
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

James: Leaving a Spanish Phone Message. James Here.
Laura: Hola. I'm Laura.
James: In this lesson, you’ll learn about leaving a message. The conversation takes place by phone.
Laura: It's between Alejandra Soto and the receptionist, and Alma Cordero and the receptionist.
James: The speakers are caller and receiver, and they will speak both formal and informal Spanish. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.
Alejandra Soto: Buen día Alicia, necesito avisar urgentemente al Director que hoy no podré llegar a la oficina. Durante la mañana se averió mi auto y sigo en el taller.
Recepcionista: Por supuesto, le aviso enseguida.
Recepcionista: Buenos días, ¿en qué puedo ayudarle?
Alma Cordero: Hola Alicia. Llamo para comunicar que llegaré unas horas más tarde. Traté de avisarle a Roberto mediante su celular, pero no contesta. ¿Puedes contactarlo personalmente para pasarle mi mensaje por favor?
Recepcionista: Me parece que estaba en conferencia de prensa durante toda la mañana. Pero puedo averiguar donde se encuentra mediante lo que me digan sus colegas.Yo me encargo de pasarle su mensaje.
Alma Cordero: ¡Muchas gracias! Espero poder resolver este asunto durante las próximas dos horas.
James: Listen to the conversation one time slowly.
Alejandra Soto: Buen día Alicia, necesito avisar urgentemente al Director que hoy no podré llegar a la oficina. Durante la mañana se averió mi auto y sigo en el taller.
Recepcionista: Por supuesto, le aviso enseguida.
Recepcionista: Buenos días, ¿en qué puedo ayudarle?
Alma Cordero: Hola Alicia. Llamo para comunicar que llegaré unas horas más tarde. Traté de avisarle a Roberto mediante su celular, pero no contesta. ¿Puedes contactarlo personalmente para pasarle mi mensaje por favor?
Recepcionista: Me parece que estaba en conferencia de prensa durante toda la mañana. Pero puedo averiguar donde se encuentra mediante lo que me digan sus colegas.Yo me encargo de pasarle su mensaje.
Alma Cordero: ¡Muchas gracias! Espero poder resolver este asunto durante las próximas dos horas.
James: Listen to the conversation with the English translation.
Alejandra Soto: Buen día Alicia, necesito avisar urgentemente al Director que hoy no podré llegar a la oficina. Durante la mañana se averió mi auto y sigo en el taller.
Alejandra Soto: Good day Alicia, I urgently need to inform the Director that I will not be able to make it to the office today. During the morning, my car broke down and I am still at the workshop.
Recepcionista: Por supuesto, le aviso enseguida.
Receptionist: Of course, I will inform him immediately.
Recepcionista: Buenos días, ¿en qué puedo ayudarle?
Receptionist: Good morning, what may I help you with?
Alma Cordero: Hola Alicia. Llamo para comunicar que llegaré unas horas más tarde. Traté de avisarle a Roberto mediante su celular, pero no contesta. ¿Puedes contactarlo personalmente para pasarle mi mensaje por favor?
Alma Cordero: Hello Alicia. I am calling to communicate that I will arrive some hours late. I tried to inform Roberto on his cellphone, but he did not answer. Could you please contact him personally to pass on my message?
Recepcionista: Me parece que estaba en conferencia de prensa durante toda la mañana. Pero puedo averiguar donde se encuentra mediante lo que me digan sus colegas.Yo me encargo de pasarle su mensaje.
Receptionist: I believe he was at a press conference during the whole morning. But I can figure out where he is through what his colleagues tell me. I will take care of passing on your message.
Alma Cordero: ¡Muchas gracias! Espero poder resolver este asunto durante las próximas dos horas.
Alma Cordero: Thank you very much! I hope to be able to resolve this issue during the next couple of hours.
James: Arriving late is never good.
Laura: No, but at least Alma did the right thing by calling ahead.
James: Even if it was only to leave a message for Roberto.
Laura: A message is fine! Just remember that if you leave a message, you still need to be respectful and polite.
James: Yes, we’ve spoken before about how Mexicans take to heart how you communicate with them, and the tone of voice and the language you use is important.
Laura: That’s right. If you leave a message, be brief, clear, and precise.
James: Start with an appropriate greeting, as you would do whenever you contact anyone.
Laura: For example, buenos días.
James: "Good morning."
Laura: Follow that with señor or señorita.
James: For men, or women, respectively. Then make sure that you use formal language.
Laura: And always wait for the other person to finish speaking before you start.
James: Okay, now onto the vocab.
James: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is...
Laura: avisar [natural native speed]
James: "to inform, to let know, to warn"
Laura: avisar [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Laura: avisar [natural native speed]
James: Next we have...
Laura: urgentemente [natural native speed]
James: "urgently"
Laura: urgentemente [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Laura: urgentemente [natural native speed]
James: Next we have...
Laura: durante [natural native speed]
James: "during, in, for"
Laura: durante [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Laura: durante [natural native speed]
James: Next we have...
Laura: mediante [natural native speed]
James: "through"
Laura: mediante [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Laura: mediante [natural native speed]
James: Next we have...
Laura: averiar [natural native speed]
James: "break down"
Laura: averiar [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Laura: averiar [natural native speed]
James: Next we have...
Laura: enseguida [natural native speed]
James: "right away"
Laura: enseguida [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Laura: enseguida [natural native speed]
James: Next we have...
Laura: encargar [natural native speed]
James: "take on a task"
Laura: encargar [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Laura: encargar [natural native speed]
James: Next we have...
Laura: comunicar [natural native speed]
James: "communicate"
Laura: comunicar [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Laura: comunicar [natural native speed]
James: Next we have...
Laura: resolver [natural native speed]
James: "solve"
Laura: resolver [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Laura: resolver [natural native speed]
James: And last...
Laura: averiguar [natural native speed]
James: "find out"
Laura: averiguar [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Laura: averiguar [natural native speed]
James: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first phrase is...
Laura: necesito avisar urgentemente
James: meaning "I need to urgently inform."
James: Let’s break down this phrase.
Laura: The first word is necesito, it means "I need." Next is avisar.
James: That means "inform." The final word means "urgently."
Laura: That is urgentemente. Necesito avisar urgentemente.
James: "I need to urgently inform." You can use this to show that it is important something is quickly communicated.
Laura: It’s usually used in formal settings.
James: Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Laura: Sure. For example, you can say... Necesito avisar urgentemente a mi profesora del atraso.
James: … which means "I need to urgently inform my teacher of the delay."
James: Okay, what's the next phrase?
Laura: yo me encargo
James: meaning "I will take care of."
James: What can you tell us about this, Laura?
Laura: First we have yo me, it means "I myself." Next is encargo.
James: This means "take care of." Altogether it means "I will take care of."
Laura: yo me encargo
James: You can use this to say that something is your responsibility.
Laura: You can use this in both formal and informal settings.
James: Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Laura: Sure. For example, you can say... Yo me encargo de sacar la basura.
James: ... which means "I will take care of taking out the trash."
James: Okay, what's the next phrase?
Laura: llamo para comunicar
James: meaning "I am calling to communicate."
James: This is our last phrase.
Laura: The first word is llamo, it means "I am calling." Next is para.
James: This means "to." The final word means "communicate."
Laura: That is comunicar. Llamo para comunicar.
James: "I am calling to communicate." You can use this during a phone conversation to talk about the message you are delivering.
Laura: It’s usually used in formal settings.
James: Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Laura: Sure. For example, you can say... Llamo para comunicar que ha sido aceptada.
James: ... which means "I am calling to communicate that you have been accepted."
James: Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

