
Vocabulary (Review)

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Alex: Imagine you want to order food at a restaurant in Mexico. What do you do? Hola, soy Alex. Alex here. Anyone can learn how to order food at a restaurant. In this lesson, you'll learn how. Ben, Mark, Sasha and Karen are ordering food at a restaurant in Mexico. Let's watch!
Waiter: Bienvenidos, pasen por aquí por favor.
Mark: Sí, gracias.
Ben: Yo quiero una hamburguesa. ¿Tienen en el menú?
Waiter: Sí está en la última página. Le trairé una.
Sasha: Yo quiero probar el pozole.
Mark: Yo ordenaré enchiladas.
Karen: Yo también.
Waiter: ¿Y de tomar?
Karen: Un vaso de limonada para cada quien.
Waiter: En seguida les traigo su orden.
Mark: Discuple, nos trae la cuenta, por favor.
Waiter: Claro que sí, en un momento se la traigo.
Waiter: Aquí tiene.
Mark: Gracias, ¿aceptan tajetas de crédito?
Waiter: No señor, disculpe, sólo efectivo.
Mark: No hay problema. Aquí tienen.
Becky: Now, with English!
Waiter: Welcome, this way please.
Mark: Yes, thank you.
Ben: I want a hamburger. Is there one on the menu?
Waiter: Yes, it is on the last page. I will bring you one.
Sasha: I want to try the pozole.
Mark: I will order enchiladas.
Karen: Me too.
Waiter: What would you like to drink?
Karen: A glass of lemonade for each of us.
Waiter: I will be right back with your order.
Mark: Excuse me. Bring us the check, please.
Waiter: Sure, I will bring it to you in a moment.
Waiter: Here you are, sir.
Mark: Thank you. Do you take credit cards?
Waiter: No sir, I'm sorry. Only cash.
Mark: No problem. Here you are.
Alex: Here are the key words from the scene.
Karen: pase(n) por aquí por favor, pase(n) por aquí por favor
Becky: this way please
Karen: pase(n) por aquí por favor, pase(n) por aquí por favor, pase(n) por aquí por favor
Karen: ordenar, ordenar
Becky: to order
Karen: ordenar, ordenar, ordenar
Karen: en seguida, en seguida
Becky: right away
Karen: en seguida, en seguida, en seguida
Karen: tomar, tomar
Becky: to drink
Karen: tomar, tomar, tomar
Karen: efectivo, efectivo
Becky: cash
Karen: efectivo, efectivo, efectivo
Karen: propina, propina
Becky: tip
Karen: propina, propina, propina
Alex: And now, a breakdown of some of the Spanish you heard in the scene.
Becky: How does Ben ask for a hamburger in the scene?
Ben: Yo quiero una hamburguesa.
Laura: Yo quiero una hamburguesa. Yo quiero una hamburguesa.
Becky: "I want a hamburger." You can use this phrase to place an order at a restaurant, or tell someone that you would like something.
Becky: In the last lesson, we only used the word...
Laura: quiero
Becky: to say, "I want." In this lesson, we will use the pronoun...
Laura: "Yo"
Becky: …meaning "I" because it is important to emphasize to the waiter who is placing the order. This pronoun is usually used in a group of people, when you want to stress who is speaking, or giving their opinion.
Becky: In addition, we pair the words...
Laura: Yo quiero
Becky: with...
Laura: una
Becky: "a" for feminine nouns and...
Laura: hamburguesa
Becky: "hamburger"
Becky: Like in the last lesson. You can simply say....
Laura: Yo quiero
Becky: followed by whatever you would like. For example, if you want to say, "I want water" you would say...
Laura: Yo quiero agua.
Becky: The word...
Laura: agua
Becky: … means ”water.”
Becky: Now, you try! Say Ben's line.
Mark: Sí, gracias...
Ben: Yo quiero una hamburguesa.
Becky: How does Mark ask for the check in the scene?
Mark: Nos trae la cuenta, por favor.
Laura: Nos trae la cuenta, por favor. Nos trae la cuenta, por favor.
Becky: "Bring us the check please." You can use this phrase when you have finished your meal, and are ready to pay.
Becky: The words...
Laura: Nos
Becky: "to us"
Laura: trae
Becky: "bring" which is the polite form of the verb...
Laura: traer
Becky: "To bring" and...
Laura: la
Becky: "the" for feminine nouns. Followed by...
Laura: cuenta
Becky: "check" and of course, you should always add…
Laura: por favor
Becky: …”please" at the end of your sentence, to sound more polite.
Becky: You can also use this phrase to ask someone to bring you and your friends anything. For example, If you would like the waiter at a restaurant to bring tortilla chips and salsa to your table, you can say...
Laura: Nos trae totopos con salsa, por favor.
Becky: "Bring us chips and salsa, please." This is the word...
Laura: totopos
Becky: "tortilla chips" combined with
Laura: con salsa
Becky: "with salsa.”
Becky: Now, you try! Say Mark's line.
Mark: Discuple....
Mark: Nos trae la cuenta, por favor.

