
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Fernando: No Pictures. In this lesson, you will learn the formula to ask for permission. This conversation takes place in the lobby of a museum. The conversation is between Jimmy and the ticket vendor. The speakers will use the formal register.
JP: Alright, let's get right to it.
JIMMY: Disculpe, ¿a qué hora abren?
TAQUILLA: A las diez.
JIMMY: ¿Qué hora tiene en este momento?
TAQUILLA: Faltan diez para las diez.
JIMMY: Pues espero.
TAQUILLA: Gracias por esperar.
JIMMY: Un boleto, por favor.
TAQUILLA: 40 pesos.
JIMMY: Aquí tiene.
TAQUILLA: 40 pesos, perfecto. Disfrute el museo.
JIMMY: Disculpe, ¿aquí se puede tomar fotos?
GUARDIA: No señor, está prohibido.
JIMMY: ¿Y video?
GUARDIA: Eh, supongo que sí. Adelante.
JP: One more time, with the translation.
JIMMY: Disculpe, ¿a qué hora abren?
JIMMY: Excuse me, what time do you open?
TAQUILLA: A las diez.
TICKET OFFICE: At ten o'clock.
JIMMY: ¿Qué hora tiene en este momento?
JIMMY: What time is it now?
TAQUILLA: Faltan diez para las diez.
TICKET OFFICE: It's ten minutes to ten o'clock.
JIMMY: Pues espero.
JIMMY: Then I'll wait.
TAQUILLA: Gracias por esperar.
TICKET OFFICE: Thanks for waiting.
JIMMY: Un boleto, por favor.
JIMMY: One ticket, please.
TAQUILLA: 40 pesos.
TICKET OFFICE: Forty pesos.
JIMMY: Aquí tiene.
JIMMY: Here you go.
TAQUILLA: 40 pesos, perfecto. Disfrute el museo.
TICKET OFFICE: Forty pesos, perfect. Enjoy the museum.
JIMMY: Disculpe, ¿aquí se puede tomar fotos?
JIMMY: Excuse me, may I take pictures here?
GUARDIA: No señor, está prohibido.
GUARD: No sir, it's prohibited.
JIMMY: ¿Y video?
JIMMY: What about video?
GUARDIA: Eh, supongo que sí. Adelante.
GUARD: Um, I suppose so. Go ahead.
JP: Ok, We have two conversations here today, Fernando.
Fernando: Yes, two short, very functional conversations, the first one is with Jimmy and the ticket vendor at the museum.
JP: Yah, apparently he has to wait 10 minutes for the museum to open before he can pay his 40 pesos to get in.
Fernando: Right. And the second conversation is between
Jimmy and the guard in the museum.
JP: Is Jimmy getting into trouble?
Fernando: No, he's actually asking the guard for permission, asking if it's ok to take photos... which it's not.
JP: Yah, a lot of places won't let you take photos because the flash disturbs other visitors.
Fernando: He finds out, though, that you can take video.
JP: Well that's good to know! Alright, Let's take a look at some of the vocabulary.
Fernando: prohibir [natural native speed]
JP: to prohibit
Fernando: prohibir [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fernando: prohibir [natural native speed]
JP: Next.
Fernando: tomar [natural native speed]
JP: to take, to drink
Fernando: tomar [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fernando: tomar [natural native speed]
JP: Next.
Fernando: abrir [natural native speed]
JP: to open
Fernando: abrir [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fernando: abrir [natural native speed]
JP: Next.
Fernando: Adelante. [natural native speed]
JP: Go ahead.
Fernando: Adelante. [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fernando: Adelante. [natural native speed]
JP: Next.
Fernando: suponer [natural native speed]
JP: to suppose
Fernando: suponer [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Fernando: suponer [natural native speed]
JP: Ok, now let's talk about the five words. What are we gonna start with today?
Fernando: Let’s start with the verb prohibit.
JP: Prohibir, to prohibit. Actually, in the dialog today, we used the past participle of prohibir.
Fernando: Prohibido. Prohibited.
JP: Selena had a big hit with her song Amor prohibido... prohibited love, or forbidden love. prohibido
Fernando: Yes, it comes from the verb prohibir. The second word today is tomar.
JP: Tomar. To take, sometimes it means to drink.. what kind of tomar do we hear in the dialog today,
Fernando: Tomar fotos.
JP: ok, to take pictures tomar fotos. tomar. What's next?
Fernando: another verb... abrir
JP: Abrir, to open, abrir.
Fernando: And next we have the expression "adelante."
JP: Ok, so adelante is an adverb that means forward, but you'll hear Spanish speakers saying adelante all the time. It's actually the gracious way to tell you to go ahead, go right ahead. Adelante.
Fernando: Adelante. Finally we have the verb suponer. to suppose.
JP: Suponer.

Lesson focus

Fernando: JP, what's the grammar for today?
JP: One tiny thing today, we're going to ask for permission. Now of course there are a lot of ways to go about getting permission, but one way that's really good, even for beginners is to ask se puede plus infinitive. And the infinitive is going to be of the action you're trying to get permission for. The function of this is to ask if it's ok to do something.
Fernando: So when Jimmy asks, se puede tomar fotos....
JP: Is it ok to take pictures... and remember the answer was no, está prohibido.
Fernando: Too bad. Anyway, let's keep practicing with se puede.
JP: Ok, how about if you want to know if it's ok to eat
this. to eat would be comer so.
Fernando: ¿se puede comer éso?
JP: Is it ok to eat this, ¿se puede comer éso?
Fernando: No, JP, no se puede.
JP: Aw, it's not ok to eat this. That's too bad.
Fernando: Is it ok to end the podcast now?
JP: ¿ya se puede finalizar el podcast?


JP: Hasta luego.
Fernando: Hasta luego.

