Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Rosa: Hello everyone, my name is Rosa and this is Spanish weekly words and I am about to discover what the theme for this week is. It is food and I like this theme.
The first word is [arroz] which means “rice”. [Me encanta el arroz blanco.] - “I love white rice”.
[pan] which means “bread”. [Prefiero el pan integral. ] - “I prefer whole wheat bread”.
[pastel] which means “cake”. [Mi preferido es el pastel de manzana.] - “My favorite is apple cake”. I think that I like sweets too much, maybe.
[trigo] - “Wheat”. [La harina se hace con trigo.] - “Flour is made with wheat” normally.
[marisco] which means “seafood”. [Galicia es conocida por su marisco.] “Galicia is known for its seafood” and this is the end. I hope you learned some useful and I also hope to see you next week. Bye.

