Lesson Transcript

Hola! Mi nombre es Romina Romaniello. Mucho gusto! Bienvenido a una nueva clase de español!
Hi, everybody! My name is Romina Romaniello. Thank you so much for watching this video and welcome to a new Spanish lesson.
Hoy tengo una clase de español un poquito inusual o diferente.
Today, I have a Spanish lesson that is a little bit unusual or different from what you guys are used to.
Hoy vamos a hablar de chistes de argentinos.
Today, I’m gonna talk to you about Argentine jokes. More about… jokes about Argentines.
Para que un chiste sea gracioso y tenga efecto, las personas tienen que comprender el contexto de ese chiste. Tienen que comprender los estereotipos que estás usando para hacer reír.
So for a joke to actually work, you need to share a background with your audience, and your audience needs to understand your joke. They need to understand what background you’re referring to. They need to understand what stereotypes you’re mocking, right? So, in order to understand Argentine jokes or jokes about Argentines, you need to understand the stereotype that Argentines have in the Spanish-speaking world.
For some strange reason, I’m not too sure why, people tend to think that Argentines are narcissistic, very ego like, that they know it all, and they’re just very egocentric, right? So, a lot of Argentine jokes or jokes about Argentines are about them being arrogant.
So today, I’m gonna share 3 Argentine jokes with you. ¿Estás listo? Vamos.
Chiste número uno
¿Qué es el ego?
El ego es el argentino que todos llevamos dentro.
Chiste número dos
¿Necesitas hacer dinero?
Compra un argentino por lo que vale, y véndelo por lo que cree que vale.
These are dirty jokes.
Last but not least, chiste número tres
¿Cómo se suicida un argentino?
Se sube a su ego y desde ahí salta.
Bien amigos! Esos son los tres chistes de argentinos. Espero que les haya causado gracia. Espero que entiendas cuál es el estereotipo detrás de estos chistes.
I hope that you enjoyed today’s 3 jokes about Argentines. I hope you understand the jokes and the stereotype that we’re mocking about Argentines. Do you know any other jokes about Argentine? Let me know in the comments below. Muchas gracias! Enos vemos en la próxima clase. Adios!

