
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

James: Understanding a Spanish Advertisement. James Here.
Laura: Hola. I'm Laura.
James: In this lesson, you’ll learn about understanding an advertisement. The advertisement is heard on the radio.
Laura: It's given by an announcer.
James: Okay, let's listen to the conversation.
Locutor: Con una gran cantidad de clientela tras de sí. La almohada Comformax es la opción número uno de 3 en 5 personas ante cualquier otra en existencia.
Locutor: Calidad ante todo. Es flexible, fácil de limpiar y muy cómoda. Desde hace 20 años somos los pioneros tras la creación del diseño más ergonómico del mercado.
Locutor: Cualquier competencia se encuentra por debajo de nuestro número de ventas y capacidad de diseño. Estamos certificados bajo los estándares más innovadores de la industria.
James: Listen to the conversation one time slowly.
Locutor: Con una gran cantidad de clientela tras de sí. La almohada Comformax es la opción número uno de 3 en 5 personas ante cualquier otra en existencia.
Locutor: Calidad ante todo. Es flexible, fácil de limpiar y muy cómoda. Desde hace 20 años somos los pioneros tras la creación del diseño más ergonómico del mercado.
Locutor: Cualquier competencia se encuentra por debajo de nuestro número de ventas y capacidad de diseño. Estamos certificados bajo los estándares más innovadores de la industria.
James: Listen to the conversation with the English translation.
Locutor: Con una gran cantidad de clientela tras de sí. La almohada Comformax es la opción número uno de 3 en 5 personas ante cualquier otra en existencia.
Announcer: With a great quantity of clientele behind it, the Comformax pillow is the number one option for 3 out of 5 people before any other in existence.
Locutor: Calidad ante todo. Es flexible, fácil de limpiar y muy cómoda. Desde hace 20 años somos los pioneros tras la creación del diseño más ergonómico del mercado.
Announcer: Quality first and foremost. It is flexible, easy to clean, and very comfortable. For 20 years we have been the pioneers behind the creation of the most ergonomic design on the market.
Locutor: Cualquier competencia se encuentra por debajo de nuestro número de ventas y capacidad de diseño. Estamos certificados bajo los estándares más innovadores de la industria.
Announcer: Any competition falls below our sales numbers and design capacity. We are certified under the most innovative standards of the industry.
James: The example in this lesson was a little different to previous ones we’ve heard as it wasn’t a conversation.
Laura: No, it was an advertisement.
James: Are advertisements very common in Mexico?
Laura: They’re everywhere.
James: What are Mexican advertisements usually like?
Laura: They usually carry a message that is very charismatic and can create empathy.
James: So they’re based around communication.
Laura: That’s right. They can be very expressive and emotional depending on the target audience.
James: Of course, the main purpose of an advertisement is to persuade the target audience to buy something.
Laura: Yes, the characteristics of the product are always stated in a way to make people buy it.
James: Advertisements can get very creative with those highlights!
Laura: They’re becoming less formal and more personal, too.
James: Okay, now onto the vocab.
James: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is...
Laura: bajo [natural native speed]
James: "under"
Laura: bajo [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Laura: bajo [natural native speed]
James: Next we have...
Laura: pioneros [natural native speed]
James: "pioneers"
Laura: pioneros [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Laura: pioneros [natural native speed]
James: Next we have...
Laura: calidad [natural native speed]
James: "quality"
Laura: calidad [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Laura: calidad [natural native speed]
James: Next we have...
Laura: tras [natural native speed]
James: "after"
Laura: tras [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Laura: tras [natural native speed]
James: Next we have...
Laura: ante [natural native speed]
James: "before"
Laura: ante [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Laura: ante [natural native speed]
James: Next we have...
Laura: certificado, certificada [natural native speed]
James: "certified"
Laura: certificado, certificada [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Laura: certificado, certificada [natural native speed]
James: Next we have...
Laura: estándares [natural native speed]
James: "standards"
Laura: estándares [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Laura: estándares [natural native speed]
James: Next we have...
Laura: opción [natural native speed]
James: "option"
Laura: opción [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Laura: opción [natural native speed]
James: Next we have...
Laura: ergonómico, ergonómica [natural native speed]
James: "ergonomic"
Laura: ergonómico, ergonómica [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Laura: ergonómico, ergonómica [natural native speed]
James: And last...
Laura: por debajo [natural native speed]
James: "beneath"
Laura: por debajo [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Laura: por debajo [natural native speed]
James: Let's have a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first phrase is...
Laura: opción número uno
James: meaning "number one option."
James: Let’s look at this phrase.
Laura: The first word is opción, which means "option." Next is número.
James: This means "number." The final word means "one."
Laura: That is uno. Opción número uno.
James: "Number one option." You can use this phrase to show that the current option is the best.
Laura: It can be used in both formal and informal settings.
James: Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Laura: Sure. For example, you can say... Es la opción número uno como destino turístico.
James: … which means "It is the number one option as a tourist destination."
James: Okay, what's the next phrase?
Laura: calidad ante todo
James: meaning "quality first and foremost."
James: Laura, can you break down this phrase, please?
Laura: The first word is calidad, it means "quality." Next is ante.
James: This means "before." The final word means "all."
Laura: That is todo. Calidad ante todo.
James: "quality first and foremost." You can use this phrase to say that quality is your priority.
Laura: This phrase is usually used in formal settings.
James: Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Laura: Sure. For example, you can say... Calidad ante todo para ser exitoso.
James: ... which means "Quality first and foremost to be successful."
James: Okay, what's the next phrase?
Laura: certificado bajo los estándares
James: meaning "certified under the standards."
James: This is our last phrase.
Laura: The first word is certificado, it means "certified." Next is bajo, which means "under." Then is los estándares.
James: This means "the standards." So altogether it is "certified under the standards."
Laura: certificado bajo los estándares
James: You can use this phrase to show that a product follows the regulations it needs to.
Laura: It’s usually used in formal settings.
James: Can you give us an example using this phrase?
Laura: Sure. For example, you can say... El restaurante está certificado bajo todos los estándares de higiene.
James: ... which means "The restaurant is certified under all of the hygiene standards. "
James: Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

