Me encantaría! ¿Dónde queda la galería?
Lizy: “I would love to. Where is the gallery?”
CÉSAR: Queda en el centro. Está un poco lejos.
Alan: “It’s downtown. It’s a ways away.”
AMANDA: Ya veo.
Lizy: “I see.”
CÉSAR: ¿A qué hora quisieras que te recoja?
Alan: “What time would like me to pick you up?”
AMANDA: ¿A qué hora empieza?
Lizy: “What time does it start?”
CÉSAR: A las diez.
Alan: “About 10 o’clock.”
AMANDA: Estoy lista a un cuarto para las diez.
Lizy: “I’ll be ready at a quarter to ten.”
Alan: Okay. So, you see that the conversation is more in depth. And then it moves at a much quicker speed.
Lizy: This is just what intermediate students need to break that barrier and start actively speaking in conversations.
Alan: Muy bien, Lizy. Now, at this point, we’ll turn our attention to the vocabulary that came up in today’s conversation. Lizy is going to pronounce these words, and then I’ll give an English translation. After that, Lizy will break the word down, syllable by syllable, and then we’ll hear it one more time at normal speed. Ready, Lizy?
Lizy: Sí, Alan. Yes.
Alan: Okay. So, first we have...
Lizy: “Recoger”.
Alan: “To pick up”, “to gather.”
Lizy: “Re-co-ger”, “recoger”.
Alan: Then...
Lizy: “Querer”.
Alan: “To want.”
Lizy: “Que-rer”, “querer”.
Alan: After that...
Lizy: “Galería”.
Alan: “Gallery.”
Lizy: “Ga-le-rí-a”, “galería”.
Alan: And finally...
Lizy: “Exposición”.
Alan: “Show”, “exhibition.”
Lizy: “Ex-po-si-ción”, “exposición”.
Alan: Hey, notice the similarity between the Spanish word “exposición” and the English “exhibition”? Pero observemos que el verbo en español lleva la consonante “N” en vez de la “S”, “exponer”. So, we say “exponer” – “to exhibit”. And also, “to expose”.
Lizy: “Voy a la exposición de arte”.
Alan: “I’m going to the art show.”
Lizy: But, “No me gusta exponer mi arte”.
Alan: “I don’t like to show my art.”
Lizy: Alan, ahora estudiemos algunas palabras más detalladamente.
Alan: Me parece bien, ¿dónde empezamos?
Lizy: Let’s begin with the verb “querer”.
Alan: Okay. But by the Intermediate Series, don’t you think most of our listeners would know what this means, “to want”?
Lizy: Sí, pero en la conversación de hoy vimos una forma verbal muy importante.
Alan: And which form was this?
Lizy: “Quisiera”.
Alan: “Quisiera”, right. And this means “I would like”. And, Lizy, when we say “quisiera” does the action of the verb seem real or merely possible?
Lizy: “Quisiera”, just possible.
Alan: So, it’s in the Subjunctive Mood.
Lizy: Correcto.
Alan: And it’s conjugated to which tense?
Lizy: El tiempo pretérito imperfecto.
Alan: And that’s the Imperfect Past. All right. We’ll look a bit more at the grammar being used here in just a minute. Pero ahora me gustaría escuchar un par de ejemplos con el verbo “quisiera”. A ver, ¿Lizy?
Lizy: “Quisiera decirte algo”.
Alan: “I’d like to tell you something.”
Lizy: “Quisiéramos acompañarte”.
Alan: “We’d like to join you.” So, when we use this verb “quisiera” instead of “quiero”, we change our meaning from “I want” to “I would like”. This is a much more polite way to make a request or explain a wish.
Lizy: So, these are the kinds of things that we’ll be looking at in this part of each core curriculum lesson and that’s Spanishpod101. When we refer to the core curriculum, we’re talking about the Newbie, Beginner and Intermediate Series.
