Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Rosa: Hello everyone, my name is Rosa and this is Spanish weekly words and I am about to discover what the theme for this week is. And the theme is mammals.
The first word is [caballo] which means “horse”. [Solia montar a caballo con mi hermana.] - “I used to ride horses with my sister” or I used to go to ride a horse with my sister, umm I don’t know what sounds better if any of them sounds.
[cabra] which means “goat”. [Según el horóscopo Chino, soy una cabra.] - “According to the Chinese horoscope, I am goat”.
[cerdo] which means “pig”. You could also say that a person is a pig fellow if he or she is very dirty. [Los cerdos tienen una cola muy graciosa.] - “Pigs have a very funny tail.”
[perro] which means “dog”. [Tengo un perro que se llama Chiki.] - “I have a dog called Chiki”.
[vaca] which means “cow”. Yeah also you use that when you mean that a person is very fat. [Esas vacas no viven en buenas condiciones.] - “Those cows don’t live in good conditions.” This is the end. I hope you learned something. I hope to see you next week, bye.