James: In this lesson, you'll learn about understanding an advertisement.
James: As before, we’ll start with some prepositions. These words will come in handy when trying to understand an advertisement.
Laura: This time we have three prepositions: ante, bajo and tras. The first one we will look at is ante.
James: This has a similar meaning to "before", "in light of", "ahead of", "in front of", or "in the presence of." It can be used to say that something is before or facing something else.
Laura: For example, El pájaro volaba ante la ventana.
James: "The bird was flying before the window." It can also be used to say that something is in the presence of someone or something else.
Laura: Estaba ante el juez.
James: "She was before the judge." And it can be used for comparison.
Laura: Ante la situación anterior, ahora se encontraba en un lugar seguro.
James: "In comparison to the last situation, he was now in a safe place ." What’s the next preposition, Laura?
Laura: bajo. It can mean "under", "beneath", or "below."
James: It can be used to say something is underneath something else, or the placement within a group. For example...
Laura: Bajo el puente.
James: "Beneath the bridge." It can also show dependence, subordination, or submission, as well as hiding or concealing something.
Laura: Se registró bajo un nombre falso.
James: "She registered under a fake name." What is the final preposition for this lesson?
Laura: tras. It can mean "after", "following", "behind", "beneath", "towards", "upon", or "post."
James: It can be used to express "after." For example...
Laura: Tras el invierno vendrán tiempos mejores.
James: "After winter, better times will come." It can also be used for "in search of", or "following", or "behind."
Laura: Se escondieron tras una casa.
James: "They hid behind a house." Listeners, find more information about these prepositions in the Lesson Notes. Now, let’s move onto some sentence patterns that will help when it comes to understanding advertisements. A common pattern used to emphasize something is:
Laura: Ante todo... estamos pensando en nuestros clientes.
James: "First and foremost... we are thinking of our clients." You will often hear comparisons against competitors.
Laura: Cualquier competencia... no tiene la misma calidad.
James: "Any competition... does not have the same quality." Another common technique is to emphasize that they follow certain parameters or regulations.
Laura: Estamos certificados... por la secretaría de salud.
James: "We are certified by the health department." Finally, we have a common pattern that can be used to enlist special features or to describe them in general. For example,
Laura: Algunas de las características son... verdaderamente impresionantes.
James: "Some of the features are... really impressive."


James: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Laura: Hasta la próxima.