Lesson focus

Alex: Now, the lesson focus. Here is how to order food at a restaurant in Mexico.
Becky: In Mexico, there are many different types of culinary ventures, from tiny food stalls to big, fancy restaurants. You can also find many other kinds of cuisine in big cities, especially Mexico City.
Becky: However, if you are traveling in a rural area, fast food, Mexican food and homemade food are your only options.
Becky: Also, customs vary depending on the restaurant. Some restaurants already include the tip in the bill, while others will ask you to leave it on the table. Where you pay, at the table or the register, also varies.
Becky: A good way to learn what to do at a Mexican restaurant is to watch the people in front of you and see what they do. If you are first in line and are looking for a table, you can ask a waiter or waitress...
Laura: ¿Puedo tomar cualquier mesa?
Becky: "Can I take any table?" Usually, if there are tables available, you don't have to wait for one. An insider tip is to look for a reservation book at the front of the restaurant. If there is one, most likely they will ask for your name and how many are in your party.
Becky: Usually, the menu will already be on your table when you sit down. If it isn't, you can ask...
Laura: ¿Puedo ver el menú?
Becky: "Can I see the menu?"
Becky: If you are traveling with children and would like to see a kid's menu, you can ask...
Laura: ¿Puedo ver el menú infantil?
Becky: "Can I see the kids' menu?" Mexican food is generally pretty heavy, and even Mexican children aren't crazy about it. On the kids' menu, there are usually things like hamburgers, hot dogs and omelets. If Mexican food is hard on your stomach, don't worry! You can also order off this menu.
Becky: If you are ready to order and want to get the waiter's attention, it is good to try and make eye contact or wave your hand, like you are saying "hello." If you can't make eye contact you can use the words...
Laura: mesero or mesera…
Becky: "waiter" or "waitress," respectively, to call them over. If they are close to you, it is also a good idea to use the word...
Laura: disculpe
Becky: "excuse me" in the formal register.
Becky: It is common for customers to order a drink first, so when the waiter or waitress comes to your table, they may ask...
Laura: ¿Les ofresco algo de beber?
Becky: "Can I offer you something to drink?"
Becky: Once you have decided what you want to eat, simply say the words...
Laura: Yo quiero...
Becky: followed by what you would like to order.
Becky: After you and your friend finish your meal and would like to go, you can say...
Laura: Nos trae la cuenta, por favor.
Becky: "Bring us the check, please." So the waiter or waitress knows you are ready to pay.
Becky: After you pay, you may be wondering how to tip. In Mexico, leaving a tip on the table, in the center, is still the most common.
Becky: How much you give as a...
Laura: propina
Becky: "tip," varies on the type of restaurant and service. However, 10-15% is usually the standard.
Alex: Now it's time to practice your new ability.
Becky: You are at your first restaurant in Mexico. Ready? Here we go!
Becky: How do you ask if you can take any table at a restaurant?
Laura: ¿Puedo tomar cualquier mesa?
Becky: How do you ask for tortilla chips and salsa, for you and a friend?
Laura: Nos trae totopos con salsa, por favor.
Becky: How do you ask for the check, for you and your friend?
Laura: Nos trae la cuenta, por favor.
Becky: How do you say the word for "tip?"
Laura: propina
Becky: Great job!
Laura: ¿Puedo tomar cualquier mesa?
Laura: Nos trae totopos con salsa, por favor.
Laura: Nos trae la cuenta, por favor.
Laura: propina


Alex: ¡Buen trabajo! Now, watch the scene one more time. After that, You're ready to order food at a restaurant in Mexico! Have a great time! Hasta pronto!
Waiter: Bienvenidos, pasen por aquí por favor.
Mark: Sí, gracias.
Ben: Yo quiero una hamburguesa. ¿Tienen en el menú?
Waiter: Sí está en la última página. Le trairé una.
Sasha: Yo quiero probar el pozole.
Mark: Yo ordenaré enchiladas.
Karen: Yo también.
Waiter: ¿Y de tomar?
Karen: Un vaso de limonada para cada quien.
Waiter: En seguida les traigo su orden.
Mark: Discuple, nos trae la cuenta, por favor.
Waiter: Claro que sí, en un momento se la traigo.
Waiter: Aquí tiene.
Mark: Gracias, ¿aceptan tajetas de crédito?
Waiter: No señor, disculpe, sólo efectivo.
Mark: No hay problema. Aquí tienen.

