
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

James: Giving a Business Presentation in Mexico. James Here.
Laura: Hola. I'm Laura.
James: In this lesson, you’ll learn about business presentations. The presentation is given at a business meeting.
Laura: The speaker is Alma Cordero.
James: She is presenting the company to potential customers. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.
Alma Cordero: Es un gusto poder estar aquí ante ustedes el día de hoy para presentarles nuestra compañía. Una compañía de gran impacto positivo en el sector salud.
Alma Cordero: La compañía GoCorp se enfoca en tecnología que se aplica a través de todos los sectores de salud.
Alma Cordero: La tecnología se llama Gama y su objetivo primordial es agilizar todos los procesos para dar mejor y más amplia cobertura médica, accesible desde cualquier medio tecnológico.
Alma Cordero: Es un sistema completamente revolucionario y contamos con una gran variedad de opciones para cubrir las necesidades específicas de cada uno de nuestros clientes.
Alma Cordero: Esperemos que nuestro producto sea de su interés. Todo este mes contaremos con un 50% de descuento.
Alma Cordero: Gracias por su tiempo, y por favor siéntanse libres de contactarme para cualquier cosa.
James: Listen to the conversation one time slowly.
Alma Cordero: Es un gusto poder estar aquí ante ustedes el día de hoy para presentarles nuestra compañía. Una compañía de gran impacto positivo en el sector salud.
Alma Cordero: La compañía GoCorp se enfoca en tecnología que se aplica a través de todos los sectores de salud.
Alma Cordero: La tecnología se llama Gama y su objetivo primordial es agilizar todos los procesos para dar mejor y más amplia cobertura médica, accesible desde cualquier medio tecnológico.
Alma Cordero: Es un sistema completamente revolucionario y contamos con una gran variedad de opciones para cubrir las necesidades específicas de cada uno de nuestros clientes.
Alma Cordero: Esperemos que nuestro producto sea de su interés. Todo este mes contaremos con un 50% de descuento.
Alma Cordero: Gracias por su tiempo, y por favor siéntanse libres de contactarme para cualquier cosa.
James: Listen to the conversation with the English translation.
Alma Cordero: Es un gusto poder estar aquí ante ustedes el día de hoy para presentarles nuestra compañía. Una compañía de gran impacto positivo en el sector salud.
Alma Cordero: It is a pleasure to be able to be here today to present to you our company, a company of great positive impact on the health sector.
Alma Cordero: La compañía GoCorp se enfoca en tecnología que se aplica a través de todos los sectores de salud.
Alma Cordero: The GoCorp company is focused on technology that is applied throughout all health sectors.
Alma Cordero: La tecnología se llama Gama y su objetivo primordial es agilizar todos los procesos para dar mejor y más amplia cobertura médica, accesible desde cualquier medio tecnológico.
Alma Cordero: The technology is called Gama and it's essential objective is to streamline all processes to give better and wider health coverage, accessible from any device.
Alma Cordero: Es un sistema completamente revolucionario, y contamos con una gran variedad de opciones para cubrir las necesidades específicas de cada uno de nuestros clientes.
Alma Cordero: It is a completely revolutionary system, and we count with a great variety of options to cover the specific needs of every one of our clients.
Alma Cordero: Esperemos que nuestros producto sea de su interés. Todo este mes contaremos con un 50% de descuento.
Alma Cordero: We hope that our product is of your interest. All of this month we will have a 50% discount.
Alma Cordero: Gracias por su tiempo, y por favor siéntanse libres de contactarme para cualquier cosa.
Alma Cordero: Thank you for your time, and please feel free to contact me for anything.
James: This time we heard how Alma gave a speech.
Laura: Yes, she gave a business presentation to potential clients.
James: What should our listeners keep in mind if they have to do any kind of public speaking in Mexico?
Laura: As we’ve said before, passion and emotional sensitivity are admired in Mexico.
James: This is the same when speaking publicly.
Laura: Make sure to thank everyone in attendance for coming.
James: Of course, confidence is important when speaking.
Laura: Yes, but still be respectful.
James: Are displays of emotion welcomed?
Laura: Yes, people will trust you more and think you more credible.
James: Is it possible to be too emotional and over the top though?
Laura: Definitely! Don’t go overboard, and remember that your body language is important, too.
James: Okay, now onto the vocab.
James: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is...
Laura: gusto [natural native speed]
James: "pleasure"
Laura: gusto [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Laura: gusto [natural native speed]
James: Next we have...
Laura: presentar [natural native speed]
James: "present"
Laura: presentar [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Laura: presentar [natural native speed]
James: Next we have...
Laura: impacto positivo [natural native speed]
James: "positive impact"
Laura: impacto positivo [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Laura: impacto positivo [natural native speed]
James: Next we have...
Laura: tecnología [natural native speed]
James: "technology"
Laura: tecnología [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Laura: tecnología [natural native speed]
James: Next we have...
Laura: revolucionario, revolucionaria [natural native speed]
James: "revolutionary"
Laura: revolucionario, revolucionaria [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Laura: revolucionario, revolucionaria [natural native speed]
James: Next we have...
Laura: agilizar [natural native speed]
James: "streamline"
Laura: agilizar [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Laura: agilizar [natural native speed]
James: Next we have...
Laura: interés [natural native speed]
James: "interest"
Laura: interés [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Laura: interés [natural native speed]
James: Next we have...
Laura: descuento [natural native speed]
James: "discount"
Laura: descuento [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Laura: descuento [natural native speed]
James: Next we have...
Laura: medio tecnológico [natural native speed]
James: "technological device"
Laura: medio tecnológico [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Laura: medio tecnológico [natural native speed]
James: And last...
Laura: variedad [natural native speed]
James: "variety"
Laura: variedad [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Laura: variedad [natural native speed]
James: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first phrase is...
Laura: sistema completamente revolucionario
James: meaning "absolutely revolutionary system."
James: Let’s break down this phrase.
Laura: First is sistema, it means "system." Next is completamente.
James: That means "completely." The final word means "revolutionary."
Laura: That is revolucionario. Sistema completamente revolucionario,
James: "absolutely revolutionary system." You can use this to describe an innovative product.
Laura: It’s usually used in formal settings.
James: Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Laura: Sure. For example, you can say... El auto tiene un sistema completamente revolucionario y ecológico.
James: … which means "The car has a completely ecological and revolutionary system. "
James: Okay, what's the next phrase?
Laura: accesible desde cualquier medio tecnológico
James: meaning "accessible from any technological device."
James: Can you tell us about this, Laura?
Laura: First is accesible, which means "accessible." Next is desde, it means "from." Then is cualquier.
James: That means "any." The final part means "technological device."
Laura: medio tecnológico, accesible desde cualquier medio tecnológico
James: "accessible from any technological device." You can use this to say that something can be accessed through many different types of devices.
Laura: It’s usually used in formal settings.
James: Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Laura: Sure. For example, you can say... La página web es accesible desde cualquier medio tecnológico.
James: ... which means "The web page is accessible from any device."
James: Okay, what's the next phrase?
Laura: contamos con una gran variedad de opciones
James: meaning "we count with a great variety of options."
James: This is our last phrase.
Laura: First is contamos, it means "we count." Next is con una, this means "with a." Then is gran.
James: It means "great." The next word means "variety."
Laura: That is variedad. Finally is de opciones, "of options". Contamos con una gran variedad de opciones,
James: "we count with a great variety of options." You can use this to say that something is very versatile.
Laura: It’s usually used in formal settings.
James: Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Laura: Sure. For example, you can say... Contamos con una gran variedad de opciones para todas las edades.
James: ... which means "We count with a great variety of options for all ages."
James: Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