Alan: The Intermediate Series is where you learn the grammar you need to become capable of constructing enough phrases to participate in a conversation, to express your ideas, your thoughts, your opinions, and to ask questions. Anyone listening to the Intermediate Series should definitely also check out the Regional Series, here, at Spanishpod101, where the regional forms of speech are compared with standard Spanish. Basically, with the Regional Series we bring the Spanish speaking world to you, the listener, and we show you what allows a native Spanish speaker to associate a particular form of speech with a region. But, we’ll talk more about the Regional Series in the next episode of this course introduction. Por ahora, sigamos a la gramática.
Lizy: La gramática.
Alan: La gramática y la sintaxis. The moment’s arrived for us to show you how specific aspect of grammar works and how to make it work for you. Today we’re going to learn how to say someone would like that someone else do something. O sea, cómo una persona quisiera que otra persona haga algo.
Lizy: Veamos el contexto. César pregunta a Amanda, “¿quisieras que te recoja?”
Alan: “¿Quisieras que te recoja?”, “Would you like me to pick you up?” Entonces observemos aquí el verbo “quisiera”, de nuevo conjugado al modo pretérito del modo subjuntivo. So, again, we see the verb “quisiera”, “I would like”.
Lizy: ¿Y de ahí?
Alan: Y de ahí, escuchamos “que te recoja”. Now, Lizy, what’s the Infinitive form of the verb “recoja”?
Lizy: Es “recoger”.
Alan: Y este verbo significa...
Lizy: “To pick up” or “to gather”.
Alan: And it’s an “er” verb. “Recoger”. But when we conjugate it to the Present Tense of the Subjunctive Mood its ending becomes irregular. “Recoja”. The letter “G” changes to “J” and as it’s common in the Present Subjunctive, the vowel is swapped. So, it’s “recoja” with an “A” instead of “recoge” with an “E”.
Lizy: “¿Quisieras que te recoja?”
Alan: Now, the word that’s really key to the phrase here is “que”. This word lets us know that another clause is coming. A clause that’s going to be depended on the main clause. “¿Quisieras que te recoja?” If we translate it literally “Where you to like that I pick you up?”, but we think about it as “Would you like me to pick you up?”
Lizy: Así es, Alan. Y muchos más ejemplos.
Alan: Escuchemos algunos.
Lizy: Por ejemplo, “quisiéramos que nos acompañes”.
Alan: Right. “We’d like you to join us.” Now, compare that with “quisiéramos acompañarte”, “We would like to join you.”
Lizy: A ver otro, “¿quisieras que te ayude?”
Alan: “Would you like me to help you?” Great, Lizy. Now you can start to get an idea of what we work on here. And the Grammar Bank is the next step. There you’ll find a concise explanation in grammar module, that built in on what we talk about in the podcast. The audio, on its own, which surely be more challenging. So, stop by Spanishpod101.com and sign up for a free seven day trial and check it out for yourself.
Lizy: While you’re there you can also check out the line by line audio transcripts of today’s lesson conversation and the vocabulary list with audio, too.
Alan: A great way to insure memorization. Plus many more tools you can use to develop your own method, the method that works best for you. That’s really one of the most important things to use to begin to learn Spanish. We can’t stress enough the importance of mixing up your method. For example, when I first moved to Perú, I used to listen to the radio late at night before going to bed. I had some strange dreams, but I’m sure some of the vocabulary stuck.
Lizy: Now that you’ve listened to this lesson, pick up the PDF at Spanishpod101.com. In there, we have a detailed write up of the content covered in today’s lesson.
Alan: And leave us a comment on the forum. Offer other examples, ask for other examples, post your questions, your complements, your ideas. Let us know how we can improve and develop our course to best suit your needs. And don’t worry, we have pretty thick skin, we can take it.
Lizy: Alan, you really look like you have a thick skin. Now, I think you remind me of an iguana.
Alan: An iguana? Thanks a lot, Lizy. That’s a first. I’m going to crawl back under my rock. See you later.
Lizy: Well, Alan. Is time to finish up for today. ¡Chao a todos!
Alan: ¡Chao!

