
Vocabulary (Review)

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Alex: Imagine you need to take a taxi in Mexico. What do you do? Hola. Soy Alex. Alex here. Anyone can learn how to take a taxi in Mexico In this lesson, you'll learn how. Mark and company are taking a taxi in Mexico. Let's watch!
Mark: Buenos días.
Taxi Driver: ¿Cómo está señor, me permite su ticket?
Mark: Sí, aquí tiene.
Taxi Driver: Gracias, ¿a dónde los llevo?
Mark: Vamos al hotel Camino Real de Polanco.
Taxi: ¿El que está sobre la calle General Mariano?
Mark: Ese mismo.
Taxi: De acuerdo.
Alex: Now, with English!
Mark: Good morning.
Taxi Driver: How are you sir, may I get your ticket?
Mark: Yes, here you are.
Taxi Driver: Thank you, where am I taking you?
Mark: We are going to the hotel Camino Real in Polanco.
Taxi: Is it the one that is on the street General Mariano?
Mark: That one.
Taxi: Alright.
Alex: Here are the key words from the scene.
Mark: llevar
Laura: llevar
Becky: to take
Laura: llevar, llevar, llevar
Mark: ticket
Laura: ticket
Becky: ticket
Laura: ticket, ticket, ticket
Mark: señor
Laura: señor
Becky: sir
Laura: señor, señor, señor
Mark: ¿a dónde?
Laura: ¿a dónde?
Becky: to where
Laura: ¿a dónde? ¿a dónde? ¿a dónde?
Mark: taxi
Laura: taxi
Becky: taxi, cab
Laura: taxi, taxi, taxi
Mark: ir
Laura: ir
Becky: to go
Laura: ir, ir, ir
Alex: And now, a breakdown of some of the Spanish you heard in the scene.
Becky: How does the taxi driver ask where he's taking Mark and company?
Taxi Driver: ¿A dónde los llevo?
Laura: ¿A dónde los llevo? ¿A dónde los llevo?
Becky: "Where am I taking you?" You will hear this phrase if you take a taxi in Mexico. The words...
Laura: A dónde
Becky: "to where?" are followed by...
Laura: los
Becky: the plural form of "you" in this case. Last we have...
Laura: llevo
Becky: which is the conjugated form of the verb...
Laura: llevar
Becky: "to take." If you are a man or a woman riding alone the word...
Laura: los
Becky: will change to
Laura: lo or la
Becky: …respectively. Now, if you want to tell the taxi driver where to take you, you can say...
Laura: Lleveme a...
Becky: "Take me to..." and add where you want to go. If you want to go to the Camino Real Polanco Hotel, you can say....
Laura: Lleveme al hotel Camino Real de Polanco.
Becky: "Take me to the Camino Real Polanco Hotel. Here, the word "hotel" is masculine. So you will need to use the article…
Laura: el
Becky: …”the" for masculine singular nouns. But here, it combines with the word
Laura: a
Becky: meaning "to," so together they become...
Laura: al.
Becky: Now, you try! Say the taxi driver's line.
Taxi Driver: Gracias...
Taxi Driver: ¿a dónde los llevo?
Becky: How does the taxi driver confirm what street the hotel is on?
Taxi Driver: ¿El que está sobre la calle General Mariano?
Laura: ¿El que está sobre la calle General Mariano? ¿El que está sobre la calle General Mariano?
Becky: "Is it the one that is on the street General Mariano?" The word...
Laura: el
Becky: is "the" for masculine singular nouns and the word...
Laura: que
Becky: is "that" or in this case, "one that." These words are followed by....
Laura: está
Becky: "is" which is a conjugated form of the verb...
Laura: estar
Becky: "to be" for temporary things. The word...
Laura: sobre
Becky: means "on" and the word...
Laura: la
Becky: "the" for feminine nouns is followed by
Laura: calle
Becky: "street" and...
Laura: General Mariano
Becky: the street name.
Becky: You can use the first part of this question...
Laura: ¿El que está …?
Becky: to confirm something. For example...
Laura: ¿El que está cerca del banco?
Becky: "Is it the one that is near the bank?" The word...
Laura: cerca
Becky: means "near" and the word...
Laura: banco
Becky: is "bank."
Becky: Now, you try! Say the taxi driver's line.
Mark: Vamos al hotel Camino Real de Polanco...
Taxi Driver: ¿El que está sobre la calle General Mariano?

Lesson focus

Alex: Now, the lesson focus. Here's how you can take a taxi in Mexico.
Becky: In Mexico, there are three types of taxis. Taxis from stands in highly populated areas such as airports and train stations, taxis you can call by phone, and taxis you can hail on the street.
Becky: But, you need to be careful about which taxi you take. Some taxi drivers in Mexico are actually
Laura: piratas
Becky: "fake" or "illegal." They paint their cars to look like taxis and offer people rides, but they don't actually have a license. These drivers may try to take advantage of or rob passengers.
Becky: How do you spot one of these drivers? Check their license plate. A real taxi driver will have only one letter and five numbers on their plate. If it looks like all the other cars, it's best to avoid it.
Becky: Out of all the taxi options, the taxi stands are the safest. They are usually around the big exits of popular places. Sometimes you have to buy a ticket in advance.
Becky: Once you get in the taxi, you'll most likely hear the question...
Laura: ¿A dónde los llevo?
Becky: "Where am I taking you?" You don't have to give an exact address. You can just give the...
Laura: colonia and calle
Becky: "district" and "street" respectively, and the driver will get you where you need to go!
Becky: Once you give the location, the taxi driver may want to confirm with you. In this case, he or she might say...
Laura: ¿El que está __?
Becky: "Is it the one that is...?" plus a location you may be familiar with.
Becky: Once you arrive at your destination, it is common to give the taxi driver a tip; usually 5-10% of the bill.
Becky: There are two important things to know about taxis in Mexico. One is that you need to make sure if taxi meters are turned on. If not,, you may have to negotiate a price with the taxi driver. If the price seems to be expensive, you can get out, and take another taxi.
Becky: The second thing is many taxis don't have a GPS system and drivers go places based on their own memory. That's why they might confirm the place with you ahead of time!
Alex: Now it's time to practice your new ability.
Becky: You're going to take a taxi in Mexico. Ready? Here we go.
Becky: How does a taxi driver ask where they're taking you?
Laura: ¿A dónde los llevo?
Becky: How do you say the words "district" and "street?"
Laura: colonia and calle
Becky: How do you say "fake" or "illegal" in Spanish?
Laura: piratas
Laura: ¿A dónde los llevo?
Laura: colonia and calle
Laura: piratas


Alex: ¡Buen trabajo! Now, watch the scene one more time. After that, Now you're ready to take a taxi in Mexico. Have a good time! ¡Hasta pronto!
Mark: Buenos días.
Taxi Driver: ¿Cómo está señor, me permite su ticket?
Mark: Sí, aquí tiene.
Taxi Driver: Gracias, ¿a dónde los llevo?
Mark: Vamos al hotel Camino Real de Polanco.
Taxi: ¿El que está sobre la calle General Mariano?
Mark: Ese mismo.
Taxi: De acuerdo.