James: In this lesson, you'll learn about business presentations.
James: We have no prepositions or other grammar topics to review in this closing lesson, so we’re just going to jump right in and start by talking about how to open a business presentation. Here are some sentences that you can use.
Laura: Ante todo, gracias por asistir el día de hoy.
James: "First and foremost, thank you for attending today." A very common opening line is:
Laura: El día de hoy... platicaré sobre una empresa revolucionaria.
James: "Today... I will be talking about a revolutionary company." If you want to dive into the first topic, say:
Laura: Comenzaré con... un corto video para darles una idea.
James: "I will begin with... a short video to give you an idea." Next, let’s learn some phrases and sentence patterns to help with closing a business presentation. The most common way to close a formal presentation is:
Laura: Eso es todo, gracias por su atención.
James: "That is all, thank you for your attention." But first, if you want to give the audience the opportunity to ask questions, say:
Laura: Cualquier pregunta que tengan,... por favor levanten su mano.
James: "Any questions,... please raise your hand." If you want to politely thank the audience,
Laura: Fue un placer... poder estar con ustedes el día de hoy.
James: "It has been a pleasure... to be here with you today." If you want to let them know you are available to any inquires, you can use the phrase:
Laura: No duden en contactarme.
James: "Do not hesitate to contact me." Finally, here are some sentence patterns you can use during the presentation itself to help keep your audience engaged and listening.
Laura: Incluye___
James: "It includes…"
Laura: Incluye más de veinte destinos.
James: "It includes over twenty destinations."
Laura: Sobre todo_
James: "Above all…"
Laura: Sobre todo, es fácil de usar.
James: "Above all, it is easy to use."
Laura: Es útil para_
James: "It is useful for…."
Laura: Es útil para uso diario.
James: "It is useful for daily use."


James: Okay, that’s all for this lesson
Laura: and for this series!
James: Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Laura: Hasta la próxima.