James: In this lesson, you'll learn about leaving a message.
James: And we’ll start by reviewing some new prepositions that will come in handy while leaving a message.
Laura: The prepositions this time are durante and mediante. We will start with durante.
James: It has a similar meaning to "during", "for", "over", "through" and "in the course of." It is used to show events happening at the same time.
Laura: For example, Se bronceo durante el verano.
James: "She got tan during the summer." Can you remind us of the next preposition?
Laura: mediante.
James: This can mean "through", "via", "by means of", "based on" or "by the use of." It’s used to show how things happened; by what means or who helped.
Laura: For example, Logró bajar de peso mediante el ejercicio constante.
James: "She was able to lose weight through constant exercise." Now, let’s move onto some sentence patterns that you can use when leaving a message. The standard phrase you can use is:
Laura: Quiero dejar un mensaje…
James: "I want to leave a message..." For example,
Laura: Quiero dejar un mensaje importante para la doctora.
James: "I would like to leave an important message for the doctor." Another common pattern is:
Laura: Necesito avisar... sobre un cambio de planes.
James: "I need to notify... of a change of plans." If you are calling to request something, you can say:
Laura: Me gustaría solicitar... un recibo.
James: "I would like to request... a receipt." If you want to speak directly to the person, instead of leaving a message, you can ask:
Laura: ¿En qué horario... la podré encontrar para platicar?.
James: "At what time... could I find her in order to talk?" If you want to let the receiver know that you prefer to call back later, say:
Laura: Llamaré nuevamente... en media hora.
James: "I will call again... in half an hour." Finally, if you left a message and you would like to know who took it, you can ask:
Laura: ¿Con quién tengo el gusto de dejar el mensaje?
James: "Who do I have the pleasure of leaving the message with?"


James: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Laura: Hasta la próxima.

