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Lesson Transcript

Hello, and welcome to the Culture File: Mexico series at SpanishPod101.com. In this series, we’re exploring essential cultural information about Mexico, Mexican Culture, and Mexican People. In this lesson, we’re going to learn about Christmas season traditions. I’m Michael, and you're listening to Season 1, Lesson 2 - The Nativity Scene
The Nativity scene, or in Spanish "Nacimiento", is a representation of Jesus Christ's birth. They’re always set up prior to Christmas, traditionally on December 8, according to the celebration of the Conception; they stay up until February 2nd, the day of Candlemass.
Under the Mexican tradition, Nativity scenes represent Mary and Joseph with clay figures in a manger or a stable, or "establo", joined by a mule, or "mula", and an ox, or toro. The scene can also include other figures to adore the Christ child, such as shepherds, or "pastores", angels, or "ángeles", and the star of Bethlehem, or "estrella de Belén".
There are Nativity scenes of all shapes and sizes. Some people put up extravagant ones, with cascades, rivers, lakes where ducks swim, shepherds and their flocks of sheep and many other characters who attend to offer gifts to Baby Jesus, including pots, hens, vegetables and fruits. Some of them are mobile, where the figures are moved around from day to day according to what happens in the biblical events; shepherds are moved, and the Three Wise Men, or "Tres Reyes Magos", draw near the manger as the Epiphany draws near.
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