Lesson Transcript

Hey there friends of SpanishPod101.com.
Once again, I’m Efraín.
And I’m Diego.
And today, we’re gonna do…
Hey Efra ¿Qué estás comiendo?
Un tamarindo.
No, no es sólo para mí. No, no soy un codo pero es que...
Okay, do you know what we are trying to say? You’re lucky because today, we’re checking Mexican gestures. So, enjoy the video! Woah!
One of the most essential parts of every communication is the body language. So, that’s why it is important for you to know the Mexican gestures because even if you have lived here for a long time, you may recognize some of them, but maybe you don’t know how to use them properly. Some of these gestures are more used by men than by women and if women use them, they are not really well seen.
So, the first one that we have is to convey “yes” and it is one of the most popular gestures in Mexico and that gesture is (gesture) si.
And this one comes from the most popular or one of the most popular TV shows in Mexico and it is the Chavo del Ocho.
The second gesture here is for saying that something is “long way still.”
For example..
Efra, ¿qué tan larga está la fila de las tortillas?
Or even…
Efra, ¿qué tan lejos está Puebla de aquí? ¿Y Chihuahua?
You can add this on (gesture)
With that sound, poof.
Okay, now we have two more gestures that are related to money.
The first one is for asking how much is something. And you obviously use it when you cannot ask the price directly, for example, when you are in a tianguis or in a flea market. You just need to point the object, the article that you are interested in and do this (gesture)... like ¿cuanto?
Now, if something you consider is very expensive, the gesture that you will use is (gesture).
For example…
Hey Diego, ¿eso está caro?
(Gesture) vamos.
It’s like, yes, it is expensive, let’s go.
Another gesture we have here is the one that you use when you are in a restaurant. So, you raise your hand and then you call the waiter for the bill. It is like you write something here, we still don’t know what we are writing about but…
Great, write something.
Yeah, you write something.
Very good.
So, another one that is very common is for saying the person that is in front of you, hey, you are being miserly. For that, in Mexico, we have the word codo and we use this gesture.
So for example…
Efraín quiero unas palomitas ¿me las compras?
(Gesture) Just go, all right?
Sí ¿y qué?
The next is just for saying “let’s go” and yes it is very simple. You just do this (gesture).
For example, when the class is finished and everyone wants to go, it’s like, hey (gesture) vámonos, vámonos.
Okay, the next one here is when you want to say “after or before.”
For example…
Hey ya tengo hambre ¿vamos por los tacos ya ahorita?
No, después.
No, después ok, va.
Let’s pause the video, perfecto.
Okay, so the next one is for conveying that you’re in serious problems. For that, you just use (gesture) with this sound, sssss.
So, for example…
Efra, the example.
Ah, sí.
(Gesture) Mi mamá te va a regañar. Es su espejo favorito.
Okay, okay.
Let’s go to the next one which is… which is (gesture) okay. The next one here is when you want to have a drink and you use this one especially and usually for alcoholic drinks (gesture).
Hey Diego, vamos por una cerveza.
Claro, vamos.
The next gesture could be used in two different ways. The first one is for indicating to the other person that you want to split half the bill or any other expense. For that, you just point the person and it is like, hey, let’s split half the bill.
But, you can use this same gesture just for telling the other person that you want a bit of that something that he is eating.
So, for example…
Efraín está comiendo una rica manzana.
Efraín (gesture)
No (gesture)
¿Y que? “So what?”
Okay, the next one here is when you ask another person if he has already eaten.
For example…
Diego, ¿ya comiste?
No. todavía no, pero podemos ir por unos taquitos.
You can even use it for saying “let’s go eating” vamos a comer.
Vamos a comer. Yeah, let’s go eating.
So the next one is just for saying “thank you.” Now, sometimes this is a bad scene for foreigners, but believe us, this is actually for us, a sign of courtesy. So, for saying “thank you,” you will just say (gesture) or do this (gesture).
For example…
Diego ¿quieres un poco de esta rica manzana?
No, ya no. Muchas gracias.
Okay, the next one is when you’re incapable of doing something or when you are afraid of something or when you are just a coward.
For example…
Diego vamos a esa casa embrujada.
No, me da… no, me da miedo.
No seas cobarde. Vamos.
No, me da mucho miedo.
Bueno, a mí también me da...cosa ir solo.
Okay, the next one is when you want to say that some place is very crowded or when something is a lot...when you have a lot of something.
For example…
Diego no vayas al café del moro este sábado. Porque hay un buen de gente.
Mucha gente, mucha gente.
Or even you can say…
Efra ¿tienes mucho trabajo mañana?
Tengo un montón, es un buen.
Very good.
Okay, so the next one is a gesture for spanking and this is usually for kids. When they… when the mothers want their kids to behave well, they will be like hey (gesture). Portarte bien “behave well” or (gesture) nalgadas, I’m going to spank you.
So, when you were a child, you would usually hear something like…
Hey no hagas eso…
O te voy a dar.
Yeah, very common, okay.
The next one here, you…okay, listen carefully. You just use this one when you’re with friends, don’t use it in public, and you use this when you want to go to the bathroom and the poop is, you know.
Already there, you know.
For example…
Diego ya necesito ir al baño la traigo así, así.
Like this.
Okay, okay very good. We have to finish this video.
It happened to me.
One hour ago, okay.
So, the last one is for… this is a gesture for encouraging another one for doing something that you want to do and the gesture is this (gesture). Now, be careful because this originally means like, “Hey, you are being gay.” But once again, this is not really offensive. This is just a way for encouraging the other one to do something that you want to do.
So, for example…
Efra hoy, hoy tengo una fiesta, vamos.
Ok, vamos, vamos.
Esto es todo por hoy, amigos de SpanishPod101.com.
Y, bueno, esperamos verlos a la próxima. Muchas gracias por ver este video.
Y si vienen a México, no olviden llamarnos, porque podemos ir a comer juntos.
So, nos vemos en el siguiente video. Bye-bye.

