
Vocabulary (Review)

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Alex: Imagine you're at a supermarket in Mexico. What do you do? Hola, Soy Alex. Alex here. Anyone can learn how to shop at a supermarket in Mexico. In this lesson, you'll learn how. Karen and Sasha are at a supermarket in Mexico. Let's watch!
Supermarket clerk: Buenas tardes, ¿encontró todo lo que buscaba?
Karen: Sí, gracias.
Supermarket clerk: ¿Quiere una recarga de tiempo aire?
Karen: No, gracias.
Supermarket clerk: Son seiscientos cincuenta pesos con noventa centavos.
Karen: Aquí tiene.
Karen: Gracias, aquí tienes.
Bagger: Gracias, señora.
Now with English!
Supermarket clerk: Good afternoon, did you find everything that you were looking for?
Karen: Yes, thank you.
Supermarket clerk: Do you want to add credit to your cellphone's balance?
Karen: No, thank you.
Supermarket clerk: The total is 650 pesos and 90 cents.
Karen: Here you are.
Karen: Thank you, here you are.
Bagger: Thank you, ma'am.
Alex: Here are the key words from the scene.
Karen: señora, señora
Becky: ma’am
Karen: señora, señora, señora
Karen: querer, querer
Becky: to want
Karen: querer, querer, querer
Karen: buscar, buscar
Becky: to look for
Karen: buscar, buscar, buscar
Karen: encontrar, encontrar
Becky: to find
Karen: encontrar, encontrar, encontrar
Karen: pesos, pesos
Becky: pesos, Mexican currency
Karen: pesos, pesos, pesos
Karen: centavos, centavos
Becky: cents
Karen: centavos, centavos, centavos
Alex: And now, a breakdown of some of the Spanish that you heard in the scene.
Becky: How does the supermarket clerk ask if Karen would like to add credit to her cellphone's balance?
Supermarket clerk: ¿Quiere una recarga de tiempo aire?
Laura: ¿Quiere una recarga de tiempo aire? ¿Quiere una recarga de tiempo aire?
Becky: "Do you want to add credit to your cellphone's balance?" The word...
Laura: quiere
Becky: is a conjugated form of the verb...
Laura: querer
Becky: "to want." The word
Laura: una
Becky: "a" for feminine singular nouns is followed by...
Laura: recarga
Becky: "recharge." Next, we have...
Laura: de tiempo
Becky: literally "of time" and...
Laura: aire
Becky: literally "air." Together the words...
Laura: tiempo aire
Becky: mean "cellphone credit."
Becky: You can use the first part of this phrase to ask if someone wants something. For example...
Laura: ¿Quiere una bolsa?
Becky: "Do you want a bag?" The word...
Laura: bolsa
Becky: is "bag." You can also use this phrase to ask if someone wants to do something. For example...
Laura: ¿Quiere comer?
Becky: "Do you want to eat?" The word...
Laura: comer
Becky: is "to eat."
Becky: If you want to sound more casual, you can change the word...
Laura: quiere
Becky: to the word...
Laura: quieres
Becky: when talking with friends or family.
Becky: Now, you try! Say the supermarket clerk's line.
Karen: Sí, gracias.
Supermarket clerk: ¿Quiere una recarga de tiempo aire?
Becky: How does the supermarket clerk tell Karen her total?
Supermarket clerk: Son seiscientos cincuenta pesos con noventa centavos.
Laura: Son seiscientos cincuenta pesos con noventa centavos. Son seiscientos cincuenta pesos con noventa centavos.
Becky: "The total is 650 pesos and 90 cents." The word...
Laura: son
Becky: "they are" is a conjugated form of the verb...
Laura: ser
Becky: "to be." This is followed by the words...
Laura: seiscientos cincuenta pesos
Becky: "650 pesos" and...
Laura: con noventa centavos.
Becky: "and 90 cents." The word...
Laura: con
Becky: literally means "with" and the words...
Laura: noventa centavos
Becky: mean "90 cents."
Becky: You'll hear this sentence construction whenever you buy something, and the shop clerk tells you the total. Let's do another example with different numbers. Let's try...
Laura: Son 50 (cincuenta) pesos con 20 (veinte) centavos.
Becky: "The total is 50 pesos and 20 cents." The word...
Laura: cincuenta
Becky: is "50" and the word...
Laura: viente
Becky: is "20."
Becky: Now, you try! Say the supermarket clerk's line.
Karen: No, gracias.
Supermarket clerk: Son seiscientos cincuenta pesos con noventa centavos.

Lesson focus

Alex: Now, the lesson focus. Here's how you can shop at a supermarket in Mexico.
Becky: Supermarkets in Mexico have the same big chains as the United States such as Walmart and Costco, where you can find everything from food to auto parts to furniture.
Becky: One good insider tip is to try and avoid going to the supermarket on Sunday. Many families buy all of their groceries for one week on the same day, and it can take up to one hour in line, just to check out.
Becky: Once you're finished shopping and go to the register, the cashier will scan all of your items. Another good thing to know is that, due to the high prices of monthly cell phone plans, many people buy cellphone credit on prepaid cards at the supermarket to save money. So after all of your items are scanned, the cashier will ask if you want to add credit to your cell phone.
Laura: ¿Quiere una recarga de tiempo aire?
Becky: "Do you want to add credit to your cellphone's balance?" After you've given your answer, the cashier will give you your total. After you've paid, someone will bag your groceries and it's a common practice to tip him or her. The appropriate amount is usually 5-10 pesos.
Becky: If you only have a few items that you want to buy, you can go through another checkout line. This is called...
Laura: caja rápida
Becky: literally, "fast line,” but it actually means something like, "express checkout."
Becky: When you're finally ready to leave, don't forget to get your parking validated, which is common in many places in Mexico.
Alex: Now it's time to practice your new ability.
Becky: You're at a supermarket in Mexico. Ready? Here we go!
Becky: What do you call the express checkout in Spanish?
Laura: caja rápida
Becky: How do you ask someone if he or she would like to add credit to his or her cellphone balance?
Laura: ¿Quiere una recarga de tiempo aire?
Becky: How do you say the total is 50 pesos and 20 cents?
Laura: Son 50 (cincuenta) pesos con 20 (veinte) centavos.
Becky: Great job.
Laura: caja rápida
Laura: ¿Quiere una recarga de tiempo aire?
Laura: Son 50 (cincuenta) pesos con 20 (veinte) centavos.


Alex: ¡Buen trabajo! Now, watch the scene one more time. After that, You're ready to shop at a supermarket in Mexico. Have a good time! ¡Hasta pronto!
Supermarket clerk: Buenas tardes, ¿encontró todo lo que buscaba?
Karen: Sí, gracias.
Supermarket clerk: ¿Quiere una recarga de tiempo aire?
Karen: No, gracias.
Supermarket clerk: Son seiscientos cincuenta pesos con noventa centavos.
Karen: Aquí tiene.
Karen: Gracias, aquí tienes.
Bagger: Gracias, señora.

